private function reconvertEntry($entry_id, $conversion_profile_id, $job_priority)
     $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entry_id);
     $this->error = "";
     if (!$entry) {
         $error = "Cannot reconvert entry [{$entry_id}]. Might be a deleted entry";
         return array($entry_id, null, null, $error);
     $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry_id);
     if (!$flavorAsset) {
         $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveReadyWebByEntryId($entry_id);
         if (!$flavorAsset) {
             $flavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryId($entry_id);
             if (!$flavorAssets) {
                 $error = "Cannot find good enough flavor asset to re-convert from";
                 return array($entry_id, $entry, null, $error);
             $flavorAsset = $flavorAssets[0];
             // choose the first one
     $syncKey = $flavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET);
     $filePath = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey);
     if (!$filePath) {
         $error = "Cannot find a fileSync for the flavorAsset [" . $flavorAsset->getId() . "]";
         return array($entry_id, $entry, null, $error);
     $dbBatchJob = new BatchJob();
     // creates a convert profile job
     $convertProfileData = new kConvertProfileJobData();
     kJobsManager::addJob($dbBatchJob, $convertProfileData, BatchJobType::CONVERT_PROFILE);
     // save again afget the addJob
     return array($entry_id, $entry, $dbBatchJob, $error);
  * batch decideAddEntryFlavor is the decision layer for adding a single flavor conversion to an entry 
  * @param BatchJob $parentJob
  * @param int $entryId 
  * @param int $flavorParamsId
  * @param string $errDescription
  * @param string $flavorAssetId
  * @return BatchJob 
 public static function decideAddEntryFlavor(BatchJob $parentJob = null, $entryId, $flavorParamsId, &$errDescription)
     KalturaLog::log("entryId [{$entryId}], flavorParamsId [{$flavorParamsId}]");
     $originalFlavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entryId);
     if (is_null($originalFlavorAsset)) {
         $errDescription = 'Original flavor asset not found';
         KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . " - " . $errDescription);
         return null;
     if ($originalFlavorAsset->getStatus() != flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY) {
         $errDescription = 'Original flavor asset not ready';
         KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . " - " . $errDescription);
         return null;
     $mediaInfoId = null;
     $mediaInfo = mediaInfoPeer::retrieveByFlavorAssetId($originalFlavorAsset->getId());
     if ($mediaInfo) {
         $mediaInfoId = $mediaInfo->getId();
     $flavorParams = flavorParamsPeer::retrieveByPK($flavorParamsId);
     $flavor = self::validateFlavorAndMediaInfo($flavorParams, $mediaInfo, $errDescription);
     if (is_null($flavor)) {
         KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . " - Failed to validate media info [{$errDescription}]");
         return null;
     if ($parentJob) {
         // prefer the partner id from the parent job, although it should be the same
         $partnerId = $parentJob->getPartnerId();
     } else {
         $partnerId = $originalFlavorAsset->getPartnerId();
     $flavorAssetId = null;
     $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryIdAndFlavorParams($entryId, $flavorParamsId);
     if ($flavorAsset) {
         $flavorAssetId = $flavorAsset->getId();
     $srcSyncKey = $originalFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET);
     $flavor->_force = true;
     // force to convert the flavor, even if none complied
     // should not be taken in completion rules check
