function mediaplugin_filter($hotpot, $text, $options = array()) { global $CFG, $PAGE; static $eolas_fix_applied = 0; // insert media players using Moodle's standard mediaplugin filter $filter = new filter_mediaplugin($hotpot->context, array()); $newtext = $filter->filter($text); if ($newtext == $text) { // do nothing } else { if ($eolas_fix_applied == $hotpot->id) { // eolas_fix.js and ufo.js have already been added for this quiz } else { if ($eolas_fix_applied == 0) { // 1st quiz - eolas_fix.js was added by filter/mediaplugin/filter.php } else { // 2nd (or later) quiz - e.g. we are being called by hotpot_cron() $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/eolas_fix.js'); //$newtext .= '<script defer="defer" src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/eolas_fix.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/ufo.js', true); //$newtext .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/ufo.js"></script>'; $eolas_fix_applied = $hotpot->id; } } return $newtext; }
function test_filter_mediaplugin_link() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(true); // we need to enable the plugins somehow $CFG->core_media_enable_youtube = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_vimeo = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_mp3 = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_flv = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_swf = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_html5audio = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_html5video = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_qt = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_wmp = 1; $CFG->core_media_enable_rm = 1; $filterplugin = new filter_mediaplugin(null, array()); $longurl = '<a href="http://moodle/.mp4">my test file</a>'; $longhref = ''; do { $longhref .= 'a'; } while (strlen($longhref) + strlen($longurl) < 4095); $longurl = '<a href="http://moodle/' . $longhref . '.mp4">my test file</a>'; $validtexts = array('<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test ogg</a>', '<a id="movie player" class="center" href="">test mpg</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a class="youtube" href="">test file</a>', '<a class="_blanktarget" href="">test flv</a>', '<a class="hrefcss" href="">test file</a>', '<a class="content" href="">test mp3</a>', '<a id="audio" href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">youtube\'s</a>', '<a href=""> test mp3</a>', '<a class="content" href="">test mp3 </a>', '<a href="" >youtube\'s</a>', $longurl); //test for valid link foreach ($validtexts as $text) { $msg = "Testing text: " . $text; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($text); $this->assertNotEquals($text, $filter, $msg); } $insertpoint = strrpos($longurl, 'http://'); $longurl = substr_replace($longurl, 'http://pushover4096chars', $insertpoint, 0); $originalurl = '<p>Some text.</p><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;">' . '<a href="">Valid link</a></pre><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;">'; $paddedurl = str_pad($originalurl, 6000, 'z'); $validpaddedurl = '<p>Some text.</p><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;"><span class="mediaplugin mediaplugin_youtube"> <iframe title="Valid link" width="400" height="300" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe> </span></pre><pre style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: normal;">'; $validpaddedurl = str_pad($validpaddedurl, 6000 + (strlen($validpaddedurl) - strlen($originalurl)), 'z'); $invalidtexts = array('<a class="_blanktarget">href=""</a>', '<a>test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<ahref="">sample</a>', '<a href="" test></a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<a href="">test mp3', '<a href=""test</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<href="">test</a>', '<abbr href="">test mp3</abbr>', '<ahref="">test mp3</a>', '<aclass="content" href="">test mp3</a>', $longurl); //test for invalid link foreach ($invalidtexts as $text) { $msg = "Testing text: " . $text; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($text); $this->assertEquals($text, $filter, $msg); } // Valid mediaurl followed by a longurl. $precededlongurl = '<a href="">test.mp3</a>' . $longurl; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($precededlongurl); $this->assertEquals(1, substr_count($filter, 'M.util.add_audio_player')); $this->assertContains($longurl, $filter); // Testing for cases where: to be filtered content has 6+ text afterwards. $filter = $filterplugin->filter($paddedurl); $this->assertEquals($validpaddedurl, $filter, $msg); }
