function do_iCMS($appid = 0) { iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iAPP.class.php'); $this->categoryApp = iACP::app('category', 'all'); $this->category = $this->categoryApp->category; $sql = "WHERE 1=1"; if ($appid || $_GET['appid']) { $_GET['appid'] && ($appid = (int) $_GET['appid']); $sql .= " AND `appid`='{$appid}'"; } $_GET['iid'] && ($sql .= " AND `iid`='" . (int) $_GET['iid'] . "'"); isset($_GET['status']) && ($sql .= " AND `status`='" . $_GET['status'] . "'"); if ($_GET['cid']) { $cid = (int) $_GET['cid']; if (isset($_GET['sub'])) { $cids = $this->categoryApp->get_ids($cid, true); array_push($cids, $cid); $sql .= " AND cid IN(" . implode(',', $cids) . ")"; } else { $sql .= " AND cid ='{$cid}'"; } } $_GET['userid'] && ($sql .= " AND `userid`='" . (int) $_GET['userid'] . "'"); $_GET['ip'] && ($sql .= " AND `ip`='" . $_GET['ip'] . "'"); if ($_GET['keywords']) { $sql .= " AND CONCAT(username,title) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__comment` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "条评论"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__comment` {$sql} order by id DESC LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("comment.manage"); }
function do_iCMS() { if ($_GET['keywords']) { $sql = " WHERE `keyword` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__keywords` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个关键词"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__keywords` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("keywords.manage"); }
function do_manage() { $sql = " where 1=1"; $cid = (int) $_GET['cid']; $tcid = (int) $_GET['tcid']; $pid = (int) $_GET['pid']; $rootid = (int) $_GET['rootid']; $_GET['keywords'] && ($sql .= " AND CONCAT(name,seotitle,subtitle,keywords,description) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"); $sql .= $this->categoryApp->search_sql($cid); $sql .= $this->tagcategory->search_sql($tcid, 'tcid'); $_GET['starttime'] && ($sql .= " AND `pubdate`>='" . iPHP::str2time($_GET['starttime'] . " 00:00:00") . "'"); $_GET['endtime'] && ($sql .= " AND `pubdate`<='" . iPHP::str2time($_GET['endtime'] . " 23:59:59") . "'"); $_GET['post_starttime'] && ($sql .= " AND `postime`>='" . iPHP::str2time($_GET['post_starttime'] . " 00:00:00") . "'"); $_GET['post_endtime'] && ($sql .= " AND `postime`<='" . iPHP::str2time($_GET['post_endtime'] . " 23:59:59") . "'"); isset($_GET['pic']) && ($sql .= " AND `haspic` ='" . ($_GET['pic'] ? 1 : 0) . "'"); if (isset($_GET['pid']) && $pid != '-1') { $uri_array['pid'] = $pid; if ($_GET['pid'] == 0) { $sql .= " AND `pid`=''"; } else { iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iMAP.class.php'); map::init('prop', $this->appid); $map_where = map::where($pid); } } if ($map_where) { $map_sql = iCMS::map_sql($map_where); $sql = ",({$map_sql}) map {$sql} AND `id` = map.`iid`"; } $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__tags` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个标签"); $limit = 'LIMIT ' . iPHP::$offset . ',' . $maxperpage; if ($map_sql || iPHP::$offset) { $ids_array = iDB::all("\n SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__tags` {$sql}\n ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit}\n "); //iDB::debug(1); $ids = iCMS::get_ids($ids_array); $ids = $ids ? $ids : '0'; $sql = "WHERE `id` IN({$ids})"; $limit = ''; } $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__tags` {$sql} ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("tags.manage"); }
function do_iCMS() { if ($_GET['job']) { require_once iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iJob.class.php'; $job = new JOB(); } $sql = "WHERE 1=1"; //isset($this->type) && $sql.=" AND `type`='$this->type'"; $_GET['gid'] && ($sql .= " AND `gid`='{$_GET['gid']}'"); $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "uid DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__members` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个用户"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__members` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("account.manage"); }
