文件: index.php 项目: covex-nn/moodle
        $previewdata = array();
        while ($numlines <= $formdata->previewrows) {
            $lines = $csvimport->next();
            if ($lines) {
                $previewdata[] = $lines;
        $table->data = $previewdata;
        echo html_writer::table($table);
    } else {
        // Display the standard upload file form.
        groups_print_course_menu($course, 'index.php?id=' . $id);
        echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'clearer'));
        echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
        echo $OUTPUT->footer();
// Data has already been submitted so we can use the $iid to retrieve it.
$csvimport = new csv_import_reader($iid, 'grade');
$header = $csvimport->get_columns();
// we create a form to handle mapping data from the file to the database.
$mform2 = new grade_import_mapping_form(null, array('gradeitems' => $gradeitems, 'header' => $header));
$mform2->set_data(array('iid' => $iid, 'id' => $id, 'importcode' => $importcode, 'verbosescales' => $verbosescales));
// Here, if we have data, we process the fields and enter the information into the database.
if ($formdata = $mform2->get_data()) {
    foreach ($header as $i => $h) {
        $h = trim($h);
        // Remove whitespace.