if ($array_expense['ts_expense_verified'] > 0) { $ts_expense_verified = TimeFormatBrief($array_expense['ts_expense_verified']); } else { $ts_expense_verified = "-"; } $ts_expense_value = CashFormat($array_expense['ts_expense_value']); $ts_expense_vat = CashFormat($array_expense['ts_expense_vat']); $ts_expense_receipt = $array_expense['ts_expense_receipt']; $ts_expense_reimburse = $array_expense['ts_expense_reimburse']; $proj_num = $array_expense['proj_num']; if ($ts_expense_invoiced == NULL) { $ts_expense_invoiced = 0; } if ($ts_expense_reimburse == 1 and $ts_expense_invoiced == 0) { $bg = 1; $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 220); } else { $bg = 0; } if ($ts_expense_p11d == "1") { $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 255); } else { $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); } $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 7); $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $ts_expense_id, 0, 0, L, $bg); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 9); $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $ts_expense_date, 0, 0, L, $bg); $pdf->Cell(15, 4, $proj_num, 0, 0, L, $bg); $pdf->MultiCell(55, 4, $ts_expense_desc, 0, L, $bg); $max_y = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->SetXY(10, 70); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.5); $sql_checklist = "SELECT * FROM intranet_project_checklist_items LEFT JOIN intranet_project_checklist ON checklist_item = item_id AND checklist_project = {$proj_id} WHERE checklist_required != 1 ORDER BY item_group, item_order, checklist_date DESC, item_name"; $result_checklist = mysql_query($sql_checklist, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $y = $pdf->GetY() + 10; $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.3); $pdf->SetFont("Helvetica", 'B', 7); $pdf->Cell(65, 5, "Item", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, "Required", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(30, 5, "Date Completed", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(80, 5, "Comment", B, 1, L, 0); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 7); $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.1); $fill = 0; $group = NULL; while ($array_checklist = mysql_fetch_array($result_checklist)) { $item_id = $array_checklist['item_id']; $item_name = $array_checklist['item_name']; $item_date = $array_checklist['item_date']; $item_group = $array_checklist['item_group']; $item_required = $array_checklist['item_required']; $item_notes = $array_checklist['item_notes']; $checklist_id = $array_checklist['checklist_id']; $checklist_required = $array_checklist['checklist_required']; $checklist_date = $array_checklist['checklist_date']; $checklist_comment = htmlentities($array_checklist['checklist_comment']); $checklist_user = $array_checklist['checklist_user'];
// Printed by, and on... $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 12); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $sql = "SELECT user_name_first, user_name_second FROM intranet_user_details WHERE user_id = {$_COOKIE['user']}"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $array = mysql_fetch_array($result); $user_name_first = $array['user_name_first']; $user_name_second = $array['user_name_second']; $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 8); $printed_on = "Generated " . date("r") . " by " . $user_name_first . " " . $user_name_second; $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 6); $pdf->Cell(0, 4, $printed_on, 0, 1, L, 0); $pdf->Ln(); $legend = "Cost (Fa) = Factored cost\nCost (Ho) = Hourly cost\nCost (Fa Acc) = Factored accumulative cost\nCost (Ho Acc) = Hourly accumulative cost\n"; $pdf->MultiCell(0, 3, $legend); $pdf->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220); // Begin the array through all users $sql = "SELECT * FROM intranet_user_details, intranet_timesheet LEFT JOIN intranet_timesheet_fees ON ts_project = ts_fee_stage WHERE ts_user = user_id AND ts_project = '{$proj_submit}' AND ts_entry BETWEEN '{$time_submit_begin}' AND '{$time_submit_end}' ORDER BY ts_stage_fee, ts_fee_time_begin"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $current_fee_stage = NULL; $running_cost = 0; $current_id = NULL; $stage_total = 0; $hours_total = 0; function StageTotal() { global $pdf; global $stage_total; global $hours_total; global $running_cost_nf; global $ts_fee_target;
