function abandonNowStocks()
    $holding = new holdings();
    $holding->set_variable("holdings_last_action", ABANDON_AT_CLOSE);
    $holding->set_variable("holdings_abandon_marked", 0);
    $symbols = array();
    $hids = array();
    $hasAbandon = false;
    while ($holding->loadNext()) {
        $symbol = $holding->get_variable('holdings_ticker_symbol');
        $tid = $holding->get_variable('holdings_ticker_id');
        $hid = $holding->get_variable('holdings_id');
        if (strlen($symbol) <= 0) {
            $ticker = new ticker();
            $ticker->set_variable("ticker_id", $tid);
            if ($ticker->load()) {
                $symbol = $ticker->get_variable("ticker_symbol");
        array_push($symbols, strtoupper($symbol));
        array_push($hids, $hid);
        $hasAbandon = true;
    if ($hasAbandon) {
        $results = finance_google::retrieveCurrentPrice($symbols);
        $updateHolding = new holdings();
        foreach ($results as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == "filesize") {
            $ticker = $key;
            $price = floatval($value);
            if ($price > 0) {
                echo "\nTICKER:" . $ticker . " PRICE=" . $price . "\n";
                $index = array_search($ticker, $symbols);
                $hid = $hids[$index];
                $updateHolding->set_variable("holdings_id", $hid);
                if (!$updateHolding->load()) {
                    echo "WRONG::" . $ticker . " NOT RECOGNIZED IN DB\n\n";
                $updateHolding->set_variable("holdings_stop_price", $price);
                echo "\nChanging Stop Price for " . $ticker . " to " . $price . ". Opening Price at end of day.\n";
                $updateHolding->set_variable("holdings_abandon_marked", 1);
                $updateHolding->set_variable("holdings_abandon_hide", 1);
                $updateHolding->set_variable('holdings_abandon_date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                $updateHolding->set_variable("holdings_ticker_symbol", $ticker);
 public static function addStochInfoAndCreate($ticker, $tid)
     $parts = finance_google::retrieveSlowDAndParts($ticker);
     echo "\nUpdating history for " . $ticker . " TID:" . $tid;
     $tickerHistory = new ticker_history();
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_price', $parts['last']);
     $date = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $parts['date']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_date', $date);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_ticker_id', $tid);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_lasthigh', $parts['high']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_lastlow', $parts['low']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_r1', $parts['r1']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_r2', $parts['r2']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_fastk', $parts['fastK']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_slowk', $parts['slowK']);
     $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_slowd', $parts['slowD']);
 public function updateHistoryAndBorders($useGoogle)
     echo "\n\nUpdating History and highs and lows\n\n";
     if ($useGoogle) {
         $results = finance_google::retrieveHighsLowsPrice($this->tickerSymbols);
     $results2 = finance::retrieveCurrentPrice($this->tickerSymbols, "gh");
     $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $ticker = new ticker();
     foreach ($results2 as $key => $value) {
         $ticker->set_variable('ticker_symbol', $key);
         if ($ticker->load()) {
             $tickerClose = $ticker->get_variable('last_close');
             $tickerId = $ticker->get_variable('ticker_id');
             $last = $ticker->get_variable('last');
             $yahooArr = explode(",", $value);
             if ($yahooArr[0] == 0) {
                 $yahooArr[0] = $last;
             if ($yahooArr[1] == 0) {
                 $yahooArr[1] = $last;
             $lasthigh = floatval($ticker->get_variable('today_high'));
             // Yahoo is broken
             //$currenthigh = max($lasthigh, floatval ($yahooArr[1]));
             // TEST CODE
             echo "\nYAHOO HIGH: " . ($yahoohigh = max($lasthigh, floatval($yahooArr[1])));
             $currenthigh = $yahoohigh;
             // END TEST CODE
             $googleHigh = $last;
             if ($useGoogle) {
                 $googleHigh = floatval($results[$key]['high']);
                 if ($googleHigh > 0) {
                     echo "\n Updating Last High " . $key . " " . $googleHigh;
                     $ticker->set_variable('last_high', $googleHigh);
                     $currenthigh = max($currenthigh, $googleHigh);
             $lastlow = $ticker->get_variable('today_low');
             // Yahoo is broken
             //$currentlow = min($lastlow, floatval ($yahooArr[0]));
             // TEST CODE
             $yahoolow = min($lastlow, floatval($yahooArr[0]));
             $yahoolow = $yahoolow == 0 ? $lastlow : $yahoolow;
             $currentlow = $yahoolow;
             // END TEST CODE
             $googleLow = $last;
             if ($useGoogle) {
                 $googleLow = floatval($results[$key]['low']);
                 if ($googleLow < 10000) {
                     if ($currentlow <= 0) {
                         $currentlow = $googleLow;
                         $ticker->set_variable('today_low', $currentlow);
                     $currentlow = min($googleLow, $currentlow);
                     $ticker->set_variable('last_low', $googleLow);
                     echo "\n Updating Last Low " . $key . " " . $googleLow . " And today low " . $currentlow;
             $lastupdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($ticker->get_variable('last_highlow_update')));
             $today = date('Y-m-d');
             echo "\n\nTESTING HIGH and LOW of " . $key . " as " . $currenthigh . " : " . $currentlow . "\n";
             $doUpdate = false;
             if ($currenthigh != 0 && ($today != $lastupdate || $currenthigh > $lasthigh)) {
                 echo "\nset high " . $currenthigh;
                 $ticker->set_variable('yahoo_high', round($yahoohigh, 2));
                 $ticker->set_variable('today_high', round($currenthigh, 2));
                 $doUpdate = true;
             if ($currentlow != 0 && ($today != $lastupdate || $currentlow < $lastlow)) {
                 echo "\nset low " . $currentlow;
                 $ticker->set_variable('yahoo_low', round($yahoolow, 2));
                 $ticker->set_variable('today_low', round($currentlow, 2));
                 $doUpdate = true;
             if ($doUpdate) {
                 if ($today != $lastupdate) {
                     echo "\nset last ";
                     $ticker->set_variable('last_highlow_update', $today);
             // add ticker history
             $tickerHistory = new ticker_history();
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_price', $last);
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_date', $date);
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_ticker_id', $tickerId);
             if ($googleHigh > 0)
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_lasthigh', $googleHigh);
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_lasthigh', $last);
             if ($googleLow < 10000)
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_lastlow', $googleLow);
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_lastlow', $last);
             //ticker_history::addStochInfoAndCreate($key, $tickerId);
             // remove oldest history
             $tickerHistory = new ticker_history();
             $tickerHistory->set_variable('history_ticker_id', $tickerId);
             $numHistory = $tickerHistory->countAll('', '', 'history_id');
             $limit = NUM_HISTORY_TO_KEEP;
             if ($numHistory > $limit) {
                 $limit = $numHistory - $limit;
                 $tickerHistory->delete(" WHERE history_ticker_id='" . $tickerId . "' ORDER BY history_date ASC LIMIT " . $limit);