// admin/mailto.php
header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// inint
include '../bin/inint.php';
$ret = array();
// ตรวจสอบ referer และ สมาชิก
if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::isMember()) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') {
        $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR';
    } else {
        // ค่าที่ส่งมา
        $topic = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email_subject']));
        $detail = gcms::ckClean($_POST['email_detail']);
        $reciever = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email_reciever']));
        if (gcms::isAdmin()) {
            $sender = $db->getRec(DB_USER, $_POST['email_from']);
        } else {
            $sender = $_SESSION['login'];
        // ตรวจสอบค่าที่ส่งมา
        if ($sender['email'] == '') {
            $ret['error'] = 'ACTION_ERROR';
        } elseif ($reciever == '') {
            $ret['error'] = 'RECIEVER_EMPTY';
            $ret['input'] = 'email_reciever';
        } elseif ($sender == $reciever) {
            $ret['error'] = 'ACTION_ERROR';
        } elseif ($topic == '') {
            $ret['error'] = 'TOPIC_EMPTY';
            $ret['input'] = 'email_subject';

// admin/savestatus.php
header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// inint
include '../bin/inint.php';
$ret = array();
// referer, admin
if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::isAdmin()) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') {
        $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR';
    } else {
        // action
        $action = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'action', '');
        // โหลด config ใหม่
        $config = array();
        if (is_file(CONFIG)) {
            include CONFIG;
        if ($action == 'config_status_add') {
            if (!isset($config['member_status'][0])) {
                $config['member_status'][0] = 'สมาชิก';
                $config['color_status'][0] = '#006600';
            if (!isset($config['member_status'][1])) {
                $config['member_status'][1] = 'ผู้ดูแลระบบ';
                $config['color_status'][1] = '#FF0000';
            // เพิ่มสถานะสมาชิกใหม่
            $config['member_status'][] = "{$lng['LNG_CLICK_TO']} {$lng['LNG_EDIT']}";
            $config['color_status'][] = '#000000';
文件: index.php 项目: phannack/GCMS
        $_SESSION['emails'] = implode(',', $emails);
    $widget[] = '<option value=admin>{LNG_ADMIN}</option>';
    foreach ($emails as $i => $email) {
        $widget[] = '<option value=' . $i . '>' . $email . '</option>';
    $widget[] = '</select></span></div>';
    // sender
    $widget[] = '<div class=item><label for=mail_sender>{LNG_EMAIL_SENDER}</label><span class="g-input icon-email"><input type=text name=mail_sender id=mail_sender value="' . (isset($_SESSION['login']['email']) ? $_SESSION['login']['email'] : '') . '"></span></div>';
    // subject
    $widget[] = '<div class=item><label for=mail_topic>{LNG_EMAIL_SUBJECT}</label><span class="g-input icon-edit"><input type=text name=mail_topic id=mail_topic value="' . $subject . '"></span></div>';
    // detail
    $widget[] = '<div class=item><label for=mail_detail>{LNG_DETAIL}</label><span class="g-input icon-file"><textarea id=mail_detail name=mail_detail rows=10></textarea></span></div>';
    // anti spam
    $widget[] = '<div class=item><label class="g-input antispam"><span><img src="' . WEB_URL . '/antispamimage.php?id=' . $antispam . '" alt=Antispam></span>';
    $widget[] = '<input type=text name=mail_antispam id=mail_antispam maxlength=4 value="' . (gcms::isAdmin() ? $_SESSION[$antispam] : '') . '" placeholder="{LNG_ANTISPAM_COMMENT}">';
    $widget[] = '</span></div>';
    $widget[] = '<div class=item>';
    $widget[] = '<input type=submit id=mail_submit class="button large send" value="{LNG_SEND_MESSAGE}">';
    $widget[] = '<input type=hidden name=antispam value="' . $antispam . '">';
    $widget[] = '</div>';
    $widget[] = '</form>';
    $widget[] = '<script>';
    $widget[] = '$G(window).Ready(function(){';
    $widget[] = 'new GForm("contact_frm", "' . WEB_URL . '/widgets/contact/sendmail.php", null, false).onsubmit(doFormSubmit);';
    $widget[] = '});';
    $widget[] = '</script>';
    $widget = implode("\n", $widget);

// admin/import.php
header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// inint
include '../bin/inint.php';
// ไฟล์ที่ส่งมา
$file = $_FILES['import_file'];
// แอดมินเท่านั้น
