/** * Constructor */ function __construct($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd, $a_cskill_id, $a_usage) { global $ilCtrl, $lng, $ilAccess, $lng; $id_parts = explode(":", $a_cskill_id); $this->skill_id = $id_parts[0]; $this->tref_id = $id_parts[1]; $data = array(); foreach ($a_usage as $k => $v) { $data[] = array("type" => $k, "usages" => $v); } parent::__construct($a_parent_obj, $a_parent_cmd); $this->setData($data); $this->setTitle(ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($this->skill_id, $this->tref_id)); include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTree.php"; $tree = new ilSkillTree(); $path = $tree->getSkillTreePathAsString($this->skill_id, $this->tref_id); $this->setDescription($path); $this->addColumn($this->lng->txt("skmg_type"), "", "50%"); $this->addColumn($this->lng->txt("skmg_number"), "", "50%"); $this->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($a_parent_obj)); $this->setRowTemplate("tpl.skill_usage_row.html", "Services/Skill"); $this->setEnableNumInfo(false); // $this->addMultiCommand("", $lng->txt("")); // $this->addCommandButton("", $lng->txt("")); }
/** * Is clickable * * @param * @return */ function isNodeClickable($a_node) { if (in_array($a_node["type"], array("skll", "sktp"))) { return true; } // references that refer directly to a (basic) skill template if ($a_node["type"] == "sktr" && ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($a_node["skill_id"]) == "sktp") { return true; } return false; }
/** * Fill table row */ protected function fillRow($a_set) { global $lng, $ilCtrl; $this->tpl->setVariable("SE_ID", $a_set["id"]); $this->tpl->setVariable("VAL_CREATED", $a_set["created"]); $this->tpl->setVariable("VAL_LAST_UPDATE", $a_set["last_update"]); $this->tpl->setVariable("VAL_SKILL", ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($a_set["top_skill_id"])); $this->tpl->setVariable("TXT_CMD", $lng->txt("edit")); $ilCtrl->setParameter($this->parent_obj, "se_id", $a_set["id"]); $this->tpl->setVariable("HREF_CMD", $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this->parent_obj, "editSelfEvaluation")); }
/** * Get personal selected user skills * * @param int $a_user_id user id * @return array */ static function getSelectedUserSkills($a_user_id) { global $ilDB; include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTree.php"; $stree = new ilSkillTree(); $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM skl_personal_skill " . " WHERE user_id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_user_id, "integer")); $pskills = array(); while ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) { if ($stree->isInTree($rec["skill_node_id"])) { $pskills[$rec["skill_node_id"]] = array("skill_node_id" => $rec["skill_node_id"], "title" => ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($rec["skill_node_id"])); } } return $pskills; }
/** * Get node content * * @param array $a_node node data * @return string icon path */ function getNodeIcon($a_node) { $a_parent_id_parts = explode(":", $a_node["id"]); $a_parent_skl_tree_id = $a_parent_id_parts[0]; $a_parent_skl_template_tree_id = $a_parent_id_parts[1]; // root? if ($a_node["type"] == "skrt") { $icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_scat.svg"); } else { if (in_array($a_node["type"], array("skll", "scat", "sctr", "sktr", "sctp", "sktp"))) { $icon = ilSkillTreeNode::getIconPath($a_parent_skl_tree_id, $a_node["type"], "", $this->vtree->isDraft($a_node["id"]) || $this->vtree->isOutdated($a_node["id"])); } else { $icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_" . $a_node["type"] . ".svg"); } } return $icon; }
