function gwolle_gb_page_import()
    global $wpdb;
    $gwolle_gb_errors = '';
    $gwolle_gb_messages = '';
    //if ( WP_DEBUG ) { echo "_POST: "; var_dump($_POST); }
    if (function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        die(__('Cheatin’ uh?', 'gwolle-gb'));
    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_page']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_page'] == 'gwolle_gb_import') {
        if (isset($_POST['start_import_dms'])) {
            // Import all entries from DMSGuestbook
            // Does the table of DMSGuestbook exist?
            $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSHOW\n\t\t\t\tTABLES\n\t\t\t\tLIKE '" . $wpdb->prefix . "dmsguestbook'";
            $foundTables = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
            if (isset($foundTables[0]) && in_array($wpdb->prefix . 'dmsguestbook', $foundTables[0])) {
                $result = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`name`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`email`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`url`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`date`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`ip`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`message`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`spam`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`additional`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`flag`\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $wpdb->prefix . "dmsguestbook\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdate ASC\n\t\t\t\t\t", ARRAY_A);
                if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) {
                    $saved = 0;
                    foreach ($result as $entry_data) {
                        /* New Instance of gwolle_gb_entry. */
                        $entry = new gwolle_gb_entry();
                        /* Set the data in the instance */
                        /* Save the instance */
                        $save = $entry->save();
                        if ($save) {
                            // We have been saved to the Database
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'imported-from-dmsguestbook');
                    if ($saved == 0) {
                        $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                        $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to import entries from DMSGuestbook successfully.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                    } else {
                        if ($saved == 1) {
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("1 entry imported successfully from DMSGuestbook.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                        } else {
                            if ($saved > 1) {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('%d entries imported successfully from DMSGuestbook.', 'gwolle-gb'), $saved) . '</p>';
                } else {
                    $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                    $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("<strong>Nothing to import.</strong> The guestbook you've chosen does not contain any entries.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
            } else {
                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to find the MySQL table of DMSGuestbook.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
        } else {
            if (isset($_POST['start_import_wp'])) {
                $args = array();
                if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_importfrom']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_importfrom'] == 'page' && isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_pageid']) && intval($_POST['gwolle_gb_pageid']) > 0) {
                    $page_id = intval($_POST['gwolle_gb_pageid']);
                    $args = array('status' => 'all', 'post_id' => $page_id);
                } else {
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_importfrom']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_importfrom'] == 'post' && isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_postid']) && intval($_POST['gwolle_gb_postid']) > 0) {
                        $post_id = intval($_POST['gwolle_gb_postid']);
                        $args = array('status' => 'all', 'post_id' => $post_id);
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_importfrom']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_importfrom'] == 'all') {
                            $args = array('status' => 'all');
                        } else {
                            $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("You haven't chosen how to import from WordPress comments. Please choose and try again.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                if (is_array($args) && !empty($args)) {
                    $comments = get_comments($args);
                    if (is_array($comments) && !empty($comments)) {
                        $saved = 0;
                        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                            /* New Instance of gwolle_gb_entry. */
                            $entry = new gwolle_gb_entry();
                            /* Set the data in the instance */
                            /* Save the instance */
                            $save = $entry->save();
                            if ($save) {
                                // We have been saved to the Database
                                gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'imported-from-wp');
                        if ($saved == 0) {
                            $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to import comments from that page successfully.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                        } else {
                            if ($saved == 1) {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("1 entry imported successfully from WordPress comments.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            } else {
                                if ($saved > 1) {
                                    $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('%d entries imported successfully from WordPress comments.', 'gwolle-gb'), $saved) . '</p>';
                    } else {
                        $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                        $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("<strong>Nothing to import.</strong> There seem to be no comments on this page, post or at all.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                } else {
                    if ($gwolle_gb_errors != 'error') {
                        $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                        $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("You haven't chosen how to import from WordPress comments. Please choose and try again.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['start_import_gwolle'])) {
                    // if they DID upload a file...
                    if ($_FILES['start_import_gwolle_file']['name']) {
                        if (!$_FILES['start_import_gwolle_file']['error']) {
                            // if no errors...
                            //now is the time to modify the future file name and validate the file
                            // $new_file_name = strtolower( $_FILES['gwolle_gb_gwolle']['tmp_name'] ); //rename file
                            if ($_FILES['start_import_gwolle_file']['size'] > 1024000) {
                                //can't be larger than 1 MB
                                $valid_file = false;
                                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("Your filesize is too large.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            } else {
                                if (function_exists('finfo_open')) {
                                    // Check MIME Type. Only PHP >= 5.3.0
                                    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
                                    // return mime type ala mimetype extension
                                    $mimetype = trim(finfo_file($finfo, $_FILES['start_import_gwolle_file']['tmp_name']));
                                if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<') && !$mimetype) {
                                    // PHP 5.2 is insecure anyway?
                                    $mimetype = 'text/csv';
                                $mimetypes = array('csv' => 'text/csv', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'xls' => 'application/excel', 'ms' => 'application/ms-excel', 'vnd' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel');
                                if (!in_array($mimetype, $mimetypes)) {
                                    $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                                    $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("Invalid file format.", 'gwolle-gb') . ' (' . print_r($mimetype, true) . ')</p>';
                                } else {
                                    $handle = fopen($_FILES['start_import_gwolle_file']['tmp_name'], "r");
                                    $row = 0;
                                    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
                                        $num = count($data);
                                        if ($row == 0) {
                                            // Check the headerrow. $tesrow_old is version 1.4.1 and older.
                                            $testrow_1_0 = array('id', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'author_origin', 'author_website', 'author_ip', 'author_host', 'content', 'date', 'isspam', 'ischecked', 'istrash');
                                            $testrow_1_4_1 = array('id', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'author_origin', 'author_website', 'author_ip', 'author_host', 'content', 'datetime', 'isspam', 'ischecked', 'istrash');
                                            $testrow_1_4_8 = array('id', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'author_origin', 'author_website', 'author_ip', 'author_host', 'content', 'datetime', 'isspam', 'ischecked', 'istrash', 'admin_reply');
                                            if ($data != $testrow_1_0 && $data != $testrow_1_4_1 && $data != $testrow_1_4_8) {
                                                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("It seems your CSV file is from an export that is not compatible with this version of Gwolle-GB.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                        if ($num != 12 && $num != 13) {
                                            $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("Your data seems to be corrupt. Import failed.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                        /* New Instance of gwolle_gb_entry. */
                                        $entry = new gwolle_gb_entry();
                                        /* Check if the date is a timestamp, else convert */
                                        if (!is_numeric($data[8])) {
                                            $data[8] = strtotime($data[8]);
                                        /* Set the data in the instance */
                                        // $entry->set_id( $data[0] ); // id of entry
                                        if (isset($data[12])) {
                                            // admin_reply is only since 1.4.8
                                        /* Save the instance */
                                        $save = $entry->save();
                                        if ($save) {
                                            // We have been saved to the Database
                                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'imported-from-gwolle');
                                        } else {
                                            $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("Your data seems to be corrupt. Import failed.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                    // minus the header
                                    if ($row == 0) {
                                        $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                                        $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to import entries from the CSV file.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                    } else {
                                        if ($row == 1) {
                                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("1 entry imported successfully from the CSV file.", 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($row > 1) {
                                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('%d entries imported successfully from the CSV file.', 'gwolle-gb'), $row) . '</p>';
                        } else {
                            // set that to be the returned message
                            $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __("Your upload triggered the following error:", 'gwolle-gb') . ' ' . $_FILES['gwolle_gb_gwolle']['error'] . '</p>';
     * Build the Page and the Form
	<div class="wrap gwolle_gb">
		<div id="icon-gwolle-gb"><br /></div>
    _e('Import guestbook entries.', 'gwolle-gb');

