public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__htmltype'; $this->_id = 'id'; $this->_alias = 'toe_htmlt'; $this->_addField('id', 'hidden', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('ID'))->_addField('label', 'text', 'varchar', 0, langCsp::_('Method'), 32)->_addField('description', 'text', 'varchar', 0, langCsp::_('Description'), 255); }
public function addMetaBox() { global $post; if ($post->post_status != 'publish' && frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->get('sub_enable')) { add_meta_box('cspSubscribeMetaBox', langCsp::_('Coming Soon - Subscribe notifications'), array($this->getController()->getView(), 'getMetaBox')); } }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__options_categories'; $this->_id = 'id'; $this->_alias = 'toe_opt_cats'; $this->_addField('id', 'hidden', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('ID'))->_addField('label', 'text', 'varchar', 0, langCsp::_('Method'), 128); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__email_templates'; $this->_id = 'id'; $this->_alias = 'toe_etpl'; $this->_addField('label', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Label'), 128, '', '', langCsp::_('Template label'))->_addField('subject', 'textarea', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Subject'), 255, '', '', langCsp::_('E-mail Subject'))->_addField('body', 'textarea', 'text', '', langCsp::_('Body'), '', '', '', langCsp::_('E-mail Body'))->_addField('variables', 'block', 'text', '', langCsp::_('Variables'), '', '', '', langCsp::_('Template variables. They can be used in the body and subject'))->_addField('active', 'checkbox', 'tinyint', 0, langCsp::_('Active'), '', '', '', langCsp::_('If checked the notifications will be sent to receiver'))->_addField('name', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', '', 128)->_addField('moduleCsp', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', '', 128); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__files'; $this->_id = 'id'; $this->_alias = 'toe_f'; $this->_addField('pid', 'hidden', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Product ID'))->_addField('name', 'text', 'varchar', '255', langCsp::_('File name'))->_addField('path', 'hidden', 'text', '', langCsp::_('Real Path To File'))->_addField('mime_type', 'text', 'varchar', '32', langCsp::_('Mime Type'))->_addField('size', 'text', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('File Size'))->_addField('active', 'checkbox', 'tinyint', 0, langCsp::_('Active Download'))->_addField('date', 'text', 'datetime', '', langCsp::_('Upload Date'))->_addField('download_limit', 'text', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Download Limit'))->_addField('period_limit', 'text', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Period Limit'))->_addField('description', 'textarea', 'text', 0, langCsp::_('Descritpion'))->_addField('type_id', 'text', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Type ID')); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__subscribers'; $this->_id = 'id'; $this->_alias = 'toe_subscr'; $this->_addField('user_id', 'text', 'int', '', langCsp::_('User Id'), 11, '', '', langCsp::_('User Id'))->_addField('email', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('User E-mail'), 255, '', '', langCsp::_('Subscriber E-mail'))->_addField('name', 'text', 'varchar', 0, langCsp::_('User Name'), 255, '', '', langCsp::_('User Name If User Is Registered'))->_addField('created', 'text', 'datetime', '', langCsp::_('Subscription Date'), '', '', '', langCsp::_('Date Of Subscription'))->_addField('active', 'checkbox', 'tinyint', '', langCsp::_('Active Subscription'), 4, '', '', langCsp::_('If Is Not Checked user will not get any newsletters'))->_addField('token', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Token'), 255, '', '', '')->_addField('ip', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('IP address'), 64, '', '', ''); }
public function initMenu() { $mainSlug = dispatcherCsp::applyFilters('adminMenuMainSlug', $this->_mainSlug); $mainMenuPageOptions = array('page_title' => langCsp::_('Ready! Coming Soon'), 'menu_title' => langCsp::_('Ready! Coming Soon'), 'capability' => 'manage_options', 'menu_slug' => $mainSlug, 'function' => array(frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->getView(), 'getAdminPage')); $mainMenuPageOptions = dispatcherCsp::applyFilters('adminMenuMainOption', $mainMenuPageOptions); add_menu_page($mainMenuPageOptions['page_title'], $mainMenuPageOptions['menu_title'], $mainMenuPageOptions['capability'], $mainMenuPageOptions['menu_slug'], $mainMenuPageOptions['function']); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__options'; $this->_id = 'id'; /*Let's associate it with posts*/ $this->_alias = 