function doinstall() { $appid = $this->get[2]; if (is_numeric($appid)) { $pluginurl = $this->setting['app_url'] . '/hdapp.php?action=download&type=plugin&install=1&id=' . $appid . '&url=' . urlencode(WIKI_URL); $zipcontent = @util::hfopen($pluginurl); if (empty($zipcontent)) { $this->message($this->view->lang['msgConnectFailed']); } $tmpname = HDWIKI_ROOT . '/data/tmp/' . util::random(6) . '.zip'; file::writetofile($tmpname, $zipcontent); if (function_exists('gzopen')) { require HDWIKI_ROOT . "/lib/zip.class.php"; $zip = new zip(); if (!$zip->chk_zip) { $this->message($this->view->lang['pluginInstallNoZlib'], ''); } $ziplist = @$zip->get_List($tmpname); if (!(bool) $ziplist) { unlink($tmpname); $this->message($this->view->lang['pluginAddr'] . $pluginurl . $this->view->lang['pluginAddrFail']); } $lastpos = strpos($ziplist[0]['filename'], '/'); $identifier = substr($ziplist[0]['filename'], 0, $lastpos); @$zip->Extract($tmpname, HDWIKI_ROOT . '/plugins'); } else { $this->message($this->view->lang['pluginInstallNoZlib']); } unlink($tmpname); } else { $identifier = $this->get[2]; } $plugin = $this->db->fetch_by_field('plugin', 'identifier', $identifier); if ($plugin) { $this->message($this->view->lang['pluginAddrName'] . $identifier . $this->view->lang['pluginHasInstall'], 'index.php?admin_plugin-list'); } $this->loadplugin($identifier); $plugin = $_ENV["{$identifier}"]->install(); $_ENV['plugin']->add_plugin($plugin); $this->cache->removecache('plugin'); $this->message($this->view->lang['pluginInstallSuccess'], 'index.php?admin_plugin-list'); }
function writecache($cachename, $arraydata) { $this->getfile($cachename); $data = is_array($arraydata) ? var_export($arraydata, true) : "'" . $arraydata . "'"; $strdata = "<?php\nreturn " . $data . ";\n?>"; $bytes = file::writetofile($this->cachefile, $strdata); return $bytes; }
function download_package() { if (!is_dir(UPGRADE_PATH)) { file::forcemkdir(UPGRADE_PATH); } if (file::iswriteable(UPGRADE_PATH)) { $zip_file = UPGRADE_PATH . $this->package['release_code'] . '.zip'; file::writetofile($zip_file, @util::hfopen($this->package['url'])); return file_exists($zip_file); } else { return false; } }
function update_setting($setting) { foreach ($setting as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'site_url' && $value != WIKI_URI) { //site_url 存入 config.php 文件 $cfg = file::readfromfile(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/config.php'); $new_cfg = preg_replace("/WIKI_URL(['\"])\\s*,\\s*(['\"])(.*)\\1/", 'WIKI_URL${1}, ${2}' . $value . '${2}', $cfg); file::writetofile(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/config.php', $new_cfg, 0); } else { if ($this->base->setting[$key] != $value) { $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO " . DB_TABLEPRE . "setting (variable,value) VALUES ('{$key}','{$value}')"); } } } return $this->db->insert_id(); }
function get($name, $expires = 0) { $file = $this->dir . $name . '.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) { $data = util::hfopen($this->url_cache . rawurlencode($name) . '.php'); if ($data) { file::forcemkdir($this->dir); $flag = file::writetofile($this->dir . $name . '.php', $data); } else { return ''; } } if (file_exists($file)) { $data = file::readfromfile($file); $data = str_replace($this->phpexit, '', $data); return unserialize(base64_decode($data)); } else { return ''; } }