     $flavorAsset = kBatchManager::createFlavorAsset($flavor, $partnerId, $entryId, $flavorAssetId);
     if (!$flavorAsset) {
         KalturaLog::err(__METHOD__ . " - Failed to create flavor asset");
         return null;
     $flavorAssetId = $flavorAsset->getId();
     $collectionTag = $flavor->getCollectionTag();
     if ($collectionTag) {
         $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entryId);
         if (!$entry) {
             throw new APIException(APIErrors::INVALID_ENTRY, $parentJob, $entryId);
         $dbConvertCollectionJob = null;
         if ($parentJob) {
             $dbConvertCollectionJob = $parentJob->createChild(false);
         $flavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryId($entryId);
         $flavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::filterByTag($flavorAssets, $collectionTag);
         $flavors = array();
         foreach ($flavorAssets as $tagedFlavorAsset) {
             if ($tagedFlavorAsset->getStatus() == flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_NOT_APPLICABLE || $tagedFlavorAsset->getStatus() == flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_DELETED) {
             $flavorParamsOutput = flavorParamsOutputPeer::retrieveByFlavorAssetId($tagedFlavorAsset->getId());
             if (is_null($flavorParamsOutput)) {
                 KalturaLog::log("Creating flavor params output for asset [" . $tagedFlavorAsset->getId() . "]");
                 $flavorParams = flavorParamsPeer::retrieveByPK($tagedFlavorAsset->getId());
                 $flavorParamsOutput = self::validateFlavorAndMediaInfo($flavorParams, $mediaInfo, $errDescription);
                 if (is_null($flavorParamsOutput)) {
                     KalturaLog::log(__METHOD__ . " - Failed to validate media info [{$errDescription}]");
             if ($flavorParamsOutput) {
                 KalturaLog::log("Adding Collection flavor [" . $flavorParamsOutput->getId() . "] for asset [" . $tagedFlavorAsset->getId() . "]");
                 $flavors[$tagedFlavorAsset->getId()] = flavorParamsOutputPeer::retrieveByFlavorAssetId($tagedFlavorAsset->getId());
         if ($flavorAssetId) {
             KalturaLog::log("Updating Collection flavor [" . $flavor->getId() . "] for asset [" . $tagedFlavorAsset->getId() . "]");
             $flavors[$flavorAssetId] = $flavor;
         switch ($collectionTag) {
             case flavorParams::TAG_ISM:
                 KalturaLog::log("Calling addConvertIsmCollectionJob with [" . count($flavors) . "] flavor params");
                 return kJobsManager::addConvertIsmCollectionJob($collectionTag, $srcSyncKey, $entry, $parentJob, $flavors, $dbConvertCollectionJob);
                 KalturaLog::log("Error: Invalid collection tag [{$collectionTag}]");
                 return null;
     $dbConvertFlavorJob = null;
     if ($parentJob) {
         $dbConvertFlavorJob = $parentJob->createChild(false);
     return kJobsManager::addFlavorConvertJob($srcSyncKey, $flavor, $flavorAsset->getId(), $mediaInfoId, $parentJob, null, $dbConvertFlavorJob);
 public static function copyEntry(entry $entry, Partner $toPartner = null, $dontCopyUsers = false)
     KalturaLog::log("copyEntry - Copying entry [" . $entry->getId() . "] to partner [" . $toPartner->getId() . "]");
     $newEntry = $entry->copy();
     if ($toPartner instanceof Partner) {
         $newEntry->setSubpId($toPartner->getId() * 100);
         $flavorParamsStr = $entry->getFlavorParamsIds();
         $flavorParams = explode(',', $flavorParamsStr);
         $newFlavorParams = array();
         foreach ($flavorParams as $flavorParamsId) {
             $newFlavorParamsId = kObjectCopyHandler::getMappedId('flavorParams', $flavorParamsId);
             if (is_null($newFlavorParamsId)) {
                 $newFlavorParamsId = $flavorParamsId;
