 public static function ActNotificaUtente($array)
     $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $sender = array($config->get('mailfrom'), $config->get('fromname'));
     FB::log($sender, " sender ActNotificaUtente ");
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "select b.id as id, b.name as nome, b.email as email, a.titolo as titolo\n                from #__gg_contenuti a,  #__users as b,#__gg_notifiche_utente_contenuti_map c\n                where\n                a.tipologia = c.idtipologiacontenuto\n                and c.idutente = b.id\n                and a.id = " . $array['id'];
     FB::log($query, "  ActNotificaUtente ");
     $result = $db->loadAssocList();
     FB::log($result, "  user ActNotificaUtente ");
     foreach ($result as $sender) {
         FB::log(gglmsHelper::checkContenuto4Utente($sender['id'], $array['id']), "   check user ActNotificaUtente ");
         FB::log($sender, "   sender dentro foreach ActNotificaUtente ");
         if (gglmsHelper::checkContenuto4Utente($sender['id'], $array['id']) != 0) {
             $body = "Gentile " . $sender['nome'] . "  e' stato pubblicato in EdiAcademy un nuovo contenuto dal titolo: " . $sender['titolo'];
             $mailer->setSubject('Notifica from EdiAcademy');
             FB::log($mailer, "  mailer ActNotificaUtente ");
             $send = $mailer->Send();
             if ($send !== true) {
                 echo 'Error sending email: ' . $send->__toString();
                 FB::log($send->__toString(), "  error email send ");
             FB::log($send, "  send ActNotificaUtente ");