 function create()
     if (!FORDEV) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     $aData = $this->input->postm(array('title' => TYPE_STR, 'type' => TYPE_UINT, 'keyword' => TYPE_STR));
     if (bff::$isPost) {
         if (empty($aData['title'])) {
             $this->errors->set(_t('services', 'Название услуги указано некорректно'));
         if (empty($aData['keyword'])) {
             $this->errors->set(_t('services', 'Keyword услуги указан некорректно'));
         } else {
             $aKeywordExists = $this->db->one_array('SELECT id, title FROM ' . TABLE_SERVICES . ' WHERE keyword = ' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['keyword']));
             if (!empty($aKeywordExists)) {
                 $this->errors->set(_t('services', 'Указанный keyword уже используется услугой "[title]"', array('title' => $aKeywordExists['title'])));
         if ($this->errors->no()) {
             $aSettings = array();
             $aSettings = serialize($aSettings);
             $res = $this->db->execute('INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_SERVICES . ' (type, keyword, title, settings, enabled)
                 VALUES(' . $aData['type'] . ', :keyword, :title, :settings, 1)', array(':keyword' => $aData['keyword'], ':title' => $aData['title'], ':settings' => $aSettings));
             $this->adminRedirect(!empty($res) ? Errors::SUCCESS : Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, 'settings');
         $aData = func::array_2_htmlspecialchars($aData, array('title', 'keyword'));
     return $this->tplFetchPHP($aData, 'admin.create.php');
 function cities_edit()
     if (!$this->haveAccessTo('cities')) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     if (!($nRecordID = $this->input->id())) {
         $this->adminRedirect(Errors::UNKNOWNRECORD, 'cities_listing_main');
     $aData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT C.*, C.city_id as id, COUNT(U.user_id) as users
                FROM ' . TABLE_CITY . ' C
                 LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U ON U.city_id = C.city_id
                WHERE C.city_id=' . $nRecordID . ' 
                GROUP BY C.city_id
                LIMIT 1');
     if (empty($aData)) {
         $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, 'cities_listing_main');
     if (func::isPostMethod()) {
         $this->input->postm(array('region_id' => TYPE_UINT, 'ycoords' => TYPE_STR, 'enabled' => TYPE_BOOL, 'main' => TYPE_BOOL, 'title' => TYPE_STR, 'keyword' => TYPE_STR), $aData, array('title', 'keyword', 'region_id'));
         if ($this->errors->no()) {
             $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_CITY . ' SET
                                region_id = ' . $aData['region_id'] . ',        
                                ycoords = ' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['ycoords']) . ',    
                                title   = ' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['title']) . ', 
                                keyword = ' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['keyword']) . ', 
                                main = ' . $aData['main'] . ', 
                                enabled = ' . $aData['enabled'] . '
                            WHERE city_id = ' . $nRecordID . ' LIMIT 1');
             $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESS, 'cities_listing_main');
     $aData['regions_options'] = $this->geoOblastOptions($aData['region_id']);
     $aData['cregions'] = $this->db->select('SELECT R.*, COUNT(U.user_id) as users 
                                        FROM ' . TABLE_REGION . ' R 
                                          LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U ON R.region_id=U.region_id
                                        WHERE R.city_id = ' . $nRecordID . ' 
                                        GROUP BY R.region_id ORDER BY R.title');
     $aData['edit'] = true;
     $this->tplAssign('aData', $aData);
     $this->includeJS(array(GEO_YMAPS_JS . '&loadByRequire=1'), false, false);
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.cities.form.tpl');
 function edit()
     if (!$this->haveAccessTo('edit')) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     if (($nRecordID = Func::POSTGET('rec', false, true)) <= 0) {
     $aData = array('pid_options' => '');
     if (Func::isPostMethod()) {
         $sMenuTitle = Func::POST('menu_title', true);
         $sKeyword = Func::POST('keyword', true);
         $sMetaKeywords = Func::POST('mkeywords', true);
         $sMetaDescription = Func::POST('mdescription', true);
