<div class="bupMargDest"> <?php echo htmlBup::radiobutton('dest_opt', array('attrs' => 'class="' . $not_piad . '"', 'value' => 'amazon', 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('glb_dest') == 'amazon' ? 'checked' : '')); ?> Amazon S3 </div> <div class="bupMargDest"> <?php echo htmlBup::radiobutton('dest_opt', array('attrs' => 'class="' . $not_piad . '"', 'value' => 'onedrive', 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('glb_dest') == 'onedrive' ? 'checked' : '')); ?> Microsoft OneDrive </div> <div> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('page', array('value' => 'options')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('action', array('value' => 'saveMainFromDestGroup')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::submit('saveAll', array('value' => langBup::_('Save'), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large"')); ?> </div> <div id="bupMainFormOptionsMsg"></div> </form> </div>
/** * Returns credentials form * * @since 1.1 * @param array $defaults * @return array */ protected function getCredentialsForm($defaults = array()) { return array('legend' => __('Enter your AWS Access Key,<br/>Secret Key and Bucket name', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Access Key', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'field' => htmlBup::text('access', array('value' => isset($defaults['access']) ? $defaults['access'] : '', 'attrs' => 'class="inputField100per"'))), array('label' => __('Secret Key', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'field' => htmlBup::text('secret', array('value' => isset($defaults['access']) ? $defaults['access'] : '', 'attrs' => 'class="inputField100per"'))), array('label' => __('Bucket', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'field' => htmlBup::text('bucket', array('value' => isset($defaults['bucket']) ? $defaults['bucket'] : '', 'attrs' => 'class="inputField100per"')))), 'extra' => array(htmlBup::button(array('value' => __(' Save ', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large" id="bupAmazonCredentials"')))); }
<?php foreach ($this->storageData[2] as $el) { ?> <?php $name = frameBup::_()->getModule('backup')->getModel()->fileNameFormat($el, 'prefix'); $name = $name == 'full' && preg_match('~\\.sql~', $el) ? 'database' : $name; //if ($name == 'full' && preg_match('~\.sql~', $el)) continue; ?> <tr class="tabStr"> <td align="right" style="height:20px !important; margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important; " ><?php echo ucfirst($name); ?> </td> <td width="162"> <?php echo htmlBup::submit($el, array('value' => langBup::_('Restore'), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-small restoreBup" id="' . $this->storageData[0] . '"')); ?> <a class="button button-primary button-small bupButDownload" href="<?php echo substr(BUP_URL, 0, strlen(BUP_URL) - 1) . frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('warehouse') . $el; ?> " title="download">Download</a> <a class="delBackup" id="del|<?php echo $this->storageData[0] . '|' . $el, '|' . $name; ?> " href="javascript:void (0)" title="delete"></a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </fieldset>
?> <?php $attrs[] = 'style="display:none;"'; ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php $style = 'display:none;'; ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo htmlBup::submit('backupnow', array('value' => __('Where to Backup:', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'attrs' => implode(' ', $attrs))); ?> <div id="bupInfo"> <p style="font-size: 15px;"><?php _e('Available space:', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> <br/> <?php if (frameBup::_()->getModule('warehouse')->getWarehouseStatus() && function_exists('disk_free_space')) { ?> <?php echo frameBup::_()->humanSize(disk_free_space(frameBup::_()->getModule('warehouse')->getPath())); ?> <?php } else { ?>
<td> <?php echo htmlBup::$htmlType($fName, $htmlParams); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <th scope="row" colspan="2"> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('mod', array('value' => 'supsystic_promo')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('action', array('value' => 'sendContact')); ?> <button class="button button-primary button-hero" style="float: right;"> <i class="fa fa-upload"></i> <?php _e('Send email', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> </button> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </th> </tr> </table> </form> <div id="form-settings-send-msg" style="display: none;"> <i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> <?php