function do_iCMS() { //iPHP::app('user.class','static'); $sql = "WHERE 1=1"; $pid = $_GET['pid']; if ($_GET['keywords']) { $sql .= " AND CONCAT(username,nickname) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } $_GET['gid'] && ($sql .= " AND `gid`='{$_GET['gid']}'"); if (isset($_GET['status']) && $_GET['status'] !== '') { $sql .= " AND `status`='{$_GET['status']}'"; } $_GET['regip'] && ($sql .= " AND `regip`='{$_GET['regip']}'"); $_GET['loginip'] && ($sql .= " AND `lastloginip`='{$_GET['loginip']}'"); if (isset($_GET['pid']) && $pid != '-1') { $uri_array['pid'] = $pid; if ($_GET['pid'] == 0) { $sql .= " AND `pid`=''"; } else { iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iMAP.class.php'); map::init('prop', $this->appid); $map_where = map::where($pid); } } if ($map_where) { $map_sql = iCMS::map_sql($map_where); $sql = ",({$map_sql}) map {$sql} AND `uid` = map.`iid`"; } $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "uid DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__user` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个用户"); $limit = 'LIMIT ' . iPHP::$offset . ',' . $maxperpage; if ($map_sql || iPHP::$offset) { $ids_array = iDB::all("\n SELECT `uid` FROM `#iCMS@__user` {$sql}\n ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit}\n "); //iDB::debug(1); $ids = iCMS::get_ids($ids_array, 'uid'); $ids = $ids ? $ids : '0'; $sql = "WHERE `uid` IN({$ids})"; $limit = ''; } $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__user` {$sql} ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("user.manage"); }
function do_iCMS() { iACP::MP('FILE.MANAGE', 'page'); $sql = 'WHERE 1=1 '; if ($_GET['keywords']) { if ($_GET['st'] == "filename") { $sql .= " AND `filename` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "indexid") { $sql .= " AND `indexid`='{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "userid") { $sql .= " AND `userid` = '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "ofilename") { $sql .= " AND `ofilename` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "size") { $sql .= " AND `size` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } } } } } } $_GET['indexid'] && ($sql .= " AND `indexid`='{$_GET['indexid']}'"); $_GET['starttime'] && ($sql .= " and `time`>=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $_GET['starttime'] . " 00:00:00')"); $_GET['endtime'] && ($sql .= " and `time`<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $_GET['endtime'] . " 23:59:59')"); isset($_GET['userid']) && ($uri .= '&userid=' . (int) $_GET['userid']); $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? iS::escapeStr($_GET['orderby']) : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 50; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__filedata` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个文件"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__filedata` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("files.manage"); }
public static function pagenav($total, $displaypg = 20, $unit = "条记录", $url = '', $target = '') { $displaypg = intval($displaypg); $page = $GLOBALS["page"] ? intval($GLOBALS["page"]) : 1; $lastpg = ceil($total / $displaypg); //最后页,也是总页数 $page = min($lastpg, $page); $prepg = $page - 1 < 0 ? "0" : $page - 1; //上一页 $nextpg = $page == $lastpg ? 0 : $page + 1; //下一页 $url = buildurl($url, array('total_num' => $total, 'page' => '')); self::$offset = ($page - 1) * $displaypg; self::$offset < 0 && (self::$offset = 0); self::$pagenav = "<ul><li><a href='{$url}1' target='_self'>首页</a></li>"; self::$pagenav .= $prepg ? "<li><a href='{$url}{$prepg}' target='_self'>上一页</a></li>" : '<li class="disabled"><a href="javascript:;">上一页</a></li>'; $flag = 0; for ($i = $page - 2; $i <= $page - 1; $i++) { if ($i < 1) { continue; } self::$pagenav .