echo '<hr><br>';
echo "<b>Testing  BST Integration - jirasoapInterface </b>";
echo '<hr><br>';
echo "Configuration settings<br>";
echo "<pre><xmp>" . $cfg . "</xmp></pre>";
echo '<hr><br><br>';
// $safe_cfg = str_replace("\n",'',$cfg);
// echo $safe_cfg;
echo 'Creating INTERFACE<br>';
new dBug($itt);
$its = new jirasoapInterface(5, $cfg);
echo 'Connection OK?<br>';
if ($its->isConnected()) {
    echo 'Get Issue <br>';
    $zx = $its->getIssue('ZOFF-112');
    //echo $zx->asXML();
    echo '<br>';
    // echo '<b>Connected !</br></b>';
    // echo '<pre>';
    // var_dump($its->getStatusDomain());
    // echo '</pre>';
    //echo 'Get Issue Summary<br>';
    //	echo($its->getIssueSummary('ZOFF-16'));
    //echo '<br>';
    // I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
    // Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
    // I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.
    // All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.
 * @author		Francisco Mancardi
 * @internal revisions
require_once '../../../../../';
require_once 'common.php';
$it_mgr = new tlIssueTracker($db);
$itt = $it_mgr->getTypes();
// last test ok: 20121117
$cfg = "<issuetracker>\n" . "<username></username>\n" . "<password>forum</password>\n" . "<uribase></uribase>\n" . "<uriwsdl></uriwsdl>\n" . "<uriview></uriview>\n" . "</issuetracker>\n";
echo '<hr><br>';
echo "<b>Testing  BST Integration - jirasoapInterface </b>";
echo '<hr><br>';
echo "Configuration settings<br>";
echo "<pre><xmp>" . $cfg . "</xmp></pre>";
echo '<hr><br><br>';
echo 'Creating INTERFACE<br>';
$its = new jirasoapInterface(5, $cfg);
echo 'Connection OK?<br>';
if ($its->isConnected()) {
    echo 'Get Issue <br>';
    // $zx = $its->getIssue('ZOFF-112');
    // $zx = $its->getIssue('ZOFF-135');
    $zx = $its->getIssue('ZOFF-166');
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    echo '<br>';