public function install_MX() { $path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); $this->Install_Path = realpath(dirname($path, 1)) . self::DS; unset($path); $FsConf = $this->Install_Path . 'config.php'; $FsUnI = $this->Install_Path . 'plugins' . self::DS . 'admin_mexico' . self::DS . 'extras' . self::DS . 'uninstall.xml'; if (!copy($FsConf, $FsConf . '.bak')) { return (bool) false; } if (is_writable($FsConf)) { $strConf = file_get_contents($FsConf); if (strpos($strConf, "define('FS_INSTALL_PATH',") === false) { $setDef = self::R . '/// Modificación admin_mexico' . self::R . "define('FS_INSTALL_PATH', '" . $this->Install_Path . "');"; if (!file_put_contents($FsConf, $setDef, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX)) { return (bool) false; } } unset($strConf); if (file_exists($FsUnI)) { unlink($FsUnI); } $fp = fopen($FsUnI, 'w+'); fwrite($fp, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\r\n"); fwrite($fp, '<files>' . self::R); fclose($fp); require_once $this->Install_Path . 'base' . self::DS . 'fs_db2.php'; $db = new fs_db2(); if ($db->connect()) { $tables = $db->list_tables(); file_put_contents($FsUnI, '<databases>' . self::R, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); $qry = "SELECT TABLE_NAME AS name FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . FS_DB_NAME . "' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'codpostal' AND TABLE_NAME='empresa';"; if ($rs = $db->select($qry)) { foreach ($rs as $tb) { $e = '<tb nam="' . $tb["name"] . '" />' . self::R; file_put_contents($FsUnI, $e, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); $db->exec("ALTER TABLE " . $tb["name"] . " ADD colonia TEXT NULL AFTER codpostal;", false); } } file_put_contents($FsUnI, '</databases>' . self::R . '</files>', FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } else { return (bool) false; } return (bool) false; } else { return (bool) false; } }
/** * Devuelve información del sistema para el informe de errores * @return type la información del sistema */ public function system_info() { $txt = 'facturascripts: ' . $this->version() . "\n"; $txt .= 'os: ' . php_uname() . "\n"; $txt .= 'php: ' . phpversion() . "\n"; $txt .= 'database type: ' . FS_DB_TYPE . "\n"; $txt .= 'database version: ' . $this->db->version() . "\n"; if ($this->cache->connected()) { $txt .= "memcache: YES\n"; } else { $txt .= "memcache: NO\n"; } $txt .= 'memcache version: ' . $this->cache->version() . "\n"; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $txt .= "curl: YES\n"; } else { $txt .= "curl: NO\n"; } $txt .= 'plugins: ' . join(',', $GLOBALS['plugins']) . "\n"; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $txt .= 'url: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n------"; } foreach ($this->get_errors() as $e) { $txt .= "\n" . $e; } return str_replace('"', "'", $txt); }
/** * Comprueba y actualiza la estructura de la tabla si es necesario * @param type $table_name * @return boolean */ protected function check_table($table_name) { $done = TRUE; $consulta = ''; $xml_columnas = array(); $xml_restricciones = array(); if ($this->get_xml_table($table_name, $xml_columnas, $xml_restricciones)) { if ($this->db->table_exists($table_name)) { if (!$this->db->check_table_aux($table_name)) { $this->new_error_msg('Error al convertir la tabla a InnoDB.'); } /// eliminamos restricciones $restricciones = $this->db->get_constraints($table_name); $consulta2 = $this->db->compare_constraints($table_name, $xml_restricciones, $restricciones, TRUE); if ($consulta2 != '') { if (!$this->db->exec($consulta2)) { $this->new_error_msg('Error al comprobar la tabla ' . $table_name); } } /// comparamos las columnas $columnas = $this->db->get_columns($table_name); $consulta .= $this->db->compare_columns($table_name, $xml_columnas, $columnas); /// comparamos las restricciones $restricciones = $this->db->get_constraints($table_name); $consulta .= $this->db->compare_constraints($table_name, $xml_restricciones, $restricciones); } else { /// generamos el sql para crear la tabla $consulta .= $this->db->generate_table($table_name, $xml_columnas, $xml_restricciones); $consulta .= $this->install(); } if ($consulta != '') { if (!$this->db->exec($consulta)) { $this->new_error_msg('Error al comprobar la tabla ' . $table_name); $done = FALSE; } } } else { $this->new_error_msg('Error con el xml.'); $done = FALSE; } return $done; }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /// accedemos al directorio de FacturaScripts chdir(__DIR__); /// cargamos las constantes de configuración require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'base/config2.php'; $tiempo = explode(' ', microtime()); $uptime = $tiempo[1] + $tiempo[0]; require_once 'base/fs_db2.php'; $db = new fs_db2(); require_once 'base/fs_default_items.php'; require_once 'base/fs_model.php'; require_model('empresa.php'); require_model('fs_var.php'); if ($db->connect()) { $fsvar = new fs_var(); $cron_vars = $fsvar->array_get(array('cron_exists' => FALSE, 'cron_lock' => FALSE, 'cron_error' => FALSE)); if ($cron_vars['cron_lock']) { echo "ERROR: Ya hay un cron en ejecución. Si crees que es un error," . " ve a Admin > Información del sistema para solucionar el problema."; /// marcamos el error en el cron $cron_vars['cron_error'] = 'TRUE'; } else { /** * He detectado que a veces, con el plugin kiwimaru, * el proceso cron tarda más de una hora, y por tanto se encadenan varios
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /// cargamos las constantes de configuración require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'base/config2.php'; require_once 'base/fs_db2.php'; $db = new fs_db2(); require_once 'base/fs_model.php'; require_model('fs_extension.php'); if ($db->connect()) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['v'])) { echo 'Version de la API ausente. Actualiza el cliente.'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['v'] == '2') { if (isset($_REQUEST['f'])) { $ejecutada = FALSE; $fsext = new fs_extension(); foreach ($fsext->all_4_type('api') as $ext) { if ($ext->text == $_REQUEST['f']) { try { $_REQUEST['f'](); } catch (Exception $e) {