/** * check if links for certain object type are activated * * @param string $a_type object type * * @return boolean true if linking is activated */ function isClickable($a_type, $a_obj_id = 0) { global $ilUser; if (!ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupSelfEvaluation($a_obj_id)) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Collect page elements (that need to be exported separately) * * @param string $a_pg_type page type * @param int $a_pg_id page id */ function collectPageElements($a_type, $a_id) { // collect media objects $pg_mobs = ilObjMediaObject::_getMobsOfObject($a_type, $a_id); foreach ($pg_mobs as $pg_mob) { $this->mobs[$pg_mob] = $pg_mob; } // collect all files include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php"; $files = ilObjFile::_getFilesOfObject($a_type, $a_id); foreach ($files as $f) { $this->files[$f] = $f; } $skill_tree = $ws_tree = null; $pcs = ilPageContentUsage::getUsagesOfPage($a_id, $a_type); foreach ($pcs as $pc) { // skils if ($pc["type"] == "skmg") { $skill_id = $pc["id"]; // get user id from portfolio page include_once "Services/Portfolio/classes/class.ilPortfolioPage.php"; $page = new ilPortfolioPage(0, $a_id); $user_id = $page->create_user; // we only need 1 instance each if (!$skill_tree) { include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTree.php"; $skill_tree = new ilSkillTree(); include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilPersonalSkill.php"; include_once "Services/PersonalWorkspace/classes/class.ilWorkspaceTree.php"; $ws_tree = new ilWorkspaceTree($user_id); } // walk skill tree $b_skills = ilSkillTreeNode::getSkillTreeNodes($skill_id, true); foreach ($b_skills as $bs) { $skill = ilSkillTreeNodeFactory::getInstance($bs["id"]); $level_data = $skill->getLevelData(); foreach ($level_data as $k => $v) { // get assigned materials from personal skill $mat = ilPersonalSkill::getAssignedMaterial($user_id, $bs["tref"], $v["id"]); if (sizeof($mat)) { foreach ($mat as $item) { $wsp_id = $item["wsp_id"]; $obj_id = $ws_tree->lookupObjectId($wsp_id); // all possible material types for now switch (ilObject::_lookupType($obj_id)) { case "file": $this->files[$obj_id] = $obj_id; break; case "tstv": include_once "Modules/Test/classes/class.ilObjTestVerification.php"; $obj = new ilObjTestVerification($obj_id, false); $this->files_direct[$obj_id] = array($obj->getFilePath(), $obj->getOfflineFilename()); break; case "excv": include_once "Modules/Exercise/classes/class.ilObjExerciseVerification.php"; $obj = new ilObjExerciseVerification($obj_id, false); $this->files_direct[$obj_id] = array($obj->getFilePath(), $obj->getOfflineFilename()); break; } } } } } } } }
/** * Get childs of node * * @param int $a_parent_id parent id * @return array childs */ function getChildsOfNode($a_parent_id) { $childs = $this->tree->getChilds($a_parent_id, $this->order_column); foreach ($childs as $c) { $this->parent[$c["child"]] = $c["parent"]; if ($this->draft[$c["parent"]]) { $this->draft[$c["child"]] = true; } else { $this->draft[$c["child"]] = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupDraft($c["child"]); } } return $childs; }
/** * Assign materials to skill levels * * @param * @return */ function selfEvaluation() { global $ilTabs, $lng, $ilCtrl, $tpl, $ilToolbar; $ilTabs->setBackTarget($lng->txt("back"), $ilCtrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listSkills")); $ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, "skill_id"); $ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, "basic_skill_id"); $ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, "tref_id"); include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; $tpl->setTitle(ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle((int) $_GET["skill_id"])); $tpl->setTitleIcon(ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_" . ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType((int) $_GET["skill_id"]) . "_b.png")); // basic skill selection // here basic skill id?? $bs = ilSkillTreeNode::getSkillTreeNodes((int) $_GET["skill_id"], true); $options = array(); foreach ($bs as $b) { $options[$b["id"]] = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($b["id"]); } $cur_basic_skill_id = (int) $_POST["basic_skill_id"] > 0 ? (int) $_POST["basic_skill_id"] : ((int) $_GET["basic_skill_id"] > 0 ? (int) $_GET["basic_skill_id"] : key($options)); $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "basic_skill_id", $cur_basic_skill_id); include_once "./Services/Form/classes/class.ilSelectInputGUI.php"; $si = new ilSelectInputGUI($lng->txt("skmg_skill"), "basic_skill_id"); $si->setOptions($options); $si->setValue($cur_basic_skill_id); $ilToolbar->addInputItem($si, true); $ilToolbar->addFormButton($lng->txt("select"), "selfEvaluation"); $ilToolbar->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($this)); // table include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSelfEvaluationSimpleTableGUI.php"; $tab = new ilSelfEvaluationSimpleTableGUI($this, "selfEvaluation", (int) $_GET["skill_id"], (int) $_GET["tref_id"], $cur_basic_skill_id); $tpl->setContent($tab->getHTML()); }
