文件: ga.php 项目: piiskop/pstk
// Set a candidate solution static class
echo "\nMax Fitness is :" . fitnesscalc::getMaxFitness();
echo "\n-----------------------------------------------";
// Create an initial population
$time1 = microtime(true);
$myPop = new population($initial_population_size, true);
// Evolve our population until we reach an optimum solution
while ($myPop->getFittest()->getFitness() > fitnesscalc::getMaxFitness()) {
    $most_fit = $myPop->getFittest()->getFitness();
    $myPop = algorithm::evolvePopulation($myPop);
    //create a new generation
    if ($most_fit < $most_fit_last) {
        // echo " *** MOST FIT ".$most_fit." Most fit last".$most_fit_last;
        echo "\n Generation: " . $generationCount . " (Stagnant:" . $generation_stagnant . ") Fittest: " . $most_fit . "/" . fitnesscalc::getMaxFitness();
        echo "  Best: " . $myPop->getFittest();
        $most_fit_last = $most_fit;
        $generation_stagnant = 0;
        //reset stagnant generation counter
    } else {
    //no improvement increment may want to end early
    if ($generation_stagnant > algorithm::$max_generation_stagnant) {
        echo "\n-- Ending TOO MANY (" . algorithm::$max_generation_stagnant . ") stagnant generations unchanged. Ending APPROX solution below \n..)";
//end of while loop
//we're done
//keeps track of lowest time in seconds
$generationCount = 0;
$generation_stagnant = 0;
$most_fit = 0;
$most_fit_last = 400;
$response = array();
//holdse the JSON object to be returned
$response['done'] = false;
//assume not done
// Set a candidate solution static class
// Create an initial population
$time1 = microtime(true);
$myPop = new population($initial_population_size, true);
// Evolve our population until we reach an optimum solution
while ($myPop->getFittest()->getFitness() > fitnesscalc::getMaxFitness()) {
    $response['stagnant'] = 0;
    $most_fit = $myPop->getFittest()->getFitness();
    $myPop = algorithm::evolvePopulation($myPop);
    //create a new generation
    if ($most_fit < $most_fit_last) {
        // echo " *** MOST FIT ".$most_fit." Most fit last".$most_fit_last;
        $response['generation'] = $generationCount;
        $response['stagnant'] = $generation_stagnant;
        $response['best_fittest_value'] = $most_fit;
        $response['best_individual'] = "" . $myPop->getFittest();
        $most_fit_last = $most_fit;
        $generation_stagnant = 0;
        //reset stagnant generation counter
        $time2 = microtime(true);