    if ($gwolle_gb_messages) {
        echo '
				<div id="message" class="updated fade notice is-dismissible ' . $gwolle_gb_errors . ' ">' . $gwolle_gb_messages . '</div>';

		<div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder">

			<div id="post-body">
				<div id="post-body-content">
					<div id='normal-sortables' class='meta-box-sortables'>

						<div id="dmsdiv" class="postbox">
							<div class="handlediv"></div>
							<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('Import guestbook entries from DMSGuestbook', 'gwolle-gb');
							<div class="inside">
								<form name="gwolle_gb_import_dms" id="gwolle_gb_import_dms" method="POST" action="#" accept-charset="UTF-8">
									<input type="hidden" name="gwolle_gb_page" value="gwolle_gb_import" />

    // Does the table of DMSGuestbook exist?
    $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSHOW\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTABLES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIKE '" . $wpdb->prefix . "dmsguestbook'";
    $foundTables = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
    $count = 0;
    if (isset($foundTables[0]) && in_array($wpdb->prefix . 'dmsguestbook', $foundTables[0])) {
        // Get entry count
        $sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCOUNT(id) AS count\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $wpdb->prefix . "dmsguestbook";
        $data = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
        $count = (int) $data[0]['count'];
    if (isset($foundTables[0]) && in_array($wpdb->prefix . 'dmsguestbook', $foundTables[0])) {
        echo sprintf(__("%d entries were found and will be imported.", 'gwolle-gb'), $count);
        _e('The importer will preserve the following data per entry:', 'gwolle-gb');
											<ul class="ul-disc">
        _e('Name', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('E-Mail address', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('URL/Website', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Date of the entry', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('IP address', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Message', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('"is spam" flag', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('"is checked" flag', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('However, data such as HTML formatting is not supported by Gwolle-GB and <strong>will not</strong> be imported.', 'gwolle-gb');
											<br />
        _e('The importer does not delete any data, so you can go back whenever you want.', 'gwolle-gb');

