fetchFromOffset() public method

This method supports unique IDs instead of message numbers. See {@link ezcMailImapTransportOptions} for how to enable unique IDs referencing. Fetches $count messages starting from the $offset and returns them as a {@link ezcMailImapSet}. If $count is not specified or if it is 0, it fetches all messages starting from the $offset. Before calling this method, a connection to the IMAP server must be established and a user must be authenticated successfully, and a mailbox must be selected. Example: $imap = new ezcMailImapTransport( 'imap.example.com' ); $imap->authenticate( 'username', 'password' ); $imap->selectMailbox( 'Inbox' ); $set = $imap->fetchFromOffset( 1, 10 ); $set can be parsed with ezcMailParser
public fetchFromOffset ( integer $offset, integer $count, boolean $deleteFromServer = false ) : ezcMailImapSet
$offset integer
$count integer
$deleteFromServer boolean
return ezcMailImapSet
 public function testFetchFromOffset5()
     $imap = new ezcMailImapTransport(self::$server, self::$port);
     $imap->authenticate(self::$user, self::$password);
     $set = $imap->fetchFromOffset(1, 0);
     $parser = new ezcMailParser();
     $mail = $parser->parseMail($set);
     $this->assertEquals(4, count($mail));
     $this->assertEquals("pine: Mail with attachment", $mail[1]->subject);
 public function testUidCommandsFetchFromOffsetStartOutside()
     $imap = new ezcMailImapTransport(self::$server, self::$port, array('uidReferencing' => true));
     $imap->authenticate(self::$user, self::$password);
     try {
         $set = $imap->fetchFromOffset(0, 2);
         $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown.');
     } catch (ezcMailOffsetOutOfRangeException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals("The offset '0' is outside of the message subset '0', '2'.", $e->getMessage());
$imap->status($num, $size, $recent, $unseen);
// Get the list of message numbers on the server and their sizes
// the returned array is something like: array( 1 => 1500, 2 => 45200 )
// where the key is a message number and the value is the message size
$messages = $imap->listMessages();
// Get the list of message unique ids on the server and their sizes
// the returned array is something like: array( 1 => '15', 2 => '16' )
// where the key is an message number and the value is the message unique id
$messages = $imap->listUniqueIdentifiers();
// Usually you will call one of these fetch functions:
// Fetch all messages on the server
$set = $imap->fetchAll();
// Fetch one message from the server (here: get the message no. 2)
$set = $imap->fetchByMessageNr(2);
// Fetch a range of messages from the server (here: get 4 messages starting from message no. 2)
$set = $imap->fetchFromOffset(2, 4);
// Fetch messages which have a certain flag
// See the function description for a list of supported flags
$set = $imap->fetchByFlag("DELETED");
// Fetch a range of messages sorted by Date
// Use this to page through a mailbox
// See the function description for a list of criterias and for how to sort ascending or descending
$set = $imap->sortFromOffset(1, 10, "Date");
// Sort the specified messages by Date
// See the function description for a list of criterias and for how to sort ascending or descending
$set = $imap->sortMessages("1,2,3,4,5", "Date");
// Fetch messages which match the specified criteria.
// See the section 6.4.4. of RFC 1730 or 2060 for a list of criterias
// (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1730.html)
// The following example returns the messages flagged as SEEN and with
// 'release' in their Subject