         $sMenuTarget = Func::POST('menu_target');
         if (!in_array($sMenuTarget, array('_self', '_blank'))) {
             $sMenuTarget = '_self';
         $sMenuLink = Func::POST('menu_link', true);
         if (!$sMenuTitle || !trim($sMenuTitle)) {
         if ($this->errors->no()) {
             $sQuery = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_SITEMAP . '
                         SET menu_title = ' . $this->db->str2sql($sMenuTitle) . ',
                             ' . (FORDEV ? 'keyword = ' . $this->db->str2sql($sKeyword) . ', ' : '') . '
                             menu_link = ' . $this->db->str2sql($sMenuLink) . ',   
                             menu_target=' . $this->db->str2sql($sMenuTarget) . ',
                             mkeywords = ' . $this->db->str2sql($sMetaKeywords) . ',
                             mdescription = ' . $this->db->str2sql($sMetaDescription) . '
                         WHERE node_id=' . $nRecordID;
         $aData = $_POST;
         $aData['id'] = $nRecordID;
     } else {
         $sQuery = 'SELECT *
                     FROM ' . TABLE_SITEMAP_TREE . ' T,
                          ' . TABLE_SITEMAP . ' I
                     WHERE T.id=' . $nRecordID . ' AND I.node_id = T.id';
         $aData = $this->db->one_array($sQuery);
         $aData = func::array_2_htmlspecialchars($aData);
     $aParentsID = $this->tree_getNodeParentsID($aData['id']);
     if (!empty($aParentsID)) {
         $sQuery = 'SELECT menu_title
                    FROM ' . TABLE_SITEMAP_TREE . ' T,
                         ' . TABLE_SITEMAP . ' I
                    WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $aParentsID) . ') AND I.node_id = T.id
                    ORDER BY T.id';
         $aData['pid_options'] = '' . ucwords(implode(' > ', $this->db->select_one_column($sQuery))) . '';
     $this->tplAssign('aData', $aData);
     $this->tplAssign('target_options', $this->getTargetsOptions($this->aTargets, $aData['menu_target']));
     $this->tplAssign('rec', $nRecordID);
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.edit.tpl');
 function mod_edit()
     if (!$this->haveAccessTo('users-edit')) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     if (!($nRecordID = $this->input->id())) {
         $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, 'listing');
     $sTUID = func::GET('tuid');
     if (!$this->checkTUID($sTUID, $nRecordID)) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     $aData = array('admin' => 0);
     #анализируем группы, в которые входит пользователь
     $bUserSuperadmin = 0;
     $aUserGroups = $this->getUserGroups($nRecordID);
     foreach ($aUserGroups as $v) {
         if ($v['group_id'] == self::GROUPID_SUPERADMIN) {
             $bUserSuperadmin = 1;
         if ($v['adminpanel'] == 1) {
             $aData['admin'] = 1;
     if (bff::$isPost) {
         $this->input->postm(array('name' => TYPE_STR, 'email' => TYPE_STR, 'changepass' => TYPE_BOOL, 'password' => TYPE_STR, 'balance' => TYPE_NUM, 'skype' => TYPE_STR, 'email2' => TYPE_STR, 'phone' => TYPE_STR, 'group_id' => TYPE_ARRAY_INT, 'cat' => TYPE_ARRAY_UINT), $aData);
         if (!$aData['admin']) {
             //удаляем настройки предназначенные для админов
         if (empty($aData['email'])) {
         } elseif (!func::IsEmailAddress($aData['email'])) {
         if ($aData['changepass']) {
             if (empty($aData['password'])) {
             } else {
                 $aData['password'] = $this->security->getUserPasswordMD5($aData['password']);
         } else {
         //            if($aData['city_id']<=0)
         //                $this->errors->set('wrong:city');
         $aGroupID = $aData['group_id'];
         $aData['email_hash'] = func::getEmailHash($aData['email']);
         if ($this->isEmailExists($aData['email_hash'], $nRecordID)) {
         if ($this->errors->no()) {
             #update user data
             unset($aData['changepass'], $aData['group_id']);
             $aData['member'] = in_array(self::GROUPID_MEMBER, $aGroupID) ? 1 : 0;
             $aData['cat'] = join(',', $aData['cat']);
             $this->userUpdate($nRecordID, $aData);
             $avatar = new CAvatar(TABLE_USERS, USERS_AVATAR_PATH, 'avatar', 'user_id');
             $avatar->update($nRecordID, true, true);
             #set user groups
             if ($bUserSuperadmin && !in_array(self::GROUPID_SUPERADMIN, $aGroupID)) {
                 $aGroupID = array_merge($aGroupID, array(self::GROUPID_SUPERADMIN));
             $this->assignUser2Groups($nRecordID, $aGroupID);
