        $taburl = clone $pageurl;
        $tabs = array(new tabobject('tab0', $taburl . '&tab=0', $tabtitle1), new tabobject('tab1', $taburl . '&tab=1', $tabtitle2));
        print $out->tabtree($tabs, "tab{$tab}");
    // Display time filter options form.
    if ($start || $end || $ratedstart || $ratedend) {
        $timefilter->set_data(array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'ratedstart' => $ratedstart, 'ratedend' => $ratedend));
    if (!empty($submitted->ratedposts)) {
        $timefilter->set_data(array('ratedposts' => $submitted->ratedposts));
    // Display the download button only if we have posts to download.
    if ($posts) {
        print $table->download_buttons();
$data = array();
foreach ($posts as $postid => $post) {
    $deleted = $post->get_deleted();
    $discussion = $post->get_discussion();
    $discussiondeleted = $discussion->is_deleted();
    // Don't display if post or discussion is deleted and user is a student.
    if (!(($deleted || $discussiondeleted) && $student)) {
        if (empty($download)) {
            print "<div class='forumng-userpostheading'>";
            // Get URL to post.
            print '<a href="' . s($post->get_url()) . '">';
        // If this post is a reply, then print a link to the discussion.
                if (!empty($download)) {
                    $gradeitem = str_replace('/', '//', $gradeitem);
                    // Fix in excel.
            } else {
                $gradeitem = get_string('nograde');
    $row[4] = $span . $gradeitem . $postspan;
    $data[] = $row;
if (empty($download)) {
    // Display heading.
    print $out->heading(get_string('userposts', 'forumngfeature_userposts'));
    echo $ptable->download_buttons();
    // Print out participation form.
    if ($cangrade) {
        print forumngfeature_userposts_grade_form_header($cmid, $groupid);
$ptable->downloadable = false;
foreach ($data as $row) {
// Print out grade form footer.
if ($cangrade && empty($download)) {
    print forumngfeature_userposts_grade_form_footer();