if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::isAdmin() && $file['tmp_name'] != '') {
    if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') {
        echo gcms::array2json(array('error' => 'EX_MODE_ERROR'));
    } else {
        // long time
        // อัปโหลด
        $fr = file($file['tmp_name']);
        // query ทีละบรรทัด
        foreach ($fr as $value) {
            $sql = str_replace(array('\\r', '\\n', '{prefix}', '/{WEBMASTER}/', '/{WEBURL}/'), array("\r", "\n", PREFIX, $_SESSION['login']['email'], WEB_URL), trim($value));
            if ($sql != '') {
文件: load.php 项目: phannack/GCMS
         include_once ROOT_PATH . "modules/{$owner}/config.php";
     if (is_file(ROOT_PATH . "modules/{$owner}/inint.php")) {
         include_once ROOT_PATH . "modules/{$owner}/inint.php";
     if ($cron && is_file(ROOT_PATH . "modules/{$owner}/cron.php")) {
         include_once ROOT_PATH . "modules/{$owner}/cron.php";
 // โหลดโมดูล login
 include ROOT_PATH . 'modules/member/login.php';
 $mainlogin = $content;
 // login
 $isMember = gcms::isMember();
 // admin
 $isAdmin = gcms::isAdmin();
 // บันทึก counter และ useronline
 include ROOT_PATH . 'counter.php';
 include ROOT_PATH . 'useronline.php';
 // ค่า title,description และ keyword ของเว็บหลัก
 $title = $config['web_title'];
 $description = $config['web_description'];
 $keywords = $config['web_description'];
 // แสดงผล template หลัก
 $main_patt = array();
 if (!empty($config['google_site_verification'])) {
     $meta['google-site-verification'] = '<meta name=google-site-verification content="' . $config['google_site_verification'] . '">';
 if (!empty($config['google_profile'])) {
     $meta['author'] = '<link rel=author href="https://plus.google.com/' . $config['google_profile'] . '">';
     $meta['publisher'] = '<link rel=publisher href="https://plus.google.com/' . $config['google_profile'] . '">';

// widgets/textlink/admin_action.php
header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// inint
include '../../bin/inint.php';
// referer, admin
if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::isAdmin() && (empty($_SESSION['login']['account']) || $_SESSION['login']['account'] != 'demo')) {
    // ค่าที่ส่งมา
    $action = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'action', '');
    $id = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'id', '');
    $value = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'value', 0);
    if ($action == 'delete') {
        $sql = "SELECT `logo` FROM `" . DB_TEXTLINK . "` WHERE `id` IN({$id}) AND logo != ''";
        foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) {
            @unlink(DATA_PATH . 'image/' . $item['logo']);
        $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_TEXTLINK . "` WHERE `id` IN({$id})");
    } elseif ($action == 'published') {
        $db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_TEXTLINK . "` SET `published`='{$value}' WHERE `id` IN({$id})");
    } elseif ($action == 'move') {
        // move menu
        $max = 1;
        foreach (explode(',', str_replace('user-', '', $_POST['data'])) as $i) {
            $db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_TEXTLINK . "` SET `link_order`=" . $max . " WHERE `id`=" . (int) $i . " LIMIT 1");
    } elseif ($action == 'styles') {
        // styles
        include ROOT_PATH . 'widgets/textlink/styles.php';
        // template
文件: config.php 项目: phannack/GCMS
 * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *  http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Configuration file for the File Manager Connector for PHP.
global $config;
// config ของระบบ
include '../../../../bin/load.php';
// ตรวจสอบการ login สำหรับสมาชิกเท่านั้น
$config['Enabled'] = gcms::isAdmin() || gcms::isMember() && isset($_SESSION['CKEDITOR']) && $_SESSION['CKEDITOR'] == $_SESSION['login']['id'];
// กำหนดการอัปโหลดไฟล์โดยใช้ชื่อเดิม หรือเป็นตัวเลข (เวลา)
// true ใช้ชื่อเดิมของไฟล์ (rename ชื่อซ้ำ)
// false ใช้ชื่อไฟล์เป็นเวลา (mktime)
$config['UploadOrginalFilename'] = false;
// โฟลเดอร์ ที่เก็บไฟล์
$config['UserFilesPath'] = DATA_FOLDER;
// path ที่เก็บไฟล์ตั้งแต่ root ของ Server
$config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = DATA_PATH;
// Due to security issues with Apache modules, it is recommended to leave the
// following setting enabled.
$config['ForceSingleExtension'] = true;
// Perform additional checks for image files.
// If set to true, validate image size (using getimagesize).
$config['SecureImageUploads'] = true;
// What the user can do with this connector.
