function __construct($SET) { $this->id = i(); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgSettingsEditor.js'); $this->SET = $SET; $_SESSION['qgSettingsEditor roots'][$SET->i] = 1; }
function init() { if (is_file(appPATH . 'qg/' . $this->mod . '/pub/main.js')) { html::addJsFile(appURL . 'qg/' . $this->mod . '/pub/main.js'); } html::addCssFile(appURL . 'qg/' . $this->mod . '/pub/base.css', 'dr8og', false); html::addCssFile(appURL . 'qg/' . $this->mod . '/pub/custom.css', 'dr8og', false); if ($gFont = $this->getLayoutPage()->SET['google-font']->v) { $gFont = str_replace('|', '%7C', $gFont); // rawurlencode ? html::$head .= '<link rel=stylesheet href="' . hee($gFont) . '">'; } if ($this->LPage->edit) { html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/qgCssProps.js', '43l5k'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/q1CssText.js', '43l5k'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/qgStyleEditor.js', '43l5k'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/qgStyleSheetEditor.js', '43l5k'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/spectrum.js', '43l5k'); html::addCssFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/spectrum.css', '43l5k', 0); html::addCssFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/qgElSty/main.css', '43l5k'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/plupload/js/plupload.full.js', '43l5k'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.layouter3/pub/edit.js', '43l5k'); } }
return false; } // inside "@" $vs = array('message' => $msg, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'nr' => $nr, 'backtrace' => debug_backtrace(0)); error_report($vs); //return false; }, E_ALL | E_STRICT); // fatal errors register_shutdown_function(function () { // what about errors occurring in other shutdown_functions? $error = error_get_last(); if ($error !== null) { $fatals = array(E_USER_ERROR => 'Fatal Error', E_ERROR => 'Fatal Error', E_PARSE => 'Parse Error', E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error', E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning'); if (isset($fatals[$error['type']])) { $error['message'] = $fatals[$error['type']] . ': ' . $error['message']; error_report($error); } } ini_set("log_errors", 1); }); ini_set("log_errors", 0); qg::on('deliverHtml', function () { if (G()->SET['error_report']['javascript']->v) { html::$compressJs = false; if (G()->SET['error_report']['javascript TraceKit']->v) { html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'error_report/pub/tracekit/tracekit.js', 'core'); // tracekit needs jquery } html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'error_report/pub/main.js', 'core'); } });
<?php namespace qg; html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1.js', 'be-layout'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/fix.js', 'be-layout'); // firefox html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/focusIn.js', 'be-layout'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/targetIn.js', 'be-layout'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/css/theme.js', 'be-layout'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1.js', 'core'); $matches = preg_match('/MSIE ([0-9.]+)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $match); if (isset($match[1]) && $match[1] < 9) { html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/jQuery1.js', 'core'); } else { html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/jQuery.js', 'core'); } html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qg/divers.js', 'core'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/cms.js', 'cms'); html::addCssFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/css/normalize.css', 'be-layout'); html::addCssFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/css/recommend.css', 'be-layout'); html::addCssFile(sysURL . 'core/js/c1/css/theme.css', 'be-layout'); html::$meta['viewport'] = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1'; $Page = $Cont->Page; G()->SET['cms']['backend']['lastpage']->setUser($Page->id); ?> <div> <div id=header> <div id=logo></div> <div id=logo2></div> </div>
function getRaw($vars = array()) { if (!$this->is) { trigger_error('Seite existiert nicht!'); return; } $Cont = $this; $res = is_file($this->modPath . 'control.php') ? include $this->modPath . 'control.php' : null; if (is_file($this->modPath . 'index.php')) { $T = new template($res); $T->assign('vars', $vars); $T->assign('Cont', $this); $str = $T->get($this->modPath . 'index.php'); } else { $str = '<div>' . ($Cont->edit ? L('Das Modul ist nicht existiert nicht!') : '') . '</div>'; } if (is_file($this->modPath . 'pub/main.js')) { html::addJsFile($this->modUrl . 'pub/main.js'); } if (is_file($this->modPath . 'pub/main.css')) { html::addCSSFile($this->modUrl . 'pub/main.css'); } return $str; }
