function UpdateInfusionsoftUser($infusionsoft_id)
    //this is used for update the user activity info to infusionsoft and categories them into 4 levels.
    //auth.php will access this funciton.
    //fistly, use user id to find the infusionsoft id
    $contactId = $infusionsoft_id;
    //check the infusionsoft id,
    //0 -> no infusionsoft id,
    //-1 -> do not need infusionsoft id,
    //others are correct infusionsoft id.
    if ($contactId > 0) {
        require_once 'isdk.php';
        $app = new iSDK();
        if ($app->cfgCon("mps")) {
            //remove all tags level 5 is (316) level 4 is (318) Lvel 3 is (320) level 2 is (322)
            $result = $app->grpRemove($contactId, 316);
            $result = $app->grpRemove($contactId, 318);
            $result = $app->grpRemove($contactId, 320);
            $result = $app->grpRemove($contactId, 322);
            //Get the last login time
            $returnFields = array('_LastLogin');
            $data = $app->loadCon($contactId, $returnFields);
            $current_date = date("Ymd\\T00:00:00");
            if (!empty($data)) {
                //existing last login time, get the last login date
                $last_login_date = $data['_LastLogin'];
                //calc the day difference between current_time and last login
                $current_date_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($current_date, 4, 2), substr($current_date, 6, 2), substr($current_date, 0, 4));
                //echo "full:".$current_date."\nM:".substr($current_date,4,2)."\nD:".substr($current_date,6,2)."\nY:".substr($current_date,0,4)."\n";
                $last_login_date_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($last_login_date, 4, 2), substr($last_login_date, 6, 2), substr($last_login_date, 0, 4));
                //echo "full:".$last_login_date."\nM:".substr($last_login_date,4,2)."\nD:".substr($last_login_date,6,2)."\nY:".substr($last_login_date,0,4)."\n";
                $datediff = floor(($current_date_time - $last_login_date_time) / (60 * 60 * 24));
                //echo $datediff;
                if ($datediff <= 7) {
                    //within 7 days assign level 5 tag
                    $app->grpAssign($contactId, 316);
                    //$app->achieveGoal("om185", "TriggerSizzling", $contactId);
                } else {
                    if ($datediff >= 8 and $datediff <= 14) {
                        //within 8-14 days assign level 4 tag
                        $app->grpAssign($contactId, 318);
                    } else {
                        if ($datediff >= 15 and $datediff <= 21) {
                            //within 15-21 days assign level 3 tag
                            $app->grpAssign($contactId, 320);
                        } else {
                            //over 22 days assign level 2 tag
                            $app->grpAssign($contactId, 322);
            } else {
                //last login time not existed, assign to level 5 tag
                $app->grpAssign($contactId, 316);
            //update last login
            $conDat = array('_LastLogin' => $current_date);
            $conID = $app->updateCon($contactId, $conDat);
            return TRUE;
    } else {
        return FALSE;