= "<li><a href='{$url}{$i}' target='_self'>{$i}</a></li>"; } self::$pagenav .= '<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">' . $page . '</a></li>'; for ($i = $page + 1; $i <= $lastpg; $i++) { self::$pagenav .= "<li><a href='{$url}{$i}' target='_self'>{$i}</a></li>"; $flag++; if ($flag == 4) { break; } } self::$pagenav .= $nextpg ? "<li><a href='{$url}{$nextpg}' target='_self'>下一页</a></li>" : '<li class="disabled"><a href="javascript:;">下一页</a></li>'; self::$pagenav .= "<li><a href='{$url}{$lastpg}' target='_self'>末页</a></li>"; self::$pagenav .= "<li> <span class=\"muted\">共{$total}{$unit},{$displaypg}{$unit}/页 共{$lastpg}页</span></li>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastpg; $i = $i + 5) { $s = $i == $page ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $select .= "<option value=\"{$i}\"{$s}>{$i}</option>"; } if ($lastpg > 200) { self::$pagenav .= "<li> <span class=\"muted\">跳到 <input type=\"text\" id=\"pageselect\" style=\"width:24px;height:12px;margin-bottom: 0px;line-height: 12px;\" /> 页 <input class=\"btn btn-small\" type=\"button\" onClick=\"window.location='{$url}'+\$('#pageselect').val();\" value=\"跳转\" style=\"height: 22px;line-height: 18px;\"/></span></li>"; } else { self::$pagenav .= "<li> <span class=\"muted\">跳到 <select id=\"pageselect\" style=\"width:48px;height:20px;margin-bottom: 3px;line-height: 16px;padding: 0px\" onchange=\"window.location='{$url}'+this.value\">{$select}</select> 页</span></li>"; } self::$pagenav .= '</ul>'; //(int)$lastpg<2 &&UCP::$pagenav=''; }
function do_list() { iACP::$app_do = 'list'; $sql = " where `appid`='{$this->appid}'"; $cids = iACP::CP('__CID__'); $sql .= iPHP::where($cids, 'cid'); if ($_GET['keywords']) { if ($_GET['st'] == "name") { $sql .= " AND `name` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "cid") { $sql .= " AND `cid` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } else { if ($_GET['st'] == "tkd") { $sql .= " AND CONCAT(name,title,keywords,description) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } } } } if (isset($_GET['rootid']) && $_GET['rootid'] != '-1') { $sql .= " AND `rootid`='{$_GET['rootid']}'"; } $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "cid DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__category` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__category` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("category.manage"); }
function do_project() { $categoryApp = iACP::app('category', iCMS_APP_ARTICLE); $category = $categoryApp->category; $sql = "where 1=1"; if ($_GET['keywords']) { $sql .= " and `name` REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } $sql .= $categoryApp->search_sql($this->cid); if ($_GET['rid']) { $sql .= " AND `rid` ='" . (int) $_GET['rid'] . "'"; } if ($_GET['auto']) { $sql .= " AND `auto` ='1'"; } if ($_GET['poid']) { $sql .= " AND `poid` ='" . (int) $_GET['poid'] . "'"; } $ruleArray = $this->rule_opt(0, 'array'); $postArray = $this->post_opt(0, 'array'); $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__spider_project` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个方案"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__spider_project` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("spider.project"); }
function do_manage($doType = null) { $cid = (int) $_GET['cid']; $sql = " where "; switch ($doType) { //status:[0:草稿][1:正常][2:回收][3:审核][4:不合格] case 'inbox': //草稿 $sql .= "`status` ='0'"; // if(iMember::$data->gid!=1){ // $sql.=" AND `userid`='".iMember::$userid."'"; // } $position = "草稿"; break; case 'trash': //回收站 $sql .= "`status` ='2'"; $position = "回收站"; break; case 'examine': //审核 $sql .= "`status` ='3'"; $position = "已审核"; break; case 'off': //未通过 $sql .= "`status` ='4'"; $position = "未通过"; break; default: $sql .= " `status` ='1'"; $cid && ($position = $this->category[$cid]['name']); } if ($_GET['keywords']) { $sql .