function index() { $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id')); $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix'); $cache_file = 'modules_totals_' . $module_id . '_' . md5(serialize($this->params['module'])); $page = $this->cached($cache_file); if ($page) { return $page; } // Initialize variables $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension'); // Automagically load and initialize Everywhere Model App::import('Model', 'everywhere_' . $extension, 'jreviews'); $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $extension) . 'Model'; $conditions_reviews = array('Review.published = 1'); $extension == 'com_content' and $conditions_listings = array('Listing.state = 1'); $extension != '' and $conditions_reviews[] = "Review.mode = " . $this->quote($extension); if (class_exists($class_name)) { $this->Listing = new $class_name(); $this->Listing->_user = $this->_user; $listings = $this->Listing->findCount(array('conditions' => $conditions_listings), 'DISTINCT Listing.' . $this->Listing->realKey); $reviews = $this->Review->findCount(array('conditions' => $conditions_reviews), 'DISTINCT'); } # Send variables to view template $this->set(array('listing_count' => isset($listings) ? $listings : 0, 'review_count' => isset($reviews) ? $reviews : 0)); $page = $this->render('modules', 'totals'); # Save cached version $this->cacheView('modules', 'totals', $cache_file, $page); return $page; }
public function __toString() { if ($this->name) { return $this->name; } return inflector::humanize(current(explode('@', $this->email))); }
/** * Sets up foreign and through properly. * * @param string $model * @param string $column * @return void */ public function initialize($model, $column) { // Default to the name of the column if (empty($this->foreign)) { $foreign_model = inflector::singular($column); $this->foreign = $foreign_model . '.' . $foreign_model . ':primary_key'; } elseif (is_string($this->foreign) and FALSE === strpos($this->foreign, '.')) { $this->foreign = $this->foreign . '.' . $this->foreign . ':primary_key'; } // Create an array from them for easier access if (!is_array($this->foreign)) { $this->foreign = array_combine(array('model', 'field'), explode('.', $this->foreign)); } // Create the default through connection if (empty($this->through) or is_string($this->through)) { if (empty($this->through)) { // Find the join table based on the two model names pluralized, // sorted alphabetically and with an underscore separating them $through = array(inflector::plural($this->foreign['model']), inflector::plural($model)); sort($through); $this->through = implode('_', $through); } $this->through = array('model' => $this->through, 'fields' => array(inflector::singular($model) . ':foreign_key', inflector::singular($this->foreign['model']) . ':foreign_key')); } parent::initialize($model, $column); }
public static function packageData(&$metadata, $filepath) { $metadata['directory'] = dirname($filepath); if (empty($metadata['packageName'])) { $metadata['packageName'] = dirname(str_replace(DOCROOT, '', $filepath)); } if (empty($metadata['identifier'])) { //kohana::log('debug', 'Creating identifier from md5(\'' .$metadata['packageName'] .$metadata['version'] .'\');'); $metadata['identifier'] = md5($metadata['packageName'] . $metadata['version']); } if (empty($metadata['displayName'])) { $metadata['displayName'] = ucfirst(inflector::humanize($metadata['packageName'])); } if (!is_bool($metadata['default'])) { $metadata['default'] = FALSE; } if (!is_array($metadata['required'])) { $metadata['required'] = array(); Package_Message::log('error', 'Package ' . $metadata['packageName'] . ' required parameter is poorly formated, ignoring'); } if (is_numeric($metadata['version'])) { $versionParts = explode('.', $metadata['version']); $versionParts = array_pad($versionParts, 3, 0); $metadata['version'] = implode('.', $versionParts); } $metadata['version'] = (string) $metadata['version']; $metadata['upgrades'] = array(); $metadata['downgrades'] = array(); $metadata['basedir'] = dirname(str_replace(DOCROOT, '', $filepath)); $metadata['status'] = Package_Manager::STATUS_UNINSTALLED; $metadata['datastore_id'] = NULL; }
