if (cntData("SELECT ID FROM " . $db_prefix . "organizations") == 0) { $orgLethe = new lethe(); $orgLethe->onInstall = true; $orgLethe->addOrganization(); } # User if (cntData("SELECT ID FROM " . $db_prefix . "users") == 0) { $opOr = $myconn->query("SELECT ID FROM " . $db_prefix . "organizations"); $opOrRs = $opOr->fetch_assoc(); $usrLethe = new lethe(); $usrLethe->onInstall = true; $usrLethe->isMaster = 1; $usrLethe->auth_mode = 2; $usrLethe->isPrimary = 1; $usrLethe->OID = $opOrRs['ID']; $usrLethe->addUser(); } # Main Cron $letChr = new Crontab(); $mainCroner = "* * * * * curl -s '" . lethe_root_url . "chronos/lethe.php' >/dev/null 2>&1"; $letChr->addJob($mainCroner); die('<script>$("#myLethe").attr("disabled",true);</script>' . errMod('Lethe Successfully Installed on Your System!<br>Dont Forget to Remove <strong>install.php</strong> File!', 'success')); } else { die('<script>$("#myLethe").attr("disabled",false);</script>' . errMod($errors, 'danger')); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (!isset($pgnt)) { die('You are not authorized to view this page!'); } if (!isDemo('addUser,editUser')) { $errText = errMod(letheglobal_demo_mode_active, 'danger'); } $ID = !isset($_GET['ID']) || intval($_GET['ID']) == 0 ? 0 : intval($_GET['ID']); /* Actions */ if (isset($_POST['addUser'])) { # New User $myLethe = new lethe(); $myLethe->OID = 0; $myLethe->isMaster = 1; $myLethe->auth_mode = 2; $myLethe->addUser(); $errText = $myLethe->errPrint; } if (isset($_POST['editUser'])) { # Edit User $myLethe = new lethe(); $myLethe->OID = 0; $myLethe->UID = $ID; $myLethe->isMaster = 1; $myLethe->auth_mode = 2; $myLethe->editUser(); $errText = $myLethe->errPrint; } ?> <?php if ($page_sub2 == 'add') {