function createaccessfile($path) { if (!file_exists($path . 'index.htm')) { $content = ' '; file::writetofile($path . 'index.htm', $content); } if (!file_exists($path . '.htaccess')) { $content = 'Deny from all'; file::writetofile($path . '.htaccess', $content); } }
$fileUtil = new file(); $ipFile = $app_path . "/ipFile.ptp"; $content = $fileUtil->readfromfile($ipFile); //echo isset($_COOKIE[$cip]) ; //echo "<br>"; //echo stripos($content, $rip); //echo "<br>"; //echo $rip; // 判断用户是否重复提交 if (isset($_COOKIE[$cip]) || stripos($content, $rip)) { echo "1"; } else { echo 0; //echo strnatcmp($backValue, "1004"); //echo "<br/>"; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) { if ($vote_arr[$i][$j] == $backValue) { $vote_arr[$i][2] = $vote_arr[$i][2] + 1; } } } $newFile = $app_path . "/vote_rslt.ptp"; $oldFile = $app_path . "/vote_rslt_old.ptp"; $fileUtil->copyFile($newFile, $oldFile); $fileUtil->writetofile($newFile, json_encode($vote_arr)); $fileUtil->writetofile($ipFile, $content . $rip . ';', true); $expire = time() + 86400 * 365; // 设置24小时的有效期 setcookie($cip, true, $expire); }
function doaddlang() { switch ($this->post['addlangtype']) { case 0: $langname = 'front.php'; break; case 1: $langname = 'back.php'; break; } $langcon = trim($this->post['langcon']); $langvar = trim($this->post['langname']); if (!$langcon || !$langvar) { $this->message('语言变量内容不能为空!', 'index.php?admin_language'); } if (is_file(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/lang/zh/' . $langname)) { $filelang = substr($langname, 0, -4); $this->view->setlang($this->setting['lang_name'], $filelang); if (array_key_exists($langvar, $this->view->lang)) { $this->message('模版变量名已存在,请重新填写!', 'index.php?admin_language'); } if (copy(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/lang/zh/' . $langname, HDWIKI_ROOT . '/lang/zh/bak_' . $langname)) { $data = file::readfromfile(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/lang/zh/' . $langname); $con = '$lang[\'' . $langvar . "']='" . str_replace("'", "\\'", str_replace("\\", "\\\\", stripslashes($langcon))) . "';\r\n?>"; $content = str_replace('?>', $con, $data); file::writetofile(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/lang/zh/' . $langname, $content); } } $langtype = $this->post['addlangtype']; $this->message('语言文件添加成功!', 'index.php?admin_language-default-' . $langtype); }
function setfocusimg($img) { if ('' == $img) { return ''; } if (substr($img, 0, strlen(WIKI_URL)) == WIKI_URL) { $img = substr($img, strlen(WIKI_URL) + 1); } if ("http://" == substr($img, 0, 7) && substr($img, 0, strlen(WIKI_URL)) != WIKI_URL) { $tmpname = 'uploads/' . date("Ym") . "/" . util::random() . '.' . file::extname($img); if ($pic_content = @util::hfopen($img)) { file::forcemkdir(dirname($tmpname)); if (file::writetofile($tmpname, $pic_content)) { $img = $tmpname; } } } $compress = util::image_compress($img, 's_f_', 100, 75); if (!$compress['result']) { return ''; } util::image_compress($img, 'f_', 152, 114); @unlink($tmpname); return $compress['tempurl']; }
function doldap() { $ldapfile = HDWIKI_ROOT . '/data/'; if (function_exists('ldap_connect')) { $ldap_available = 1; } else { $ldap_available = 0; } if (1 == $ldap_available) { if (isset($this->post['ldapsubmit'])) { $ldapdata = "<?php\r\ndefine('LDAP_OPEN', '" . $this->post['ldap_open'] . "');\r\ndefine('LDAP_SERVER', '" . $this->post['ldap_server'] . "');\r\ndefine('LDAP_USER', '" . $this->post['ldap_user'] . "');\r\ndefine('LDAP_EMAIL', '" . $this->post['ldap_email'] . "');\r\n?