function beforeFilter() { parent::beforeFilter(); if (Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'OwnerReply')) { $this->review_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['OwnerReply'], 'id'); } else { $this->review_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'review_id'); } if (!$this->Config->owner_replies || $this->review_id == 0 || $this->_user->id == 0) { $this->denyAccess = true; return; } // Get the listing id and extension $this->_db->setQuery("\n SELECT \n AS listing_id, Review.`mode` AS extension\n FROM \n #__jreviews_comments AS Review\n WHERE \n = " . $this->review_id); // Get listing owner id and check if it matches the current user if ($listing = current($this->_db->loadAssocList())) { // Automagically load and initialize Everywhere Model to check if user is listing owner App::import('Model', 'everywhere_' . $listing['extension'], 'jreviews'); $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $listing['extension']) . 'Model'; if (class_exists($class_name)) { $this->Listing = new $class_name(); $owner = $this->Listing->getListingOwner($listing['listing_id']); if ($this->_user->id != $owner['user_id']) { $this->denyAccess = true; return; } $this->data['Listing']['created_by'] = $owner['user_id']; // Used in the Activities component $this->data['Listing']['listing_id'] = $listing['listing_id']; // Used in the Activities component $this->data['Listing']['extension'] = $listing['extension']; // Used in the Activities component } } }
function index() { $reviews = array(); $this->params = $this->data; $conditions = array("OwnerReply.owner_reply_approved = 0", "OwnerReply.owner_reply_text<>''"); $replies = $this->OwnerReply->findAll(array('fields' => array('CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH( THEN ELSE END AS ``', ' AS ``'), 'conditions' => $conditions, 'joins' => array('LEFT JOIN #__users AS User ON = OwnerReply.userid'), 'offset' => $this->offset, 'limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => array('OwnerReply.owner_reply_created DESC'))); $total = $this->OwnerReply->findCount(array('conditions' => $conditions)); if (!empty($replies)) { $predefined_replies = $this->PredefinedReply->findAll(array('fields' => array('PredefinedReply.*'), 'conditions' => array('reply_type = "owner_reply"'))); $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false; $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true; // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model // Complete the owner info for each reply // Get the review info for each reply $reviews = $this->Review->findAll(array('conditions' => ' IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($replies)) . ')')); # Pre-process all urls to sef $this->_getListingSefUrls($reviews); $this->_getReviewSefUrls($reviews); foreach ($replies as $key => $reply) { // Automagically load and initialize Everywhere Model to check if user is listing owner if (!isset($this->__loaded[$reply['Review']['extension']])) { App::import('Model', 'everywhere_' . $reply['Review']['extension'], 'jreviews'); $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $reply['Review']['extension']) . 'Model'; if (class_exists($class_name)) { ${$reply['Review']['extension']} = new $class_name(); } } $replies[$key]['Owner'] = ${$reply['Review']['extension']}->getListingOwner($reply['Review']['listing_id']); isset($reviews[$reply['Review']['review_id']]) and $replies[$key] = array_merge($replies[$key], $reviews[$reply['Review']['review_id']]); } } $this->set(array('total' => $total, 'owner_replies' => $replies, 'predefined_replies' => !empty($predefined_replies) ? $predefined_replies : array())); return $this->render('owner_replies', 'moderation'); }
public static function createExtension() { Event::$data += array('sip_username' => html::token(Event::$data['owner_name']), 'sip_password' => inflector::generatePassword()); extract(Event::$data); $plugin = array('sip' => array('username' => $sip_username, 'password' => $sip_password)); $device['plugins'] = arr::merge($device['plugins'], $plugin); }
