public function testfetchFromOffset5()
     $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport(self::$server);
     $pop3->authenticate(self::$user, self::$password);
     $set = $pop3->fetchFromOffset(1, 0);
     $parser = new ezcMailParser();
     $mail = $parser->parseMail($set);
     $this->assertEquals(4, count($mail));
     $this->assertEquals("pine: Mail with attachment", $mail[1]->subject);
require_once 'tutorial_autoload.php';
// Create a new POP3 transport object by specifying the server name
$pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport("");
// Authenticate to the POP3 server
$pop3->authenticate("user", "password");
// Get the number of messages on the server and their combined size
// in the variables $num and $size
$pop3->status($num, $size);
// Get the list of message numbers on the server and their sizes
// the returned array is something like: array( 1 => 1500, 2 => 45200 )
// where the key is a message number and the value is the message size
$messages = $pop3->listMessages();
// Get the list of message unique ids on the server and their sizes
// the returned array is something like: array( 1 => '00000f543d324', 2 => '000010543d324' )
// where the key is an message number and the value is the message unique id
$messages = $pop3->listUniqueIdentifiers();
// Usually you will call one of these 3 fetch functions:
// Fetch all messages on the server
$set = $pop3->fetchAll();
// Fetch one message from the server (here: get the message no. 2)
$set = $pop3->fetchByMessageNr(2);
// Fetch a range of messages from the server (here: get 4 messages starting from message no. 2)
$set = $pop3->fetchFromOffset(2, 4);
// Delete a message from the server
// Use this to keep the connection alive
// Create a new mail parser object
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
// Parse the set of messages retrieved from the server earlier
$mail = $parser->parseMail($set);