 * Licensed under the GPLv3
 * You are free to modify, distribute or redistribute this code as you please
 * so long as the above copyright notice remains intact.
include "lib/jqmPhp.php";
include "../libs/XBMCHelper.class.php";
include "../config/application.php";
$currentPage = basename(__FILE__);
$XBMC = new XBMCHelper();
$jqm = new jqmPhp();
$jqm->head()->add("<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'/>");
//	$jqm->head()->add(new jqmLink("themes/PandoraTV.min.css"));
$page = new jqmPage('index');
$nav = $page->header()->add(new jqmNavbar(), true);
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', "index.php", 'Home', '', true));
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', 'shows.php?ac=sl', 'All Shows', '', false));
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', 'channels.php?ac=cl', 'Channels', '', false));
//$page->AddContent('<h1>Pandora TV</h1>');
$g = $page->addContent(new jqmGrid(), true);
$ShowsList = $XBMC->RetrieveShowList();
$randshows = shuffle($ShowsList);
$column1 = 0;
$column2 = 0;
$list = new jqmListviem();
$list->addDivider('Random Shows')->dividerTheme('a')->countTheme('b');
foreach ($ShowsList as $k => $v) {
include '../lib/jqmPhp.php';
 * Create a new jqmPhp object.
$j = new jqmPhp();
 * Config 'html' and 'head' tag.
 * Create and config a jqmPage object.
$p = new jqmPage('examples');
$p->header()->addButton('Home', './', '', 'home');
//Get the Button Added and Set Attributes
$p->header()->items()->get(1)->attribute('data-iconpos', 'notext')->attribute('rel', 'external');
 * Create and config a new jqmListview object and add Items.
$list1 = new jqmListview();
$list1->addDivider('Beginner', '2')->inset(true);
$list1->addBasic('Basic Example', 'example-1.php#');
$list1->items()->get(1)->add('<a href="example-1.php.txt" rel="external" target="_blank"></a>');
$list1->addBasic('Adding Pages', 'example-2.php#');
$list1->items()->get(2)->add('<a href="example-2.php.txt" rel="external" target="_blank"></a>');
$list1->addDivider('Intermediate', '3');
$list1->addBasic('Adding Objects', 'example-3.php#');
 * Create a new jqmPhp object.
$jqmPhp = new jqmPhp();
 * Adding custom JavaScript to jqmHead in jqmPhp
$jqmPhp->head()->title('Custom JS Example');
$jqmPhp->head()->add(new jqmScript('custom.js'));
 * Create a new jqmPage object.
$p = new jqmPage('custom-js');
$p->title('Custom JS Example');
$bt = $p->header()->addButton('', 'index.php#', 'a', 'home', false, false, true);
$bt->rel('external')->attribute('data-iconpos', 'notext');
 * Adding Content.
$p->addContent('<h1>Adding Custom JavaScript</h1>');
$p->addContent('<p align="justify">To add a custom JS you need add the tag <b>' . htmlspecialchars('<script...></script>') . '</b>');
$p->addContent(' to the jqmHead object [<b>' . htmlspecialchars('$jqmPhp->head()') . '</b>] in the jqmPhp instance. ');
$p->addContent('To facilitate the addition of JS you can use the class <b>jqmScript</b> as example:</p>');
$p->addContent('<pre class="ui-body-c" style="padding:20px;">$jqmPhp = new jqmPhp();' . "\n" . '$jqmPhp->head()->add(' . "\n\t" . 'new jqmScript(\'custom.js\')' . "\n" . ');</pre>');
$p->addContent(new jqmTag('p', 'p_js', 'class="ui-body-c" style="padding:20px;"', '&nbsp;'));
 * Adding Source Code Links.
