<?php require_once 'lib/db.php'; require_once 'lib/competition.php'; require_once 'lib/team.php'; require_once 'lib/game.php'; include 'authenticate.php'; include 'title.php'; $con = DB::connect(); $matchid = $_GET["match"]; $teamnumber = $_GET["team"]; $match = match::select($con, $matchid); $game = game::select($con, $matchid, $teamnumber); if ($game == null) { $game = new game(); } // useful for setting checkboxes... function check($val) { if ($val) { echo "checked"; } } $red = $match->RedAlliance; $blue = $match->BlueAlliance; $color = 'red'; // figure out if we're scoring a blue or red team, to adjust the color if ($teamnumber == $blue->TeamOne || $teamnumber == $blue->TeamTwo || $teamnumber == $blue->TeamThree) { $color = 'blue'; } // so we can scout the team in the same position in the next match. if ($teamnumber == $blue->TeamOne || $teamnumber == $red->TeamOne) {
if ($match == null) { die("match not found."); } if ($team == null) { die("team not found."); } // reportMatch($match); printf("match = %s, team = %s\n", $match->ID, $match->Number); /* $game = new game(); $game->MatchID = $match->ID; $game->MatchNumber = $match->Number; $game->TeamNumber = $team->Number; $game->Autonomous = 9; $game->Teleop = 42; $game->Climbing = 20; $game->ColoredFrisbees = 1; $game->Offensive = true; $game->Disqualified = false; $game->TippedOver = false; $game->MechanicalFailure = false; $game->LostCommunication = true; $game->DidNotMove = false; $game->Comment = "A really good robot with a long comment."; $game->insert($con); */ $game = game::select($con, $match->ID, $team->Number); reportGames(array($game)); // $games = $match->selectGames($con); // reportGames($games);