  * Send a message to the public forum. The variables passed are assumed to be already sanitized
  * @param int $toID User/Thread ID to send to
  * @param int $fromUserID UserID sent from
  * @param string $message The message to be sent
  * @param string[optional] $subject The subject
  * @param string[optional] $type 'Bulletin'(GameMaster->Player) 'ThreadStart'(User->All) 'ThreadReply'(User->Thread)
  * @return int The message ID
 public static function send($toID, $fromUserID, $message, $subject = "", $type = 'Bulletin')
     global $DB;
     if (defined('AdminUserSwitch')) {
         $fromUserID = AdminUserSwitch;
     $message = self::linkify($message);
     $sentTime = time();
     if (65000 < strlen($message)) {
         throw new Exception(l_t("Message too long"));
     $DB->sql_put("INSERT INTO wD_ForumMessages\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET toID = " . $toID . ", fromUserID = " . $fromUserID . ", timeSent = " . $sentTime . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmessage = '" . $message . "', subject = '" . $subject . "', replies = 0,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype = '" . $type . "', latestReplySent = 0");
     $id = $DB->last_inserted();
     if ($type == 'ThreadReply') {
         $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_ForumMessages " . "SET latestReplySent = " . $id . ", replies = replies + 1 WHERE ( id=" . $id . " OR id=" . $toID . " )");
     } else {
         $DB->sql_put("UPDATE wD_ForumMessages SET latestReplySent = id WHERE id = " . $id);
     $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl("SELECT t.id FROM wD_ForumMessages t LEFT JOIN wD_ForumMessages r ON ( r.toID=t.id AND r.fromUserID=" . $fromUserID . " AND r.type='ThreadReply' ) WHERE t.type='ThreadStart' AND ( t.fromUserID=" . $fromUserID . " OR r.id IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY t.id");
     $participatedThreadIDs = array();
     while (list($participatedThreadID) = $DB->tabl_row($tabl)) {
         $participatedThreadIDs[$participatedThreadID] = $participatedThreadID;
     $cacheUserParticipatedThreadIDsFilename = libCache::dirID('users', $fromUserID) . '/readThreads.js';
     file_put_contents($cacheUserParticipatedThreadIDsFilename, 'participatedThreadIDs = $A([' . implode(',', $participatedThreadIDs) . ']);');
     return $id;
  * Create a tree-like folder for a game in a given base folder. e.g. gameFolder('../mapstore',12345)
  * will return '../mapstore/123/12345', and make sure that that directory exists.
  * This is used for storing maps, and orderlogs.
  * @param $baseDirectory The base directory to write to
  * @param $gameID The gameID
  * @return string The game folder
 public static function gameFolder($gameID)
     if (defined('DATC')) {
         return 'datc/maps';
     } else {
         return libCache::dirID('games', $gameID);
 public static function cacheDir($id)
     return libCache::dirID('users', $id);
    private static function footerScripts()
        global $User, $Locale;
        $jsVersion = 4;
        // increment this to force clients to reload their JS files
        $buf = '';
        // onlineUsers, for the online icons
        $statsDir = libCache::dirName('stats');
        $onlineFile = l_s($statsDir . '/onlineUsers.json');
        if (file_exists($onlineFile)) {
            $buf .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . STATICSRV . $onlineFile . '"></script>';
        } else {
            $buf .= '<script type="text/javascript">onlineUsers = $A([ ]);</script>';
        if (!is_object($User)) {
            return $buf;
        } elseif ($User->type['User']) {
            // Muted users
            $gameMutePairs = array();
            foreach ($User->getMuteCountries() as $gameMutePair) {
                $gameMutePairs[] = '[' . $gameMutePair[0] . ',' . $gameMutePair[1] . ']';
            $buf .= '
			<script type="text/javascript">
