public function fetch($delete = false) { $oImap = imap_open('{' . $this->mail_server . ':993/imap/ssl/notls/novalidate-cert}', $this->username, $this->password); $oMailboxStatus = imap_check($oImap); $aMessages = imap_fetch_overview($oImap, "1:{$oMailboxStatus->Nmsgs}"); $validMessages = array(); foreach ($aMessages as $oMessage) { print "Trying message '" . $oMessage->subject . "'"; $fileContent = $fileType = ''; $geocoder = factory::create('geocoder'); $postCode = $geocoder->extract_postcode($oMessage->subject); $fromName = null; $fromEmail = null; if (strpos($oMessage->from, '<')) { $split = split('<', $oMessage->from); //name - make sure name not an email address $fromName = trim($split[0]); if (valid_email($fromName)) { $fromName = null; } //email $fromEmail = trim(str_replace('>', '', $split[1])); } else { $fromEmail = $oMessage->from; } $images = array(); $messageStructure = imap_fetchstructure($oImap, $oMessage->msgno); if (isset($messageStructure->parts)) { $partNumber = 0; foreach ($messageStructure->parts as $oPart) { $partNumber++; if ($oPart->subtype == 'PLAIN' && !$postCode) { $messageContent = imap_fetchbody($oImap, $oMessage->msgno, $partNumber); if ($oPart->encoding == 4) { $messageContent = quoted_printable_decode($messageContent); } $postCode = geocoder::extract_postcode($messageContent); } elseif ($oPart->encoding == 3 && in_array($oPart->subtype, array('JPEG', 'PNG'))) { $oImage = null; $encodedBody = imap_fetchbody($oImap, $oMessage->msgno, $partNumber); $fileContent = base64_decode($encodedBody); $oImage = imagecreatefromstring($fileContent); if (imagesx($oImage) > $this->min_import_size && imagesy($oImage) > $this->min_import_size) { array_push($images, $oImage); } $fileType = strtolower($oPart->subtype); } } } //add to the messages array array_push($validMessages, array('postcode' => $postCode, 'images' => $images, 'file_type' => $fileType, 'from_address' => $fromAddress, 'from_email' => $fromEmail, 'from_name' => $fromName)); if ($delete) { imap_delete($oImap, $oMessage->msgno); } } imap_close($oImap, CL_EXPUNGE); $this->messages = $validMessages; }
/** * Whether we can perform certain action * * @param mixed $action_code_or_id * @return boolean */ public static function can($action_code_or_id) { if (self::$cache_actions === null) { self::$cache_actions = factory::model('numbers_backend_system_controller_model_actions')->get(); } if (is_string($action_code_or_id)) { foreach (self::$cache_actions as $k => $v) { if ($v['sm_cntractn_code'] == $action_code_or_id) { $action_code_or_id = $k; break; } } } if (!isset(self::$cache_actions[$action_code_or_id])) { throw new Exception('Unknown action!'); } $permissions = application::get(['controller', 'acl', 'permissions']); $start = $action_code_or_id; do { // see if we have permission if (empty($permissions[$start])) { break; } // we need to check permission on a parent if (!empty(self::$cache_actions[$start]['sm_cntractn_parent_id'])) { $start = self::$cache_actions[$start]['sm_cntractn_parent_id']; } else { // exit if there's no parent return true; } } while (1); return false; }
/** * Constructing cache object * * @param string $cache_link * @param string $class */ public function __construct($cache_link = null, $class = null) { // if we need to use default link from application if (empty($cache_link)) { $cache_link = application::get(['flag', 'global', 'cache', 'default_cache_link']); if (empty($cache_link)) { throw new Exception('You must specify cache link and/or class!'); } } // get object from factory $temp = factory::get(['cache', $cache_link]); // if we have class if (!empty($class) && !empty($cache_link)) { // replaces in case we have it as submodule $class = str_replace('.', '_', trim($class)); // if we are replacing database connection with the same link we // need to manually close connection if (!empty($temp['object']) && $temp['class'] != $class) { $object = $temp['object']; $object->close(); unset($this->object); } $this->object = new $class($cache_link); // putting every thing into factory factory::set(['cache', $cache_link], ['object' => $this->object, 'class' => $class]); } else { if (!empty($temp['object'])) { $this->object = $temp['object']; } else { throw new Exception('You must specify cache link and/or class!'); } } }