>"; $byte = file::writetofile($ldapfile, $ldapdata); if ($byte == 0) { $this->message($this->view->lang['passportnotwrite'], 'BACK'); } else { $this->message($this->view->lang['passportsucess'], 'index.php?admin_setting-ldap'); } } else { $ldap_error = 'LDAP服务未开启!'; if (file_exists($ldapfile)) { include $ldapfile; if (defined('LDAP_OPEN')) { if (1 == LDAP_OPEN) { $ldap_error = ''; } if (isset($this->post['ldaptestsubmit']) && 1 == LDAP_OPEN) { // 测试LDAP服务 $test_user = $this->post['test_user']; $test_password = $this->post['test_password']; if (!empty($test_user) && !empty($test_password)) { $test_user = str_replace('LDAP_USER_NAME', $test_user, LDAP_USER); $connect_id = ldap_connect(LDAP_SERVER); if ($connect_id) { $bind_id = ldap_bind($connect_id, $test_user, $test_password); if ($bind_id) { $ldap_error = 'LDAP 验证成功,可以正常使用!'; } else { $ldap_error = 'LDAP 验证失败!<br /> 服务器地址:' . LDAP_SERVER . '<br /> RDN为:' . $test_user; } } } } $this->view->assign('ldap_open', LDAP_OPEN); $this->view->assign('ldap_server', LDAP_SERVER); $this->view->assign('ldap_user', LDAP_USER); $this->view->assign('ldap_email', LDAP_EMAIL); } } } } $this->view->assign('ldap_available', $ldap_available); $this->view->assign('ldap_error', $ldap_error); $this->view->display("admin_ldap"); }
function dosavetemp() { //将参数写入临时文件,等待模板“保存修改”时调用参数,存入到数据库。 $iseidt = isset($this->post['bid']); //编辑时 $bid = $iseidt ? $this->post['bid'] : uniqid('hd'); file_exists($this->tempfile) && (include $this->tempfile); if (strtoupper(WIKI_CHARSET) == 'GBK' && isset($this->post['params'])) { //ajax在gbk下传过来的值是utf8的,所以gbk下需要转码。 //array_walk($this->post['params'],string::hiconv()); foreach ($this->post['params'] as $key => $val) { $this->post['params'][$key] = string::hiconv($val); } } $this->post = string::hstripslashes($this->post); if ($this->post['tplcontent']) { $tplc = $this->post['tplcontent']; unset($this->post['tplcontent']); } if ($iseidt) { if (is_numeric($bid)) { //如果是数字,则有可能是第一次编辑,临时表中,并没有他的数据。那么交给get_setting去处理。 $data = $_ENV['theme']->get_setting($bid); $temp[$bid]['block'] = $data['block']; $temp[$bid]['fun'] = $data['fun']; } $temp[$bid]['params'] = $this->post['params']; $cls = $temp[$bid]['block']; $fun = $temp[$bid]['fun']; } else { $cls = $this->post['block']; $fun = $this->post['fun']; $temp[$bid] = $this->post; } $contents = '<?php $temp='; $contents .= var_export($temp, true) . ' ?>'; file::writetofile($this->tempfile, $contents); $this->view->setlang($this->setting['lang_name'], 'front'); //得到数据 $blockfile = $_ENV['global']->block_file($GLOBALS['theme'], "/{$cls}/{$cls}.php"); if (is_file($blockfile)) { include_once $blockfile; $obj = new $cls($this); if (method_exists($obj, $fun)) { $blockdata = $obj->{$fun}($this->post['params']); } else { $blockdata = array(); } } //将数据赋值给模板。显示替换上数据的html代码。 $this->view->assign('bid', $bid); $this->view->assign('data', $blockdata); //2010-11-8模板代码编辑将文件内容写入临时文件,目的是给下面的预览时模板调用使用。 $tplfile = HDWIKI_ROOT . "/data/tmp/" . $GLOBALS['theme'] . ".{$cls}.{$fun}.htm"; isset($tplc) && file::writetofile($tplfile, $tplc); if (file_exists($tplfile)) { $tplfile = "file://data/tmp/" . $GLOBALS['theme'] . ".{$cls}.{$fun}"; } else { if (!file_exists(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/block/' . $GLOBALS['theme'] . "/{$cls}/{$fun}.htm")) { $tplfile = "file://block/default/{$cls}/{$fun}"; } else { $tplfile = 'file://block/' . $GLOBALS['theme'] . "/{$cls}/{$fun}"; } } $this->view->display($tplfile); }
