public static function taxDataHtml($field) { $listOfDest = array(); if (!is_array($field->value)) { if (empty($field->value)) { $field->value = array(); } else { $field->value = (array) json_decode($field->value, true); } } foreach (self::$userfieldDest as $d) { $listOfDest[] = array('id' => $d, 'text' => $d, 'checked' => is_array($field->value['dest']) && in_array($d, $field->value['dest'])); } $categories = frameGmp::_()->getModule('products')->getCategories(); $brands = frameGmp::_()->getModule('products')->getBrands(); $cOptions = array(); $bOptions = array(); if (!empty($categories)) { if (!is_array($field->value['categories'])) { $field->value['categories'] = array(); } foreach ($categories as $c) { $cOptions[] = array('id' => $c->term_taxonomy_id, 'text' => $c->cat_name, 'checked' => in_array($c->term_taxonomy_id, $field->value['categories'])); } } if (!empty($brands)) { if (!is_array($field->value['brands'])) { $field->value['brands'] = array(); } foreach ($brands as $b) { $bOptions[] = array('id' => $b->term_taxonomy_id, 'text' => $b->cat_name, 'checked' => in_array($b->term_taxonomy_id, $field->value['brands'])); } } return '<div>' . __('Apply To', GMP_LANG_CODE) . ' <div id="tax_address"> <b>' . __('Address', GMP_LANG_CODE) . '</b><br /> ' . __('Destination', GMP_LANG_CODE) . ':' . htmlGmp::checkboxlist('params[dest]', array('optionsGmp' => $listOfDest)) . '<br /> ' . __('Country', GMP_LANG_CODE) . ':' . htmlGmp::countryList('params[country]', array('notSelected' => true, 'value' => $field->value['country'])) . '<br /> </div> <div id="tax_category"> <b>' . __('Categories', GMP_LANG_CODE) . '</b><br /> ' . (empty($cOptions) ? __('You have no categories', GMP_LANG_CODE) : htmlGmp::checkboxlist('params[categories][]', array('optionsGmp' => $cOptions))) . '<br /> <b>' . __('Brands', GMP_LANG_CODE) . '</b><br /> ' . (empty($bOptions) ? __('You have no brands', GMP_LANG_CODE) : htmlGmp::checkboxlist('params[brands][]', array('optionsGmp' => $bOptions))) . '<br /> </div> <div>' . __('Tax Rate', GMP_LANG_CODE) . ': ' . htmlGmp::text('params[rate]', array('value' => $field->value['rate'])) . '</div> <div>' . __('Absolute', GMP_LANG_CODE) . ': ' . htmlGmp::checkbox('params[absolute]', array('checked' => $field->value['absolute'])) . '</div> </div>'; }
<tr> <th scope="row"> <label for="marker_opts_description_mouse_hover"> <?php _e('Show description by mouse hover', GMP_LANG_CODE); ?> : </label> <i style="float: right;" class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php _e('Open marker description by mouse hover', GMP_LANG_CODE); ?> "></i> </th> <td> <?php echo htmlGmp::checkbox('marker_opts[params][description_mouse_hover]', array('checked' => '')); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <label for="marker_opts_marker_group_id"> <?php _e('Marker Category', GMP_LANG_CODE); ?> : </label> <i style="float: right;" class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php _e('Choose marker category', GMP_LANG_CODE); ?> "></i>