public function habtm($model = NULL, $table = NULL, $id = NULL) { if (!$id and !$table) { $table = $model; $model = NULL; } if (!empty($this->form->model[$model])) { $model = $this->form->model[$model]; } elseif ($id) { $model = ORM::factory($model, $id); $this->form->model[$model->object_name] = $model; } elseif (!is_object($model)) { // if no model is specified, use the last loaded model foreach ($this->form->model as $key => $_model) { $model = $this->form->model[$key]; $table = $table; break; } } $model_name = $model->object_name; $keyname = "{$model_name}.{$table}"; $this->habtm_name[$keyname] = ORM::factory($table)->primary_val; $this->habtm_plural[$keyname] = inflector::plural($table); $this->habtm_table[$keyname] = $table; $this->habtm_model[$keyname] = $model; $values = array(); foreach (ORM::factory($this->habtm_table[$keyname])->find_all() as $option) { $values[$option->id] = $option->{$this->habtm_name[$keyname]}; $this->elements[$keyname][] = $option->{$this->habtm_name[$keyname]}; } $this->habtm_table[$keyname] = inflector::plural($this->habtm_table[$keyname]); $this->form->add_group($this->habtm_table[$keyname] . '[]', $values)->set($this->habtm_table[$keyname], 'required', FALSE); $this->fill_initial_values($keyname); }
public function index() { $dotfile = "digraph G {\n"; foreach ($this->_get_models() as $model) { $dotfile .= $model->object_name . ' [shape="Mrecord", label=< <FONT POINT-SIZE="18.0">' . $model->object_name . '</FONT><BR ALIGN="CENTER"/>'; foreach ($model->table_columns as $column => $meta) { if (substr($column, -3) == '_id' or $column == 'id') { continue; } $dotfile .= '<FONT COLOR="darkgreen">' . $column . '</FONT> <FONT COLOR="grey">(' . $meta['type'] . ')' . '</FONT><BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>'; } $dotfile .= '>];' . "\n"; foreach ($model->has_one as $related) { $dotfile .= $model->object_name . ' -> ' . $related . ";\n"; //" [arrowhead=\"tee\"];\n"; } foreach ($model->has_many as $related) { $dotfile .= $model->object_name . ' -> ' . inflector::singular($related) . ";\n"; //" [arrowhead=\"crow\"];\n"; } } $dotfile .= '}'; return $this->_render($dotfile); foreach ($this->_get_models() as $model) { echo $model->object_name . '<br />'; foreach ($model->table_columns as $column => $meta) { echo ' : ' . $column . '<br />'; } echo '<br />'; } }
/** * Overload ORM::__get to support "parent" and "children" properties. * * @param string column name * @return mixed */ public function __get($column) { if ($column === 'parent') { if (empty($this->related[$column])) { // Load child model $model = ORM::factory(inflector::singular($this->children)); if (array_key_exists($this->parent_key, $this->object)) { // Find children of this parent $model->where($model->primary_key, $this->object[$this->parent_key])->find(); } $this->related[$column] = $model; } return $this->related[$column]; } elseif ($column === 'children') { if (empty($this->related[$column])) { $model = ORM::factory(inflector::singular($this->children)); if ($this->children === $this->table_name) { // Load children within this table $this->related[$column] = $model->where($this->parent_key, $this->object[$this->primary_key])->find_all(); } else { // Find first selection of children $this->related[$column] = $model->where($this->foreign_key(), $this->object[$this->primary_key])->where($this->parent_key, NULL)->find_all(); } } return $this->related[$column]; } return parent::__get($column); }
/** * Overrides the initialize to automatically provide the column name * * @param string $model * @param string $column * @return void */ public function initialize($model, $column) { // Default to the name of the column if (empty($this->foreign)) { $foreign_model = inflector::singular($column); $this->foreign = $foreign_model . '.' . $foreign_model . ':primary_key'; } elseif (FALSE === strpos($this->foreign, '.')) { $this->foreign = $this->foreign . '.' . $this->foreign . ':primary_key'; } // Split them apart $foreign = explode('.', $this->foreign); // Create an array from them $this->foreign = array('model' => $foreign[0], 'column' => $foreign[1]); // We can work with nothing passed or just a model if (empty($this->through) or is_string($this->through)) { if (empty($this->through)) { // Find the join table based on the two model names pluralized, // sorted alphabetically and with an underscore separating them $through = array(inflector::plural($this->foreign['model']), inflector::plural($model)); // Sort sort($through); // Bring them back together $this->through = implode('_', $through); } $this->through = array('model' => $this->through, 'columns' => array(inflector::singular($model) . ':foreign_key', inflector::singular($this->foreign['model']) . ':foreign_key')); } parent::initialize($model, $column); }
private function modelName() { $source = get_class($this); if (preg_match("/([a-z])([A-Z])/", $source, $reg)) { $source = str_replace($reg[0], $reg[1] . "_" . strtolower($reg[2]), $source); } return strtolower(inflector::pluralize($source)); }