/** * Get the unique cache instance * * @param array $cfg Config for the cache instance * @return cache_abstract The instance */ public static function getInstance(array $cfg = array()) { if (!self::$cfg) { self::$cfg = new config(factory::loadCfg(__CLASS__)); } return factory::get('cache_' . self::$cfg->use, $cfg); }
public function query($options = []) { $model = factory::model($options['model']); $db = $model->db_object(); $where = ''; if (!empty($options['where'])) { $where = 'AND ' . $db->prepare_condition($options['where']); } $ts = $db->full_text_search_query($options['fields'], $options['search_text'] . ''); $fields = $options['fields']; $sql_pk = ''; // we automatically include main pk into a query if (!in_array($options['pk'], $options['fields'])) { // in_array($options['pk'], $model->pk) && $fields[] = $options['pk']; // we need to include integer types to the query $temp = intval($options['search_text']); if ($model->columns[$options['pk']]['php_type'] == 'integer' && $temp != 0) { $sql_pk .= " OR {$options['pk']} = " . (int) $options['search_text']; } } $fields[] = $ts['rank']; $fields = implode(', ', $fields); $tmp = <<<TTT \t\t\tSELECT \t\t\t\t{$fields} \t\t\tFROM [table[{$options['model']}]] a \t\t\tWHERE 1=1 \t\t\t\t\t{$where} \t\t\t\t\tAND (({$ts['where']}){$sql_pk}) \t\t\tORDER BY {$ts['orderby']} DESC, {$options['fields'][0]} \t\t\tLIMIT 11 TTT; return $tmp; }
public static function example_postcode() { $election_id = get_election_id($election_id); $search = factory::create('search'); $result = $search->search("australian_postcode", array(array('election_id', '=', $election_id)), null, null, null, 1); return $result[0]->postcode; }
/** * Constructing crypt object * * @param string $db_link * @param string $class */ public function __construct($crypt_link = null, $class = null, $options = []) { // if we need to use default link from application if ($crypt_link == null) { $crypt_link = application::get(['flag', 'global', 'crypt', 'default_crypt_link']); if (empty($crypt_link)) { throw new Exception('You must specify crypt link!'); } } // get object from factory $temp = factory::get(['crypt', $crypt_link]); // if we have class if (!empty($class) && !empty($crypt_link)) { // replaces in case we have it as submodule $class = str_replace('.', '_', trim($class)); // creating new class unset($this->object); $this->object = new $class($crypt_link, $options); factory::set(['crypt', $crypt_link], ['object' => $this->object, 'class' => $class]); } else { if (!empty($temp['object'])) { $this->object = $temp['object']; } else { throw new Exception('You must specify crypt link and/or class!'); } } }
private function lookup_constituency($postcode) { $cache = cache::factory(); $cached = $cache->get('twfy' . $postcode); if (isset($cached) && $cached !== false && $cached != '') { return $cached; } else { if (COUNTRY_CODE_TLD == "uk") { $twfy = factory::create('twfy'); $twfy_constituency = $twfy->query('getConstituency', array('output' => 'php', 'postcode' => $postcode, 'future' => 'yes_please')); $twfy_constituency = unserialize($twfy_constituency); $success = $cache->set('twfy' . $postcode, $twfy_constituency); $twfy_constituency = array($twfy_constituency["name"]); } else { if (COUNTRY_CODE_TLD == "au") { $australian_postcode = factory::create("australian_postcode"); return $australian_postcode->lookup_constituency_names($postcode); } else { $success = false; } } if ($success && isset($twfy_constituency) && $twfy_constituency != '' && $twfy_constituency != false) { return $twfy_constituency; } else { return false; } } }
function get_leaflets($email_alert) { if (ALERT_DEBUG > 0) { print $email_alert->type . "\n"; print "frequency : " . $email_alert->frequency_hours . "\n"; } $results = array(); $search = factory::create('search'); $time = time() - 60 * 60 * $email_alert->frequency_hours; $time = mysql_date($time); //do we have any matching leaflets? if ($email_alert->type == 'attack') { $results = $search->search('leaflet', array(array('leaflet_party_attack.party_id', '=', $email_alert->parent_id), array('leaflet.date_uploaded', '>=', $time), array('', '=', 1)), 'AND', array(array('leaflet_party_attack', 'inner'))); } else { if ($email_alert->type == 'party') { $results = $search->search('leaflet', array(array('leaflet.publisher_party_id', '=', $email_alert->parent_id), array('leaflet.date_uploaded', '>=', $time), array('', '=', 1))); } else { if ($email_alert->type == 'constituency') { $results = $search->search('leaflet', array(array('leaflet_constituency.constituency_id', '=', $email_alert->parent_id), array('leaflet.date_uploaded', '>=', $time), array('', '=', 1)), 'AND', array(array('leaflet_constituency', 'inner'))); } else { if ($email_alert->type == 'category') { $results = $search->search('leaflet', array(array('leaflet_category.category_id', '=', $email_alert->parent_id), array('leaflet.date_uploaded', '>=', $time), array('', '=', 1)), 'AND', array(array('leaflet_category', 'inner'))); } } } } return $results; }