$list = new jqmListview();
 * Licensed under the GPLv3
 * You are free to modify, distribute or redistribute this code as you please
 * so long as the above copyright notice remains intact.
include "lib/jqmPhp.php";
include "../libs/XBMCHelper.class.php";
$XBMC = new XBMCHelper();
$jqm = new jqmPhp();
$jqm->head()->add('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">');
$page = new jqmPage('episodes', array('data-add-back-btn=true'));
$currentPage = basename(__FILE__);
switch ($_GET['ac']) {
    case 'el':
        $ShowInfo = $XBMC->RetrieveShowInfo($_GET['id']);
        //			$page->header()->addButton('Back',"#shows.php?ac=si&id=".$_GET['id'],'a', 'arrow-l');
        $list = new jqmListviem();
        //			$list->addDivider('Episodes', $XBMC->CountShows())->dividerTheme('a')->countTheme('b');
        $Shows = $XBMC->RetrieveEpisodesForShow($_GET['id']);
        foreach ($Shows as $k => $v) {
            $list->AddIcon("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;S" . $v['season'] . "E" . $v['episode'] . ": " . $v['EpisodeName'], 'episodes.php?ac=ei&id=' . $v['idEpisode'], '../getimage.php?ac=et&ri=1&w=400&h=400&id=' . $v['idEpisode']);
        echo $jqm;
    case 'ei':
        $EpisodeInfo = $XBMC->GetEpisodeInformation($_GET['id']);
 * Include the jqmPhp class.
include '../lib/jqmPhp.php';
 * Create a new jqmPhp object.
$jqmPhp = new jqmPhp();
 * Create a new jqmPage object.
$p = new jqmPage('simple-xml');
$bt = $p->header()->addButton('', 'index.php#', 'b', 'home', false, false, true);
$bt->rel('external')->attribute('data-iconpos', 'notext');
 * Adding Listview to jqmPage.
$lv = $p->addContent(new jqmListviem(), true);
 * Reading XML;
$xml = @simplexml_load_file('cars.xml') or die("error loading xml file.");
foreach ($xml->brandGroup as $brandGroup) {
     * Adding Dividers.
include '../lib/jqmPhp.php';
 * Create a new jqmPhp object.
$j = new jqmPhp();
 * Config 'html' and 'head' tag.
$j->head()->title('Example 5');
 * Create and config a jqmPage object.
$p = new jqmPage('example-5');
$p->theme('b')->title('Example 5');
$p->header()->theme('a')->add(new jqmButton('', array(new jqmAttribute('data-iconpos', 'notext')), '', 'a', 'index.php#', '', 'home'));
//Get the Button Added and Set Attributes
$p->header()->items()->get(1)->attribute('data-iconpos', 'notext')->attribute('rel', 'external');
 * Create and config a new jqmNavbar object and add items.
$nav = $p->header()->add(new jqmNavbar(), true);
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', 'example-1.php#', 'EX1', '', false));
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', 'example-2.php#', 'Ex2', '', false));
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', 'example-3.php#', 'EX3', '', false));
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', 'example-4.php#', 'EX4', '', false));
$nav->add(new jqmButton('', '', '', 'a', '#', 'EX5', '', true));
 * Confif page footer (jqmFooter).
$p->footer()->addButton('EX1', 'example-1.php#', '', 'arrow-l');
 * Include the jqmPhp class.
include '../lib/jqmPhp.php';
 * Create a new jqmPhp object.
$j = new jqmPhp();
 * Create a new jqmPage object.
$p = new jqmPage('example-2');
$p->title('Example 2');
$p->header()->addButton('Example 1', 'example-1.php#', 'a', 'arrow-l');
$p->header()->addButton('Example 3', 'example-3.php#', 'b', 'arrow-r');
$p->addContent('<h1>Adding Pages</h1>');
$p->addContent('<p>In this example we create a page (jqmPage),');
$p->addContent(' add content and buttons to the header.');
$p->addContent(' After we add the page to jqmPhp object.</p>');
$p->addContent('<a href="index.php#" data-role="button" data-theme="a">Home</a>');
$p->addContent('<a href="example-3.php#" data-role="button">Example 3</a>');
$p->footer()->title('Example 2 Footer');
 * Add the page to jqmPhp object.