  * Return organization the user who created the ticket belongs to.
  * Result is cached until the end of script.
  * @param bool $reload True to reload data from server. False to use the cached value (if present).
  * @return kyUserOrganization
 public function getUserOrganization($reload = false)
     if ($this->user_organization !== null && !$reload) {
         return $this->user_organization;
     if ($this->user_organization_id === null) {
         return null;
     $this->user_organization = kyUserOrganization::get($this->user_organization_id);
     return $this->user_organization;
  * Sets user organization assigned to the user.
  * @param kyUserOrganization $user_organization User organization.
  * @return kyUser
 public function setUserOrganization(kyUserOrganization $user_organization)
     $this->user_organization = ky_assure_object($user_organization, 'kyUserOrganization');
     $this->user_organization_id = $this->user_organization !== null ? $this->user_organization->getId() : null;
     return $this;

ini_set('html_errors', 0);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/kayaco/kyIncludes.php";
define('DEBUG', true);
kyConfig::set(new kyConfig("http://www.articatech.net/support/api/index.php", "bea5b97c-a838-8ca4-9dda-aec5043cccae", "MmUxYzRmMDMtM2RjNC1iY2Y0LTRkOGEtNjYzN2Q3N2U3MWE2N2FiZjk2NzEtMzQxZS0yMTA0LTUxN2YtOWZiY2VkOTQyNTMy"));
$registered_user_group = kyUserGroup::getAll()->filterByTitle("30 days free")->first();
echo "registered_user_group: {$registered_user_group}\n";
//load some user organization
$org = new kyUserOrganization();
$data = $org->buildData(true);
$user_organizations = kyUserOrganization::getAll();
foreach ($user_organizations as $user_organization) {
    $id = $user_organization->getId();
    $company = $user_organization->getName();
    echo "Company: {$company} -> {$id}\n";
 * Create new user in Registered group:
 * fullname: Anno Ying
 * email: anno.ying@example.com
 * password: qwerty123
$user = $registered_user_group->newUser("Daniel touzeau", "*****@*****.**", "qwerty123")->setUserOrganization($user_organization)->setSalutation(kyUser::SALUTATION_MR)->setSendWelcomeEmail(true)->create();
  * Returns the user organization that this note is connecte with.
  * Applicable only for notes of type kyTicketNote::TYPE_USER_ORGANIZATION.
  * Result is cached until the end of script.
  * @param bool $reload True to reload data from server. False to use the cached value (if present).
  * @return kyUserOrganization
 public function getUserOrganization($reload = false)
     if ($this->getType() !== self::TYPE_USER_ORGANIZATION) {
         return null;
     if ($this->user_organization !== null && !$reload) {
         return $this->user_organization;
     if ($this->user_organization_id === null || $this->user_organization_id <= 0) {
         return null;
     $this->user_organization = kyUserOrganization::get($this->user_organization_id);
     return $this->user_organization;
        $full_name = null;
        $password = null;
        $password_repeat = null;
        $email = null;
        $user_organization_id = null;
        $designation = null;
        $phone = null;
        $timezone = null;
        $enable_dst = false;
        //render User form as the first page
        $render = 'user';
//we are rendering User form
if ($render === 'user') {
    $user_organizations = kyUserOrganization::getAll()->filterByType(kyUserOrganization::TYPE_SHARED);
    $salutations = array('Mr.', 'Ms.', 'Mrs.', 'Dr.');
    $timezones = get_timezones();
	<form method="POST">
		<input type="hidden" name="page" id="page" value="user">

			<legend>General Information</legend>

			<div class="label"><span class="name">Full Name</span>
				<select id="salutation" name="salutation" style="width: 60px;">
					<option value=""></option>
    foreach ($salutations as $salutation_option) {
        $selected = false;
$staff_user = $lazy_staff_group->newStaff("John", "Doe", "lazyguy", "*****@*****.**", "veryhardpassword")->setDesignation("useless specialist")->setSignature("Sorry I couldn't help you")->create();
print 'Created: ' . $staff_user;
 * Update staff user mobile number.
$staff_user->setMobileNumber("427 078 528")->update();
print 'Updated: ' . $staff_user;
 * Load Registered user group.
$registered_user_group = kyUserGroup::getAll()->filterByTitle("Registered")->first();
print 'Fetched: ' . $registered_user_group;
 * Load some user organization.
$user_organization = kyUserOrganization::getAll()->first();
print 'Fetched: ' . $user_organization;
 * Create new user in Registered group:
 * fullname: Anno Ying
 * email: anno.ying@example.com
 * password: qwerty123
$user = $registered_user_group->newUser("Anno Ying", "*****@*****.**", "qwerty123")->setUserOrganization($user_organization)->setSalutation(kyUser::SALUTATION_MR)->setSendWelcomeEmail(false)->create();
print 'Created: ' . $user;
 * Load urgent priority.
$priority_urgent = kyTicketPriority::getAll()->filterByTitle("Urgent")->first();
print 'Fetched: ' . $priority_urgent;