             $newFlavorParams[] = $newFlavorParamsId;
         $newEntry->setFlavorParamsIds(implode(',', $newFlavorParams));
     $newKuser = null;
     if (!$dontCopyUsers) {
         // copy the kuser (if the same puser id exists its kuser will be used)
         $kuser = $entry->getKuser();
         $newKuser = kuserPeer::createKuserForPartner($newEntry->getPartnerId(), $kuser->getPuserId());
     // copy the kshow
     $kshow = $entry->getKshow();
     if ($kshow) {
         $newKshow = $kshow->copy();
         $newKshow->setSubpId($toPartner->getId() * 100);
         if ($newKuser) {
     // reset the statistics
     // set the new partner id into the default category criteria filter
     $defaultCategoryFilter = categoryPeer::getCriteriaFilter()->getFilter();
     $oldPartnerId = $defaultCategoryFilter->get(categoryPeer::PARTNER_ID);
     $defaultCategoryFilter->addAnd(categoryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $newEntry->getPartnerId());
     // save the entry
     // restore the original partner id in the default category criteria filter
     $defaultCategoryFilter->addAnd(categoryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $oldPartnerId);
     KalturaLog::log("copyEntry - New entry [" . $newEntry->getId() . "] was created");
     // for any type that does not require assets:
     $shouldCopyDataForNonClip = $entry->getType() != entryType::MEDIA_CLIP;
     $shouldCopyDataForClip = false;
     // only images get their data copied
     if ($entry->getType() == entryType::MEDIA_CLIP) {
         if ($entry->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && $entry->getMediaType() != entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
             $shouldCopyDataForClip = true;
     if ($shouldCopyDataForNonClip || $shouldCopyDataForClip) {
         // copy the data
         $from = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA);
         // replaced__getDataPath
         $to = $newEntry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_DATA);
         // replaced__getDataPath
         KalturaLog::log("copyEntriesByType - copying entry data [" . $from . "] to [" . $to . "]");
         kFileSyncUtils::softCopy($from, $to);
     $ismFrom = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_ISM);
     if (kFileSyncUtils::fileSync_exists($ismFrom)) {
         $ismTo = $newEntry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_ISM);
         KalturaLog::log("copying entry ism [" . $ismFrom . "] to [" . $ismTo . "]");
         kFileSyncUtils::softCopy($ismFrom, $ismTo);
     $ismcFrom = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_ISMC);
     if (kFileSyncUtils::fileSync_exists($ismcFrom)) {
         $ismcTo = $newEntry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_ISMC);
         KalturaLog::log("copying entry ism [" . $ismcFrom . "] to [" . $ismcTo . "]");
         kFileSyncUtils::softCopy($ismcFrom, $ismcTo);
     $from = $entry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_THUMB);
     // replaced__getThumbnailPath
     $considerCopyThumb = true;
     // if entry is image - data is thumbnail, and it was copied
     if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) {
         $considerCopyThumb = false;
     // if entry is not clip, and there is no file in both DCs - nothing to copy
     if ($entry->getType() != entryType::MEDIA_CLIP && !kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($from, true)) {
         $considerCopyThumb = false;
     if ($considerCopyThumb) {
         $skipThumb = false;
         // don't attempt to copy a thumbnail for images - it's the same as the data which was just created
         if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
             // check if audio entry has real thumb, if not - don't copy thumb.
