function finishSahs()
     global $lng;
     $this->tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.sahs_finish_cbt.html", true, true, "Modules/ScormAicc");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation());
     // block not in template
     // $this->tpl->setCurrentBlock("switch_icon");
     $this->tpl->setVariable("SCO_ID", $_GET["sahs_id"]);
     $this->tpl->setVariable("SCO_ICO", ilUtil::getImagePath("scorm/" . str_replace(" ", "_", $_GET["status"]) . '.png'));
     $this->tpl->setVariable("SCO_ALT", $lng->txt("cont_status") . ": " . $lng->txt("cont_sc_stat_" . str_replace(" ", "_", $_GET["status"])) . ", " . $lng->txt("cont_total_time") . ": " . $_GET["totime"]);
     // BEGIN Partial fix for SCO sequencing:
     //       With this partial fix, ILIAS can now proceed to the next
     //          SCO, if it is a sibling of the current SCO.
     //       This fix doesn't fix the case, if the next SCO has a
     //          different parent item.
     //$this->tpl->setVariable("SCO_LAUNCH_ID", $_GET["launch"]);
     $launch_id = $_GET['launch'];
     if ($launch_id == 'null' || $launch_id == null) {
         require_once "./Modules/ScormAicc/classes/SCORM/class.ilSCORMTree.php";
         $mtree = new ilSCORMTree($this->slm->getId());
         $node_data = $mtree->fetchSuccessorNode($_GET['sahs_id']);
         if ($node_data && $node_data[type] == 'sit') {
             $launch_id = $node_data['child'];
     // END Partial fix for SCO sequencing
     $this->tpl->setVariable("SCO_LAUNCH_ID", $launch_id);
     // $this->tpl->parseCurrentBlock();