'toe_opt'; $this->_addField('id', 'text', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('ID'))->_addField('code', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Code'), 64)->_addField('value', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Value'), 134217728)->_addField('label', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Label'), 255)->_addField('description', 'text', 'text', '', langCsp::_('Description'))->_addField('htmltype_id', 'selectbox', 'text', '', langCsp::_('Type'))->_addField('cat_id', 'hidden', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Category ID'))->_addField('sort_order', 'hidden', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Sort Order'))->_addField('value_type', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Value Type')); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__modules'; $this->_id = 'id'; /*Let's associate it with posts*/ $this->_alias = 'toe_m'; $this->_addField('label', 'text', 'varchar', 0, langCsp::_('Label'), 128)->_addField('type_id', 'selectbox', 'smallint', 0, langCsp::_('Type'))->_addField('active', 'checkbox', 'tinyint', 0, langCsp::_('Active'))->_addField('params', 'textarea', 'text', 0, langCsp::_('Params'))->_addField('has_tab', 'checkbox', 'tinyint', 0, langCsp::_('Has Tab'))->_addField('description', 'textarea', 'text', 0, langCsp::_('Description'), 128)->_addField('code', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Code'), 64)->_addField('ex_plug_dir', 'hidden', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('External plugin directory'), 255); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__modules_type'; $this->_id = 'id'; /*Let's associate it with posts*/ $this->_alias = 'toe_m_t'; $this->_addField($this->_id, 'text', 'int', '', langCsp::_('ID'))->_addField('label', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Label'), 128); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__log'; $this->_id = 'id'; /*Let's associate it with posts*/ $this->_alias = 'toe_log'; $this->_addField('id', 'text', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('ID'), 11)->_addField('type', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Type'), 64)->_addField('data', 'text', 'text', '', langCsp::_('Data'))->_addField('date_created', 'text', 'int', '', langCsp::_('Date created'))->_addField('uid', 'text', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('User ID'))->_addField('oid', 'text', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('Order ID')); }
public function __construct() { $this->_table = '@__access'; $this->_id = 'id'; /*Let's associate it with posts*/ $this->_alias = 'toe_acc'; $this->_addField('id', 'text', 'int', 0, langCsp::_('ID'))->_addField('access', 'text', 'varchar', '', langCsp::_('Access'), 64)->_addField('type_access', 'text', 'tinyint', '', langCsp::_('Type_access'), 1); }
public function init() { $isAdminPlugPage = frameCsp::_()->isAdminPlugPage(); $isPluginsPage = utilsCsp::isPluginsPage(); if (is_admin()) { if ($isAdminPlugPage || $isPluginsPage) { frameCsp::_()->addScript('jquery'); frameCsp::_()->addScript('jquery-ui-tabs', '', array('jquery')); frameCsp::_()->addScript('jquery-ui-dialog', '', array('jquery')); frameCsp::_()->addScript('jquery-ui-button', '', array('jquery')); frameCsp::_()->addScript('farbtastic'); frameCsp::_()->addScript('commonCsp', CSP_JS_PATH . 'common.js'); frameCsp::_()->addScript('coreCsp', CSP_JS_PATH . 'core.js'); frameCsp::_()->addScript('adminOptionsCsp', CSP_JS_PATH . 'admin.options.js'); frameCsp::_()->addScript('ajaxupload', CSP_JS_PATH . 'ajaxupload.js'); frameCsp::_()->addScript('postbox', get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/js/postbox.js'); add_thickbox(); $ajaxurl = admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); if (frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->get('ssl_on_ajax')) { $ajaxurl = uriCsp::makeHttps($ajaxurl); } $jsData = array('siteUrl' => CSP_SITE_URL, 'imgPath' => CSP_IMG_PATH, 'cssPath' => CSP_CSS_PATH, 'loader' => CSP_LOADER_IMG, 'close' => CSP_IMG_PATH . 'cross.gif', 'ajaxurl' => $ajaxurl, 'animationSpeed' => frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->get('js_animation_speed'), 'siteLang' => langCsp::getData(), 'options' => frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->getAllowedPublicOptions(), 'CSP_CODE' => CSP_CODE, 'ball_loader' => CSP_IMG_PATH . 'ajax-loader-ball.gif', 'ok_icon' => CSP_IMG_PATH . 'ok-icon.png'); $jsData['allCheckRegPlugs'] = modInstallerCsp::getCheckRegPlugs(); $jsData = dispatcherCsp::applyFilters('jsInitVariables', $jsData); frameCsp::_()->addJSVar('coreCsp', 'CSP_DATA', $jsData); $this->_styles = array('styleCsp' => array('path' => CSP_CSS_PATH . 'style.css'), 'adminStylesCsp' => array('path' => CSP_CSS_PATH . 