             $originalFileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getOriginFileSyncForKey($from, false);
             if (!$originalFileSync) {
                 $skipThumb = true;
         if (!$skipThumb) {
             $to = $newEntry->getSyncKey(entry::FILE_SYNC_ENTRY_SUB_TYPE_THUMB);
             // replaced__getThumbnailPath
             KalturaLog::log("copyEntriesByType - copying entry thumbnail [" . $from . "] to [" . $to . "]");
             kFileSyncUtils::softCopy($from, $to);
     // added by Tan-Tan 12/01/2010 to support falvors copy
     $sourceFlavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryId($entry->getId());
     foreach ($sourceFlavorAssets as $sourceFlavorAsset) {
         $sourceFlavorAsset->copyToEntry($newEntry->getId(), $newEntry->getPartnerId());
  * @param BatchJob $dbBatchJob
  * @param kConvertCollectionJobData $data
  * @param int $engineType
  * @return boolean
 public static function handleConvertCollectionFailed(BatchJob $dbBatchJob, kConvertCollectionJobData $data, $engineType)
     $collectionFlavors = array();
     foreach ($data->getFlavors() as $flavor) {
         $collectionFlavors[$flavor->getFlavorAssetId()] = $flavor;
     // find the root job
     $rootBatchJob = $dbBatchJob->getRootJob();
     $hasIncomplete = false;
     $shouldFailProfile = false;
     $flavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryId($dbBatchJob->getEntryId());
     foreach ($flavorAssets as $flavorAsset) {
         if (isset($collectionFlavors[$flavorAsset->getId()])) {
             if (!$rootBatchJob) {
             $flavorData = $collectionFlavors[$flavorAsset->getId()];
             if ($flavorData->getReadyBehavior() == flavorParamsConversionProfile::READY_BEHAVIOR_REQUIRED) {
                 $shouldFailProfile = true;
         if ($flavorAsset->getIsOriginal()) {
         if ($flavorAsset->getStatus() == flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_QUEUED || $flavorAsset->getStatus() == flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_CONVERTING) {
             $hasIncomplete = true;
     if (!$rootBatchJob) {
         return false;
     if ($rootBatchJob->getJobType() != BatchJobType::CONVERT_PROFILE) {
         return false;
     if ($shouldFailProfile || !$hasIncomplete) {
         kJobsManager::failBatchJob($rootBatchJob, "Job " . $dbBatchJob->getId() . " failed");
     return false;
  * Will investigate a single entry
 public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL2;
     $this->result = NULL;
     $fast = $this->getRequestParameter("fast", "") != "";
     $this->fast = $fast;
     $kshow_id = $this->getRequestParameter("kshow_id");
     $this->kshow_id = $kshow_id;
     $this->kshow = NULL;
     $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id");
     $this->entry_id = $entry_id;
     $this->entry = NULL;
     $this->error = $this->getRequestParameter("error");
     $this->bg_entry = NULL;
     if (!empty($kshow_id)) {
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(kshowPeer::ID, $kshow_id);
         $kshows = kshowPeer::doSelect($c);
         $kshow = new kshow();
         if (!$kshows) {
             $this->result = "No kshow [{$kshow_id}] in DB";
         $kshow_original = $kshows[0];
         // pre fetch
         // pre fetch
         $this->kshow_original = $kshows[0];
         $this->kshow = new genericObjectWrapper($this->kshow_original, true);
         $alredy_exist_entries = array();
         $alredy_exist_entries[] = $kshow_original->getShowEntryId();
         if ($kshow_original->getIntroId()) {
             $alredy_exist_entries[] = $kshow_original->getIntroId();
         $skin_obj = $this->kshow_original->getSkinObj();
         $bg_entry_id = $skin_obj->get("bg_entry_id");
         if ($bg_entry_id) {
             $alredy_exist_entries[] = $bg_entry_id;
             $this->bg_entry = new genericObjectWrapper(entryPeer::retrieveByPK($bg_entry_id), true);
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(entryPeer::ID, $alredy_exist_entries, Criteria::NOT_IN);
         $this->kshow_entries = $this->kshow_original->getEntrysJoinKuser($c);
         //return "KshowSuccess";
     if (empty($entry_id)) {
     // from entry table
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(entryPeer::ID, $entry_id);
     //$entries = entryPeer::doSelectJoinAll ( $c );