			muteUsers = $A([' . implode(',', $User->getMuteUsers()) . ']);
			muteCountries = $A([' . implode(',', $gameMutePairs) . ']);
			muteThreads = $A([' . implode(',', $User->getMuteThreads()) . ']);
            self::$footerIncludes[] = l_j('mute.js');
            self::$footerScript[] = l_jf('muteAll') . '();';
            // Participated threads
            $cacheUserParticipatedThreadIDsFilename = libCache::dirID('users', $User->id) . '/readThreads.js';
            if (file_exists($cacheUserParticipatedThreadIDsFilename)) {
                $buf .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . STATICSRV . $cacheUserParticipatedThreadIDsFilename . '?nocache=' . rand(0, 999999) . '"></script>';
                libHTML::$footerScript[] = l_jf('setForumParticipatedIcons') . '();';
        if (is_object($Locale)) {
        // Add the javascript includes:
        $footerIncludes = array();
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('../locales/layer.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('../locales/English/layer.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('contrib/sprintf.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('utility.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('cacheUpdate.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('timeHandler.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('forum.js');
        $footerIncludes[] = l_j('Color.Vision.Daltonize.js');
        // Don't localize all the footer includes here, as some of them may be dynamically generated
        foreach (array_merge($footerIncludes, self::$footerIncludes) as $includeJS) {
            // Add on the dynamically added includes
            $buf .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . STATICSRV . JSDIR . '/' . $includeJS . '?ver=' . $jsVersion . '"></script>';
        // Utility (error detection, message protection), HTML post-processing,
        // time handling functions. Only logged-in users need to run these
        $buf .= '
		<script type="text/javascript">
			var UserClass = function () {
				this.id=' . $User->id . ';
				this.points=' . $User->points . '
				this.lastMessageIDViewed=' . $User->lastMessageIDViewed . ';
				this.timeLastSessionEnded=' . $User->timeLastSessionEnded . ';
				this.token="' . md5(Config::$secret . $User->id . 'Array') . '";
			User = new UserClass();
			WEBDIP_DEBUG=' . (Config::$debug ? 'true' : 'false') . ';

			document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
				try {
					' . l_jf('Locale.onLoad') . '();
					' . l_jf('onlineUsers.push') . '(User.id);
					' . l_jf('setUserOnlineIcons') . '();
					' . l_jf('setForumMessageIcons') . '();
					' . l_jf('setPostsItalicized') . '();
					' . l_jf('updateTimestamps') . '();
					' . l_jf('updateUTCOffset') . '();
					' . l_jf('updateTimers') . '();
					' . implode("\n", self::$footerScript) . '
					' . l_jf('Locale.afterLoad') . '();
				catch( e ) {
				' . (Config::$debug ? 'alert(e);' : '') . '
			}, this);
        if (Config::$debug) {
            $buf .= '<br /><strong>JavaScript localization lookup failures:</strong><br /><span id="jsLocalizationDebug"></span>';
        return $buf;
   along with webDiplomacy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @package Admin
require_once 'header.php';
ini_set('memory_limit', "128M");
// 8M is the default
ini_set('max_execution_time', '240');
if ($User->type['Moderator'] && isset($_REQUEST['viewOrderLogGame']) && isset($_REQUEST['viewOrderLogCountryID'])) {
    $gameID = (int) $_REQUEST['viewOrderLogGame'];
    $countryID = (int) $_REQUEST['viewOrderLogCountryID'];
    require_once l_r('objects/game.php');
    $Variant = libVariant::loadFromGameID($gameID);
    $Game = $Variant->Game($gameID);
    if (!($data = file_get_contents(libCache::dirID(Config::orderlogDirectory(), $gameID, true) . '/' . $countryID . '.txt'))) {
        trigger_error(l_t("Couldn't open file %s.txt", $log));
    print $data;