             #обновляем, является ли юзер администратором
             $bIsAdmin = 0;
             if ($this->errors->no()) {
                 if ($bUserSuperadmin || in_array(self::GROUPID_MODERATOR, $aGroupID)) {
                     $bIsAdmin = 1;
                 } elseif (count($aGroupID) == 1 && current($aGroupID) == self::GROUPID_MEMBER) {
                     $bIsAdmin = 0;
                 } else {
                     $aUserGroups = $this->getUserGroups($nRecordID);
                     foreach ($aUserGroups as $v) {
                         if ($v['adminpanel'] == 1) {
                             $bIsAdmin = 1;
                 if ($aData['admin'] != $bIsAdmin) {
                     $sQuery = ', im_noreply = 0';
                     $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_USERS . ' SET admin=' . $bIsAdmin . (!$bIsAdmin ? $sQuery : '') . ' WHERE user_id=' . $nRecordID);
             #если пользователь редактирует собственные настройки
             if ($this->security->isCurrentUser($nRecordID)) {
             $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, (!func::GET('members') ? 'admin_' : '') . 'listing');
         $aActiveGroupsID = $aGroupID;
     } else {
         $aActiveGroupsID = array();
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($aUserGroups); $j++) {
             $aActiveGroupsID[] = $aUserGroups[$j]['group_id'];
     $aUserInfo = $this->db->one_array('SELECT U.*, C.title as city, R.region_id, R.title as region 
                                     FROM ' . TABLE_USERS . ' U
                                     LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_CITY . ' C   ON U.city_id=C.city_id
                                     LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_REGION . ' R ON C.region_id=R.region_id
                                    WHERE U.user_id=' . $nRecordID . ' LIMIT 1');
     $aData = func::array_2_htmlspecialchars(array_merge($aUserInfo, $aData), null, true);
     $aData['social_link'] = '';
     if ($aData['social']) {
         switch ($aData['social']) {
             case 'vk':
                 $aData['social_link'] = 'http://vkontakte.ru/id' . $aData['vk_id'];
     //assign groups
     $exists_options = $active_options = '';
     $aGroupsExlude = array(USERS_GROUPS_MEMBER);
     if (!$bUserSuperadmin) {
         $aGroupsExlude[] = USERS_GROUPS_SUPERADMIN;
     $aGroups = $this->getGroups($aGroupsExlude);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($aGroups); $i++) {
         if (in_array($aGroups[$i]['group_id'], $aActiveGroupsID)) {
             $active_options .= '<option value="' . $aGroups[$i]['group_id'] . '" style="color:' . $aGroups[$i]['color'] . ';">' . $aGroups[$i]['title'] . '</option>';
         } else {
             $exists_options .= '<option value="' . $aGroups[$i]['group_id'] . '" style="color:' . $aGroups[$i]['color'] . ';">' . $aGroups[$i]['title'] . '</option>';
     $this->tplAssignByRef('exists_options', $exists_options);
     $this->tplAssignByRef('active_options', $active_options);
     //$aData['city_options'] = bff::i()->Sites_geoCityOptions($aData['city_id'], 'edit');
     $aData['cat'] = explode(',', $aData['cat']);
     $this->tplAssign('aCategories', $this->getBBSCategories($aData['cat']));
     $aData['superadmin'] = $bUserSuperadmin;
     $aData['tuid'] = $sTUID;
     $aData['edit'] = true;
     $this->tplAssignByRef('aData', $aData);
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.mod.form.tpl');
 function categories_edit()
     if (!$this->haveAccessTo('categories-edit')) {
         return $this->showAccessDenied();
     if (($nRecordID = func::GETPOST('rec', false, true)) <= 0) {
         $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, 'categories_listing');
     $aData = $this->db->one_array('SELECT id, title
                FROM ' . TABLE_FAQ_CATEGORIES . '
                WHERE id=' . $nRecordID . ' LIMIT 1');
     if (!$aData) {
         $this->adminRedirect(Errors::IMPOSSIBLE, 'categories_listing');
     if (func::isPostMethod()) {
         $aData['title'] = func::POST('title', true);
         if (empty($aData['title'])) {
         if ($this->errors->no()) {
             $this->db->execute('UPDATE ' . TABLE_FAQ_CATEGORIES . ' 
                            SET title=' . $this->db->str2sql($aData['title']) . ' 
                            WHERE id=' . $nRecordID);
             $this->adminRedirect(Errors::SUCCESSFULL, 'categories_listing');
     $this->tplAssign('aData', func::array_2_htmlspecialchars($aData, array('title')));
     return $this->tplFetch('admin.categories.form.tpl');