     $entries = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
     if (!$entries) {
         $this->result = "No entry [{$entry_id}] in DB";
     $this->entry = new genericObjectWrapper($entries[0], true);
     // from conversion table
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(conversionPeer::ENTRY_ID, $entry_id);
     $original_conversions = conversionPeer::doSelect($c);
     //$this->conversions = array() ; //
     $this->conversions = $original_conversions;
     //new genericObjectWrapper( $original_conversions );
     // find all relevant batches in DB
     // from batch_job table
     $c = new Criteria();
     //$c->add ( BatchJobPeer::DATA , "%\"entryId\";i:" . $entry_id . ";%" , Criteria::LIKE );
     $c->add(BatchJobPeer::ENTRY_ID, $entry_id);
     $original_batch_jobs = BatchJobPeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->batch_jobs = $original_batch_jobs;
     // new genericObjectWrapper( $original_batch_jobs );
     // use this as a refernece of all the directories
     //		myBatchFileConverterServer::init( true );
     $entry_patttern = "/" . $entry_id . "\\..*/";
     $getFileData_method = array('kFile', 'getFileData');
     $getFileDataWithContent_method = array('kFile', 'getFileDataWithContent');
     // find all relevant files on disk
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_TYPE, FileSyncObjectType::ENTRY);
     $c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_ID, $entry_id);
     // order by OBJECT SUB TYPE
     $this->file_syncs = FileSyncPeer::doSelect($c);
     $file_sync_links = array();
     $flavors = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryId($entry_id);
     $flavor_ids = array();
     $this->flavors = array();
     foreach ($flavors as $f) {
         $flavor_ids[] = $f->getId();
         $this->flavors[] = $f;
     // find all relevant files on disk
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_TYPE, FileSyncObjectType::FLAVOR_ASSET);
     $c->add(FileSyncPeer::OBJECT_ID, $flavor_ids, Criteria::IN);
     // order by OBJECT SUB TYPE
     $flavors_file_syncs = FileSyncPeer::doSelect($c);
     $this->flavors_file_syncs = array();
     foreach ($flavors as $flav) {
         foreach ($flavors_file_syncs as $f) {
             if ($f->getLinkedId()) {
                 $file_sync_links[] = $f->getLinkedId();
             if ($f->getObjectId() == $flav->getId()) {
                 $this->flavors_file_syncs[$flav->getId()][] = $f;
     if ($this->file_syncs) {
         $this->file_syncs_by_sub_type = array();
         foreach ($this->file_syncs as $fs) {
             if ($fs->getLinkedId()) {
                 $file_sync_links[] = $fs->getLinkedId();
             $sub_type = $fs->getObjectSubType();
             if (!isset($this->file_syncs_by_sub_type[$sub_type])) {
                 // create the array
                 $this->file_syncs_by_sub_type[$sub_type] = array();
             $this->file_syncs_by_sub_type[$sub_type][] = $fs;
     } else {
         $this->file_syncs_by_sub_type = array();
     $file_sync_criteria = new Criteria();
     $file_sync_criteria->add(FileSyncPeer::ID, $file_sync_links, Criteria::IN);
     $this->file_sync_links = FileSyncPeer::doSelect($file_sync_criteria);
     $track_entry_c = new Criteria();
     $track_entry_c->add(TrackEntryPeer::ENTRY_ID, $entry_id);
     $track_entry_list = TrackEntryPeer::doSelect($track_entry_c);
     $more_interesting_track_entries = array();
     foreach ($track_entry_list as $track_entry) {
         if ($track_entry->getTrackEventTypeId() == TrackEntry::TRACK_ENTRY_EVENT_TYPE_ADD_ENTRY) {
             $more_interesting_track_entries[] = $track_entry->getParam3Str();
     $track_entry_list2 = array();
     //very heavy query, skip this
     // add all the track_entry objects that are related (joined on PARAM_3_STR)
     $track_entry_c2 = new Criteria();
     $track_entry_c2->add ( TrackEntryPeer::TRACK_EVENT_TYPE_ID , TrackEntry::TRACK_ENTRY_EVENT_TYPE_UPLOADED_FILE );
     $track_entry_c2->add ( TrackEntryPeer::PARAM_3_STR , $more_interesting_track_entries , Criteria::IN );
     $track_entry_list2 = TrackEntryPeer::doSelect ( $track_entry_c2 );
     // first add the TRACK_ENTRY_EVENT_TYPE_UPLOADED_FILE - they most probably happend before the rest
     $this->track_entry_list = array_merge($track_entry_list2, $track_entry_list);