/** * Set title icon */ function setTitleIcon() { global $tpl; $obj_id = is_object($this->node_object) ? $this->node_object->getId() : 0; $tpl->setTitleIcon(ilSkillTreeNode::getIconPath($obj_id, $this->getType(), "_b", ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupDraft($obj_id))); }
protected function renderSkillsTeaser($a_user_id, $a_skills_id) { // not used // $user_id = $this->getPageContentUserId($a_user_id); include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; return $this->renderTeaser("skills", $this->lng->txt("skills") . ' "' . ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($a_skills_id) . '"'); }
/** * Set title icon */ function setTitleIcon() { global $tpl; $obj_id = is_object($this->node_object) ? $this->node_object->getId() : 0; $tpl->setTitleIcon(ilSkillTreeNode::getIconPath($obj_id, $this->getType(), "", ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupStatus($obj_id) == ilSkillTreeNode::STATUS_DRAFT)); }
/** * Constructor * @access public */ function __construct($a_id = 0) { parent::ilSkillTreeNode($a_id); $this->setType("sctp"); }
/** * Is clickable * * @param * @return */ function isNodeClickable($a_node) { if (!ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupSelfEvaluation($a_node["child"])) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Get node content * * @param array * @return */ function getNodeIcon($a_node) { // root? if ($a_node["type"] == "skrt") { $icon = $this->templates ? ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_sctp_s.png") : ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_scat_s.png"); } else { if (in_array($a_node["type"], array("skll", "scat", "sctr", "sktr"))) { $icon = ilSkillTreeNode::getIconPath($a_node["child"], $a_node["type"], "_s", $this->draft[$a_node["child"]]); } else { $icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_" . $a_node["type"] . "_s.png"); } } return $icon; }
/** * Delete skill */ function delete() { global $ilDB; $ilDB->manipulate("DELETE FROM skl_templ_ref WHERE " . " skl_node_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->getId(), "integer")); parent::delete(); }
/** * Show Editing Tree */ function showTree($a_templates, $a_gui = "", $a_gui_cmd = "") { global $ilUser, $tpl, $ilCtrl, $lng; if ($a_templates) { if ($_GET["obj_id"] == "" || $_GET["obj_id"] == 1) { return; } if ($_GET["obj_id"] > 1) { $path = $this->skill_tree->getPathId($_GET["obj_id"]); include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; if (ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($path[1]) == "sktp") { return; } } } include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeExplorerGUI.php"; $ilCtrl->setParameter($this, "templates_tree", $a_templates); $exp = new ilSkillTreeExplorerGUI($this, "showTree", $a_templates); if (!$exp->handleCommand()) { $tpl->setLeftNavContent($exp->getHTML()); } }
/** * Redirect to parent (identified by current obj_id) */ function redirectToParent() { global $ilCtrl; $t = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType((int) $_GET["obj_id"]); switch ($t) { case "skrt": $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskillrootgui", "obj_id", (int) $_GET["obj_id"]); $ilCtrl->redirectByClass("ilskillrootgui", "listSkills"); break; } parent::redirectToParent(); }
/** * Get node icon * * @param array * @return */ function getNodeIcon($a_node) { $a_id_parts = explode(":", $a_node["id"]); $a_skl_tree_id = $a_parent_id_parts[0]; $a_skl_template_tree_id = $a_id_parts[1]; // root? if ($a_node["type"] == "skrt") { $icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_scat.svg"); } else { $type = $a_node["type"]; if ($type == "sktr") { include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; $type = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($a_skl_template_tree_id); } if ($type == "sktp") { $type = "skll"; } if ($type == "sctp") { $type = "scat"; } $icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("icon_" . $type . ".svg"); } return $icon; }
