  * render spouts params
  * html
  * @return void
 public function params()
     if (!isset($_GET['spout'])) {
         $this->view->error('no spout type given');
     $spoutLoader = new \helpers\SpoutLoader();
     $spout = str_replace("_", "\\", $_GET['spout']);
     $this->view->spout = $spoutLoader->get($spout);
     if ($this->view->spout === false) {
         $this->view->error('invalid spout type given');
     if ($this->view->spout->params !== false) {
         echo $this->view->render('templates/source_params.phtml');
  * updates a given source
  * returns an error or true on success
  * @return void
  * @param mixed $source the current source
 public function fetch($source)
     // logging
     \F3::get('logger')->log('---', \DEBUG);
     \F3::get('logger')->log('start fetching source "' . $source['title'] . ' (id: ' . $source['id'] . ') ', \DEBUG);
     // get spout
     $spoutLoader = new \helpers\SpoutLoader();
     $spout = $spoutLoader->get($source['spout']);
     if ($spout === false) {
         \F3::get('logger')->log('unknown spout: ' . $source['spout'], \ERROR);
     \F3::get('logger')->log('spout successfully loaded: ' . $source['spout'], \DEBUG);
     // receive content
     \F3::get('logger')->log('fetch content', \DEBUG);
     try {
         $spout->load(json_decode(html_entity_decode($source['params']), true));
     } catch (\exception $e) {
         \F3::get('logger')->log('error loading feed content for ' . $source['title'] . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), \ERROR);
         $this->sourceDao->error($source['id'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . 'error loading feed content: ' . $e->getMessage());
     // current date
     $minDate = new \DateTime();
     $minDate->sub(new \DateInterval('P' . \F3::get('items_lifetime') . 'D'));
     \F3::get('logger')->log('minimum date: ' . $minDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), \DEBUG);
     // insert new items in database
     \F3::get('logger')->log('start item fetching', \DEBUG);
     $itemsInFeed = array();
     foreach ($spout as $item) {
         $itemsInFeed[] = $item->getId();
     $itemsFound = $this->itemsDao->findAll($itemsInFeed);
     $lasticon = false;
     foreach ($spout as $item) {
         // item already in database?
         if (isset($itemsFound[$item->getId()])) {
         // test date: continue with next if item too old
         $itemDate = new \DateTime($item->getDate());
         if ($itemDate < $minDate) {
             \F3::get('logger')->log('item "' . $item->getTitle() . '" (' . $item->getDate() . ') older than ' . \F3::get('items_lifetime') . ' days', \DEBUG);
         // date in future? Set current date
         $now = new \DateTime();
         if ($itemDate > $now) {
             $itemDate = $now;
         // insert new item
         \F3::get('logger')->log('start insertion of new item "' . $item->getTitle() . '"', \DEBUG);
         $content = "";
         try {
             // fetch content
             $content = $item->getContent();
             // sanitize content html
             $content = $this->sanitizeContent($content);
         } catch (\exception $e) {
             $content = 'Error: Content not fetched. Reason: ' . $e->getMessage();
             \F3::get('logger')->log('Can not fetch "' . $item->getTitle() . '" : ' . $e->getMessage(), \ERROR);
         // sanitize title
         $title = $this->sanitizeContent($item->getTitle());
         if (strlen(trim($title)) == 0) {
             $title = "[" . \F3::get('lang_no_title') . "]";
         // sanitize author
         $author = htmlspecialchars_decode($item->getAuthor());
         $author = htmLawed($author, array("deny_attribute" => "*", "elements" => "-*"));
         \F3::get('logger')->log('item content sanitized', \DEBUG);
         try {
             $icon = $item->getIcon();
         } catch (\exception $e) {
         $newItem = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'source' => $source['id'], 'datetime' => $itemDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'uid' => $item->getId(), 'thumbnail' => $item->getThumbnail(), 'icon' => $icon !== false ? $icon : "", 'link' => htmLawed($item->getLink(), array("deny_attribute" => "*", "elements" => "-*")), 'author' => $author);