$result_drawings = mysql_query($sql_drawings, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $y = $pdf->GetY() + 10; $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->SetTextColor(200, 200, 200); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.3); $pdf->SetFont("Helvetica", 'B', 6); $pdf->Cell(25, 5, "Drawing Number", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(10, 5, "Size", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(20, 5, "Scale", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(80, 5, "Drawing Title", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(20, 5, "Target Date", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, "Current Rev.", B, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(20, 5, "Date", B, 1, L, 0); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 7); $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $fill = 0; unset($current_type); while ($array_drawings = mysql_fetch_array($result_drawings)) { $drawing_number = $array_drawings['drawing_number']; $drawing_id = $array_drawings['drawing_id']; $drawing_title = str_replace("\n", ", ", $array_drawings['drawing_title']); $drawing_title = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)]*/', '', $drawing_title); $drawing_date = $array_drawings['drawing_date']; $drawing_targetdate = $array_drawings['drawing_targetdate']; $drawing_comment = $array_drawings['drawing_comment']; $scale_desc = $array_drawings['scale_desc']; $paper_size = $array_drawings['paper_size']; $this_type_array = explode("-", $drawing_number); $this_type = $this_type_array[2]; if ($current_type != $this_type && $current_type != NULL) {
$pdf->useTemplate($tplidx); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(0, 1.5); $pdf->AddFont($format_font, '', $format_font_2); // Page headers $project_counter = 1; $page_count = 1; $pdf->SetY(35); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 24); $pdf->SetTextColor($format_bg_r, $format_bg_g, $format_bg_b); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Timesheet Analysis"); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetY(50); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 18); $print_title = "Generated " . TimeFormatDetailed(time()); $print_envelope = "Timesheet Datum: " . TimeFormat($settings_timesheetstart); $pdf->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $print_title, 0, L, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 5, $print_envelope, 0, L, 0); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 5, $print_profit_text, 0, L, 0); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, '', 0, 2); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); // Array through the projects and fee stages $bar_width_standard = 130; $effectively_zero = 0.1; // Sets the minimum bar size if the quantity is zero $page_number = 0; $complete_profit_total = 0; $complete_fee_total = 0; $complete_cost_total = 0;
$proj_address_postcode = $array['proj_address_postcode']; $proj_client_contact_id = $array['proj_client_contact_id']; $proj_planning_ref = $array['proj_planning_ref']; $proj_buildingcontrol_ref = $array['proj_buildingcontrol_ref']; $print_title = $proj_num . " " . $proj_name; $pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $print_title, 0, L, 0); // Printed by, and on... $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 10); $sql = "SELECT user_name_first, user_name_second FROM intranet_user_details WHERE user_id = {$_COOKIE['user']}"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $array = mysql_fetch_array($result); $user_name_first = $array['user_name_first']; $user_name_second = $array['user_name_second']; $printed_on = "Current at " . date("g:ia, j F Y"); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, $printed_on, 0, 1, L, 0); $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255); $y_current = 70; $x_current = 10; // Project Address $proj_address = $proj_address . AddLine($proj_address_1); $proj_address = $proj_address . AddLine($proj_address_2); $proj_address = $proj_address . AddLine($proj_address_3); $proj_address = $proj_address . AddLine($proj_address_town); $proj_address = $proj_address . AddLine($proj_address_county); $proj_address = $proj_address . AddLine($proj_address_postcode); StyleHeading("Site Address", $proj_address); // Begin the conditions array $sql_conditions = "SELECT * FROM intranet_projects_planning LEFT JOIN contacts_companylist ON company_id = condition_responsibility WHERE condition_project = {$proj_id} ORDER BY condition_decision_date, condition_ref, condition_number"; $result_conditions = mysql_query($sql_conditions, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result_conditions) > 0) { unset($current_ref);
$section = "Section " . $_GET[s1] . " only - " . $qms_firstpage; $s1 = " WHERE qms_toc1 = {$s1} "; } else { unset($s1); } if ($_GET[s2] > 0) { $s2 = intval($_GET[s2]); $section = "Section " . $_GET[s1] . "." . $_GET[s2] . " only - " . $qms_firstpage; $s2 = " AND qms_toc2 = {$s2} "; } else { unset($s2); } $pdf->AddFont($format_font, '', $format_font_2); $pdf->SetXY(10, 175); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 18); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 10, $settings_companyname, 0, L); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 32); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 20, 'Quality Management System', 0, L); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 14); $printed_date = "Current at " . date("g.ia, jS F Y", time()); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 25, '', 0, L); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $printed_date, 0, L); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.1); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 11); $width = $pdf->GetStringWidth($printed_date) + 20; if ($s1 != NULL or $s2 != NULL) { $pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $section, T, L); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM intranet_qms {$s1} {$s2} ORDER BY qms_toc1, qms_toc2, qms_toc3, qms_toc4";