											<label for="gwolle_gb_dmsguestbook" class="selectit">
												<input id="gwolle_gb_dmsguestbook" name="gwolle_gb_dmsguestbook" type="checkbox" />
        _e('Import all entries from DMSGuestbook.', 'gwolle-gb');
											<input name="start_import_dms" id="start_import_dms" type="submit" class="button" disabled value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Start import', 'gwolle-gb');
    } else {
        echo '<div>' . __('DMSGuestbook was not found.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</div>';
							</div> <!-- inside -->
						</div> <!-- dmsdiv -->

						<div id="wp_comm_div" class="postbox">
							<div class="handlediv"></div>
							<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('Import guestbook entries from WordPress comments', 'gwolle-gb');
							<div class="inside">
								<form name="gwolle_gb_import_wp" id="gwolle_gb_import_wp" method="POST" action="#" accept-charset="UTF-8">
									<input type="hidden" name="gwolle_gb_page" value="gwolle_gb_import" />

    _e('The importer will preserve the following data per entry:', 'gwolle-gb');
										<ul class="ul-disc">
    _e('Name', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('User ID', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('E-Mail address', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('URL/Website', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('Date of the entry', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('IP address', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('Message', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('"approved" status', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('However, data such as HTML formatting is not supported by Gwolle-GB and <strong>will not</strong> be imported.', 'gwolle-gb');
										<br />
    _e('Spam comments will not be imported.', 'gwolle-gb');
										<br />
    _e('The importer does not delete any data, so you can go back whenever you want.', 'gwolle-gb');

									<p><label for="gwolle_gb_pageid"><?php 
    _e('Select a page to import the comments from:', 'gwolle-gb');
</label><br />
										<select id="gwolle_gb_pageid" name="gwolle_gb_pageid">
										<option value="0"><?php 
    _e('Select', 'gwolle-gb');
    $args = array('post_type' => 'page', 'nopaging' => true, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'title');
    $sel_query = new WP_Query($args);
    if ($sel_query->have_posts()) {
        while ($sel_query->have_posts()) {
            $args = array('status' => 'all', 'post_id' => get_the_ID(), 'count' => true);
            $num_comments = get_comments($args);
            // get_comments_number returns only approved comments, and wp_count_comments seems to list spam too?
            if ($num_comments == 0) {
            } elseif ($num_comments > 1) {
                $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments', 'gwolle-gb');
            } else {
                $comments = __('1 Comment', 'gwolle-gb');
            echo '<option value="' . get_the_ID() . '">' . get_the_title() . ' (' . $comments . ')</option>';

									<p><label for="gwolle_gb_postid"><?php 
    _e('Select a post to import the comments from:', 'gwolle-gb');
</label><br />
										<select id="gwolle_gb_postid" name="gwolle_gb_postid">
										<option value="0"><?php 
    _e('Select', 'gwolle-gb');
    $args = array('post_type' => 'post', 'nopaging' => true, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'title');
    $sel_query = new WP_Query($args);
    if ($sel_query->have_posts()) {
        while ($sel_query->have_posts()) {
            $args = array('status' => 'all', 'post_id' => get_the_ID(), 'count' => true);
            $num_comments = get_comments($args);
            if ($num_comments == 0) {
            } elseif ($num_comments > 1) {
                $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments', 'gwolle-gb');
            } else {
                $comments = __('1 Comment', 'gwolle-gb');
            echo '<option value="' . get_the_ID() . '">' . get_the_title() . ' (' . $comments . ')</option>';

    $args = array('status' => 'all', 'count' => true);
    $num_comments = get_comments($args);

									<p><label for="gwolle_gb_importfrom"><?php 
    _e('Select where to import the comments from:', 'gwolle-gb');
</label><br />
										<label><input type="radio" name="gwolle_gb_importfrom" id="gwolle_gb_importfrom" value="page" /><?php 
    _e('Comments from selected page.', 'gwolle-gb');
</label><br />
										<label><input type="radio" name="gwolle_gb_importfrom" id="gwolle_gb_importfrom" value="post" /><?php 
    _e('Comments from selected post.', 'gwolle-gb');
</label><br />
										<label><input type="radio" name="gwolle_gb_importfrom" id="gwolle_gb_importfrom" value="all" /><?php 
    _e('All Comments', 'gwolle-gb');
    echo " (" . $num_comments . ").";
</label><br />

										<input name="start_import_wp" id="start_import_wp" type="submit" class="button" disabled value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Start import', 'gwolle-gb');
							</div> <!-- inside -->
						</div> <!-- wp_comm_div -->

						<div id="gwollediv" class="postbox">
							<div class="handlediv"></div>
							<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
    _e('Import guestbook entries from Gwolle-GB', 'gwolle-gb');
							<div class="inside">
								<form name="gwolle_gb_import_gwolle" id="gwolle_gb_import_gwolle" method="POST" action="#" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">
									<input type="hidden" name="gwolle_gb_page" value="gwolle_gb_import" />

										<label for="start_import_gwolle_file" class="selectit"><?php 
    _e('Select a CSV file with exported entries to import again:', 'gwolle-gb');
<br />
											<input id="start_import_gwolle_file" name="start_import_gwolle_file" type="file" />
										<input name="start_import_gwolle" id="start_import_gwolle" type="submit" class="button" disabled value="<?php 
    esc_attr_e('Start import', 'gwolle-gb');
							</div> <!-- inside -->
						</div> <!-- gwollediv -->