// inint
include '../bin/inint.php';
// action
$action = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'action', '');
// ตรวจสอบ id
$ids = array();
foreach (explode(',', $_POST['id']) as $id) {
    // ไม่สามารถแก้ไขตัวเองได้
    if ($_SESSION['login']['id'] != $id) {
        $ids[] = (int) $id;
// id ของ สมาชิกทั้งหมดที่ส่งมา
$ids = implode(',', $ids);
// ตรวจสอบ referer และ admin
if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::isAdmin() && $ids != '') {
    if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') {
        echo $lng['ACTION_FORBIDDEN'];
    } else {
        if ($action == 'delete') {
            // ลบสมาชิกที่เลือก
            $sql = "SELECT `icon` FROM `" . DB_USER . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$ids}) AND `id`!=1 AND `icon`!=''";
            foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) {
                // ลบรูปภาพสมาชิก
                @unlink(USERICON_FULLPATH . $item['icon']);
            // ลบสมาชิก
            $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_USER . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$ids}) AND `id`!=1");
        } elseif ($action == 'activate' || $action == 'sendpassword') {
            // ส่งอีเมล์ยืนยันสมาชิก อีกครั้ง
            $sql = "SELECT `id`,`email`,`activatecode` FROM `" . DB_USER . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$ids}) AND `fb`='0'";

// admin/savewrite.php
header("content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
// inint
include '../bin/inint.php';
$ret = array();
// ตรวจสอบ referer และ แอดมิน
if (gcms::isReferer() && gcms::isAdmin() && (isset($_POST['intro']) || isset($_POST['maintenance']))) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['login']['account']) && $_SESSION['login']['account'] == 'demo') {
        $ret['error'] = 'EX_MODE_ERROR';
    } else {
        // ภาษาทีต้องการบันทึก
        $lang = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'write_language', '');
        $lang = in_array($lang, $config['languages']) ? $lang : LANGUAGE;
        $patt = array();
        $replace = array();
        // ตัด /r/n
        $patt[] = '/[\\r\\n]{1,}/su';
        $replace[] = '';
        // หน้าว่างๆ
        $patt[] = '/^(&nbsp;|\\s){0,}<br[\\s\\/]+?>(&nbsp;|\\s){0,}$/iu';
        $replace[] = '';
        // ตัด PHP
        $patt[] = '/<\\?(.*?)\\?>/su';
        $replace[] = '';
        $save = array();
        $detail = $db->sql_quote(preg_replace($patt, $replace, $_POST['write_detail']));
        // ตรวจสอบ ข้อความเดิม
        $key = isset($_POST['intro']) && $_POST['intro'] == 1 ? 'INTRO_PAGE_DETAIL' : 'MAINTENANCE_DETAIL';
        $search = $db->basicSearch(DB_LANGUAGE, 'key', $key);
文件: login.php 项目: phannack/GCMS
     $login_email = empty($_COOKIE[PREFIX . '_login_email']) ? '' : gcms::decode($_COOKIE[PREFIX . '_login_email']);
     $login_password = empty($_COOKIE[PREFIX . '_login_password']) ? '' : gcms::decode($_COOKIE[PREFIX . '_login_password']);
 $isMember = false;
 $isAdmin = false;
 if ($login_email != '' && $login_password != '') {
     // ตรวจสอบการ login
     $login_result = gcms::CheckLogin($login_email, $login_password);
     if (is_array($login_result)) {
         // login สำเร็จ
         $_SESSION['login'] = $login_result;
         $_SESSION['login']['password'] = $login_password;
         // login
         $isMember = true;
         // admin
         $isAdmin = $isMember && gcms::isAdmin();
         // ตรวจสอบการปันทึกการ login
         if ($login_remember) {
             // บันทึก user, password
             setCookie(PREFIX . '_login_email', gcms::encode($login_result['email']), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
             setCookie(PREFIX . '_login_password', gcms::encode($login_password), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
         setCookie(PREFIX . '_login_remember', $login_remember, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/');
     } else {
         // ข้อความผิดพลาด
         $error = array();
         $error[] = $lng['LNG_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND'];
         $error[] = $lng['LNG_MEMBER_NO_ACTIVATE'];
         $error[] = $lng['LNG_MEMBER_BAN'];
         $error[] = $lng['LNG_PASSWORD_INCORRECT'];
         $error[] = $lng['LNG_MEMBER_LOGIN_EXISTS'];
     $module = $match[1];
     $value = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'value', 0);
 } else {
     $action = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'action', '');
     $id = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'id', '');
     $value = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'value', 0);
     $module = gcms::getVars($_POST, 'module', 0);
 // โมดูลที่เรียก
 $index = $db->getRec(DB_MODULES, $module);
 if ($index) {
     // config
     gcms::r2config($index['config'], $index);
     // ตรวจสอบ เจ้าของ แอดมิน
     $sql = "SELECT `id`,`picture` FROM `" . DB_INDEX . "` WHERE `id` IN({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'";
     if (!gcms::canConfig($index, 'moderator') && !gcms::isAdmin()) {
         $sql .= ' AND `member_id`=' . (int) $_SESSION['login']['id'];
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($db->customQuery($sql) as $item) {
         $ids[$item['id']] = $item['picture'];
     if (sizeof($ids) > 0) {
         $id = implode(',', array_keys($ids));
         if ($action == 'delete') {
             // ลบ (บทความ)
             foreach ($ids as $i => $item) {
                 @unlink(DATA_PATH . "document/{$item}");
             $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_COMMENT . "` WHERE `index_id` IN ({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'");
             $db->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_INDEX . "` WHERE `id` IN ({$id}) AND `module_id`='{$index['id']}'");