static function checkedLessCompile($files, $path, $inc_paths = null, $force = false, $check_global_inc = true) { static $initialized; if ($initialized === null) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.path'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent' . DS . 'librairies' . DS . 'lessphp' . DS . ''; $initialized = 1; } $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $flexiparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent'); $print_logging_info = $flexiparams->get('print_logging_info'); $debug = JDEBUG || $print_logging_info; // Validate paths $path = JPath::clean($path); if (!is_array($inc_paths)) { $inc_paths = $inc_paths ? array($inc_paths) : array(); } foreach ($inc_paths as $k => $v) { $inc_paths[$k] = JPath::clean($v); } // Check if LESS include paths have modified less files $_dirty = flexicontent_html::dirty_less_incPath_exists($inc_paths, $check_global_inc); // Find which LESS files have changed $stale = array(); foreach ($files as $inFile) { //$inFile = urldecode(base64_decode($inFile)); $inFilename = basename($inFile); $nameOnly = basename($inFilename, '.less'); $outFile = 'css/' . $nameOnly . '.css'; if (!JFile::exists($path . $inFile)) { //if ($debug) $app->enqueueMessage('Path not found: '.$path.$inFile, 'warning'); } else { if ($_dirty || $force || !is_file($path . $outFile) || filemtime($path . $inFile) > filemtime($path . $outFile)) { $stale[$inFile] = $outFile; } } } //print_r($stale); // We are done if no CSS files need to be updated if (empty($stale)) { return array(); } static $prev_path = null; if ($prev_path != $path && $debug) { $app->enqueueMessage('Compiling LESS files in: ' . $path, 'message'); } $compiled = array(); $msg = ''; $error = false; foreach ($stale as $in => $out) { // *** WARNING: Always create new object on every call, otherwise files needed more than one place, will may NOT be include $less = new \FLEXIcontent\lessc(); // JLess($fname = null, new JLessFormatterJoomla); $formater = new \FLEXIcontent\lessc_formatter_classic(); $formater->disableSingle = true; $formater->breakSelectors = true; $formater->assignSeparator = ": "; $formater->selectorSeparator = ","; $formater->indentChar = "\t"; $less->setFormatter($formater); try { $wasCompiled = $less->compileFile($path . $in, $path . $out); // $less->checkedCompile($path.$in, $path.$out); // consider modification times if ($wasCompiled) { $compiled[$in] = $out; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = true; if ($debug || $app->isAdmin()) { $app->enqueueMessage('- LESS to CSS halted ... CSS file was not changed ... please edit LESS file(s) find offending <b>lines</b> and fix or remove<br/>' . str_replace($path . $in, '<br/><b>' . $path . $in . '</b>', $e->getMessage()), 'notice'); } continue; } } if (count($compiled) && $debug) { foreach ($compiled as $inPath => $outPath) { $msg .= '<span class="row" style="display:block; margin:0;"><span class="span4">' . $inPath . '</span><span class="span4">' . $outPath . '</span></span>'; } $app->enqueueMessage(($prev_path != $path ? '<span class="row" style="display:block; margin:0;"><span class="span4">LESS</span><span class="span4">CSS</span></span>' : '') . $msg, 'message'); } $prev_path = $path; return !$error ? $stale : false; }