					</div><!-- 'normal-sortables' -->
				</div><!-- 'post-body-content' -->
			</div><!-- 'post-body' -->

		</div> <!-- poststuff -->
	</div> <!-- wrap -->

function gwolle_gb_page_editor()
    if (function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('moderate_comments')) {
        die(__('Cheatin&#8217; uh?', 'gwolle-gb'));

	<!-- Do not replace Emoji with <img> elements in textarea, it screws saving the entry -->
	<script type="text/javascript">
		window._wpemojiSettings = '';

    if (!get_option('gwolle_gb_version')) {
        // FIXME: do this on activation
    } else {
        $gwolle_gb_errors = '';
        $gwolle_gb_messages = '';
        $sectionHeading = __('Edit guestbook entry', 'gwolle-gb');
        // Always fetch the requested entry, so we can compare the $entry and the $_POST.
        $entry = new gwolle_gb_entry();
        if (isset($_POST['entry_id'])) {
            // _POST has preference over _GET
            $entry_id = intval($_POST['entry_id']);
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['entry_id'])) {
                $entry_id = intval($_GET['entry_id']);
        if (isset($entry_id) && $entry_id > 0) {
            $result = $entry->load($entry_id);
            if (!$result) {
                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p class="error">' . __('Entry could not be found.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                $sectionHeading = __('Guestbook entry (error)', 'gwolle-gb');
        } else {
            $sectionHeading = __('New guestbook entry', 'gwolle-gb');
         * Handle the $_POST
        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_page']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_page'] == 'editor' && $gwolle_gb_errors == '') {
            if (!isset($_POST['entry_id']) || $_POST['entry_id'] != $entry->get_id()) {
                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p class="error">' . __('Something strange happened.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
            } else {
                if ($_POST['entry_id'] > 0 && $entry->get_id() > 0) {
                     * Check for changes, and update accordingly. This is on an Existing Entry!
                    $changed = false;
                    /* Set as checked or unchecked, and by whom */
                    if (isset($_POST['ischecked']) && $_POST['ischecked'] == 'on') {
                        if ($_POST['ischecked'] == 'on' && $entry->get_ischecked() == 0) {
                            $user_id = get_current_user_id();
                            // returns 0 if no current user
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'entry-checked');
                            $changed = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($entry->get_ischecked() == 1) {
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'entry-unchecked');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Set as spam or not, and submit as ham or spam to Akismet service */
                    if (isset($_POST['isspam']) && $_POST['isspam'] == 'on') {
                        if ($_POST['isspam'] == 'on' && $entry->get_isspam() == 0) {
                            $result = gwolle_gb_akismet($entry, 'submit-spam');
                            if ($result) {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Submitted as Spam to the Akismet service.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'marked-as-spam');
                            $changed = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($entry->get_isspam() == 1) {
                            $result = gwolle_gb_akismet($entry, 'submit-ham');
                            if ($result) {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Submitted as Ham to the Akismet service.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'marked-as-not-spam');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Set as trash or not */
                    if (isset($_POST['istrash']) && $_POST['istrash'] == 'on') {
                        if ($_POST['istrash'] == 'on' && $entry->get_istrash() == 0) {
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'entry-trashed');
                            $changed = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($entry->get_istrash() == 1) {
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'entry-untrashed');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Check if the content changed, and update accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_content']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_content'] != '') {
                        if (trim($_POST['gwolle_gb_content']) != $entry->get_content()) {
                            $entry_content = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($_POST['gwolle_gb_content'], 'content');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Check if the website changed, and update accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_website'])) {
                        if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_website'] != $entry->get_author_website()) {
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Check if the author_origin changed, and update accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_origin'])) {
                        if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_origin'] != $entry->get_author_origin()) {
                            $entry_origin = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_origin'], 'author_origin');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Check if the admin_reply changed, and update and log accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply'])) {
                        if (trim($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply']) != $entry->get_admin_reply()) {
                            $gwolle_gb_admin_reply = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply'], 'admin_reply');
                            if ($gwolle_gb_admin_reply != '' && $entry->get_admin_reply() == '') {
                                gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'admin-reply-added');
                            } else {
                                if ($gwolle_gb_admin_reply == '' && $entry->get_admin_reply() != '') {
                                    gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'admin-reply-removed');
                                } else {
                                    if ($gwolle_gb_admin_reply != '' && $entry->get_admin_reply() != '') {
                                        gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'admin-reply-updated');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Mail the author about the Admin Reply, if so requested */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply_mail_author'])) {
                        if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply_mail_author'] == 'on') {
                    /* Check if the author_name changed, and update accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_name'])) {
                        if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_name'] != $entry->get_author_name()) {
                            $entry_name = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_name'], 'author_name');
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Check if the datetime changed, and update accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_timestamp']) && is_numeric($_POST['gwolle_gb_timestamp'])) {
                        if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_timestamp'] != $entry->get_datetime()) {
                            $entry->set_datetime((int) $_POST['gwolle_gb_timestamp']);
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Check if the book_id changed, and update accordingly */
