 public function put($from, $to)
     return $this->ftp->put($from, $to) && ($this->ftp->chmod($to, $this->permFile) || true);
  * Handles uploading processes of the migration
  * @param array $files Files to upload
  * @param string $ftp_password FTP Password
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 function upload_files($files, $ftp_password)
     // Load plugin settings
     $wpmove_options = $this->get_admin_options();
     // Instantiate the FTP class
     $ftp = new ftp();
     // Enter Passive Mode if enabled
     if ($wpmove_options['ftp_passive_mode']) {
     echo '<span class="code">';
     printf(__('Connecting to %s:%d...', 'WPMove'), $wpmove_options['ftp_hostname'], $wpmove_options['ftp_port']);
     // Set the hostname and the port
     $ftp->SetServer($wpmove_options['ftp_hostname'], intval($wpmove_options['ftp_port']));
     // Try connecting to the server
     if ($ftp->connect()) {
         echo ' <strong>' . __('Success!', 'WPMove') . '</strong><br>';
         // Display a different message if no password is given
         if ('' !== $ftp_password) {
             printf(__('Logging in as %s using password...', 'WPMove'), $wpmove_options['ftp_username']);
         } else {
             printf(__('Logging in as %s without a password...', 'WPMove'), $wpmove_options['ftp_username']);
         // Login to the server using the supplied credentials
         if ($ftp->login($wpmove_options['ftp_username'], $ftp_password)) {
             echo ' <strong>' . __('Success!', 'WPMove') . '</strong><br>' . __('Starting uploading files...', 'WPMove') . '<br>';
             // Changes the present working directory to the backup directory on the remote server
             // Start counting errors during the file upload
             $error_count = 0;
             // Upload the given backup files under the backup folder to the server
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 printf(__('%s is being uploaded...', 'WPMove'), basename($file));
                 if (FALSE !== $ftp->put(trailingslashit(WPMOVE_BACKUP_DIR) . $file, basename($file))) {
                     echo '<strong>' . __(' Success!', 'WPMove') . '</strong><br>';
                 } else {
                     echo '<strong>' . __(' Failed!', 'WPMove') . '</strong><br>';
             // Notify the user about the errors occured
             if ($error_count) {
                 printf(_n('Uploading files is completed with %d error...', 'Uploading files is completed with %d errors...', $error_count, 'WPMove'), $error_count);
             } else {
                 _e('Uploading files is completed without an error...', 'WPMove');
             echo '<br>';
             _e('Closing the FTP connection...', 'WPMove');
             echo '</span><br>';
             // Close the connection
             // Return TRUE on success
             return TRUE;
         // Close the connection
     echo ' <strong>' . __(' Failed!', 'WPMove') . '</strong><br>' . __('Operation terminated...', 'WPMove') . '</span><br>';
     // If it reaches here, apparently it failed
     return FALSE;
function ftp_go()
    global $list, $options, $FtpUpload, $FtpBytesTotal, $FtpChunkSize, $FtpTimeStart, $FtpUploadBytesSent, $FtpLastChunkTime, $FtpLast;
    require_once CLASS_DIR . "ftp.php";
    $ftp = new ftp();
    if (!$ftp->SetServer($_POST["host"], (int) $_POST["port"])) {
        printf(lang(79), $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]);
        echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />';
    } else {
        if (!$ftp->connect()) {
            echo "<br />";
            printf(lang(79), $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]);
            echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />';
        } else {
            printf(lang(81), 'ftp://' . $_POST['host'] . ':' . $_POST['port']);
            if (!$ftp->login($_POST["login"], $_POST["password"])) {
                echo "<br />";
                echo lang(80);
                echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />';
            } else {
                if (!$ftp->chdir($_POST["dir"])) {
                    echo "<br />";
                    printf(lang(159), $_POST['dir']);
                    echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . lang(78) . '</a><br /><br />';