'adminStyles.css'), 'jquery-tabs' => array('path' => CSP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-tabs.css'), 'jquery-buttons' => array('path' => CSP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-buttons.css'), 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog' => array(), 'farbtastic' => array(), 'jquery-dialog' => array('path' => CSP_CSS_PATH . 'jquery-dialog.css')); $defaultPlugTheme = frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->get('default_theme'); foreach ($this->_styles as $s => $sInfo) { if (isset($sInfo['for'])) { if ($sInfo['for'] == 'frontend' && is_admin() || $sInfo['for'] == 'admin' && !is_admin()) { continue; } } $canBeSubstituted = true; if (isset($sInfo['substituteFor'])) { switch ($sInfo['substituteFor']) { case 'frontend': $canBeSubstituted = !is_admin(); break; case 'admin': $canBeSubstituted = is_admin(); break; } } if ($canBeSubstituted && file_exists(CSP_TEMPLATES_DIR . $defaultPlugTheme . DS . $s . '.css')) { frameCsp::_()->addStyle($s, CSP_TEMPLATES_PATH . $defaultPlugTheme . '/' . $s . '.css'); } elseif ($canBeSubstituted && file_exists(utilsCsp::getCurrentWPThemeDir() . 'csp' . DS . $s . '.css')) { frameCsp::_()->addStyle($s, utilsCsp::getCurrentWPThemePath() . '/toe/' . $s . '.css'); } elseif (!empty($sInfo['path'])) { frameCsp::_()->addStyle($s, $sInfo['path']); } else { frameCsp::_()->addStyle($s); } } } } parent::init(); }
/** * Returns the available tabs * * @return array of tab */ public function getTabs() { $tabs = array(); $tab = new tabCsp(langCsp::_('General'), $this->getCode()); $tab->setView('optionTab'); $tab->setSortOrder(-99); $tabs[] = $tab; return $tabs; }
public function recreatePages() { $res = new responseCsp(); if ($this->getModel()->recreatePages()) { $res->addMessage(langCsp::_('Pages was recreated')); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function syncWithEngine() { $res = new responseCsp(); if (($syncMsg = $this->getModel()->syncWithEngine(reqCsp::get('post'))) !== false) { $res->addMessage(empty($syncMsg) ? langCsp::_('Done') : $syncMsg); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function getPasswordRecoverConfirm() { $errors = array(); if (!$this->_passwordResetSuccess) { $errors[] = langCsp::_('Password Reset Error'); } $this->_passwordResetSuccess = false; $this->assign('errorsCsp', $errors); return parent::getContent('passwordRecoverConfirm'); }
/** * Returns the available tabs * * @return array of tab */ public function getTabs() { $tabs = array(); $tab = new tabCsp(langCsp::_('User Fields'), $this->getCode()); $tab->setView('userFieldsTab'); $tab->setSortOrder(3); $tab->setParent('templatesCsp'); $tab->setNestingLevel(1); $tabs[] = $tab; return $tabs; }
public function saveRole() { $res = new responseCsp(); if (($roleRetData = $this->getModel()->saveRole(reqCsp::get('post'))) !== false) { $res->addMessage(langCsp::_('Role change')); //$res->addData($roleRetData); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel('access')->getErrors()); } return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function install() { parent::install(); frameCsp::_()->getTable('options')->insert(array('code' => $this->getCode() . '_enabled', 'value' => '', 'label' => langCsp::_($this->getLabel() . ' Enabled'), 'cat_id' => 2)); // unused for now /*frameCsp::_()->getTable('options')->insert(array( 'code' => $this->getCode(). '_auto_subscriber_create', 'value' => '1', 'label' => langCsp::_($this->getLabel(). ' Auto subscribers create'), 'cat_id' => 2, ));*/ frameCsp::_()->getTable('options')->insert(array('code' => $this->getCode() . '_is_main', 'value' => '', 'label' => langCsp::_($this->getLabel() . ' is Main'), 'cat_id' => 2)); }
public function adminTextEditorPopup() { $shortcodes = frameCsp::_()->getModule('shortcodesCsp')->getCodes(); $shortcodesSelectOptions = array('' => langCsp::_('Select')); foreach ($shortcodes as $code => $cinfo) { if (in_array($code, array('product', 'category'))) { continue; } $shortcodesSelectOptions[$code] = $code; } $this->assign('shortcodesCsp', $shortcodes); $this->assign('shortcodesSelectOptions', $shortcodesSelectOptions); return parent::getContent('adminTextEditorPopup'); }
public function deleteElement($post = array()) { $returnDelElement = array(); foreach ($post['arrElement'] as $el) { if (!frameCsp::_()->getTable('access')->delete($el)) { $this->pushError(langCsp::_('Element ' . $el . ' is not removed')); } else { $returnDelElement[] = $el; } } if ($this->haveErrors()) { return false; } return $returnDelElement; }