                    if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id'])) {
                        if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id'] != $entry->get_book_id()) {
                            $entry->set_book_id((int) $_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id']);
                            $changed = true;
                    /* Save the entry */
                    if ($changed) {
                        $result = $entry->save();
                        if ($result) {
                            gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'entry-edited');
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Changes saved.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                        } else {
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Error happened during saving.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                    } else {
                        $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Entry was not changed.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                    /* Remove permanently */
                    if (isset($_POST['istrash']) && $_POST['istrash'] == 'on' && isset($_POST['remove']) && $_POST['remove'] == 'on') {
                        if ($entry->get_istrash() == 1) {
                            $changed = true;
                            // Overwrite any other message, only removal is relevant.
                            $gwolle_gb_messages = '<p>' . __('Entry removed.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            $entry = new gwolle_gb_entry();
                } else {
                    if ($_POST['entry_id'] == 0 && $entry->get_id() == 0) {
                         * Check for input, and save accordingly. This is on a New Entry! (So no logging)
                        $saved = false;
                        $data = array();
                        /* Set as checked anyway, new entry is always by an admin */
                        $data['ischecked'] = true;
                        $user_id = get_current_user_id();
                        // returns 0 if no current user
                        $data['checkedby'] = $user_id;
                        $data['author_id'] = $user_id;
                        /* Set metadata of the admin */
                        $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
                        if (is_object($userdata)) {
                            if (isset($userdata->display_name)) {
                                $author_name = $userdata->display_name;
                            } else {
                                $author_name = $userdata->user_login;
                            $author_email = $userdata->user_email;
                        $data['author_name'] = $author_name;
                        $data['author_name'] = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($data['author_name'], 'author_name');
                        $data['author_email'] = $author_email;
                        /* Set as Not Spam */
                        $data['isspam'] = false;
                        /* Do not set as trash */
                        $data['istrash'] = false;
                        /* Check if the content is filled in, and save accordingly */
                        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_content']) && $_POST['gwolle_gb_content'] != '') {
                            $data['content'] = $_POST['gwolle_gb_content'];
                            $data['content'] = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($data['content'], 'content');
                            $saved = true;
                        } else {
                            $form_setting = gwolle_gb_get_setting('form');
                            if (isset($form_setting['form_message_enabled']) && $form_setting['form_message_enabled'] === 'true' && isset($form_setting['form_message_mandatory']) && $form_setting['form_message_mandatory'] === 'true') {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Entry has no content, even though that is mandatory.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                            } else {
                                $data['content'] = '';
                                $saved = true;
                        /* Check if the website is set, and save accordingly */
                        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_website'])) {
                            if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_website'] != '') {
                                $data['author_website'] = $_POST['gwolle_gb_author_website'];
                            } else {
                                $data['author_website'] = home_url();
                        /* Check if the author_origin is set, and save accordingly */
                        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_origin'])) {
                            if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_author_origin'] != '') {
                                $data['author_origin'] = $_POST['gwolle_gb_author_origin'];
                                $data['author_origin'] = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($data['author_origin'], 'author_origin');
                        /* Check if the admin_reply is set, and save accordingly */
                        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply'])) {
                            if ($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply'] != '') {
                                $data['admin_reply'] = gwolle_gb_maybe_encode_emoji($_POST['gwolle_gb_admin_reply'], 'admin_reply');
                                $data['admin_reply_uid'] = get_current_user_id();
                                gwolle_gb_add_log_entry($entry->get_id(), 'admin-reply-added');
                        /* Check if the book_id is set, and save accordingly */
                        if (isset($_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id'])) {
                            $entry->set_book_id((int) $_POST['gwolle_gb_book_id']);
                        /* Network Information */
                        $result1 = $entry->set_data($data);
                        if ($saved) {
                            $result2 = $entry->save();
                            if ($result1 && $result2) {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Entry saved.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                            } else {
                                $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Error happened during saving.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
                                $gwolle_gb_errors = 'error';
                        } else {
                            $gwolle_gb_messages .= '<p>' . __('Entry was not saved.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</p>';
        // FIXME: reload the entry, just for consistency?
         * Build the Page and the Form
		<div class="wrap gwolle_gb">
			<div id="icon-gwolle-gb"><br /></div>
        echo $sectionHeading;

        if ($gwolle_gb_messages) {
            echo '
					<div id="message" class="updated fade notice is-dismissible ' . $gwolle_gb_errors . ' ">' . $gwolle_gb_messages . '</div>';

			<form name="gwolle_gb_editor" id="gwolle_gb_editor" method="POST" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">
				<input type="hidden" name="gwolle_gb_page" value="editor" />
				<input type="hidden" name="entry_id" value="<?php 
        echo $entry->get_id();
" />

				<div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder">
					<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-2">