public function __construct() { require_once _CORE_ROOT . 'factory.class.php'; require_once _CORE_ROOT . 'cexception.class.php'; //require_once(_CORE_ROOT.'error.class.php'); $this->benchmark = factory::createBenchmarkObject(); $this->db = factory::createDbObject(); $this->tpl = factory::createTplObject($this->benchmark); $this->input = factory::createInputObject(); $this->log = factory::createLogger(); factory::createUtil(); if (_MEMCACHE_ENABLE) { $this->memcache = factory::createMemcacheObject(); } if (_DEBUG === 'Y') { ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); $this->debug = factory::createDebugObject($this->benchmark); } else { if (_DEBUG === 'N') { ini_set('display_errors', 0); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $this->debug = factory::createNoDebugObject(); } else { //nothing todo ; } } }
function bind() { //get the leaflet $search = factory::create("search"); $result = $search->search("leaflet", array(array("leaflet_id", "=", $this->leaflet_id), array('live', '=', 1)), 'AND', array(array("party", "inner"))); $leaflet = null; if (count($result) != 1) { throw_404(); } else { $leaflet = $result[0]; } //get images $leaflet_images = $search->search("leaflet_image", array(array("leaflet_id", "=", $this->leaflet_id)), 'AND', null, array(array("sequence", "ASC"))); //get categories $leaflet_categories = $search->search("category", array(array("leaflet_category.leaflet_id", "=", $this->leaflet_id)), 'AND', array(array("leaflet_category", 'inner'))); //get tags $leaflet_tags = $search->search("tag", array(array("leaflet_tag.leaflet_id", "=", $this->leaflet_id)), 'AND', array(array("leaflet_tag", 'inner'))); //get parties attacked $leaflet_parties_attacked = $search->search("party", array(array("leaflet_party_attack.leaflet_id", "=", $this->leaflet_id)), 'AND', array(array("leaflet_party_attack", 'inner'))); //get constituencies $leaflet_constituencies = $search->search("constituency", array(array("leaflet_constituency.leaflet_id", "=", $this->leaflet_id)), 'AND', array(array("leaflet_constituency", 'inner'))); //js $this->onloadscript = "showMap('" . MAP_PROVIDER . "', " . number_format($leaflet->lng, 2) . ", " . number_format($leaflet->lat, 2) . ");"; //assign $this->page_title = $leaflet->title . " (an election leaflet published by " . $leaflet->party_name . ")"; $this->has_map = true; $this->assign("leaflet", $leaflet); $this->assign("leaflet_images", $leaflet_images); $this->assign("leaflet_categories", $leaflet_categories); $this->assign("leaflet_tags", $leaflet_tags); $this->assign("constituency", $leaflet_constituencies[0]); $this->assign("leaflet_parties_attacked", $leaflet_parties_attacked); }
private function set_application() { $application = session_read('application'); if (!isset($application)) { $application = factory::create('application'); } $this->application = $application; }
/** * Call validator method * * @param string $method * @param array $params * @param array $options * @param array $neighbouring_values * @return array */ public static function method($method, $value, $params = [], $options = [], $neighbouring_values = []) { $method = factory::method($method); $params = $params ?? []; $params['options'] = $options; $params['neighbouring_values'] = $neighbouring_values; return factory::model($method[0], true)->{$method[1]}($value, $params); }
function bind() { $this->page_title = "Election leaflets by category"; $search = factory::create('search'); //get top parties $categories = $search->search_cached("category", array(array("1", "=", "1")), "AND", null, array(array("name", "ASC"))); $this->assign("categories", $categories); }