         // save thumbnail
         $newItem = $this->fetchThumbnail($item->getThumbnail(), $newItem);
         // save icon
         $newItem = $this->fetchIcon($item->getIcon(), $newItem, $lasticon);
         // insert new item
         \F3::get('logger')->log('item inserted', \DEBUG);
         \F3::get('logger')->log('Memory usage: ' . memory_get_usage(), \DEBUG);
         \F3::get('logger')->log('Memory peak usage: ' . memory_get_peak_usage(), \DEBUG);
     // destroy feed object (prevent memory issues)
     \F3::get('logger')->log('destroy spout object', \DEBUG);
     // remove previous errors and set last update timestamp
文件: Sources.php 项目: dled/selfoss
  * validate new data for a given source
  * @return bool|mixed true on succes or array of 
  * errors on failure
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $spout
  * @param mixed $params
  * @author Tobias Zeising
 public function validate($title, $spout, $params)
     $result = array();
     // title
     if (strlen(trim($title)) == 0) {
         $result['title'] = 'no text for title given';
     // spout type
     $spoutLoader = new \helpers\SpoutLoader();
     $spout = $spoutLoader->get($spout);
     if ($spout == false) {
         $result['spout'] = 'invalid spout type';
         // check params
     } else {
         // params given but not expected
         if ($spout->params === false) {
             if (is_array($spout->params) && count($spout->params) > 0) {
                 $result['spout'] = 'this spout doesn\'t expect any param';
         if ($spout->params == false) {
             if (count($result) > 0) {
                 return $result;
             return true;
         // required but not given params
         foreach ($spout->params as $id => $param) {
             if ($param['required'] === false) {
             $found = false;
             foreach ($params as $userParamId => $userParamValue) {
                 if ($userParamId == $id) {
                     $found = true;
             if ($found == false) {
                 $result[$id] = 'param ' . $param['title'] . ' required but not given';
         // given params valid?
         foreach ($params as $id => $value) {
             $validation = $spout->params[$id]['validation'];
             if (!is_array($validation)) {
                 $validation = array($validation);
             foreach ($validation as $validate) {
                 if ($validate == 'alpha' && !preg_match("[A-Za-Z._\\b]+", $value)) {
                     $result[$id] = 'only alphabetic characters allowed for ' . $spout->params[$id]['title'];
                 } else {
                     if ($validate == 'email' && !preg_match('/^[^0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]+([.][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*[@][a-zA-Z0-9_]+([.][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*[.][a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/', $value)) {
                         $result[$id] = $spout->params[$id]['title'] . ' is not a valid email address';
                     } else {
                         if ($validate == 'numeric' && !is_numeric($value)) {
                             $result[$id] = 'only numeric values allowed for ' . $spout->params[$id]['title'];
                         } else {
                             if ($validate == 'int' && intval($value) != $value) {
                                 $result[$id] = 'only integer values allowed for ' . $spout->params[$id]['title'];
                             } else {
                                 if ($validate == 'alnum' && !preg_match("[A-Za-Z0-9._\\b]+", $value)) {
                                     $result[$id] = 'only alphanumeric values allowed for ' . $spout->params[$id]['title'];
                                 } else {
                                     if ($validate == 'notempty' && strlen(trim($value)) == 0) {
                                         $result[$id] = 'empty value for ' . $spout->params[$id]['title'] . ' not allowed';
         // select: user sent value which is not a predefined option?
