 * parse $_REQUEST['userid'] and return user for which map is displayed
function getMapUserObj()
    global $usr;
    // $usr is set in common.inc.php
    // check if map is for logged user or user want to preview someone else
    if (isset($_REQUEST['userid'])) {
        $previewUserId = intval($_REQUEST['userid']);
        // load User data from DB
        $userObj = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $previewUserId, 'fieldsStr' => 'user_id,latitude,longitude,username'));
        if ($userObj->isDataLoaded()) {
            //user found
            tpl_set_var('extrauserid', $previewUserId);
            return $userObj;
        // preview user not found - wrong userId?
        // ...let's continue for currently logged user
    // this is map for currently logged user
    // load User data from DB
    $userObj = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $usr['userid'], 'fieldsStr' => 'user_id,latitude,longitude,username'));
    if ($userObj->isDataLoaded()) {
        // user found
        tpl_set_var('extrauserid', "");
        return $userObj;
    } else {
        // currently logged user not found - It should never happen
        // user not logged - redirect to login page...
        $usr = null;
        $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page());
        tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target);
  * get all today's active users
 public function checkAllUsersMedals()
     $query = 'SELECT user_id, username, founds_count, notfounds_count, hidden_count, latitude, longitude, country, email FROM `user` WHERE (`last_login` BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR) AND NOW()) ';
     $db = OcDb::instance();
     $s = $db->simpleQuery($query);
     $timeStart = microtime();
     $usersToCheck = $db->dbResultFetchAll($s);
     foreach ($usersToCheck as $userDbRow) {
         $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userDbRow' => $userDbRow));
     $timeEnd = microtime() - $timeStart;
 private function userMedals()
     /* lang test */
     /* get locale from browser */
     $userPrefferedLanguages = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
     $mostPrefferedLanguage = explode(',', $userPrefferedLanguages[0]);
     $locale = str_replace('-', '_', $mostPrefferedLanguage[0]);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['locale'])) {
         /* get locale from $_REQUEST*/
         $locale = $_REQUEST['locale'];
     $putenv = putenv("LANG={$locale}");
     $setlocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale);
     //        d($locale, $putenv, $setlocale);
     bindtextdomain("medals", __DIR__ . '/../languages');
     bind_textdomain_codeset('medals', 'UTF-8');
     //        print gettext('level');
     //        print '<BR>';
     /* end lang test*/
     $ocConfig = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
     $smarty = new \Smarty();
     $smarty->setCompileDir($ocConfig->getDynamicFilesPath() . 'tmp/templates_c');
     $smarty->debugging = false;
     $smarty->caching = false;
     $smarty->setTemplateDir(__DIR__ . '/../../tpl/smarty');
     $smarty->setCacheDir($ocConfig->getDynamicFilesPath() . 'tmp/smarty_cache');
     $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $this->request['userId']));
     //        d($user, $user->getMedals());
     /* @var $medal \lib\Objects\Medals\Medal */
     foreach ($user->getMedals() as $medal) {
         $smartyMedals['medals'][] = array('imgSrc' => $medal->getImage(), 'name' => $medal->getName(), 'profile' => $medal->getMedalProfile(), 'level' => $medal->getLevel(), 'levelName' => $medal->getLevelName(), 'currentLevelInfo' => $medal->getLevelInfo(), 'nextLevelInfo' => $medal->getLevelInfo($medal->getLevel() + 1));
     $smartyMedals['tr'] = array('level' => _('level'), 'user' => _('user'), 'medals' => _('medals'), 'nextLevelRequirements' => _('Next level Requirements'), 'currentLevelRequirements' => _('Level achievements'), 'medalInfo' => _('Medal Profile'), 'cacheTypes' => _('Geocache types'));
     $smarty->assign('geocacheIcons', \cache::getCacheIconsSet());
     $smarty->assign('user', $user->getUserInformation());
     $smarty->assign("smartyMedals", $smartyMedals);
     $smarty->assign("bgImage", $this->shuffleBackgroundImage());
global $site_name, $absolute_server_URI;
if (!isset($rootpath)) {
    $rootpath = './';
require_once './lib/common.inc.php';
$ocWP = $GLOBALS['oc_waypoint'];
$no_tpl_build = false;
if ($error == false) {
    if ($usr == false) {
        //user logged in?
        $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page());
        tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target);
    } else {
        $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
        $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $usr['userid']));
        $default_country = getDefaultCountry($usr, $lang);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['newcache_info'])) {
            $newcache_info = $_REQUEST['newcache_info'];
        } else {
            $newcache_info = 1;
        if ($newcache_info == 1) {
            // display info about register new cache
            $tplname = 'newcache_info';
        } else {
            //set here the template to process
            $tplname = 'newcache';
        require_once $rootpath . '/lib/caches.inc.php';
         $sql = "UPDATE user SET verify_all = '1'  WHERE user_id = '" . intval($user_id) . "'";
         mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
     if ($_GET['verify_all'] == 0 && $usr['admin']) {
         $sql = "UPDATE user SET verify_all = 0  WHERE user_id = " . intval($user_id);
 // end force
 if (isset($_REQUEST['ignoreFoundLimit']) && $_REQUEST['ignoreFoundLimit'] != '') {
     $newIgnoreFoundLimit = intval($_REQUEST['ignoreFoundLimit']);
     $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance();
     $db->multiVariableQuery('INSERT INTO user_settings (user_id, newcaches_no_limit) VALUES (:2, :1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE newcaches_no_limit = :1', $newIgnoreFoundLimit, $user->getUserId());
     $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $_REQUEST['userid']));
 if (isset($_GET['is_active_flag']) && $_GET['is_active_flag'] == 1 && $usr['admin']) {
     $sql = "UPDATE user SET is_active_flag = 1 - is_active_flag, `activation_code`='' WHERE user_id = " . intval($user_id);
 if ($usr['userid'] == $super_admin_id) {
     tpl_set_var('remove_all_logs', '<p><img src="tpl/stdstyle/images/blue/arrow2.png" alt="" align="middle" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="removelog.php?userid=' . $user_id . '"><font color="#ff0000">' . tr('admin_users_remove_logs') . '</font></a>&nbsp;<img src="' . $stylepath . '/images/blue/atten-red.png" align="top" alt="" /></p>');
 } else {
     tpl_set_var('remove_all_logs', '');
 if (checkField('countries', $lang)) {
     $lang_db = $lang;
 } else {
     $lang_db = "en";