/** * Get icon path * * @param int $a_obj_id node id * @param string $a_type node type * @param string $a_size size * @param int $a_status status * @return string icon path */ static function getIconPath($a_obj_id, $a_type, $a_size = "", $a_status = 0) { if ($a_status == self::STATUS_DRAFT && $a_type == "sctp") { $a_type = "scat"; } if ($a_status == self::STATUS_DRAFT && $a_type == "sktp") { $a_type = "skll"; } $off = $a_status == self::STATUS_DRAFT ? "_off" : ""; $a_name = "icon_" . $a_type . $a_size . $off . ".svg"; if ($a_type == "sktr") { include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTemplateReference.php"; $tid = ilSkillTemplateReference::_lookupTemplateId($a_obj_id); $type = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($tid); if ($type == "sctp") { $a_name = "icon_sctr" . $a_size . $off . ".svg"; } } $vers = "vers=" . str_replace(array(".", " "), "-", ILIAS_VERSION); return ilUtil::getImagePath($a_name) . "?" . $vers; }
public static function getAutocompleteResult($a_field_id, $a_term) { global $ilUser; $multi_fields = array("interests_general", "interests_help_offered", "interests_help_looking"); if (in_array($a_field_id, $multi_fields) && $a_term) { // registration has no current user $user_id = null; if ($ilUser && $ilUser->getId() && $ilUser->getId() != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) { $user_id = $ilUser->getId(); } $result = array(); $cnt = 0; // term is searched in ALL interest fields, no distinction foreach (ilObjUser::findInterests($a_term, $ilUser->getId()) as $item) { $result[$cnt] = new stdClass(); $result[$cnt]->value = $item; $result[$cnt]->label = $item; $cnt++; } // :TODO: search in skill data include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; foreach (ilSkillTreeNode::findSkills($a_term) as $skill) { $result[$cnt] = new stdClass(); $result[$cnt]->value = $skill; $result[$cnt]->label = $skill; $cnt++; } } return $result; }
/** * Get subtree, internal * * @param string $id vtree id * @param array $result node array (called by reference) * @param bool $a_only_basic return only basic skills (and basic skill templates) */ private function __getSubTreeRec($id, &$result, $a_only_basic) { $childs = $this->getChildsOfNode($id); foreach ($childs as $c) { if (!$a_only_basic || in_array($c["type"], array("skll", "sktp")) || $c["type"] == "sktr" && ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($c["skill_id"]) == "sktp") { $result[] = $c; } $this->__getSubTreeRec($c["id"], $result, $a_only_basic); } }
/** * Get skill for level id * * @param * @return */ function getSkillForLevelId($a_level_id) { global $ilDB; $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM skl_level WHERE " . " id = " . $ilDB->quote($a_level_id, "integer")); $skill = null; if ($rec = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) { if (ilSkillTreeNode::isInTree($rec["skill_id"])) { $skill = new ilBasicSkill($rec["skill_id"]); } } return $skill; }
protected function renderSkillsTeaser($a_user_id, $a_skills_id) { global $lng; include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; return "<div style=\"margin:5px\">" . $lng->txt("skills") . ": \"" . ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($a_skills_id) . "\"</div>"; }
/** * Delete skill */ function delete() { parent::delete(); }
protected function initCreatePortfolioFromTemplateForm($a_prtt_id, $a_title) { global $ilSetting, $ilUser; if ((int) $_REQUEST["exc_id"]) { $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "exc_id", (int) $_REQUEST["exc_id"]); $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "ass_id", (int) $_REQUEST["ass_id"]); } include_once "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php"; $form = new ilPropertyFormGUI(); $form->setFormAction($this->ctrl->getFormAction($this)); $tmpl = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($this->lng->txt("obj_prtt")); $tmpl->setValue(ilObject::_lookupTitle($a_prtt_id)); $form->addItem($tmpl); $title = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($this->lng->txt("title"), "pt"); $title->setValue($a_title); $form->addItem($title); // gather user blogs if (!