public function welcomePageSaveInfo() { $res = new responseCsp(); installerCsp::setUsed(); if ($this->getModel()->welcomePageSaveInfo(reqCsp::get('get'))) { $res->addMessage(langCsp::_('Information was saved. Thank you!')); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } $originalPage = reqCsp::getVar('original_page'); $returnArr = explode('|', $originalPage); $return = $this->getModule()->decodeSlug(str_replace('return=', '', $returnArr[1])); $return = admin_url(strpos($return, '?') ? $return : 'admin.php?page=' . $return); redirect($return); //return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function sendMailToDevelopers() { $res = new responseCsp(); $data = reqCsp::get('post'); $fields = array('name' => new fieldCspCsp('name', langCsp::_('Your name field is required.'), '', '', 'Your name', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'website' => new fieldCspCsp('website', langCsp::_('Your website field is required.'), '', '', 'Your website', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'email' => new fieldCspCsp('email', langCsp::_('Your e-mail field is required.'), '', '', 'Your e-mail', 0, array(), 'notEmpty, email'), 'subject' => new fieldCspCsp('subject', langCsp::_('Subject field is required.'), '', '', 'Subject', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'category' => new fieldCspCsp('category', langCsp::_('You must select a valid category.'), '', '', 'Category', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'message' => new fieldCspCsp('message', langCsp::_('Message field is required.'), '', '', 'Message', 0, array(), 'notEmpty')); foreach ($fields as $f) { $f->setValue($data[$f->name]); $errors = validatorCsp::validate($f); if (!empty($errors)) { $res->addError($errors); } } if (!$res->error) { $msg = 'Message from: ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ', Host: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '<br />'; foreach ($fields as $f) { $msg .= '<b>' . $f->label . '</b>: ' . nl2br($f->value) . '<br />'; } $headers[] = 'From: ' . $fields['name']->value . ' <' . $fields['email']->value . '>'; add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', array(frameCsp::_()->getModule('messenger'), 'mailContentType')); wp_mail(',,', 'Ready Ecommerce Contact Dev', $msg, $headers); $res->addMessage(langCsp::_('Done')); } $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function activateUpdate() { $res = new responseCsp(); if ($this->getModel('modules')->activateUpdate(reqCsp::get('post'))) { $res->addMessage(langCsp::_('Very good! Now plugin will be updated.')); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel('modules')->getErrors()); } return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public static function activate($modDataArr) { $locations = self::_getPluginLocations(); if ($modules = self::_getModulesFromXml($locations['xmlPath'])) { foreach ($modules as $m) { $modDataArr = utilsCsp::xmlNodeAttrsToArr($m); if (!frameCsp::_()->moduleActive($modDataArr['code'])) { //If module is not active - then acivate it if (frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->getModel('modules')->put(array('code' => $modDataArr['code'], 'active' => 1))->error) { errorsCsp::push(langCsp::_('Error Activating module'), errorsCsp::MOD_INSTALL); } else { // For some reason - activation tables didn't worked here /*if(isset($modDataArr['code'])) { // Retrive ex_plug_dir data from database $dbModData = frameCsp::_()->getModule('options')->getModel('modules')->get(array('code' => $modDataArr['code'])); if(!empty($dbModData) && !empty($dbModData[0])) { $modDataArr['ex_plug_dir'] = $dbModData[0]['ex_plug_dir']; // Run tables activation (updates) if required self::_installTables($modDataArr, 'activate'); } }*/ } } } } }
public function __call($name, $arguments) { $controller = $this->getController(); if (method_exists($controller, $name)) { //try to find this method in controller return $this->getController()->{$name}(isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL, isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL, isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL); } elseif ($controller) { //try to find this method in model $model = $controller->getModel(); if (method_exists($model, $name)) { return $this->getController()->{$name}(isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL, isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL, isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : NULL); } } errorsCsp::push(langCsp::_(array('Module', $this->_code, 'method', $name, 'undefined')), errorsCsp::FATAL); }
<form id="cspAdminAccessFormRole"> <table> <tr> <td>Only users at or above this level will be able to log in:</td> <td> <?php $selected = frameCsp::_()->getTable('access')->get('access', array('type_access' => 3)); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::selectbox('roleCsp', array('attrs' => 'style="float:left; width:120px; margin-right:8px;"', 'options' => $this->selectRole, 'value' => $selected[0]['access'])); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('page', array('value' => 'access')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveRole')); ?> <?php echo htmlCsp::submit('submitRole', array('value' => langCsp::_('Save'), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large" style="float:right;"')); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form>