<img id="cspOptLogoImgPrev" src="<?php echo $this->optModel->isEmpty('logo_image') ? '' : frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getLogoImgFullPath(); ?> " style="max-width: 200px;" /> </div> <div class="cspRightCol"> <div class="cspTip cspTipArrowLeft nomargin"> <?php langBup::_e('Choose your logo, you can use png, jpg or gif image file.'); ?> <span class="cspTipCorner"></span> </div> <br /> <div class="cspTip cspTipArrowDown nomargin"> <?php langBup::_e('You can use default logo, your own or disable it. To disable logo on Coming Soon page click "Remove image" button bellow.'); ?> <span class="cspTipCorner"></span> </div> <br /> <?php echo htmlBup::button(array('value' => langBup::_('Remove image'), 'attrs' => 'id="cspLogoRemove" class="button button-large" style="width:100%;"')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::button(array('value' => langBup::_('Set default'), 'attrs' => 'id="cspLogoSetDefault" class="button button-large" style="width:100%;"')); ?> <div id="cspAdminOptLogoDefaultMsg"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#toePagesRecreate').click(function(){ jQuery(this).sendForm({ msgElID: 'toePagesOptionsMsg', data: {page: 'pagesBup', action: 'recreatePages', reqType: 'ajax'} }); return false; }); }); // --> </script> <h1><?php langBup::_e('Pages Options'); ?> </h1> <table> <tr> <td><?php echo htmlBup::inputButton(array('value' => langBup::_('Recreate Pages'), 'attrs' => 'id="toePagesRecreate"')); ?> </td> <td><a href="#" class="toeOptTip" tip="<?php langBup::_e('If you accidently deleted one of plugin page - Login, or Checkout, or Shopping cart for example, just click on this button - and pages, that you deleted, will be created again. Do not use it without emergency.'); ?> "></a></td> </tr> </table> <div id="toePagesOptionsMsg"></div>
<li>Backup in archive</li> <li>Restore backups anywhere</li> </ul> <p>So check full features list <a target="_blank" href="http://readyshoppingcart.com/wordpress-backup-plugin/">here</a>.</p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('page', array('value' => 'promo_ready')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('action', array('value' => 'bupSendInfo')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('reqType', array('value' => 'ajax')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::submit('gonext', array('value' => 'Thank for check info. Start using plugin.', 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-hero"')); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('original_page', array('value' => reqBup::getVar('page'))); ?> <!-- <a class="button button-primary button-hero bupSendInfo" href="javascript:void(0)">Thank for check info. Start using plugin.</a>--> <span id="bupWelcomePageFindUsMsg"></span> </form> </div> </div>
<script type="text/javascript"> // <!-- jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#toePagesRecreate').click(function(){ jQuery(this).sendForm({ msgElID: 'toePagesOptionsMsg', data: {page: 'pagesBup', action: 'recreatePages', reqType: 'ajax'} }); return false; }); }); // --> </script> <h1><?php _e('Pages Options', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> </h1> <table> <tr> <td><?php echo htmlBup::inputButton(array('value' => __('Recreate Pages', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'attrs' => 'id="toePagesRecreate"')); ?> </td> <td><a href="#" class="toeOptTip" tip="<?php _e('If you accidently deleted one of plugin page - Login, or Checkout, or Shopping cart for example, just click on this button - and pages, that you deleted, will be created again. Do not use it without emergency.', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> "></a></td> </tr> </table> <div id="toePagesOptionsMsg"></div>
/** * Function to process field params */ public function processParams($tag, $id) { return ''; if ($this->name == "params") { if (is_array($this->value) || is_object($this->value)) { $params = $this->value; } else { $params = json_decode($this->value); } $add_option = ''; switch ($tag) { case 5: $add_option = langBup::_('Add Checkbox'); $options_tag = ''; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 9: $add_option = langBup::_('Add Item'); $options_tag = ''; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 12: $add_option = langBup::_('Add Item'); $options_tag = ''; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 10: $options_tag = ''; $add_option = langBup::_('Add Radio Button'); $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; case 8: $image_tag = ''; $options_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; default: $options_tag = ' style="display:none"'; $image_tag = ' style="display:none"'; break; } if ($tag > 0 || $id == 0) { $output .