if ($User->type['Admin'] && isset($_REQUEST['viewErrorLog'])) {
    $log = (int) $_REQUEST['viewErrorLog'];
    if (!($data = file_get_contents(Config::errorlogDirectory() . '/' . $log . '.txt'))) {
        trigger_error(l_t("Couldn't open file %s.txt", $log));
    print $data;
    $tabl = $DB->sql_tabl($query);
    while (list($row) = $DB->tabl_row($tabl)) {
        print $row . ', ';
if ($User->type['Admin']) {
    // Get the order logs used to validate whether stories about orders being swapped around
    if (isset($_REQUEST['viewOrderLogGameID']) && isset($_REQUEST['viewOrderLogCountryID'])) {
        $viewOrderLogGameID = (int) $_REQUEST['viewOrderLogGameID'];
        $viewOrderLogCountryID = (int) $_REQUEST['viewOrderLogCountryID'];
        $orderlogDirectory = Config::orderlogDirectory();
        if (false === $orderlogDirectory) {
            print '<p class="notice">' . l_t('Order logging not enabled; check config.php') . '</p>';
        } else {
            require_once l_r('objects/game.php');
            $logfile = libCache::dirID($orderlogDirectory, $viewOrderLogGameID, true) . '/' . $viewOrderLogCountryID . '.txt';
            if (!file_exists($logfile)) {
                print '<p class="notice">' . l_t('No log file found for this gameID/countryID.') . '</p>';
            } else {
                print '<pre>' . file_get_contents($logfile) . '</pre>';
    } else {
        $viewOrderLogGameID = '';
        $viewOrderLogCountryID = '';
    print '<p><strong>' . l_t('Order logs:') . '</strong><form action="admincp.php" method="get">
		' . l_t('Game ID') . ': <input type="text" name="viewOrderLogGameID" value="' . $viewOrderLogGameID . '" />
		' . l_t('CountryID') . ': <input type="text" name="viewOrderLogCountryID" value="' . $viewOrderLogCountryID . '" />
		<input type="submit" name="' . l_t('Submit') . '" /></form></p>';
} elseif ($UserProfile->hideEmail == 'No') {
    $emailCacheFilename = libCache::dirID('users', $UserProfile->id) . '/email.png';
    if (!file_exists($emailCacheFilename)) {
        $image = imagecreate(strlen($UserProfile->email) * 8, 15);
        $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
        $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
        imagestring($image, 2, 10, 1, $UserProfile->email, $black);
        imagepng($image, $emailCacheFilename);
    print '<li><strong>' . l_t('E-mail:') . '</strong>
			<img src="' . STATICSRV . $emailCacheFilename . '" alt="' . l_t('[E-mail address image]') . '" title="' . l_t('To protect e-mails from spambots they are embedded in an image') . '" >
if ($UserProfile->hideEmail != 'No') {
    $emailCacheFilename = libCache::dirID('users', $UserProfile->id) . '/email.png';
    if (file_exists($emailCacheFilename)) {
if ($UserProfile->homepage) {
    print '<li><strong>' . l_t('Home page:') . '</strong> ' . $UserProfile->homepage . '</li>';
print '<li>&nbsp;</li>';
//print '<li><a href="profile.php?detail=reports&userID='.$UserProfile->id.'" class="light">View/post a moderator report</a></li>';
//print '<li>&nbsp;</li>';
print '</li></ul></p></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div>';
// Start interactive area:
if ($User->type['Moderator'] && $User->id != $UserProfile->id) {
    $modActions = array();
    if ($User->type['Admin']) {
 protected function log($logData)
     $orderlogDirectory = Config::orderlogDirectory();
     if (false === $orderlogDirectory) {
     require_once l_r('objects/game.php');
     $directory = libCache::dirID($orderlogDirectory, $this->gameID, true);
     $file = $this->countryID . '.txt';
     if (!($orderLog = fopen($directory . '/' . $file, 'a'))) {
         trigger_error(l_t("Couldn't open order log file."));
     if (!fwrite($orderLog, 'Time: ' . gmdate("M d Y H:i:s") . " (UTC+0)\n" . $logData . "\n\n")) {
         trigger_error(l_t("Couldn't write to order log file."));
     fflush($orderLog) or trigger_error(l_t("Couldn't write to order log file."));