/** * Add a row to the current data set * * @param array $row */ public function add_row($row) { $keyed_row = array(); foreach ($row as $k => $v) { $keyed_row[inflector::camelize($this->columns[$k])] = $v; } $this->rows[] = $keyed_row; }
protected function _tables() { // Prepare an array to hold tables $tables = array(); // Create a new database table with name and database $table = new Database_Table($this->_model->table(), $this->_db); // Get the model's primary keys as an array $model_pks = is_array($this->_model->pk()) ? $this->_model->pk() : array($this->_model->pk()); // Loop through each field within the model foreach ($this->_model->fields() as $field) { // Check if the field implaments the migratable field interface if ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_Migratable) { // Loop through each column in the field foreach ($field->columns() as $column) { // Add the column to the table $table->add_column($column); } } elseif ($field->in_db) { // If the field is unique if ($field->unique) { // Add a unique constraint to the table $table->add_constraint(new Database_Constraint_Unique($field->column)); } // Loop through every column in the model foreach ($this->_columns($field, $table) as $column) { // Add the column to the table $table->add_column($column); } } elseif ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_ManyToMany) { // ManyToMany fields also contain a pivot table $pivot = new Database_Table($field->through, $this->_db); // Get the columns associated with the first half $columns = $this->_columns(new Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(array('model' => $field->model)), $pivot); // Foreach column in the first half foreach ($columns as $column) { // Add it to the pivot table $pivot->add_column($column); } // Get the columns associated with the second half $columns = $this->_columns(new Sprig_Field_BelongsTo(array('model' => inflector::singular($this->_model->table()))), $pivot); // Foreach column in the second half foreach ($columns as $column) { // Add it to the pivot table $pivot->add_column($column); } // Add a primary key constraint on all fields within the pivot table $pivot->add_constraint(new Database_Constraint_Primary(array_keys($pivot->columns()), $pivot->name)); // Add the pivot table to the list of tables $tables[] = $pivot; } } // Add the primary key constraints to the table $table->add_constraint(new Database_Constraint_Primary($model_pks, $table->name)); // Add the table to the list $tables[] = $table; // And return all tables. return $tables; }
/** * Retrieve the list of synonyms using a meaning id. * @param string $meaning_field Name of the meaning field, either taxon_meaning_id or meaning_id. * @param int $meaning_id Id value of the meaning to search for * @param boolean $within_list Search within the current list only (true=default) or * across all lists (false). * @return ORM_Iterator List of synonyms */ public function getSynonomy($meaning_field, $meaning_id, $within_list = true) { $filters = array('preferred' => 'f', 'deleted' => 'f', $meaning_field => $meaning_id); if ($within_list) { $list_id_field = $this->list_id_field; $filters[$list_id_field] = $this->{$list_id_field}; } return ORM::factory(inflector::singular($this->table_name))->where($filters)->find_all(); }
/** * Add routes for products * @Developer brandon * @Date Oct 19, 2010 */ public static function route_products_and_categories() { foreach (ORM::factory('product')->find_all() as $object) { Kohana::config_set('routes.' . $object->show_path(false), inflector::plural($object->object_name) . '/show/' . $object); } foreach (ORM::factory('category')->find_all() as $object) { Kohana::config_set('routes.' . $object->show_path(false), inflector::plural($object->object_name) . '/show/' . $object); } }
public function tool() { if (empty($_GET['tool_id'])) { die('invalid tool_id'); } $tool_id = valid::id_key($_GET['tool_id']); $tool = ORM::factory('tool', $tool_id); if (!$tool->loaded) { die('invalid tool'); } $toolname = strtolower($tool->system_tool->name); # load the tool parent $parent = ORM::factory($toolname, $tool->parent_id); if (!