<?php require_once './api/OperatorFileText.php'; require_once './globalVar.php'; header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); //使用gb2312编码,使中文不会变成乱码 $cip = get_ip_place_md5(); $backValue = $_POST['trans_data']; $fileUtil = new file(); $newFile = $app_path . "/vote_rslt.ptp"; $oldFile = $app_path . "/vote_rslt_old.ptp"; $fileUtil->copyFile($newFile, $oldFile); $fileUtil->writetofile($newFile, $backValue); $expire = time() + 86400 * 365; // 设置24小时的有效期 setcookie($cip, true, $expire); // 判断用户是否重复提交 if (isset($_COOKIE[$cip])) { echo "1"; } else { echo "0"; }
function block_query($post, $temp = '') { $temlist = array(); list($theme, $file) = explode('-', array_shift($post)); //得到 theme 和 file 值。 //删除操作 if (is_array($temp['del'])) { $delid = implode(',', $temp['del']); $this->db->query("DELETE FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "block WHERE id IN ({$delid})"); } //添加和更新 block数据的操作。 $insertsql = "INSERT INTO " . DB_TABLEPRE . "block (theme,file,area,areaorder,block,fun,tpl,params) VALUES "; $areas = ''; //用来保存页面区域的数组。供下面的删除页面没有区域使用。 foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $areas .= "'" . $key . "',"; $value = explode('-', $value); $num = count($value); for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $id = $value[$i]; if (is_numeric($id)) { //id是数字,表明是需要更新的。 $updatesql = "UPDATE " . DB_TABLEPRE . "block SET area='{$key}',areaorder={$i}"; if (isset($temp[$id]['params'])) { $updatesql .= ",params='" . serialize($temp[$id]['params']) . "'"; $temlist[] = $id; } $updatesql .= " WHERE id = {$id}"; $this->db->query($updatesql); } else { //id非数字,表明是新加入的模块。 $temlist[] = $id; if (is_array($temp[$id])) { $block = $temp[$id]; $params = $block['params'] ? serialize($block['params']) : ''; $insertsql .= "('" . $block['theme'] . "','" . $block['file'] . "','{$key}',{$i},'" . $block['block'] . "','" . $block['fun'] . "','" . $block['fun'] . ".htm','{$params}'),"; } } } } if (isset($block)) { $insertsql = substr($insertsql, 0, -1); $this->db->query($insertsql); } foreach ($temlist as $id) { $block = $temp[$id]; $fromfile = HDWIKI_ROOT . "/data/tmp/" . $theme . ".{$block['block']}.{$block['fun']}.htm"; if (file_exists($fromfile)) { $tofile = HDWIKI_ROOT . '/block/' . $theme . '/' . $block['block'] . '/' . $block['fun'] . '.htm'; $tplcontent = file::readfromfile($fromfile); file::writetofile($tofile, $tplcontent); unlink($fromfile); } } //删除页面中没有区域的元素。(比如页面只有一个right区域,但是数据库中却多了一个left区域,显然是需要删掉的。 //如果模板被修改的话,可能出现这种情况。) $areas = substr($areas, 0, -1); $delsql = 'DELETE FROM ' . DB_TABLEPRE . "block WHERE theme = '{$theme}' and file = '{$file}' and area NOT IN ({$areas})"; $this->db->query($delsql); return 'ok'; }
<?php require_once './globalVar.php'; echo get_ip_place(); require_once './api/OperatorFileText.php'; $fileUtil = new file(); $ipFile = $app_path . "/ipFile.ptp"; $fileUtil->writetofile($ipFile, 'aaa;aaaaa' . ';', true);
function doeditcode() { if (isset($this->post['submit'])) { if (file::writetofile($this->hdwiki_root . $this->post['file_path'], stripcslashes($this->post['code']))) { $this->message('修改成功', 'index.php?admin_safe-list'); } else { $this->message('修改失败', 'index.php?admin_safe-list'); } } else { $func = $code = array(); $file_path = $_ENV['filecheck']->urlcode($this->get[2], 1); if (empty($file_path)) { $this->message('请选择文件', 'index.php?admin_safe-list'); } $file_list = $this->cache->getcache('safe_backdoor'); $html = file_get_contents($this->hdwiki_root . $file_path); if ($file_list[$file_path]['func']) { foreach ($file_list[$file_path]['func'] as $key => $val) { $func[$key] = strtolower($val[1]); } } if ($file_list[$file_path]['code']) { foreach ($file_list[$file_path]['code'] as $key => $val) { $code[$key] = strtolower($val[1]); } } $func = $_ENV['filecheck']->getjscode($func); $code = $_ENV['filecheck']->getjscode($code, 1); $this->view->assign("code", $code); $this->view->assign("func", $func); $this->view->assign("html", $html); $this->view->assign("isedit", 'true'); $this->view->assign("file_path", $file_path); $this->view->display('admin_safelist'); } }
function editionconvert($type, $number) { if ($type == 'txt') { $changenum = 100; $maxeid = $this->db->result_first("SELECT MAX(eid) FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "edition WHERE 1"); if ($maxeid < $number - $changenum) { return true; } $query = $this->db->query("SELECT eid,content FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "edition WHERE eid >({$number}-{$changenum}) AND eid <= {$number}"); while ($edition = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($edition['content']) { $path = 'data/edition/' . ceil($edition['eid'] / $changenum) * $changenum; file::forcemkdir($path); file::writetofile($path . "/" . $edition['eid'] . ".txt", $edition['content']); } } $this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_TABLEPRE . "edition SET content='' WHERE eid >({$number}-{$changenum}) AND eid <= {$number}"); } else { $dirlist = array(); if ($handle = opendir('data/edition')) { while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) { $dirlist[] = $dir; } closedir($handle); } $maxeid = @max($dirlist); if ($number > $maxeid) { return true; } $path = "data/edition/{$number}"; $files = file::get_file_by_ext($path, array('txt')); foreach ((array) $files as $file) { $eid = substr($file, 0, -4); $filename = $path . "/" . $file; $content = string::haddslashes(file::readfromfile($filename), 1); if ($content) { $this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_TABLEPRE . "edition SET content='{$content}' WHERE eid={$eid}"); @unlink($filename); } } } return false; }
function share_plugin($plugin) { $identifier = $plugin['identifier']; $descxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . WIKI_CHARSET . "\"?>\n" . "<theme>\n" . "<author><![CDATA[" . $plugin['author'] . "]]></author>\n" . "<authorurl><![CDATA[" . $plugin['authorurl'] . "]]></authorurl>\n" . "<name><![CDATA[" . $plugin['name'] . "]]></name>\n" . "<tag><![CDATA[" . $plugin['tag'] . "]]></tag>\n" . "<desc><![CDATA[" . $plugin['description'] . "]]></desc>\n" . "<weburl><![CDATA[" . $plugin['weburl'] . "]]></weburl>\n" . "<version><![CDATA[" . $plugin['version'] . "]]></version>\n" . "<hdversion><![CDATA[" . $plugin['hdversion'] . "]]></hdversion>\n" . "<copyright><![CDATA[" . $plugin['copyright'] . "]]></copyright>\n" . "<charset><![CDATA[" . WIKI_CHARSET . "]]></charset>\n" . "</theme>"; file::writetofile(HDWIKI_ROOT . '/plugins/' . $identifier . '/desc.xml', $descxml); require_once HDWIKI_ROOT . '/lib/zip.class.php'; $zip = new zip(); $filedir = array('plugins/' . $identifier); $zipdir = array($identifier); $tmpname = HDWIKI_ROOT . '/data/tmp/' . util::random(6) . '.zip'; @$zip->zip_dir($filedir, $tmpname, $zipdir); $zip_content = file::readfromfile($tmpname); $upload_url = $this->base->setting['app_url'] . '/hdapp.php?action=upload&type=plugin'; $data = 'data=' . base64_encode($zip_content); if ('1' == @util::hfopen($upload_url, 0, $data)) { unlink($tmpname); return true; } return false; }