  * Tests a problem which arose when a combined URL entry,
  * representing several translations are split up, by one translation being
  * changed to to an earlier history entry, of that same entry.
  * Note: __FUNCTION__ will be appended to every name/title attribute in order
  * to ensure they will be unique to this test
 function testURLAliasSplitParentTranslation()
     ezpINIHelper::setINISetting('site.ini', 'RegionalSettings', 'SiteLanguageList', array('eng-GB', 'nor-NO'));
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     // STEP 1: Add test folder
     $folder = new ezpObject("folder", 2);
     $folder->name = __FUNCTION__;
     // STEP 2: Add child below folder
     $child = new ezpObject("folder", $folder->mainNode->node_id);
     $child->name = "Child" . __FUNCTION__;
     // Sub-sub children disabled for now, might be used in future, for
     // further assertions.
     // // STEP 2a: Add a sub-sub child
     // $subChild1 = new ezpObject( 'article', $child->mainNode->node_id );
     // $subChild1->title = "SubChild";
     // $subChild1->publish();
     // // STEP 2b: Add a sub-sub child
     // $subChild2 = new ezpObject( 'article', $child->mainNode->node_id );
     // $subChild2->title = "SubChildOther";
     // $subChild2->publish();
     // // STEP 2ba: Adding sub-sub child translation
     // $norSubChild2Trans = array( "title" => "SubChildOtherNor" );
     // $subChild2->addTranslation( "nor-NO", $norSubChild2Trans );
     // // STEP 2c: Add a sub-sub child
     // $subChild3 = new ezpObject( 'article', $child->mainNode->node_id );
     // $subChild3->title = "SubChildThird";
     // $subChild3->publish();
     // // STEP 2ca: Addubg sub-sub child translation
     // $norSubChild3Trans = array( "title" => "SubChildThird" );
     // $subChild3->addTranslation( "nor-NO", $norSubChild3Trans );
     // STEP 3: Add translation to child with the same name
     $translationAttributes = array("name" => "Child" . __FUNCTION__);
     $child->addTranslation("nor-NO", $translationAttributes);
     // STEP 4: Update the translation
     $newVersion = $child->createNewVersion(false, true, 'nor-NO');
     $norDataMap = $child->fetchDataMap($newVersion->attribute('version'), "nor-NO");
     $norDataMap['name']->setAttribute('data_text', 'NorChildChanged' . __FUNCTION__);
     ezpObject::publishContentObject($child->object, $newVersion);
     // STEP 5:
     $child->name = "Renamed child" . __FUNCTION__;
     // STEP 6:
     $child->name = "Child changed" . __FUNCTION__;
     // STEP 7:
     $newVersion = $child->createNewVersion(false, true, 'nor-NO');
     $norDataMap = $child->fetchDataMap($newVersion->attribute('version'), "nor-NO");
     $norDataMap['name']->setAttribute('data_text', 'NorChildChanged again' . __FUNCTION__);
     ezpObject::publishContentObject($child->object, $newVersion);
     // STEP 8:
     $newVersion = $child->createNewVersion(false, true, 'nor-NO');
     $norDataMap = $child->fetchDataMap($newVersion->attribute('version'), "nor-NO");
     $norDataMap['name']->setAttribute('data_text', 'Child changed' . __FUNCTION__);
     ezpObject::publishContentObject($child->object, $newVersion);
     // STEP 9:
     $newVersion = $child->createNewVersion(false, true, 'nor-NO');
     $norDataMap = $child->fetchDataMap($newVersion->attribute('version'), "nor-NO");
     $norDataMap['name']->setAttribute('data_text', 'NorChildChanged again' . __FUNCTION__);
     ezpObject::publishContentObject($child->object, $newVersion);
     $query = self::buildSql(array($child->mainNode->node_id));
     $result = $db->arrayQuery($query);
     $initialTranslationChild = self::urlEntryForName("Child-changed" . __FUNCTION__, $result);
     $translationChild = self::urlEntryForName('NorChildChanged-again' . __FUNCTION__, $result);
     self::assertEquals((int) $initialTranslationChild['id'], (int) $translationChild['id'], "Current translations of the same node need to have the same id.");