define('DC_ROOT', path::real(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); define('DC_VERSION', '2.1.6'); define('DC_DIGESTS', dirname(__FILE__) . '/digests'); define('DC_L10N_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../locales'); define('DC_L10N_UPDATE_URL', ''); if (!defined('DC_VENDOR_NAME')) { define('DC_VENDOR_NAME', 'Dotclear'); } if (!defined('DC_XMLRPC_URL')) { define('DC_XMLRPC_URL', '%1$sxmlrpc/%2$s'); } if (!defined('DC_ADMIN_SSL')) { define('DC_ADMIN_SSL', false); } if (defined('DC_FORCE_SCHEME_443') && DC_FORCE_SCHEME_443) { http::$https_scheme_on_443 = true; } if (!defined('DC_DBPERSIST')) { define('DC_DBPERSIST', false); } if (!defined('DC_UPDATE_URL')) { define('DC_UPDATE_URL', ''); } if (!defined('DC_UPDATE_VERSION')) { define('DC_UPDATE_VERSION', 'stable'); } try { $core = new dcCore(DC_DBDRIVER, DC_DBHOST, DC_DBNAME, DC_DBUSER, DC_DBPASSWORD, DC_DBPREFIX, DC_DBPERSIST); } catch (Exception $e) { __error($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode() == 0 ? '<p>This either means that the username and password information in ' . 'your <strong>config.php</strong> file is incorrect or we can\'t contact ' . 'the database server at "<em>' . DC_DBHOST . '</em>". This could mean your ' . 'host\'s database server is down.</p> ' . '<ul><li>Are you sure you have the correct username and password?</li>' . '<li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?</li>' . '<li>Are you sure that the database server is running?</li></ul>' . '<p>If you\'re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact ' . 'your host. If you still need help you can always visit the ' . '<a href="">Dotclear Support Forums</a>.</p>' : '', 20); }