                } else {
<br />
				<div id="status"></div>
				<br />
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						<div class="progressouter">
						<div style="width:298px">
							<div id="progress" class="ftpprogress"></div>
						<td align="left" id="received">0 KB</td>
						<td align="center" id="percent">0%</td>
						<td align="right" id="speed">0 KB/s</td>
				<br />
				<script type="text/javascript">switchCell(3);</script>
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST["files"]); $i++) {
                        $file = $list[$_POST["files"][$i]];
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(0,0,0);changeStatus(' . "'" . addslashes(basename($file["name"])) . "', '" . $file["size"] . "');</script>";
                        $FtpUpload = true;
                        $FtpBytesTotal = filesize($file['name']);
                        $FtpChunkSize = round($FtpBytesTotal / 333);
                        $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime();
                        $FtpUploadBytesSent = $FtpLastChunkTime = $FtpLast = 0;
                        if ($ftp->put($file["name"], basename($file["name"]))) {
                            $time = round(getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart);
                            $speed = @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / $time, 2);
                            echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(100, ' . "'" . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($FtpBytesTotal) . "', " . $speed . ")</script>\r\n";
                            if (@$_POST["del_ok"] && !$options['disable_deleting']) {
                                if (@unlink($file["name"])) {
                            printf(lang(160), '<a href="ftp://' . $_POST["login"] . ':' . $_POST["password"] . '@' . $_POST["host"] . ':' . $_POST["port"] . $_POST["dir"] . (substr($_POST["dir"], -1) != '/' ? '/' : '') . basename($file["name"]) . '"><b>' . basename($file["name"]) . '</b></a>');
                            echo "<br />" . lang(161) . ": <b>" . sec2time($time) . "</b><br />" . lang(162) . ": <b>" . $speed . " KB/s</b><br /><br />";
                        } else {
                            printf(lang(163), basename($file['name']));
                            echo "<br />";
  * Generates ZIP archive
  * @return string|WP_Error
 protected function _generateArchive()
     global $blog_id;
     // Prepare archive directory
     $uploadDir = wp_upload_dir();
     $exporter = wp_get_current_user();
     $archiveName = $uploadDir['path'] . '/' . self::HOOK . '-' . $blog_id . '-' . time() . '-' . $exporter->user_login;
     $archiveDir = $archiveName . '/';
     if (!file_exists($archiveDir)) {
     // Prepare queue
     $baseUrl = untrailingslashit(home_url());
     $newBaseUrl = untrailingslashit($this->_options->getOption('baseUrl'));
     $urlsQueue = array_unique(array_merge(array(trailingslashit($baseUrl)), $this->_getListOfLocalFilesByUrl(array(get_template_directory_uri())), $this->_getListOfLocalFilesByUrl(explode("\n", $this->_options->getOption('additionalUrls')))));
     // Process queue
     $this->_exportLog = array();
     while (count($urlsQueue)) {
         $currentUrl = array_shift($urlsQueue);
         //echo "Processing ". $currentUrl."<br />";
         $urlResponse = new StaticHtmlOutput_UrlRequest($currentUrl);
         // Add current url to the list of processed urls
         $this->_exportLog[$currentUrl] = true;
         // Add new urls to the queue
         foreach ($urlResponse->extractAllUrls($baseUrl) as $newUrl) {
             if (!isset($this->_exportLog[$newUrl]) && $newUrl != $currentUrl && !in_array($newUrl, $urlsQueue)) {
                 //echo "Adding ".$newUrl." to the list<br />";
                 $urlsQueue[] = $newUrl;
         // Save url data
         $urlResponse->replaceBaseUlr($baseUrl, $newBaseUrl);
         $this->_saveUrlData($urlResponse, $archiveDir);
     // Create archive object
     $tempZip = $archiveName . '.tmp';
     $zipArchive = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zipArchive->open($tempZip, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true) {
         return new WP_Error('Could not create archive');
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($archiveDir));