$parent->loaded) { die('invalid parent table'); } # build the object. $export = new stdClass(); $export->name = $toolname; # export the parent table. $parent_table = new stdClass(); foreach ($parent->table_columns as $key => $value) { $parent_table->{$key} = $parent->{$key}; } $export->parent_table = $parent_table; # export any child tables. $child_tables = new stdClass(); # loop through data from available child tables. foreach ($parent->has_many as $table_name) { $table_name = inflector::singular($table_name); $child_tables->{$table_name} = array(); # get the child table model so we can iterate through the fields. $table = ORM::factory($table_name); # get any rows beloning to the parent. $rows = ORM::factory($table_name)->where(array('fk_site' => $this->site_id, "{$toolname}_id" => $parent->id))->find_all(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $object = new stdClass(); foreach ($table->table_columns as $key => $value) { $object->{$key} = $row->{$key}; } array_push($child_tables->{$table_name}, $object); } } $export->child_tables = $child_tables; # get the css file. $export->css = file_get_contents($this->assets->themes_dir("{$this->theme}/tools/{$toolname}/_created/{$parent->id}/{$parent->type}_{$parent->view}.css")); $json = json_encode($export); echo '<h2>Copy this exactly and place into the importer=)</h2>'; echo "<textarea style='width:99%;height:400px;'>{$json}</textarea>"; die; echo kohana::debug($export); die; # just testing ... echo self::import($json); die; }
public function label($val = NULL) { if ($val === NULL) { // Do not display labels for checkboxes, labels wrap checkboxes return ''; } else { $this->data['label'] = $val === TRUE ? utf8::ucwords(inflector::humanize($this->name)) : $val; return $this; } }
/** * Convert an ordered array to XML * Wraps each element in the singular form of the root element * * @param array ordered array * @param string root element, plural * @return string XML String */ public static function ordered2xml($ordered, $root_element = "elements") { if (!is_array($ordered) || count($ordered) == 0) { return "<" . $root_element . " />\n"; } foreach ($ordered as $element) { $xml .= xml::assoc2xml($element, inflector::singular($root_element)); } return "<" . $root_element . ">\n" . xml::pad($xml) . "</" . $root_element . ">\n"; }
public function label($val = nil) { if ($val === nil) { if ($label = $this->data['label']) { return $this->data['label']; } } else { $this->data['label'] = $val === YES ? ucwords(inflector::humanize($this->data['name'])) : $val; return $this; } }
public function label($val = NULL) { if ($val === NULL) { if ($label = $this->data['label']) { return html::purify($this->data['label']); } } else { $this->data['label'] = $val === TRUE ? ucwords(inflector::humanize($this->data['name'])) : $val; return $this; } }
/** * Deletes all expired tokens. * * @return void */ public function delete_expired() { // Make sure the table is defined..... if (!$this->_table) { // Set the table name to the plural model name $this->_table = inflector::plural(strtolower(substr(get_class($this), 6))); } // Delete all expired tokens DB::delete($this->_table)->where('expires', '<', time())->execute($this->_db); return $this; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // load the database $this->db = Database::instance(); // From the ORM example, this works out the table name from the model name empty($this->class) and $this->class = strtolower(substr(get_class($this), 0, -6)); empty($this->table) and $this->table = inflector::plural($this->class); // load the table stuff up $this->_load(); }
function __initModels($models = null) { $models = !empty($models) ? $models : $this->uses; if (!empty($models)) { App::import('Model', $models, $this->app); foreach ($models as $model) { $method_name = inflector::camelize($model); $class_name = $method_name . 'Model'; $this->{$method_name} = new $class_name(); } } }
function __initModels($models = null, $app = 'jreviews') { if (!empty($models)) { if (!empty($models)) { App::import('Model', $models, $app); foreach ($models as $model) { $method_name = inflector::camelize($model); $class_name = $method_name . 'Model'; $this->{$method_name} = new $class_name(); } } } }
/** * Determines the actual foreign model and field that the * relationship is tied to. * * @param string $model * @param string $column * @return void */ public function initialize($model, $column) { parent::initialize($model, $column); // Empty? The model defaults to the the singularized name // of this field, and the field defaults to this field's model's foreign key if (empty($this->foreign)) { $this->foreign = inflector::singular($this->name) . '.' . $model . ':foreign_key'; } elseif (FALSE === strpos($this->foreign, '.')) { $this->foreign = $this->foreign . '.' . $model . ':foreign_key'; } // Create an array fo easier access to the separate parts $this->foreign = array_combine(array('model', 'field'), explode('.', $this->foreign)); }
