register_shutdown_function(function () { sqlp('close'); sqlO('close'); }); #print_r($_ENV); $_ENV['titre'] = 'mysqli object && flat php prepared statements, transactions'; require_once '../header.c.php'; echo '<pre>'; $x = sqlO('select id,id_season from articles order by id desc limit 1'); if ($x['#']) { #has errors if ($x['0']['error'] == 'No database selected') { print_r($x); die; } $fun->r302('sql6-cache.php?r=mysqli.php#migrations required'); } /** creates required database && tables **/ print_r(['sqlTransaction1:select'] + compact('x')); #ERRORS:$x['#"] && $x[$index][0]=is_numeric(ERRORLINE); $x = sqlp('SELECT id,title,id_season from articles order by id desc limit ?', [1]); print_r(['sqlp2'] + compact('x')); $x = sqlO(['select id,id_season from articles order by id desc limit ?', 'insert into test.articles (title,id_season)values(?,?)'], [[1], ['--new2', 26]]); print_r(['sqlTransaction2:select'] + compact('x')); #fails & fails select as well ! $x = sqlO('insert into articles (title,id_season)values(?,?)', [['--new1', 24], ['--new2', 25], ['fail', 26]]); print_r(['sqlTransaction1'] + compact('x')); #fails ! $x = sqlO('insert into articles (title,id_season)values(?,?)', [['--new1', 24], ['--ok', 25]]); print_r(['sqlTransaction3'] + compact('x')); #ok
<?php $fun = new f(); register_shutdown_function(function () { global $fun; if ($_GET['r']) { $fun->r302($_GET['r'] . '#post required migration'); } }); #print_r($_ENV); $_ENV['titre'] = 'sql6-cached'; require_once '../header.c.php'; echo '<pre>'; #new fun;#ok with autoloader -- fine :) new sql6(); #$con=[$host,$user,$pass]; $single = 1; $cd = TMP . 'sqlcache/'; $con = $sqlconn; $iP = ['databases']; $pile = 'Database'; /*using $iP caches the results and index them under those names for cache invalidations*/ #sql6(['pl'=>['databases']]);die; $sep = '§§!'; $migrations = ['0.0.1.createdb.test' => ['title' => "1st migration : creates database test && table products", 'precheck' => function () { global $con; $sql = 'show databases'; $iP = ['databases']; $pile = 'Database'; $x = sql6(compact('con', 'iP', 'sql', 'pile')); #,'pile'=>'Database'