?> "><?php langCsp::_e('Twitter Title'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('title'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('title') . '"', 'value' => $this->data['title'])); ?> <br /> <label for="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('username'); ?> "><?php langCsp::_e('Twitter Username'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('username'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('username') . '"', 'value' => $this->data['username'])); ?> <br /> <label for="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('count'); ?> "><?php langCsp::_e('Tweets Count'); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlCsp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('count'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('count') . '"', 'value' => $this->data['count'])); ?> <br />
/** * Displays the config options for given module * * @param string $module * @param array $addDefaultOptions - if you want to add some additionsl options - specify it here */ public function drawConfig($module, $additionalOptions = array()) { if (!frameCsp::_()->getModule($module)) { return false; } // check for xml file with params structure if (frameCsp::_()->getModule($module)->isExternal()) { $config_xml = frameCsp::_()->getModule($module)->getModDir() . 'mod.xml'; } else { $config_xml = CSP_MODULES_DIR . $module . DS . 'mod.xml'; } if (!file_exists($config_xml)) { // if there is no configuration file for this $module return langCsp::_('There are no configuration options for this module'); } $output = ''; // reading params structure $configOptions = $this->prepareConfigOptions($config_xml); // reading params from database //bugodel2nia.............. if (is_string($this->value)) { $params = Utils::jsonDecode($this->value); } elseif (is_object($this->value) || is_array($this->value)) { $params = toeObjectToArray($this->value); } //if (!empty($params)) { if (!empty($configOptions)) { $i = 0; if (empty($params)) { $params = array('0' => array()); } if (is_array($additionalOptions) && !empty($additionalOptions)) { $configOptions = array_merge($configOptions, $additionalOptions); } foreach ($params as $param) { $output .= '<div class="module_options">'; foreach ($configOptions as $key => $value) { $fieldValue = ''; $output .= '<div class="module_option">'; $method = $configOptions[$key]['type']; $name = 'params[' . $i . '][' . $key . ']'; $options = array(); // if the values attribute is set if ($configOptions[$key]['values'] != '') { $extract_options = explode(',', $configOptions[$key]['values']); if (count($extract_options) > 1) { foreach ($extract_options as $item => $string) { if (strpos($string, '=>')) { $keyVal = array_map('trim', explode('=>', $string)); $options[$keyVal[0]] = $keyVal[1]; } else { $options[$string] = $string; } } } else { $fieldValue = $configOptions[$key]['default']; } // if helper is needed to render the object } elseif ($configOptions[$key]['helper'] != '') { $helper_name = $configOptions[$key]['helper']; // is helper from current module or other? if ($configOptions[$key]['module'] != '') { $hmodule = $configOptions[$key]['module']; } else { $hmodule = $module; } // calling the helper class $helper = frameCsp::_()->getModule($hmodule)->getHelper(); if ($helper) { // calling the helper method for current option if (method_exists($helper, $helper_name)) { $options = $helper->{$helper_name}(); } } } if (isset($param[$key])) { $fieldValue = $param[$key]; } else { if ($fieldValue == '') { $fieldValue = $configOptions[$key]['default']; } } // filling the parameters to build html element $htmlParams = array('value' => $fieldValue, 'optionsCsp' => $options); if ($method == 'checkbox') { $htmlParams['value'] = 1; $htmlParams['checked'] = (bool) $fieldValue; } if (!empty($configOptions[$key]['htmlParams']) && is_array($configOptions[$key]['htmlParams'])) { $htmlParams = array_merge($htmlParams, $configOptions[$key]['htmlParams']); } // output label and html element $output .= '<label>' . langCsp::_($configOptions[$key]['label']); if ($configOptions[$key]['description'] != '') { $output .= '<a class="toeOptTip" tip="' . langCsp::_($configOptions[$key]['description']) . '"></a>'; } $output .= '</label><br />'; $output .= htmlCsp::$method($name, $htmlParams) . '<br />'; $output .= '</div>'; } $i++; $output .= '</div>'; } } return $output; }