     foreach ($iterator as $fileName => $fileObject) {
         $baseName = basename($fileName);
         if ($baseName != '.' && $baseName != '..') {
             if (!$zipArchive->addFile(realpath($fileName), str_replace($archiveDir, '', $fileName))) {
                 return new WP_Error('Could not add file: ' . $fileName);
     rename($tempZip, $archiveName . '.zip');
     if ($this->_options->getOption('sendViaFTP') == 1) {
         //crude FTP addition
         require_once '/home/leon/leonwp/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/library/FTP/ftp.php';
         $config = array();
         $ftp = new ftp($config);
         $ftp->conn($this->_options->getOption('ftpServer'), $this->_options->getOption('ftpUsername'), filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ftpPassword'));
         //Crude FTP
         $ftp->put($this->_options->getOption('ftpRemotePath'), $archiveName . '/');
     // Remove temporary files unless user requested to keep or needed for FTP transfer
     if ($this->_options->getOption('retainStaticFiles') != 1) {
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($archiveDir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
         foreach ($iterator as $fileName => $fileObject) {
             // Remove file
             if ($fileObject->isDir()) {
                 // Ignore special dirs
                 $dirName = basename($fileName);
                 if ($dirName != '.' && $dirName != '..') {
             } else {
     return str_replace(ABSPATH, trailingslashit(home_url()), $archiveName . '.zip');
function ftp_go()
    global $list, $options, $L;
    require_once CLASS_DIR . "ftp.php";
    $ftp = new ftp();
    if (!$ftp->SetServer($_POST["host"], (int) $_POST["port"])) {
        echo $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_establish_con'], $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]);
        echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />';
    } else {
        if (!$ftp->connect()) {
            echo "<br />";
            echo $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_establish_con'], $_POST["host"] . ":" . $_POST["port"]);
            echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />';
        } else {
            $L->sprintf($L->say['_con'], 'ftp://' . $_POST['host'] . ':' . $_POST['port']);
            if (!$ftp->login($_POST["login"], $_POST["password"])) {
                echo "<br />";
                echo $L->say['incorrect_userpass'];
                echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />';
            } else {
                if (!$ftp->chdir($_POST["dir"])) {
                    echo "<br />";
                    echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_cant_locatefold'], $_POST['dir']);
                    echo '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back(-1);">' . $L->say['_back'] . '</a><br /><br />';
                } else {
<br />
				<div id="status"></div>
				<br />
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						<div class="progressouter">
						<div style="width:298px">
							<div id="progress" class="ftpprogress"></div>
						<td align="left" id="received">0 KB</td>
						<td align="center" id="percent">0%</td>
						<td align="right" id="speed">0 KB/s</td>
				<br />
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST["files"]); $i++) {
                        $file = $list[$_POST["files"][$i]];
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">changeStatus(' . "'" . addslashes(basename($file["name"])) . "', '" . $file["size"] . "');</script>";
                        $FtpBytesTotal = filesize($file["name"]);
                        $FtpTimeStart = getmicrotime();
                        if ($ftp->put($file["name"], basename($file["name"]))) {
                            $time = round(getmicrotime() - $FtpTimeStart);
                            $speed = @round($FtpBytesTotal / 1024 / $time, 2);
                            echo '<script type="text/javascript">pr(100, ' . "'" . bytesToKbOrMbOrGb($FtpBytesTotal) . "', " . $speed . ")</script>\r\n";
                            if ($_POST["del_ok"] && !$options['disable_to']['act_del']) {
                                if (@unlink($file["name"])) {