         foreach ($params as $id => $value) {
             if ($spout->params[$id]['type'] != "select") {
             $values = $spout->params[$id]['values'];
             $found = false;
             foreach ($values as $optionName => $optionTitle) {
                 if ($optionName == $value) {
                     $found = true;
             if ($found == false) {
                 $result[$id] = 'param ' . $spout->params[$id]['title'] . ' was not set to a predefined value';
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         return $result;
     return true;
  * render spouts params
  * json
  * @return void
 public function write()
     $sourcesDao = new \daos\Sources();
     // read data
     parse_str(\F3::get('BODY'), $data);
     if (!isset($data['title'])) {
         $this->view->jsonError(array('title' => 'no data for title given'));
     if (!isset($data['spout'])) {
         $this->view->jsonError(array('spout' => 'no data for spout given'));
     // clean up title and tag data to prevent XSS
     $title = htmlspecialchars($data['title']);
     $tags = htmlspecialchars($data['tags']);
     $spout = $data['spout'];
     $filter = $data['filter'];
     $isAjax = isset($data['ajax']);
     $spout = str_replace("_", "\\", $spout);
     // check if source already exists
     $id = \F3::get('PARAMS["id"]');
     $sourceExists = $sourcesDao->isValid('id', $id);
     // load password value if not changed for spouts containing passwords
     if ($sourceExists) {
         $spoutLoader = new \helpers\SpoutLoader();
         $spoutInstance = $spoutLoader->get($spout);
         foreach ($spoutInstance->params as $spoutParamName => $spoutParam) {
             if ($spoutParam['type'] == 'password' && empty($data[$spoutParamName])) {
                 if (!isset($oldSource)) {
                     $oldSource = $sourcesDao->get($id);
                     $oldParams = json_decode(html_entity_decode($oldSource['params']), true);
                 $data[$spoutParamName] = $oldParams[$spoutParamName];
     $validation = $sourcesDao->validate($title, $spout, $data);
     if ($validation !== true) {
     // add/edit source
     if (!$sourceExists) {
         $id = $sourcesDao->add($title, $tags, $filter, $spout, $data);
     } else {
         $sourcesDao->edit($id, $title, $tags, $filter, $spout, $data);
     // autocolor tags
     $tagsDao = new \daos\Tags();
     $tags = explode(",", $tags);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
     // cleanup tags
     $return = array('success' => true, 'id' => $id);
     // only for selfoss ui (update stats in navigation)
     if ($isAjax) {
         // get new tag list with updated count values
         $tagController = new \controllers\Tags();
         $return['tags'] = $tagController->tagsListAsString();
         // get new sources list
         $sourcesController = new \controllers\Sources();
         $return['sources'] = $sourcesController->sourcesListAsString();
文件: Sources.php 项目: dled/selfoss
  * returns all sources including last icon
  * @return mixed all sources
 public function getWithIcon()
     $ret = \F3::get('db')->exec('SELECT
             sources.id, sources.title, sources.tags, sources.spout,
             sources.params, sources.filter, sources.error, sources.lastentry, 
             sourceicons.icon AS icon
         FROM ' . \F3::get('db_prefix') . 'sources AS sources
             (SELECT items.source, icon
              FROM ' . \F3::get('db_prefix') . 'items AS items,
                   (SELECT source, MAX(id) as maxid
                    FROM ' . \F3::get('db_prefix') . 'items AS items
                    WHERE icon IS NOT NULL AND icon != \'\'
                    GROUP BY items.source) AS icons
              WHERE items.id=icons.maxid AND items.source=icons.source
              ) AS sourceicons
             ON sources.id=sourceicons.source
         ORDER BY ' . $this->stmt->nullFirst('sources.error', 'DESC') . ', lower(sources.title)');
     $spoutLoader = new \helpers\SpoutLoader();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($ret); $i++) {
         $ret[$i]['spout_obj'] = $spoutLoader->get($ret[$i]['spout']);
     return $ret;
  * returns all sources
  * @return mixed all sources
 public function get()
     $ret = \F3::get('db')->exec('SELECT id, title, tags, spout, params, error FROM ' . \F3::get('db_prefix') . 'sources ORDER BY error DESC, lower(title) ASC');
     $spoutLoader = new \helpers\SpoutLoader();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($ret); $i++) {
         $ret[$i]['spout_obj'] = $spoutLoader->get($ret[$i]['spout']);
     return $ret;