function test_filter_mediaplugin_link() { global $CFG; // we need to enable the plugins somehow $oldcfg = clone $CFG; // very, very ugly hack $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_youtube = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_vimeo = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_mp3 = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_flv = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_swf = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_html5audio = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_html5video = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_qt = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_wmp = 1; $CFG->filter_mediaplugin_enable_rm = 1; $filterplugin = new filter_mediaplugin(null, array()); $validtexts = array('<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test ogg</a>', '<a id="movie player" class="center" href="">test mpg</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<a href="" class="href=css">test file</a>', '<a class="youtube" href="">test file</a>', '<a class="_blanktarget" href="">test flv</a>', '<a class="hrefcss" href="">test file</a>', '<a class="content" href="">test mp3</a>', '<a id="audio" href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">test mp3</a>', '<a href="">youtube\'s</a>', '<a href=""> test mp3</a>', '<a class="content" href="">test mp3 </a>', '<a href="" >youtube\'s</a>'); //test for valid link foreach ($validtexts as $text) { $msg = "Testing text: " . $text; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($text); $this->assertNotEqual($text, $filter, $msg); } $invalidtexts = array('<a class="_blanktarget">href=""</a>', '<a>test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<a >test test</a>', '<ahref="">sample</a>', '<a href="" test></a>', '<a class="_blanktarget" href="">test flv</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<a href="">test mp3', '<a href=""test</a>', '<a href="">test</a>', '<href="">test</a>', '<abbr href="">test mp3</abbr>', '<ahref="">test mp3</a>', '<aclass="content" href="">test mp3</a>'); //test for invalid link foreach ($invalidtexts as $text) { $msg = "Testing text: " . $text; $filter = $filterplugin->filter($text); $this->assertEqual($text, $filter, $msg); } $CFG = $oldcfg; // very, very ugly hack }
/** * */ public function display_browse($entry, $type = '') { global $CFG; $field = $this->_field; $fieldid = $field->id; if (isset($entry->{"c{$fieldid}_content"})) { $url = $entry->{"c{$fieldid}_content"}; if (empty($url) or $url == 'http://') { return ''; } // Simple url text. if (empty($type)) { return $url; } // Param2 forces the text to something. if ($field->param2) { $alttext = s($field->param2); } else { $alttext = empty($entry->{"c{$fieldid}_content1"}) ? $url : $entry->{"c{$fieldid}_content1"}; } // Linking. if ($type == 'link') { return html_writer::link($url, $alttext); } // Image. if ($type == 'image') { return html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $url)); } // Image flexible. if ($type == 'imageflex') { return html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $url, 'style' => 'width:100%')); } // Media. if ($type == 'media') { require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/filter/mediaplugin/filter.php"; $mpfilter = new filter_mediaplugin($field->get_df()->context, array()); return $mpfilter->filter(html_writer::link($url, '')); } } return ''; }
/** * fix_link * * @param xxx $match * @param xxx $output (passed by reference) * @param xxx $options (optional, default=array) * @return xxx */ function fix_link($output, $options, $match) { global $CFG, $PAGE; static $load_flowplayer = 0; static $eolas_fix_applied = 0; if (is_string($match)) { $link = $match; $unicode = ''; } else { if (is_array($match)) { $link = $match[0]; $unicode = $match[2]; } else { debugging('Oops, $match is not an array or string !'); $args = func_get_args(); print_object(count($args)); die; } } if (array_key_exists('unicode', $options)) { $unicode = $options['unicode']; } // set player default, if necessary if (empty($options['player'])) { $options['player'] = $this->defaultplayer; } // hide player if required if (array_key_exists('hide', $options)) { if ($options['hide']) { $options['width'] = 1; $options['height'] = 1; if ($options['player'] == 'moodle') { $options['autoPlay'] = 'yes'; $options['waitForPlay'] = 'no'; } } unset($options['hide']); unset($options['center']); } // call filter to add media player if (empty($options['movie']) && $options['player'] == 'moodle') { $filter = new filter_mediaplugin($output->hotpot->context, array()); $object = $filter->filter($link); if ($object == $link) { // do nothing } else { if ($eolas_fix_applied == $output->hotpot->id) { // eolas_fix.js and ufo.js have already been added for this quiz } else { if ($eolas_fix_applied == 0) { // 1st quiz - eolas_fix.js was added by filter/mediaplugin/filter.php } else { // 2nd (or later) quiz - e.g. we are being called by hotpot_cron() $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/eolas_fix.js'); //$object .