= '<div class="options options_tag"' . $options_tag . '>'; $output .= '<span class="add_option">' . $add_option . '</span>'; $output .= fieldAdapterBup::_($id, 'getExtraFieldOptions', fieldAdapterBup::STR); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="options image_tag"' . $image_tag . '>' . langBup::_('Dimensions') . ':<br />'; $params->width ? $width = $params->width : ''; $params->height ? $height = $params->height : ''; $output .= langBup::_('width') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlBup::text('params[width]', array('value' => $width)) . '<br />'; $output .= langBup::_('height') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlBup::text('params[height]', array('value' => $height)) . '<br />'; $output .= '</div>'; } if ($this->adapt['htmlParams']) { $output .= fieldAdapterBup::_($this, $this->adapt['htmlParams'], fieldAdapterBup::STR); } else { $output .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="set_properties">' . langBup::_('Click to set field "id" and "class"') . '</a>'; $output .= '<div class="attributes" style="display:none;">' . langBup::_('Attributes') . ':<br />'; $output .= fieldAdapterBup::_($params, 'getFieldAttributes', fieldAdapterBup::STR); $output .= '</div>'; } return $output; } }
public static function textFieldsDynamicTable($name, $params = array('value' => '', 'attrs' => '', 'options' => array())) { $res = ''; if (empty($params['options'])) { $params['options'] = array(0 => array('label' => '')); } if (!empty($params['options'])) { $pattern = array(); foreach ($params['options'] as $key => $p) { $pattern[$key] = htmlBup::text($name . '[][' . $key . ']'); } $countOptions = count($params['options']); $remove = '<a href="#" onclick="toeRemoveTextFieldsDynamicTable(this); return false;">remove</a>'; $add = '<a href="#" onclick="toeAddTextFieldsDynamicTable(this, ' . $countOptions . '); return false;">add</a>'; $res = '<div class="toeTextFieldsDynamicTable">'; if (empty($params['value'])) { $params['value'] = array(); } elseif (!is_array($params['value'])) { $params['value'] = utilsBup::jsonDecode($params['value']); //$params['value'] = $params['value'][0]; } $i = 0; do { $res .= '<div class="toeTextFieldDynamicRow">'; foreach ($params['options'] as $key => $p) { switch ($countOptions) { case 1: if (isset($params['value'][$i])) { $value = is_array($params['value'][$i]) ? $params['value'][$i][$key] : $params['value'][$i]; } else { $value = ''; } break; case 2: default: $value = isset($params['value'][$i][$key]) ? $params['value'][$i][$key] : ''; break; } $paramsForText = array('value' => $value); $res .= __($p['label'], BUP_LANG_CODE) . htmlBup::text($name . '[' . $i . '][' . $key . ']', $paramsForText); } $res .= $remove . '</div>'; $i++; } while ($i < count($params['value'])); $res .= $add; $res .= '</div>'; } return $res; }
echo htmlBup::checkbox('__toggleWarehouseAbs', array('attrs' => 'class="bupCheckbox wareabs" id="warehouseToggle"', 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('warehouse_abs') == 1 ? 'checked' : '')); ?> <div <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('warehouse_abs'); ?> " name="opt_values[warehouse_abs]"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <i class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php _e('Path to directory, where will be stored backup files.', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> "></i> <span id="abspath"><?php echo ABSPATH; ?> </span><wbr><span id="realpath"></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php echo htmlBup::hidden('backupDest', array('value' => $this->backupDest)); ?> <div id="bupMainFormOptionsMsg"></div> </div> </form> </div>
<?php if (!empty($this->tplModules)) { ?> <?php foreach ($this->tplModules as $tplMod) { ?> <div class="cspAdminTemplateShell cspAdminTemplateShell-<?php echo $tplMod->getCode(); ?> "> <a href="#" onclick="return setTemplateOptionBup('<?php echo $tplMod->getCode(); ?> ');"><?php echo htmlBup::img($tplMod->getPrevImgPath(), false, array('attrs' => 'class="cspAdminTemplateImgPrev"')); ?> </a> <br /> <a href="#" onclick="return setTemplateOptionBup('<?php echo $tplMod->getCode(); ?> ');"><?php echo $tplMod->getLabel(); ?> </a> <div class="cspAdminTemplateSaveMsg"></div> </div> <?php } ?>