/** * Add library to the application * * @param string $library */ public static function add($library) { $connected = application::get('' . $library . '.connected'); if (!$connected) { factory::submodule('' . $library . '.submodule')->add(); application::set('' . $library . '.connected', true); } }
function bind() { $this->page_title = "Election leaflets by category"; $search = factory::create('search'); $election_id = get_election_id(); // Get categories $categories = $search->search_cached("category", array(array("category_election.election_id", "=", $election_id)), 'AND', array(array("category_election", "inner")), array(array('name', "ASC"))); $this->assign("categories", $categories); }
/** * Get the response object according to the requested out * * @return response_abstract */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$proxy) return self::$proxy; if (!self::$inst) { self::$inst = factory::get('response_'.request::getResponseName()); self::$inst->setContentType(request::get('out')); } return self::$inst; }
function bind() { $this->page_title = "Election leaflets by tag"; $search = factory::create('search'); $tag = factory::create("tag"); $tag_count = 250; $weighted_tags = $tag->get_weighted_tags($tag_count); $this->assign("weighted_tags", $weighted_tags); }
function bind() { $this->page_title = "Election leaflets by party"; $search = factory::create('search'); //get top parties $election_id = get_election_id(); $parties = $search->search_cached("party", array(array("party_election.election_id", "=", $election_id)), "AND", array(array("party_election", "inner")), array(array("name", "ASC"))); $this->assign("parties", $parties); }
/** * Mysql构造函数 * * @param string $host * @param string $user * @param string $password * @param string $db_name * @param string $charset */ public function __construct($host, $port, $user, $password, $db_name, $charset) { $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->user = $user; $this->db_name = $db_name; $this->charset = $charset; $this->password = $password; $this->dbdebug = factory::createDBDebugObject(); }
public static function lookup_constituency_names($postcode) { $search = factory::create('search'); $constituencies = $search->search("australian_postcode", array(array('postcode', '=', $postcode)), 'AND', null, array(array('constituency', "ASC"))); $result = array(); foreach ($constituencies as $c) { $result[] = $c->constituency; } return $result; }
function get_constituency_type() { $return = false; $search = factory::create('search'); $results = $search->search('constituency_type', array(array("name", "=", 'UK Parliament Constituency'))); if (count($results) == 1) { $return = $results[0]; } return $return; }
function process() { // Start transaction $db = new DB_DataObject(); $db->query('BEGIN'); // Get existing constituencies $search = factory::create('search'); $results = $search->search("constituency", array(array("election_id", "=", $this->election_id)), 'AND', array(array("constituency_election", "inner")), array(array('name', "ASC"))); // Delete existing constituencies foreach ($results as $result) { if (!$result->delete()) { $db->query('ROLLBACK'); die("Unable to delete constituency. Transaction rolled back."); } } // Delete many-to-many joins $query_string = 'DELETE FROM `constituency_election` WHERE `election_id`=' . $this->election_id; if ($db->query($query_string) === false) { $db->query('ROLLBACK'); die("Unable to delete constituency links. Transaction rolled back."); } // Add user supplied constituencies $supplied_constituencies = explode("\n", $this->data['txtConstituencies']); foreach ($supplied_constituencies as $constituency_name) { $constituency_name = trim($constituency_name); if ($constituency_name == '') { continue; } // Check for an existing constituency (from another election) $existing_constituency = $search->search("constituency", array(array("name", "=", $constituency_name))); if (count($existing_constituency) == 1) { $constituency = $existing_constituency[0]; } else { // Create constituency $constituency = factory::create('constituency'); $constituency->name = $constituency_name; if (!$constituency->insert()) { $db->query('ROLLBACK'); die("Unable to add constituency. Transaction rolled back."); } } // Create join $constituency_election = factory::create('constituency_election'); $constituency_election->constituency_id = $constituency->constituency_id; $constituency_election->election_id = $this->election_id; if (!$constituency_election->insert()) { $db->query('ROLLBACK'); die("Unable to add constituency. Transaction rolled back."); } } $db->query('COMMIT'); $this->bind(); $this->render(); }