<?php $wurl = sysURL . 'js.webshims/js-webshim/minified/'; html::addJsFile($wurl . 'polyfiller.js', 'core'); html::$js .= "\$.webshims.cfg.basePath = '" . $wurl . "shims/'; "; html::$js .= "\$.webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext'); "; $url = $Cont->modUrl . 'pub/'; $Ticket = new rTicket(); $Ticket->setId($Cont->PFX); $Ticket->setNum(1); if (isset($sent) && $sent) { echo '<p>' . $Cont->text('thankyou') . '</p>'; return; } ?> <form method=post> <?php echo $Ticket->hiddenField(); ?> <table class="mailform c1-padding"> <?php foreach ($Cont->SET['elements'] as $id => $element) { ?> <tr> <?php if ($element['type']->v != 'description') { ?> <td style="width:<?php echo $Cont->SET['namewidth']; ?> px">
<?php namespace qg; if ($Cont->edit) { html::addJsFile($Cont->modUrl . 'pub/edit.js'); } if (!$Cont->SET->has('cols')) { $Cont->SET['cols'] = 2; $Cont->SET['rows'] = 2; } $cols = min((int) $Cont->SET['cols']->v, 15); $rows = min((int) $Cont->SET['rows']->v, 100); $cols = max($cols, 1); $rows = max($rows, 1); $units = $Cont->SET['units']->v === 'px' ? 'px' : '%'; if (isset($_GET['export_table']) and $_GET['export_table'] == $Cont->id) { while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } header('Content-Type: application/x-msdownload'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $Cont->title() . '_' . date("d.m.y") . '.xls"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); $data = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $r = $Cont->SET['direction']->v ? $rows - $i : $i; for ($j = 0; $j < $cols; $j++) { $data .= "\"" . strip_tags($Cont->text($r . '_' . $j)) . "\"\t"; }
html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qg/fileHelpers.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/crossbrowser.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/htmlparser.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/helpers.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/main.css', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/Rte.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/Rte.ui.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgRte/Rte.ui.items.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/jQuery/fn/dynatree.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/jQuery/fn/dynatree/skin-vista/ui.dynatree.css', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgCalendar/date_extend.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgCalendar/qgCalendar.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgCalendar/qgDatePicker.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgCalendar/timepicker/nogray_time_picker.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qgCalendar/calendar.css', 'cms/edit'); html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'core/js/qg/tableHandles.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/frontend.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/rte.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/ddConts.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/dropPaste.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/dropPasteHelper.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/panel.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/tree.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addJSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/js/contextmenu.js', 'cms/edit'); //html::addJSFile( sysURL.'cms/pub/js/help.js', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'core/css/q1Rst.css', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/css/main.css', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/css/panel.css', 'cms/edit'); html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/css/tree.css', 'cms/edit'); } else { html::addCSSFile(sysURL . 'cms/pub/css/off.css', 'cms/noEdit');
function getRaw($vars = array()) { if (!$this->is) { trigger_error('Seite existiert nicht!'); return; } $modPath = sysPATH . $this->vs['module'] . '/'; // dont use the getter; $Cont = $this; $res = is_file($modPath . 'control.php') ? include $modPath . 'control.php' : null; if (is_file($modPath . 'index.php')) { $T = new template($res); $T->assign('vars', $vars); $T->assign('Cont', $this); $str = $T->get($modPath . 'index.php'); qg::fire('cms::parseTemplate', array('Cont' => $Cont, 'string' => &$str)); } else { $str = '<div>' . ($this->edit ? L('Das Modul ist nicht existiert nicht!') : '') . '</div>'; } is_file($modPath . 'pub/main.js') && html::addJsFile($this->modUrl . 'pub/main.js'); is_file($modPath . 'pub/main.css') && html::addCSSFile($this->modUrl . 'pub/main.css'); return $str; }
<?php $Layouter = new cmsLayouter3($Cont->vs['module']); $Layouter->init(); $LPage = $Layouter->getLayoutPage(); if (is_file($Layouter->customPath() . 'main.js')) { html::addJsFile(preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', path2uri($Layouter->customPath() . 'main.js'))); } include $Layouter->customTemplatePath();
} if (G()->SET['cms']['pages']->has($Cont->id)) { // todo: old settings are cached for other pages $Cont->SET->get(); } else { $Cont->_SET = array(); } }; vers::setLog($_GET['qgCmsVersLog']); $generate($pid); vers::setLog(0); } }); qg::on('deliverHtml', function () { if (Page()->edit && !isset($_GET['qgVers'])) { html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'cms.versions/pub/vers.js'); } }); class serverInterface_cms_vers { static function rollBackCont($pid, $log) { $Cont = Page($pid); if ($Cont->access() < 2) { return false; } backToLog($pid, $log); } } function backtoLog($pid, $log) {