= '<script defer="defer" src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/eolas_fix.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/ufo.js', true); //$object .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/hotpot/mediafilter/ufo.js"></script>'; $eolas_fix_applied = $output->hotpot->id; } } $search = '/(flashvars:")([^"]*)(")/'; $callback = array($this, 'fix_flashvars'); $callback = partial($callback, $options); $object = preg_replace_callback($search, $callback, $object); // fix height and width (e.g. height="15", "height": 15) foreach (array('width', 'height') as $option) { if (array_key_exists($option, $options)) { $search = array('/(?<=' . $option . ':")\\w+(?=")/i', '/(?<="' . $option . '": )\\w+/i'); $object = preg_replace($search, $options[$option], $object); } } } else { $object = $this->mediaplugin_filter($output->hotpot, $link, $options); } // center content if required if (array_key_exists('center', $options)) { if ($options['center']) { $object = '<div style="text-align:center;">' . $object . '</div>'; } unset($options['center']); } // if required, remove the link contained in the object tag // Note: strcmp() returns true if strings are different $player = $options['player']; if ($this->players[$player]->removelink && strcmp($object, $link)) { $search = '/<a href="[^"]*"[^>]*>[^<]*<\\/a>\\s*/is'; $object = preg_replace($search, '', $object); } // extract the external javascripts $search = '/\\s*<script[^>]*src[^>]*>.*?<\\/script>\\s*/is'; if (preg_match_all($search, $object, $scripts, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach (array_reverse($scripts[0]) as $script) { // $script: [0] = matched string, [1] = offset to start of string // remove the javascript from the player $object = substr_replace($object, "\n", $script[1], strlen($script[0])); // store this javascript so it can be run later $this->js_external = trim($script[0]) . "\n" . $this->js_external; } } // extract the inline javascripts $search = '/\\s*<script[^>]*>.*?<\\/script>\\s*/is'; if (preg_match_all($search, $object, $scripts, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach (array_reverse($scripts[0]) as $script) { // $script: [0] = matched string, [1] = offset to start of string // remove the script from the player $object = substr_replace($object, "\n", $script[1], strlen($script[0])); // format the script (helps readability of the html source) $script[0] = $this->format_script($script[0]); //store this javascript so it can be run later $this->js_inline = trim($script[0]) . "\n" . $this->js_inline; } if ($this->js_inline && $load_flowplayer == 0) { $load_flowplayer = 1; $this->js_inline .= '' . '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA[\n" . "\t" . 'M.util.load_flowplayer();' . "\n" . "//]]>\n" . "</script>\n"; } } // remove white space between tags, standardize other white space to a single space $object = preg_replace('/(?<=>)\\s+(?=<)/', '', $object); $object = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $object); if ($unicode) { // encode angle brackets as javascript $unicode $object = str_replace('<', '\\u003C', $object); $object = str_replace('>', '\\u003E', $object); //$object = str_replace('&', '&', $object); } return $object; }
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/filter/mediaplugin/filter.php'; // Only available to site admins. require_login(); if (!is_siteadmin()) { print_error('nopermissions', 'error', '', 'perftest'); } // Set up page. $PAGE->set_context(context_system::instance()); $PAGE->set_url(new moodle_url('/filter/mediaplugin/dev/perftest.php')); $PAGE->set_heading($SITE->fullname); print $OUTPUT->header(); // Enable all players. $enabledmediaplugins = \core\plugininfo\media::get_enabled_plugins(); \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('vimeo,youtube,videojs,html5audio,html5video,swf'); // Create plugin. $filterplugin = new filter_mediaplugin(null, array()); // Note: As this is a developer test page, language strings are not used: all // text is English-only. /** * Starts time counter. */ function filter_mediaplugin_perf_start() { global $filter_mediaplugin_starttime; $filter_mediaplugin_starttime = microtime(true); } /** * Ends and displays time counter. * @param string $name Counter name to display */ function filter_mediaplugin_perf_stop($name)