/** * * Get a configuration value for a given context * * The context can either be a string with format [<plugin>/]specificPart (where Part is the basetype like 'model') or an object,in which * case the namespace will provide the information * * The field is what configuration field you desire. Nested configuration values can be requested by the base value, which will return an array * or specific with the following format: 'base/sub/subsub' * * @param mixed $context * @param string $field */ public static function get($context, $field) { $basetype = inflector::getBasetypefromcontext($context); $specific = inflector::getSpecificfromcontext($context); $plugin = inflector::getPluginfromcontext($context); if ($context == $basetype) { if ($plugin == '') { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'config' . DS . $specific . '.php')) { require FRAMEWORK . DS . 'config' . DS . $specific . '.php'; } } elseif ($plugin == '%') { foreach (scandir(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins') as $dynplugin) { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $dynplugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $specific . '.php')) { require FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $dynplugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $specific . '.php'; break; } } } else { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $specific . '.php')) { require FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $specific . '.php'; } } } else { if ($plugin == '') { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'config' . DS . $basetype . DS . $specific . '.php')) { require FRAMEWORK . DS . 'config' . DS . $basetype . DS . $specific . '.php'; } } elseif ($plugin == '%') { foreach (scandir(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins') as $dynplugin) { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $dynplugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $basetype . DS . $specific . '.php')) { require FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $dynplugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $basetype . DS . $specific . '.php'; break; } } } else { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $basetype . DS . $specific . '.php')) { require FRAMEWORK . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin . DS . 'config' . DS . $basetype . DS . $specific . '.php'; } } } $fieldpieces = explode('/', $field); if (count($fieldpieces) == 1) { return $config[$field]; } else { $tmp = $config; for ($i = 0; $i < count($fieldpieces); $i++) { $tmp = $tmp[$fieldpieces[$i]]; } return $tmp; } }
/** * Overrides the initialize to automatically provide the column name * * @param string $model * @param string $column * @return void */ public function initialize($model, $column) { // Default to the name of the column if (empty($this->foreign)) { $this->foreign = inflector::singular($column) . '.' . $model . ':foreign_key'; } elseif (FALSE === strpos($this->foreign, '.')) { $this->foreign = $this->foreign . '.' . $model . ':foreign_key'; } // Split them apart $foreign = explode('.', $this->foreign); // Create an array from them $this->foreign = array('model' => $foreign[0], 'column' => $foreign[1]); parent::initialize($model, $column); }
/** * * @param Yada_Meta $meta * @param Yada_Model $model * @param <type> $name * @param <type> $alias */ public function initialize(Yada_Meta $meta, Yada_Model $model, $name, $alias) { $this->meta = $meta; // This will come in handy for setting complex relationships $this->model = $model; // This is for naming form fields $this->name = $name; // This is the alias of the table $this->alias = $alias; // Check for a name, because we can easily provide a default if (!$this->label) { $this->label = inflector::humanize($name); } }
function __construct($app = 'jreviews') { if (!empty($this->helpers)) { $this->app = $app; App::import('Helper', $this->helpers, $this->app); foreach ($this->helpers as $helper) { $method_name = inflector::camelize($helper); $class_name = $method_name . 'Helper'; if (!isset($this->loaded[$method_name])) { $this->{$method_name} = registerClass::getInstance($class_name); $this->loaded[$method_name] =& ${$method_name}; } } } }