function bind() { $this->page_title = "Election leaflets stats by party"; $this->assign("date_since", $this->date_since); $search = factory::create('search'); $parties = $search->search("party", array(array("major", "=", 1))); $party_rates = array(); foreach ($parties as $party) { $this->assign($party->url_id . "_party_rates", $party->get_rate_values($this->date_since)); } }
protected function afterInit() { parent::afterInit(); $this->form = factory::get('form_db', array_merge($this->cfg->formOpts, array('table' => $this->cfg->table))); $this->replaceName = str_replace('[]', '', $this->name) . '_fields[' . $this->cfg->replaceKey . '][[name]]'; foreach ($this->cfg->fields as $f) { $f['name'] = str_replace('[name]', $f['name'], $this->replaceName); $this->form->addFromField($f); } $this->prepareValuesForValid(); $this->valid->getCfg()->setRef('value', $this->valuesForValid); }
/** * Constructor * * @param \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache * @param string $cache_dir Path to the cache dir * @param string $key Cache key * @param factory $factory * @param \phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface $dispatcher */ public function __construct(\phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache, $cache_dir, $key, factory $factory, \phpbb\event\dispatcher_interface $dispatcher) { $renderer_data = $cache->get($key); if ($renderer_data) { $class = $renderer_data['class']; if (!class_exists($class, false)) { // Try to load the renderer class from its cache file $cache_file = $cache_dir . $class . '.php'; if (file_exists($cache_file)) { include $cache_file; } } if (class_exists($class, false)) { $renderer = new $class(); } if (isset($renderer_data['censor'])) { $censor = $renderer_data['censor']; } } if (!isset($renderer)) { $objects = $factory->regenerate(); $renderer = $objects['renderer']; } if (isset($censor)) { $this->censor = $censor; } $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->renderer = $renderer; $renderer = $this; /** * Configure the renderer service * * @event core.text_formatter_s9e_renderer_setup * @var \phpbb\textformatter\s9e\renderer renderer This renderer service * @since 3.2.0-a1 */ $vars = array('renderer'); extract($dispatcher->trigger_event('core.text_formatter_s9e_renderer_setup', compact($vars))); }
function process() { // TODO: Duplicate detection if ($this->data['txtCategoryName']) { $category = factory::create('category'); $category->name = $this->data['txtCategoryName']; if (!$category->insert()) { trigger_error("Unable to save category"); } } $this->bind(); $this->render(); }
private function get_leaflet_count() { $return = 0; $cache = cache::factory(); $cached = $cache->get("total_leaflet_count"); if ($cached !== false && isset($cached)) { $return = $cached; } else { $leaflet = factory::create('leaflet'); $return = $leaflet->count(); $cache->set("total_leaflet_count", $return); } return $return; }
/** * Set up the valid object */ protected function afterInit() { if (!$this->label && !is_bool($this->label)) { $this->label = ucfirst($this->name); } if (!is_object($this->cfg->value)) { $this->cfg->value = utils::htmlOut($this->cfg->value); } $this->id = $this->makeId($this->name); $val =& $this->cfg->getRef('value'); $this->valid = factory::get($this->cfg->validType, array('value' => &$val, 'label' => $this->label, 'validEltArray' => $this->cfg->getInArray('valid', 'validEltArray'))); $this->cfg->delInArray('valid', 'validEltArray'); $this->initValid(); }
public function query($options = []) { $model = factory::model($options['model']); $db = $model->db_object(); $where = null; if (!empty($options['where'])) { $where = 'AND ' . $db->prepare_condition($options['where']); } $columns = []; foreach ($model->columns as $k => $v) { $columns[] = 'a.' . $k . ' ' . str_replace($model->column_prefix, '', $k); } return "SELECT " . implode(', ', $columns) . ", b.em_entity_name FROM [table[{$options['model']}]] a LEFT JOIN [table[numbers_data_entities_entities_model_entities]] b ON a.{$model->column_prefix}who_entity_id = b.em_entity_id WHERE 1=1 {$where} ORDER BY {$model->column_prefix}inserted DESC"; }