						<div id="post-body-content">
							<div id='normal-sortables' class='meta-box-sortables'>

								<div id="contentdiv" class="postbox" >
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Guestbook entry', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<textarea rows="10" name="gwolle_gb_content" id="gwolle_gb_content" tabindex="1" placeholder="<?php 
        _e('Message', 'gwolle-gb');
        echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_content());
        if (get_option('gwolle_gb-showLineBreaks', 'false') == 'false') {
            echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Line breaks will not be visible to the visitors due to your <a href="%s">settings</a>.', 'gwolle-gb'), 'admin.php?page=' . GWOLLE_GB_FOLDER . '/settings.php') . '</p>';
        $form_setting = gwolle_gb_get_setting('form');
        if (isset($form_setting['form_bbcode_enabled']) && $form_setting['form_bbcode_enabled'] === 'true') {
            wp_enqueue_script('markitup', plugins_url('../frontend/markitup/jquery.markitup.js', __FILE__), 'jquery', GWOLLE_GB_VER, false);
            wp_enqueue_script('markitup_set', plugins_url('../frontend/markitup/set.js', __FILE__), 'jquery', GWOLLE_GB_VER, false);
            wp_enqueue_style('gwolle_gb_markitup_css', plugins_url('../frontend/markitup/style.css', __FILE__), false, GWOLLE_GB_VER, 'screen');
            $dataToBePassed = array('bold' => __('Bold', 'gwolle-gb'), 'italic' => __('Italic', 'gwolle-gb'), 'bullet' => __('Bulleted List', 'gwolle-gb'), 'numeric' => __('Numeric List', 'gwolle-gb'), 'picture' => __('Picture', 'gwolle-gb'), 'source' => __('Source', 'gwolle-gb'), 'link' => __('Link', 'gwolle-gb'), 'linktext' => __('Your text to link...', 'gwolle-gb'), 'clean' => __('Clean', 'gwolle-gb'), 'emoji' => __('Emoji', 'gwolle-gb'));
            wp_localize_script('markitup_set', 'gwolle_gb_localize', $dataToBePassed);
            // Emoji symbols
            echo '<div class="gwolle_gb_emoji" style="display:none;">';
            $emoji = gwolle_gb_get_emoji();
            // make it into images for nice colors.
            if (function_exists('wp_staticize_emoji')) {
                $emoji = wp_staticize_emoji($emoji);
            echo $emoji;
            echo '</div>';

								<div id="authordiv" class="postbox " >
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Website', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<input type="url" name="gwolle_gb_author_website" tabindex="2" value="<?php 
        echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_author_website());
" id="author_website" placeholder="<?php 
        _e('Website', 'gwolle-gb');
" />
        _e("Example: <code>http://www.example.com/</code>", 'gwolle-gb');

								<div id="authordiv" class="postbox ">
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Origin', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<input type="text" name="gwolle_gb_author_origin" tabindex="3" placeholder="<?php 
        _e('City', 'gwolle-gb');
" value="<?php 
        echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_author_origin());
" id="author_origin" />

								<div id="admin_reply" class="postbox" >
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Admin Reply by:', 'gwolle-gb');
        echo ' ' . gwolle_gb_is_moderator($entry->get_admin_reply_uid());
									<div class="inside">
										<textarea rows="10" name="gwolle_gb_admin_reply" id="gwolle_gb_admin_reply" tabindex="4" placeholder="<?php 
        _e('Admin Reply', 'gwolle-gb');
        echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_admin_reply());

										<input type="checkbox" name="gwolle_gb_admin_reply_mail_author" id="gwolle_gb_admin_reply_mail_author">
										<label for="gwolle_gb_admin_reply_mail_author">
        _e('Mail the author a notification about this reply.', 'gwolle-gb');
										</label><br />

        if (get_option('gwolle_gb-showLineBreaks', 'false') == 'false') {
            echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Line breaks will not be visible to the visitors due to your <a href="%s">settings</a>.', 'gwolle-gb'), 'admin.php?page=' . GWOLLE_GB_FOLDER . '/settings.php') . '</p>';

							</div><!-- .normal-sortables -->
						</div><!-- .post-body-content -->

						<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">
							<div id='side-sortables' class='meta-box-sortables'>

        $class = '';
        // Attach 'spam' to class if the entry is spam
        if ($entry->get_isspam() === 1) {
            $class .= ' spam';
        } else {
            $class .= ' nospam';
        // Attach 'trash' to class if the entry is in trash
        if ($entry->get_istrash() === 1) {
            $class .= ' trash';
        } else {
            $class .= ' notrash';
        // Attach 'checked/unchecked' to class
        if ($entry->get_ischecked() === 1) {
            $class .= ' checked';
        } else {
            $class .= ' unchecked';
        // Attach 'visible/invisible' to class
        if ($entry->get_isspam() === 1 || $entry->get_istrash() === 1 || $entry->get_ischecked() === 0) {
            $class .= ' invisible';
        } else {
            $class .= ' visible';
        // Add admin-entry class to an entry from an admin
        $author_id = $entry->get_author_id();
        $is_moderator = gwolle_gb_is_moderator($author_id);
        if ($is_moderator) {
            $class .= ' admin-entry';