$ilSetting->get('disable_wsp_blogs')) { $blog_options = array(); include_once "Services/PersonalWorkspace/classes/class.ilWorkspaceTree.php"; $tree = new ilWorkspaceTree($this->user_id); $root = $tree->readRootId(); if ($root) { $root = $tree->getNodeData($root); foreach ($tree->getSubTree($root, true, "blog") as $node) { $blog_options[$node["obj_id"]] = $node["title"]; } asort($blog_options); } } $has_form_content = false; include_once "Services/WebDAV/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker.php"; $check_quota = ilDiskQuotaActivationChecker::_isPersonalWorkspaceActive(); $quota_sum = 0; include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilPersonalSkill.php"; $pskills = array_keys(ilPersonalSkill::getSelectedUserSkills($ilUser->getId())); $skill_ids = array(); include_once "Modules/Portfolio/classes/class.ilPortfolioTemplatePage.php"; foreach (ilPortfolioTemplatePage::getAllPages($a_prtt_id) as $page) { switch ($page["type"]) { case ilPortfolioTemplatePage::TYPE_PAGE: // skills $source_page = new ilPortfolioTemplatePage($page["id"]); $source_page->buildDom(true); $dom = $source_page->getDom(); if ($dom instanceof php4DOMDocument) { $dom = $dom->myDOMDocument; } $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $nodes = $xpath->query("//PageContent/Skills"); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $skill_id = $node->getAttribute("Id"); if (!in_array($skill_id, $pskills)) { $skill_ids[] = $skill_id; } } unset($nodes); unset($xpath); unset($dom); if ($check_quota) { $quota_sum += $source_page->getPageDiskSize(); } if (sizeof($skill_ids)) { $has_form_content = true; } break; case ilPortfolioTemplatePage::TYPE_BLOG_TEMPLATE: if (!$ilSetting->get('disable_wsp_blogs')) { $has_form_content = true; $field_id = "blog_" . $page["id"]; $blog = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($this->lng->txt("obj_blog") . ": " . $page["title"], $field_id); $blog->setRequired(true); $blog->setValue("blog_create"); $form->addItem($blog); $new_blog = new ilRadioOption($this->lng->txt("prtf_template_import_blog_create"), "blog_create"); $blog->addOption($new_blog); $title = new ilTextInputGUI($this->lng->txt("title"), $field_id . "_create_title"); $title->setRequired(true); $new_blog->addSubItem($title); if (sizeof($blog_options)) { $reuse_blog = new ilRadioOption($this->lng->txt("prtf_template_import_blog_reuse"), "blog_resuse"); $blog->addOption($reuse_blog); $obj = new ilSelectInputGUI($this->lng->txt("obj_blog"), $field_id . "_reuse_blog"); $obj->setRequired(true); $obj->setOptions(array("" => $this->lng->txt("please_select")) + $blog_options); $reuse_blog->addSubItem($obj); } $blog->addOption(new ilRadioOption($this->lng->txt("prtf_template_import_blog_ignore"), "blog_ignore")); } break; } } if ($skill_ids) { include_once "Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTreeNode.php"; $skills = new ilCheckboxGroupInputGUI($this->lng->txt("skills"), "skill_ids"); $skills->setInfo($this->lng->txt("prtf_template_import_new_skills")); $skills->setValue($skill_ids); foreach ($skill_ids as $skill_id) { $skills->addOption(new ilCheckboxOption(ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupTitle($skill_id), $skill_id)); } $form->addItem($skills); } if ($quota_sum) { include_once "Services/DiskQuota/classes/class.ilDiskQuotaHandler.php"; if (!ilDiskQuotaHandler::isUploadPossible($quota_sum)) { ilUtil::sendFailure($this->lng->txt("prtf_template_import_quota_failure"), true); $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "create"); } } // no dialog needed, go ahead if (!$has_form_content) { return; } $form->setTitle($this->lng->txt("prtf_creation_mode") . ": " . $this->lng->txt("prtf_creation_mode_template")); $form->addCommandButton("createPortfolioFromTemplateProcess", $this->lng->txt("continue")); $form->addCommandButton("toRepository", $this->lng->txt("cancel")); return $form; }