/** * Function to get field params * * @param object $params */ public static function getFieldAttributes($params) { $output = ''; if (!empty($params->attr)) { foreach ($params->attr as $key => $value) { $output .= langBup::_($key) . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlBup::text('params[attr][' . $key . ']', array('value' => $value)) . '<br />'; } } else { $output .= langBup::_('class') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlBup::text('params[attr][class]', array('value' => '')) . '<br />'; $output .= langBup::_('id') . ':<br />'; $output .= htmlBup::text('params[attr][id]', array('value' => '')) . '<br />'; } return $output; }
?> :</h4> <?php echo htmlBup::textarea('opt_values[msg_text]', array('value' => $this->optModel->get('msg_text'))); ?> <div class="cspLeftCol"> <?php langBup::_e('Select color'); ?> : <?php echo htmlBup::colorpicker('opt_values[msg_text_color]', array('value' => $this->optModel->get('msg_text_color'))); ?> </div> <div class="cspRightCol"> <?php langBup::_e('Select font'); ?> : <?php echo htmlBup::fontsList('opt_values[msg_text_font]', array('value' => $this->optModel->get('msg_text_font'))); ?> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div class="clearfix"> <?php echo htmlBup::button(array('value' => langBup::_('Set default'), 'attrs' => 'id="cspMsgTextSetDefault"')); ?> <div id="cspAdminOptMsgTextDefaultMsg"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php echo langBup::_('Exclude:'); echo htmlBup::text('opt_values[exclude]', array('attrs' => 'class="excludeInput" title="If entering multiple files/directories, then separate them with commas."', 'value' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('exclude'))); ?> </div> <div class="emailOpt"> <table> <tr> <td width="120"><?php echo langBup::_('Email notification:'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo htmlBup::checkbox('opt_values[email_ch]', array('attrs' => 'class="bupCheckboxNotUnCheck"', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getValueType('email') ? 'checked' : '')); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="emailAddress" <?php echo frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getValueType('email') ? '' : 'style="display:none"'; ?> > <?php echo htmlBup::text('opt_values[email]', array('attrs' => 'class="excludeInput" placeholder="*****@*****.**" title=""', 'value' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('email'))); ?> </div> </div> </div>
<div id="bupAmazonAlerts"></div> <div id="bupAmazonWrapper"> <section id="bupAmazonLogout"> <?php echo htmlBup::button(array('value' => __('Logout', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large" id="bupAmazonLogoutButton"')); ?> </section> </div>
foreach ($formData as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { foreach ($val as $subKey => $subVal) { echo htmlBup::hidden($key . '[' . $subKey . ']', array('value' => $subVal)); } } else { echo htmlBup::hidden($key, array('value' => $val)); } } ?> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td><?php _e('Delete Plugin Data (options, setup data, database tables, etc.)', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo htmlBup::radiobuttons('deleteOptions', array('options' => array('No', 'Yes'))); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo htmlBup::submit('toeGo', array('value' => __('Done', BUP_LANG_CODE))); ?> <?php echo htmlBup::formEnd(); ?> </div> </body> </html>
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="col-w-30perc"><?php _e('Force Update', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> </th> <td class="col-w-1perc"> <i class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php _e('When backup is performed, the labels are usually put at the beginning of the file dump, such as: WordPress version for the backup; WordPress data-base version for the backup; the plugin version for the backup. At recovering, if the force has been off, the backup will not be performed, because it will constantly pop up with the message, that the version is incorrect (the version of WordPress, the version of WordPress data-base or the plugin version). If the force has been on, there will be no such system check and the recovery will be performed.', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> "></i> </td> <td class="col-w-1perc"><?php echo htmlBup::checkbox('opt_values[force_update]', array('attrs' => 'class="bupCheckbox bupSaveRestoreSetting" data-setting-key="force_update"', 'value' => '1', 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('force_update') == 1 ? 'checked' : '')); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- Log modal window start --> <div id="bupShowLogDlg" title="<?php _e('Backup Log:', BUP_LANG_CODE); ?> "> <p id="bupLogText" style="margin-top: 0"></p> </div> <!-- Log modal window end --> <!-- Migrate promo modal window start -->