        $postid = gwolle_gb_get_postid();
        if ($postid) {
            $permalink = get_bloginfo('url') . '?p=' . $postid;
									<div id="tagsdiv-post_tag" class="postbox">
										<div class="handlediv"></div>
										<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
            esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
            _e('View Frontend', 'gwolle-gb');
										<div class="inside">
											<div class="tagsdiv" id="post_tag">
												<div id="categories-pop" class="tabs-panel gwolle_gb_frontend">
													<a class="button rbutton button" href="<?php 
            echo $permalink;
            esc_attr_e('View Guestbook', 'gwolle-gb');

								<div id="submitdiv" class="postbox">
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Options', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">
											<div id="minor-publishing">
												<div id="misc-publishing-actions">
													<div class="misc-pub-section misc-pub-section-last">

        // Optional Icon column where CSS is being used to show them or not
        if (get_option('gwolle_gb-showEntryIcons', 'true') === 'true') {
															<span class="entry-icons <?php 
            echo $class;
																<span class="visible-icon" title="<?php 
            _e('Visible', 'gwolle-gb');
																<span class="invisible-icon" title="<?php 
            _e('Invisible', 'gwolle-gb');
																<span class="spam-icon" title="<?php 
            _e('Spam', 'gwolle-gb');
																<!--<span class="trash-icon" title="<?php 
            _e('Trash', 'gwolle-gb');
            $admin_reply = gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_admin_reply());
            if (strlen(trim($admin_reply)) > 0) {
																	<span class="admin_reply-icon" title="<?php 
                _e('Admin Replied', 'gwolle-gb');
																<span class="gwolle_gb_ajax" title="<?php 
            _e('Wait...', 'gwolle-gb');
        if ($entry->get_id() == 0) {
            echo '<h3 class="h3_invisible">' . __('This entry is not yet visible.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</h3>';
        } else {
            if ($entry->get_ischecked() == 1 && $entry->get_isspam() == 0 && $entry->get_istrash() == 0) {
                echo '
																	<h3 class="h3_visible">' . __('This entry is Visible.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</h3>
																	<h3 class="h3_invisible" style="display:none;">' . __('This entry is Not Visible.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</h3>
            } else {
                echo '
																	<h3 class="h3_visible" style="display:none;">' . __('This entry is Visible.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</h3>
																	<h3 class="h3_invisible">' . __('This entry is Not Visible.', 'gwolle-gb') . '</h3>

															<label for="ischecked" class="selectit">
																<input id="ischecked" name="ischecked" type="checkbox" <?php 
            if ($entry->get_ischecked() == '1' || $entry->get_id() == 0) {
                echo 'checked="checked"';
            _e('Checked', 'gwolle-gb');

															<br />
															<label for="isspam" class="selectit">
																<input id="isspam" name="isspam" type="checkbox" <?php 
            if ($entry->get_isspam() == '1') {
                echo 'checked="checked"';
            _e('Spam', 'gwolle-gb');

															<br />
															<label for="istrash" class="selectit">
																<input id="istrash" name="istrash" type="checkbox" <?php 
            if ($entry->get_istrash() == '1') {
                echo 'checked="checked"';
            _e('Trash', 'gwolle-gb');

            if ($entry->get_istrash() == '1') {
																<br />
																<label for="remove" class="selectit">
																	<input id="remove" name="remove" type="checkbox" />
                _e('Remove this entry Permanently.', 'gwolle-gb');

												</div><!-- .misc-publishing-actions -->
												<div class="clear"></div>
											</div> <!-- .minor-publishing -->

											<div id="major-publishing-actions">
												<div id="publishing-action">
													<input name="save" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Save', 'gwolle-gb');
" />
												</div> <!-- .publishing-action -->
												<div class="clear"></div>
											</div><!-- major-publishing-actions -->
										</div><!-- .submitbox -->
									</div><!-- .inside -->
								</div><!-- .submitdiv -->

        if ($entry->get_id() > 0) {
								<div id="submitdiv" class="postbox">
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
            esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
            _e('Actions', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">
											<div id="minor-publishing">
												<div id="misc-publishing-actions">
													<div class="misc-pub-section misc-pub-section-last">

            echo '
														<div class="gwolle_gb_actions ' . $class . '">
															<span class="gwolle_gb_check">
																<a id="check_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="vim-a" title="' . __('Check entry', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Check', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															<span class="gwolle_gb_uncheck">
																<a id="uncheck_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="vim-u" title="' . __('Uncheck entry', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Uncheck', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															<span class="gwolle_gb_spam">&nbsp;|&nbsp;
																<a id="spam_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="vim-s vim-destructive" title="' . __('Mark entry as spam.', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Spam', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															<span class="gwolle_gb_unspam">&nbsp;|&nbsp;
																<a id="unspam_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="vim-a" title="' . __('Mark entry as not-spam.', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Not spam', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															<span class="gwolle_gb_trash">&nbsp;|&nbsp;
																<a id="trash_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="vim-d vim-destructive" title="' . __('Move entry to trash.', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Trash', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															<span class="gwolle_gb_untrash">&nbsp;|&nbsp;
																<a id="untrash_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="vim-d" title="' . __('Recover entry from trash.', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Untrash', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															</span><br />
															<span class="gwolle_gb_ajax">
																<a id="ajax_' . $entry->get_id() . '" href="#" class="ajax vim-d vim-destructive" title="' . __('Please wait...', 'gwolle-gb') . '">' . __('Wait...', 'gwolle-gb') . '</a>
															</span><br />