/** * Fill table row */ protected function fillRow($a_set) { global $lng, $ilCtrl; switch ($a_set["type"]) { // category case "scat": $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskillcategorygui", "obj_id", $a_set["child"]); $ret = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilskillcategorygui", "listItems"); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskillcategorygui", "obj_id", $_GET["obj_id"]); break; // skill template reference // skill template reference case "sktr": $tid = ilSkillTemplateReference::_lookupTemplateId($a_set["child"]); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskilltemplatereferencegui", "tref_id", $a_set["child"]); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskilltemplatereferencegui", "obj_id", $tid); $ret = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilskilltemplatereferencegui", "listItems"); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskilltemplatereferencegui", "obj_id", $_GET["obj_id"]); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskilltemplatereferencegui", "tref_id", $_GET["tref_id"]); break; // skill // skill case "skll": $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilbasicskillgui", "obj_id", $a_set["child"]); $ret = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilbasicskillgui", "edit"); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilbasicskillgui", "obj_id", $_GET["obj_id"]); break; // -------- // template // -------- // template case "sktp": $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilbasicskilltemplategui", "obj_id", $a_set["child"]); $ret = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilbasicskilltemplategui", "edit"); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilbasicskilltemplategui", "obj_id", $_GET["obj_id"]); break; // template category // template category case "sctp": $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskilltemplatecategorygui", "obj_id", $a_set["child"]); $ret = $ilCtrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilskilltemplatecategorygui", "listItems"); $ilCtrl->setParameterByClass("ilskilltemplatecategorygui", "obj_id", $_GET["obj_id"]); break; } if ($this->tref_id == 0) { $this->tpl->setCurrentBlock("cb"); $this->tpl->setVariable("CB_ID", $a_set["child"]); $this->tpl->parseCurrentBlock(); $this->tpl->setCurrentBlock("nr"); $this->tpl->setVariable("OBJ_ID", $a_set["child"]); $this->tpl->setVariable("ORDER_NR", $a_set["order_nr"]); $this->tpl->parseCurrentBlock(); } $this->tpl->setVariable("HREF_TITLE", $ret); $this->tpl->setVariable("TITLE", $a_set["title"]); $icon = ilSkillTreeNode::getIconPath($a_set["child"], $a_set["type"], "", ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupStatus($a_set["child"])); $this->tpl->setVariable("ICON", ilUtil::img($icon, "")); }
/** * List items */ function listItems() { global $tpl; $this->setTabs("content"); $sk_id = $this->node_object->getSkillTemplateId(); $obj_type = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($sk_id); if ($obj_type == "sctp") { include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillCatTableGUI.php"; $table = new ilSkillCatTableGUI($this, "listItems", (int) $sk_id, ilSkillCatTableGUI::MODE_SCTP, $this->node_object->getId()); $tpl->setContent($table->getHTML()); } else { if ($obj_type == "sktp") { include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillLevelTableGUI.php"; $table = new ilSkillLevelTableGUI((int) $sk_id, $this, "edit", $this->node_object->getId()); $tpl->setContent($table->getHTML()); } } }
/** * Save item */ function saveItem() { $it = new ilSkillTemplateCategory(); $it->setTitle($this->form->getInput("title")); $it->setOrderNr($this->form->getInput("order_nr")); $it->create(); ilSkillTreeNode::putInTree($it, (int) $_GET["obj_id"], IL_LAST_NODE); }
/** * Get icon path * * @param * @return */ function getIconPath($a_obj_id, $a_type, $a_size = "", $a_draft = false) { $off = $a_draft ? "_off" : ""; $a_name = "icon_" . $a_type . $a_size . $off . ".png"; if ($a_type == "sktr") { include_once "./Services/Skill/classes/class.ilSkillTemplateReference.php"; $tid = ilSkillTemplateReference::_lookupTemplateId($a_obj_id); $type = ilSkillTreeNode::_lookupType($tid); if ($type == "sctp") { $a_name = "icon_sctr" . $a_size . $off . ".png"; } } $vers = "vers=" . str_replace(array(".", " "), "-", ILIAS_VERSION); return ilUtil::getImagePath($a_name) . "?" . $vers; }