= " AND CONCAT(title,title2,title3) REGEXP '{$_GET['keywords']}'"; } $sql .= $this->categoryApp->search_sql($cid); isset($_GET['nopic']) && ($sql .= " AND `haspic` ='0'"); $_GET['starttime'] && ($sql .= " and `addtime`>=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $_GET['starttime'] . " 00:00:00')"); $_GET['endtime'] && ($sql .= " and `addtime`<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $_GET['endtime'] . " 23:59:59')"); isset($_GET['userid']) && ($uri .= '&userid=' . (int) $_GET['userid']); isset($_GET['keyword']) && ($uri .= '&keyword=' . $_GET['keyword']); isset($_GET['pid']) && ($uri .= '&pid=' . $_GET['pid']); isset($_GET['cid']) && ($uri .= '&cid=' . $_GET['cid']); isset($_GET['pid']) && $_GET['pid'] != '-1' && ($uri .= '&pid=' . $_GET['at']); $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__push` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "条记录"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__push` {$sql} order by {$orderby} LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("push.manage"); }
function do_iCMS() { $sql = " where 1=1"; // $cid = (int)$_GET['cid']; // // if($cid) { // $cids = $_GET['sub']?iCMS::get_category_ids($cid,true):$cid; // $cids OR $cids = $vars['cid']; // $sql.= iPHP::where($cids,'cid'); // } $_GET['field'] && ($sql .= " AND `field`='" . $_GET['field'] . "'"); $_GET['field'] && ($uri .= '&field=' . $_GET['field']); $_GET['type'] && ($sql .= " AND `type`='" . $_GET['type'] . "'"); $_GET['type'] && ($uri .= '&type=' . $_GET['type']); $_GET['cid'] && ($sql .= " AND `cid`='" . $_GET['cid'] . "'"); $_GET['cid'] && ($uri .= '&cid=' . $_GET['cid']); $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__prop` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个属性"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__prop` {$sql} order by pid DESC LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("prop.manage"); }
function do_iCMS() { $sql = " where 1=1"; $_GET['pid'] && ($sql .= " AND `pid`='" . $_GET['pid'] . "'"); $_GET['pid'] && ($uri .= '&pid=' . $_GET['pid']); $_GET['cid'] && ($sql .= " AND `cid`='" . $_GET['cid'] . "'"); $_GET['cid'] && ($uri .= '&cid=' . $_GET['cid']); $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; $total = iPHP::total(false, "SELECT count(*) FROM `#iCMS@__marker` {$sql}", "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "个标记"); $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__marker` {$sql} order by id DESC LIMIT " . iPHP::$offset . " , {$maxperpage}"); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("marker.manage"); }
function do_manage($stype = 'normal') { $cid = (int) $_GET['cid']; $pid = $_GET['pid']; //$stype OR $stype = iACP::$app_do; $stype_map = array('inbox' => '0', 'normal' => '1', 'trash' => '2', 'examine' => '3', 'off' => '4'); $map_where = array(); //status:[0:草稿][1:正常][2:回收][3:待审核][4:不合格] //postype: [0:用户][1:管理员] $stype && ($this->_status = $stype_map[$stype]); if (isset($_GET['pt']) && $_GET['pt'] != '') { $this->_postype = (int) $_GET['pt']; } $sql = "WHERE `status`='{$this->_status}'"; $this->_postype === 'all' or $sql .= " AND `postype`='{$this->_postype}'"; if (iACP::MP("ARTICLE.VIEW")) { $_GET['userid'] && ($sql .= iPHP::where($_GET['userid'], 'userid')); } else { $sql .= iPHP::where(iMember::$userid, 'userid'); } if (isset($_GET['pid']) && $pid != '-1') { $uri_array['pid'] = $pid; if (empty($_GET['pid'])) { $sql .= " AND `pid`=''"; } else { iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iMAP.class.php'); map::init('prop', $this->appid); $map_where += map::where($pid); } } $cp_cids = iACP::CP('__CID__', 'cs'); //取得所有有权限的栏目ID if ($cp_cids) { if (is_array($cp_cids)) { if ($cid) { array_search($cid, $cp_cids) === false && iACP::permission_msg('栏目[cid:' . $cid . ']', $ret); } else { $cids = $cp_cids; } } else { $cids = $cid; } if ($_GET['sub'] && $cid) { $cids = $this->categoryApp->get_ids($cid, true); array_push($cids, $cid); } if ($_GET['scid'] && $cid) { iPHP::import(iPHP_APP_CORE . '/iMAP.class.php'); map::init('category', $this->appid); $map_where += map::where($cids); } else { $sql .