/** * TODO comment this */ function __construct($report_id) { global $CFG; $this->report_id = $report_id; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); // call the parent constructor parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/report_entry_preview.php?report_id={$this->report_id}"); }
function __construct($report_id, $plugin_id, $creator_id, $reportfield_id = null) { global $CFG; $this->report_id = $report_id; $this->plugin_id = $plugin_id; $this->creator_id = $creator_id; $this->reportfield_id = $reportfield_id; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/edit_field.php?plugin_id={$plugin_id}&report_id={$report_id}"); }
/** * TODO comment this */ function __construct($report_id) { global $CFG; $this->report_id = $report_id; // include the ilb db require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/ilp/db/ilp_db.php'; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); // call the parent constructor parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/edit_report_permissions.php?report_id={$this->report_id}"); }
/** * TODO comment this */ function __construct($report_id = null) { global $CFG; $this->report_id = $report_id; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); $this->tablename = "block_ilp_plu_sts"; $this->items_tablename = "block_ilp_plu_sts_items"; $this->data_entry_tablename = "block_ilp_plu_sts_ent"; // call the parent constructor parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/edit_status_items.php?report_id={$this->report_id}"); }
/** * TODO comment this */ function __construct($report_id, $entry_id, $user_id, $course_id = NULL, $comment_id = NULL, $selectedtab = NULL, $tabitem = NULL) { global $CFG; $this->course_id = $course_id; $this->report_id = $report_id; $this->entry_id = $entry_id; $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->comment_id = $comment_id; $this->selectedtab = $selectedtab; $this->tabitem = $tabitem; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); // call the parent constructor parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/edit_entrycomment.php?course_id={$this->course_id}&report_id={$this->report_id}&entry_id={$this->entry_id}&user_id={$this->user_id}&comment_id={$this->comment_id}&selectedtab={$this->selectedtab}&tabitem={$this->tabitem}"); }
/** * TODO comment this */ function __construct($report_id, $user_id, $entry_id = null, $course_id = null) { global $CFG; $this->course_id = $course_id; $this->report_id = $report_id; $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->entry_id = $entry_id; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); $query_string = "?report_id={$report_id}&user_id={$user_id}"; if (!empty($entry_id)) { $query_string .= "&entry_id={$entry_id}"; } if (!empty($course_id)) { $query_string .= "&course_id={$course_id}"; } // call the parent constructor parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/edit_reportentry.php"); }
/** * TODO comment this */ function __construct($pluginname, $type) { global $CFG, $PARSER; $this->pluginname = $pluginname; $this->dbc = new ilp_db(); //choose the plugins class directory based on the table switch ($type) { case 'mis': $this->plugintable = 'block_ilp_mis_plugin'; $this->plugindirectory = 'dashboard/mis/'; break; case 'formelement': $this->plugintable = 'block_ilp_mis_plugin'; $this->plugindirectory = 'form_elements/plugins/'; break; case 'templateplugin': $this->plugintable = 'block_ilp_dash_plugin'; $this->plugindirectory = 'dashboard/plugins/'; break; case 'tab': $this->plugintable = 'block_ilp_dash_tab'; $this->plugindirectory = 'dashboard/tabs/'; break; case 'template': $this->plugintable = 'block_ilp_dash_temp'; $this->plugindirectory = 'dashboard/templates/'; break; default: $this->plugintable = ''; $this->plugindirectory = ''; break; } $params = $PARSER->get_params(); $urlparams = ""; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $urlparams .= "{$k}={$v}&"; } // call the parent constructor parent::__construct("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/ilp/actions/edit_plugin_config.php?{$urlparams}"); }
/** * Creates a select element with a description on the config page for the plugin * * @param ilp_moodleform $mform the form that the select element will be added to * @param string $elementname the name of the element this will be saved to the s * block_config table with the value * @param string $label the label to be put on the select element * @param array $options options to be placed in the select * @param strnig $description a description of what should be in the config element * @param mixed $defaultvalue the default contents of the text element */ function config_date_element(&$mform, $elementname, $label, $description, $defaultvalue = '') { $configsetting = get_config('block_ilp', $elementname); $value = !empty($configsetting) ? $configsetting : $defaultvalue; $mform->addElement('date_selector', "s_{$elementname}", $label, array('class' => 'form_input')); $mform->addElement('static', "{$elementname}_desc", NULL, $description); $mform->setDefault("s_{$elementname}", $value); }