  * Extra validation for training disruptions to make sure the disruption date
  * is after the intake date of the training being disrupted.
 protected function validate()
     if (I2CE_Validate::checkDate($this->getPrimary()->disruption_date) && $this->getPrimary()->disruption_date->before($this->getParent()->intake_date)) {
         $this->getPrimary()->setInvalidMessage("disruption_date", "bad_date");
  * Extra validation for training disruptions to make sure the disruption date
  * is after the intake date of the training being disrupted.
 protected function validate()
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         if (!I2CE_Validate::checkDate($this->getPrimary()->resumption_date)) {
             $this->getPrimary()->setInvalidMessage("resumption_date", 'required');