= iPHP::where($cids, 'cid'); } } else { $sql .= iPHP::where('-1', 'cid'); } if ($_GET['keywords']) { $kws = $_GET['keywords']; switch ($_GET['st']) { case "title": $sql .= " AND `title` REGEXP '{$kws}'"; break; case "tag": $sql .= " AND `tags` REGEXP '{$kws}'"; break; case "source": $sql .= " AND `source` REGEXP '{$kws}'"; break; case "weight": $sql .= " AND `weight`='{$kws}'"; break; case "id": $sql .= " AND `id` REGEXP '{$kws}'"; break; case "tkd": $sql .= " AND CONCAT(title,keywords,description) REGEXP '{$kws}'"; break; } } $_GET['title'] && ($sql .= " AND `title` like '%{$_GET['title']}%'"); $_GET['tag'] && ($sql .= " AND `tags` REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . preg_quote(rawurldecode($_GET['tag']), '/') . "[[:>:]]'"); $_GET['starttime'] && ($sql .= " AND `pubdate`>='" . iPHP::str2time($_GET['starttime'] . " 00:00:00") . "'"); $_GET['endtime'] && ($sql .= " AND `pubdate`<='" . iPHP::str2time($_GET['endtime'] . " 23:59:59") . "'"); isset($_GET['pic']) && ($sql .= " AND `haspic` ='" . ($_GET['pic'] ? 1 : 0) . "'"); isset($_GET['userid']) && ($uri_array['userid'] = (int) $_GET['userid']); isset($_GET['keyword']) && ($uri_array['keyword'] = $_GET['keyword']); isset($_GET['tag']) && ($uri_array['tag'] = $_GET['tag']); isset($_GET['pt']) && ($uri_array['pt'] = $_GET['pt']); isset($_GET['cid']) && ($uri_array['cid'] = $_GET['cid']); $uri_array && ($uri = http_build_query($uri_array)); $orderby = $_GET['orderby'] ? $_GET['orderby'] : "id DESC"; $maxperpage = $_GET['perpage'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['perpage'] : 20; if ($map_where) { $map_sql = iCMS::map_sql($map_where); $sql = ",({$map_sql}) map {$sql} AND `id` = map.`iid`"; } $total = iPHP::total(false, articleTable::count_sql($sql), "G"); iPHP::pagenav($total, $maxperpage, "篇文章"); $limit = 'LIMIT ' . iPHP::$offset . ',' . $maxperpage; if ($map_sql || iPHP::$offset) { // if($map_sql){ $ids_array = iDB::all("\n SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__article` {$sql}\n ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit}\n "); //iDB::debug(1); $ids = iCMS::get_ids($ids_array); $ids = $ids ? $ids : '0'; $sql = "WHERE `id` IN({$ids})"; // }else{ // $sql = ",( // SELECT `id` AS aid FROM `#iCMS@__article` {$sql} // ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit} // ) AS art WHERE `id` = art.aid "; // } $limit = ''; } $rs = iDB::all("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` {$sql} ORDER BY {$orderby} {$limit}"); //iDB::debug(1); $_count = count($rs); include iACP::view("article.manage"); }
public static function pagenav($total, $displaypg = 20, $unit = "条记录", $url = '', $target = '') { iPHP::loadClass("Pages"); $pageconf = array('url' => $url, 'target' => $target, 'total' => $total, 'perpage' => $displaypg, 'total_type' => 'G', 'lang' => iPHP::lang(iPHP_APP . ':page')); $pageconf['lang']['format_left'] = '<li>'; $pageconf['lang']['format_right'] = '</li>'; $iPages = new iPages($pageconf); self::$offset = $iPages->offset; self::$pagenav = '<ul>' . (self::$pagenav .= $iPages->show(3)); self::$pagenav .= "<li> <span class=\"muted\">{$total}{$unit} {$displaypg}{$unit}/页 共{$iPages->totalpage}页</span></li>"; if ($iPages->totalpage > 200) { $url = $iPages->get_url(1); self::$pagenav .= "<li> <span class=\"muted\">跳到 <input type=\"text\" id=\"pageselect\" style=\"width:24px;height:12px;margin-bottom: 0px;line-height: 12px;\" /> 页 <input class=\"btn btn-small\" type=\"button\" onClick=\"window.location='{$url}&page='+\$('#pageselect').val();\" value=\"跳转\" style=\"height: 22px;line-height: 18px;\"/></span></li>"; } else { self::$pagenav .= "<li> <span class=\"muted\">跳到" . $iPages->select() . "页</span></li>"; } self::$pagenav .= '</ul>'; }