$label = i18n::s('Security salt'); $input = '<input type="text" name="bbb_salt" id="bbb_salt" size="32" value="' . encode_field(isset($context['bbb_salt']) ? $context['bbb_salt'] : '') . '" maxlength="255" />'; $fields[] = array($label, $input); // build the form $context['text'] .= Skin::build_form($fields); $fields = array(); // bottom commands $menu = array(); // the submit button $local['submit_en'] = 'Submit'; $local['submit_fr'] = 'Enregistrer'; $local['title_en'] = 'Press [s] to save data'; $local['title_fr'] = 'Appuyer sur [s] pour enregistrer les données'; $menu[] = Skin::build_submit_button(i18n::user('submit'), i18n::user('title'), 's'); // control panel $menu[] = Skin::build_link('control/', i18n::user('Control Panel'), 'span'); // insert the menu in the page $context['text'] .= Skin::finalize_list($menu, 'assistant_bar'); // end of the form $context['text'] .= '</form>'; // no modifications in demo mode } elseif (file_exists($context['path_to_root'] . 'parameters/demo.flag')) { Safe::header('Status: 401 Unauthorized', TRUE, 401); Logger::error(i18n::s('You are not allowed to perform this operation.')); // save updated parameters } else { // build the new configuration file $content = '<?php' . "\n" . '// This file has been created by the configuration script overlays/bbb_meetings/configure.php' . "\n" . '// on ' . gmdate("F j, Y, g:i a") . ' GMT, for ' . Surfer::get_name() . '. Please do not modify it manually.' . "\n"; if (isset($_REQUEST['bbb_server'])) { $content .= '$context[\'bbb_server\']=\'' . addcslashes($_REQUEST['bbb_server'], "\\'") . "';\n"; }
echo i18n::user('error') . "<br />\n"; } // we have something in hand if ($content) { // create missing directories where applicable Safe::make_path(dirname($file)); // create backups, if possible if (file_exists($context['path_to_root'] . $file)) { Safe::unlink($context['path_to_root'] . $file . '.bak'); Safe::rename($context['path_to_root'] . $file, $context['path_to_root'] . $file . '.bak'); } // update the target file if (!Safe::file_put_contents($file, $content)) { $local['label_en'] = 'Impossible to write to the file ' . $file . '.'; $local['label_fr'] = 'Impossible d\'écrire le fichier ' . $file . '.'; echo i18n::user('label') . "<br />\n"; } else { $local['label_en'] = 'has been updated'; $local['label_fr'] = 'a été mis à jour'; echo $file . ' ' . i18n::user('label') . "<br />\n"; } } // next one $count += 1; Safe::set_time_limit(30); } // basic reporting $local['label_en'] = 'files have been copied'; $local['label_fr'] = 'fichiers ont été copiés'; echo $count . ' ' . i18n::user('label') . "<br />\n";
/** * format a time stamp * * Accept either a time stamp, or a formatted string as input parameter: * - YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS * - YYMMDD HH:MM:SS GMT * * @param int or string the time to be displayed * @param string the variant -- reserved for future use * @param string the language to express this stamp * @return string the HTML to be used */ public static function &build_time($stamp, $variant = NULL, $language = NULL) { global $context, $local; // return by reference $output = ''; // sanity check if (!isset($stamp) || !$stamp) { return $output; } // surfer offset $surfer_offset = Surfer::get_gmt_offset(); // YYMMDD-HH:MM:SS GMT -- this one is natively GMT if (preg_match('/GMT$/', $stamp) && strlen($stamp) == 19) { // YYMMDD-HH:MM:SS GMT -> HH, MM, SS, MM, DD, YY $actual_stamp = mktime(substr($stamp, 7, 2), substr($stamp, 10, 2), substr($stamp, 13, 2), substr($stamp, 2, 2), substr($stamp, 4, 2), substr($stamp, 0, 2)); // adjust to surfer time zone $actual_stamp += $surfer_offset * 3600; // time()-like stamp } elseif (intval($stamp) > 1000000000) { // adjust to surfer time zone $actual_stamp = intval($stamp) + $surfer_offset * 3600; // YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or a string that can be readed } elseif (($actual_stamp = strtotime($stamp)) != -1) { // adjust to surfer time zone $actual_stamp += $surfer_offset * 3600; } else { $output = '*' . $stamp . '*'; return $output; } if (!($items = @getdate($actual_stamp))) { $output = '*' . $stamp . '*'; return $output; } // if undefined language, use surfer language if (!$language) { $language = $context['language']; } // format the time $local['label_en'] = date('h:i a', $actual_stamp); $local['label_fr'] = date('H:i', $actual_stamp); $output = i18n::user('label'); return $output; }
function get_local($label, $language = NULL) { return i18n::user($label, $language); }