												</div><!-- .misc-publishing-actions -->
												<div class="clear"></div>
											</div> <!-- .minor-publishing -->
										</div><!-- .submitbox -->
									</div><!-- .inside -->
								</div><!-- .submitdiv -->

								<div id="gwolle_gb-entry-details" class="postbox " >
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Details', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<div class="tagsdiv" id="post_tag">
        _e('Author', 'gwolle-gb');
: <span><?php 
        if ($entry->get_author_name()) {
            echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_author_name());
        } else {
            echo '<i>(' . __('Unknown', 'gwolle-gb') . ')</i>';
											</span><br />
        _e('E-Mail', 'gwolle-gb');
: <span><?php 
        if (strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $entry->get_author_email())) > 0) {
            echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_author_email());
        } else {
            echo '<i>(' . __('Unknown', 'gwolle-gb') . ')</i>';
											</span><br />
        _e('Written', 'gwolle-gb');
: <span><?php 
        if ($entry->get_datetime() > 0) {
            echo date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $entry->get_datetime()) . ', ';
            echo date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), $entry->get_datetime());
        } else {
            echo '(' . __('Not yet', 'gwolle-gb') . ')';
											</span><br />
        _e("Author's IP-address", 'gwolle-gb');
: <span><?php 
        if (strlen($entry->get_author_ip()) > 0) {
            echo '<a href="http://www.db.ripe.net/whois?form_type=simple&searchtext=' . $entry->get_author_ip() . '"
															title="' . __('Whois search for this IP', 'gwolle-gb') . '" target="_blank">
																' . $entry->get_author_ip() . '
        } else {
            echo '<i>(' . __('Unknown', 'gwolle-gb') . ')</i>';
											</span><br />
        _e('Host', 'gwolle-gb');
: <span><?php 
        if (strlen($entry->get_author_host()) > 0) {
            echo $entry->get_author_host();
        } else {
            echo '<i>(' . __('Unknown', 'gwolle-gb') . ')</i>';
											</span><br />
        _e('Book', 'gwolle-gb');
: <span><?php 
        echo $entry->get_book_id();
											</span><br />
											<span class="gwolle_gb_edit_meta">
												<a href="#" title="<?php 
        _e('Edit metadata', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Edit', 'gwolle-gb');

											<div class="gwolle_gb_edit_meta_inputs">
												<label for="gwolle_gb_author_name"><?php 
        _e('Author', 'gwolle-gb');
: </label><br />
												<input type="text" name="gwolle_gb_author_name" size="24" value="<?php 
        echo gwolle_gb_sanitize_output($entry->get_author_name());
" id="gwolle_gb_author_name" /><br />

        _e('Date and time', 'gwolle-gb');
: </span><br />
												<div class="gwolle_gb_date"><?php 

												<label for="gwolle_gb_book_id"><?php 
        _e('Book ID', 'gwolle-gb');
: </label><br />
												<input type="text" name="gwolle_gb_book_id" size="4" value="<?php 
        echo (int) $entry->get_book_id();
" id="gwolle_gb_book_id" />

										</div><!-- .tagsdiv -->
								</div><!-- .postbox -->

								<div id="tagsdiv-post_tag" class="postbox">
									<div class="handlediv"></div>
									<h3 class='hndle' title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Click to open or close', 'gwolle-gb');
        _e('Entry log', 'gwolle-gb');
									<div class="inside">
										<div class="tagsdiv" id="post_tag">
											<div id="categories-pop" class="tabs-panel gwolle_gb_log">
        if ($entry->get_datetime() > 0) {
            echo '<li>';
            echo date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $entry->get_datetime()) . ', ';
            echo date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), $entry->get_datetime());
            echo ': ' . __('Written', 'gwolle-gb') . '</li>';
            $log_entries = gwolle_gb_get_log_entries($entry->get_id());
            if (is_array($log_entries) && !empty($log_entries)) {
                foreach ($log_entries as $log_entry) {
                    echo '<li class="log_id_' . $log_entry['id'] . '">' . $log_entry['msg_html'] . '</li>';
        } else {
            echo '<li>(' . __('No log yet.', 'gwolle-gb') . ')</li>';
								</div><!-- .postbox -->
							</div><!-- .side-sortables -->
						</div><!-- #postbox-container-1 -->

						<br class="clear" />

					</div><!-- .post-body -->
				</div><!-- .poststuff -->