                            echo $L->sprintf($L->say['_successupl'], '<a href="ftp://' . $_POST["login"] . ':' . $_POST["password"] . '@' . $_POST["host"] . ':' . $_POST["port"] . $_POST["dir"] . '/' . basename($file["name"]) . '"><b>' . basename($file["name"]) . '</b></a>');
                            echo "<br />" . $L->say['_time'] . ": <b>" . sec2time($time) . "</b><br />" . $L->say['_avg_spd'] . ": <b>" . $speed . " KB/s</b><br /><br />";
                        } else {
                            echo $L->sprintf($L->say['couldnt_upl_file'], basename($file['name'])) . "<br />";
                $o = z5c(array('act' => 'ftp', 'flsort', 'ffsort', 'd', 'ft' => 'download', 'rt' => $list_f[$i][0]), z8n($ext, '', '9') . z8v(z8f($disp, 40), '11', z3c($disp, 'f')));
            echo z7i(z7l($o, '19', '2') . z7e(@is_numeric($list_f[$i][1]) ? z7c($list_f[$i][1]) : $list_f[$i][1], '10') . z7l($disp == '..' ? z0q($list_f[$i][0]) : z0r($list_f[$i][0]) . z4n($list_f[$i][0], 'idftp', ($i % 2 ? 'tra' : 'trb') . $jsid), '10'), $i % 2 ? '0' : '1', ($i % 2 ? 'tra' : 'trb') . $jsid);
        echo z10w() . z5j() . z7g() . z7u() . z10w();
        echo z9m('2') . z7p() . z7k('', '4') . z0p('idloc', 'ltall', z9b('act') . z9b('flsort') . z9b('ffsort') . z9b('d') . z9b('ftpmloc', '1'), array('' => z9s("66"), 'upload' => z9s("197"), 'delete' => z9s("199"))) . z7g() . z7k('', '4') . z0p('idftp', 'rtall', z9b('act') . z9b('flsort') . z9b('ffsort') . z9b('d') . z9b('ftpmrem', '1'), array('' => z9s("66"), 'download' => z9s("198"), 'delete' => z9s("199"))) . z7g() . z7u() . z10w();
    } else {
        echo z2b(z9s("185") . z9c() . ($hmsg != '' ? ' : ' . $hmsg : ''));
        echo z6d() . z10e(z7i(z5c(array("act" => "ftp", "d"), z6x(z8e(z9s("186")) . z6i("ftp_server", $ftp_server, '5') . z6i("ftp_port", $ftp_port, '6')) . z6x(z8e(z9s("187")) . z6i("ftp_username", $ftp_username, '5')) . z6x(z8e(z9s("188")) . z6i("ftp_password", $ftp_password, '5') . z8v(z9s("189"), '7') . ' ' . z5y("ftp_passive1", z9s("190"), "ftp_passive")))), '2') . z6d();
        $dmsg = $umsg = '';
        if (!@empty($ftp_server) && !@empty($ftp_port) && !@empty($ftp_username) && !@empty($ftp_password) && @isset($ftp_quickaction)) {
            $ftp = new ftp($ftp_server, $ftp_port, $ftp_username, $ftp_password, $ftp_passive);
            if ($ftp->loggedOn) {
                if ($ftp_quickaction == "upload") {
                    $umsg = $ftp->put($ftp_remotefile, $ftp_localfile) ? z9s("208") : z9s("209");
                } elseif ($ftp_quickaction == "download") {
                    $dmsg = $ftp->get($ftp_remotefile, $ftp_localfile, 1) ? z9s("210") : z9s("211");
            } else {
                if ($ftp_quickaction == "upload") {
                    $umsg = z9s("191");
                } else {
                    $dmsg = z9s("191");
        echo z2b(array(z9s("200") . z9c() . ($dmsg != '' ? " : " . $dmsg : ''), z9s("201") . z9c() . ($umsg != '' ? " : " . $umsg : '')), '46');
        echo z10e(z9f(z9j(z5c(array('act' => 'ftp', 'ftp_quickaction' => 'download', 'd'), z10e(z5n() . z7i(z5t(z9s("202")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_server', $ftp_server, '2') . z6i('ftp_port', $ftp_port, '6'))) . z7i(z5t(z9s("203")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_username', $ftp_username, '4') . z6i('ftp_password', $ftp_password, '5'))) . z7i(z5t(z9s("204")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_remotefile', $ftp_remotefile, '0'))) . z7i(z5t(z9s("205")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_localfile', $ftp_localfile, '0'))) . z7i(z5t('') . z9j(z8v(z9s("207"), '7') . z5y("ftp_passive2", z9s("190"), "ftp_passive"))) . z5n())), '', '4') . z9j(z5c(array('act' => 'ftp', 'ftp_quickaction' => 'upload', 'd'), z10e(z5n() . z7i(z5t(z9s("202")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_server', $ftp_server, '2') . z6i('ftp_port', $ftp_port, '6'))) . z7i(z5t(z9s("203")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_username', $ftp_username, '4') . z6i('ftp_password', $ftp_password, '5'))) . z7i(z5t(z9s("205")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_localfile', $ftp_localfile, '0'))) . z7i(z5t(z9s("204")) . z9j(z6i('ftp_remotefile', $ftp_remotefile, '0'))) . z7i(z5t('') . z9j(z8v(z9s("206"), '7') . z5y("ftp_passive3", z9s("190"), "ftp_passive"))) . z5n())), '', '46')), '2');