$ts_expense_value = CashFormat($array_expense['ts_expense_value']); $ts_expense_vat = CashFormat($array_expense['ts_expense_vat']); $ts_expense_receipt = $array_expense['ts_expense_receipt']; $ts_expense_reimburse = $array_expense['ts_expense_reimburse']; $ts_expense_p11d = $array_expense['ts_expense_p11d']; $user_intials = $array_expense['user_initials']; $proj_num = $array_expense['proj_num']; if ($ts_expense_p11d == 1) { $expense_p11d_total = $expense_p11d_total + $array_expense['ts_expense_vat']; } if ($ts_expense_invoiced == NULL) { $ts_expense_invoiced = 0; } if ($ts_expense_p11d == 1 and $ts_expense_invoiced > 0) { $bg = 1; $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 0, 0); } elseif ($ts_expense_p11d == 1) { $bg = 1; $pdf->SetFillColor(180, 230, 130); } elseif ($ts_expense_invoiced > 0) { $bg = 1; $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 200); } else { $bg = 0; } $pdf->SetX(55); $pdf->MultiCell(45, 4, $ts_expense_desc, 0, L, $bg); $max_y = $pdf->GetY(); $cellheight = $max_y - $y; $pdf->SetXY(10, $y); $link = $pdf_location . "index2.php?page=timesheet_expense_view&ts_expense_id=" . $ts_expense_id;
$invoice_due = $array_invoice['invoice_due']; $invoice_project = $array_invoice['invoice_project']; $invoice_paid = $array_invoice['invoice_paid']; $invoice_account = $array_invoice['invoice_account']; $invoice_month = date("n", $invoice_date); $invoice_year = date("Y", $invoice_date); $invoice_id_print = $invoice_id; $invoice_ref_print = strtoupper($invoice_ref); $invoice_date_print = TimeFormat($invoice_date); $invoice_due_print = TimeFormat($invoice_due); if ($invoice_paid > 0) { $invoice_paid_print = TimeFormat($invoice_paid); } else { $invoice_paid_print = "-"; } $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 150, 150); if ($invoice_paid == 0 and $invoice_due < time()) { $highlight = 1; } else { $highlight = 0; } if ($invoice_month != $thismonth and $thismonth > 0) { // Month Total $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $month_total_print = $invoice_date - 2592000; $total_print = "Total for " . $month; $pdf->SetTextColor(150, 150, 150); $pdf->Cell(130, 6, $total_print, 'T'); $invoice_novat_month_print = CashFormat($invoice_novat_month); $invoice_vat_month_print = CashFormat($invoice_vat_month); $pdf->Cell(30, 6, $invoice_novat_month_print, 'T', 0, 'R');
$ts_expense_user = $array_expense['ts_expense_user']; if ($array_expense['ts_expense_verified'] > 0) { $ts_expense_verified = TimeFormatBrief($array_expense['ts_expense_verified']); } else { $ts_expense_verified = "-"; } $ts_expense_value = CashFormat($array_expense['ts_expense_value']); $ts_expense_vat = CashFormat($array_expense['ts_expense_vat']); $ts_expense_receipt = $array_expense['ts_expense_receipt']; $ts_expense_reimburse = $array_expense['ts_expense_reimburse']; $proj_num = $array_expense['proj_num']; if ($ts_expense_invoiced == NULL) { $ts_expense_invoiced = 0; } if ($_POST[include_p11d] == "both" and $ts_expense_p11d == 1) { $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 210, 150); $bg = 1; } else { $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255); $bg = 0; } $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 7); $pdf->Cell(10, 4, $ts_expense_id, 0, 0, L, $bg); $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 9); $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $ts_expense_date, 0, 0, L, $bg); $pdf->Cell(15, 4, $proj_num, 0, 0, L, $bg); $pdf->MultiCell(55, 4, $ts_expense_desc, 0, L, $bg); $max_y = $pdf->GetY(); $x = $x + 100; $y = $y; $pdf->SetXY($x, $y);
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, $proj_num, 0, 1, L); } if ($ts_fee_conclude >= BeginWeek($current_time)) { $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 7); $pdf->Cell(40, $rowheight, $ts_fee_text, 0, 0, L); if ($proj_riba == $ts_fee_id) { $color = array(0.07000000000000001, 0.82, 0.72); } else { $color = array(0.47, 0.75, 0.9399999999999999); } //$color = array(0.47,0.75,0.94); $color1 = Colors($color[0], $ts_fee_prospect); $color2 = Colors($color[1], $ts_fee_prospect); $color3 = Colors($color[2], $ts_fee_prospect); $pdf->SetFillColor($color1, $color2, $color3); $stage_start = $ts_fee_commence - BeginWeek($current_time); if ($stage_start < 0) { $stage_start = 0; $ts_fee_time_end = $ts_fee_time_end - ($current_time - $ts_fee_commence); $noborder = 1; } else { $noborder = 0; } $stage_start = Weeks($stage_start); if ($stage_start > 0 & $stage_start < 230) { $pdf->Cell($stage_start, $rowheight, '', 0, 0, L); } $stage_width = Weeks($ts_fee_time_end); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 5); $count = 0;