?> :</label> <?php echo htmlGmp::text($this->widget->get_field_name('height'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('height') . '"', 'value' => isset($this->data['height']) ? $this->data['height'] : '')); ?> <br /> <label for="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('display_as_img'); ?> "><?php _e('Display as image', GMP_LANG_CODE); ?> :</label> <?php echo htmlGmp::checkbox($this->widget->get_field_name('display_as_img'), array('attrs' => 'id="' . $this->widget->get_field_id('display_as_img') . '"', 'checked' => isset($this->data['display_as_img']))); ?> <br /> <i><?php _e('Map will be displayed as image at sidebar, on click - will be opened in popup', GMP_LANG_CODE); ?> </i><br /> <div id="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('img_params_shell'); ?> " style="display: none;"> <label for="<?php echo $this->widget->get_field_id('img_height'); ?> "><?php _e('Image width (in px)', GMP_LANG_CODE);
<?php echo htmlGmp::button(array('value' => langGmp::_('Export Maps'), 'attrs' => 'id="gmpCsvExportMapsBtn" class="btn btn-success"')); ?> <?php echo htmlGmp::button(array('value' => langGmp::_('Export Markers'), 'attrs' => 'id="gmpCsvExportMarkersBtn" class="btn btn-success"')); ?> <br /> <?php echo htmlGmp::checkbox('csv_export_with_markers', array('attrs' => 'id="gmpCsvWithMarkersCheck"')); ?> <label for="gmpCsvWithMarkersCheck"><?php langGmp::_e('Export maps with markers'); ?> </label> </div> <hr /> <div class="gmpFormRow"> <?php echo htmlGmp::ajaxfile('csv_import_file', array('url' => uriGmp::_(array('baseUrl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'page' => 'csv', 'action' => 'import', 'reqType' => 'ajax')), 'data' => 'gmpCsvImportData', 'buttonName' => 'Import Maps / Markers', 'responseType' => 'json', 'onSubmit' => 'gmpCsvImportOnSubmit', 'onComplete' => 'gmpCsvImportOnComplete', 'btn_class' => 'btn btn-success')); ?> <br /> <span id="gmpCsvImportMsg"></span> <br /> <?php echo htmlGmp::checkbox('csv_import_overwrite_same_names', array('attrs' => 'id="gmpCsvOverwriteSameNames"')); ?> <label for="gmpCsvOverwriteSameNames"><?php langGmp::_e('Overwrite data with same names'); ?> </label> </div>
private function _convertDataForDatatable($list) { foreach ($list as $i => $marker) { $list[$i]['marker_check'] = htmlGmp::checkbox('marker_check[' . $list[$i]['id'] . ']'); $list[$i]['list_icon'] = $this->getView()->getListIcon($list[$i]); $list[$i]['list_title'] = $this->getView()->getListTitle($list[$i]); $list[$i]['group_title'] = $list[$i]['marker_group']['title']; $list[$i]['list_address'] = $this->getView()->getListAddress($list[$i]); $list[$i]['uses_on_map'] = $this->getView()->getListUsesOnMap($list[$i]); $list[$i]['operations'] = $this->getView()->getListOperations($list[$i]); } return $list; }
echo htmlGmp::text('marker_opts[title]', array('attrs' => 'class="gmpInputLarge gmpMarkerTitleOpt gmpHintElem" id="gmpNewMap_marker_title" required="required"', 'hint' => 'Title For Marker')); ?> </div> <label for="gmpNewMap_marker_title" class="gmpFormLabel"><?php langGmp::_e('Marker Name'); ?> </label> </div> <div class="gmpFormRow"> <label for="" class="gmpFormLabel"><?php langGmp::_e('Set Title as link'); ?> </label> <div class="gmpFormElemCon"> <?php echo htmlGmp::checkbox('marker_opts[params][title_is_link]', array('attrs' => 'class="title_is_link gmpMarkerTitleIsLinkOpt gmpHintElem"', 'hint' => langGmp::_('Set Marker Title As Link'))); ?> </div> <div class="markerTitleLink_Container"> <?php echo htmlGmp::text('marker_opts[params][marker_title_link]', array('attrs' => 'id="marker_title_link" class="marker_title_link gmpMarkerTitleIsLinkOpt gmpHintElem" placeholder=""', 'hint' => langGmp::_('Link For Title'))); ?> </div> </div> <div class="gmpFormRow"> <div class="gmpFormElemCon"> <?php $groupArr = array(); foreach ($this->marker_opts['groups'] as $item) { $groupArr[$item['id']] = $item['title']; }