文件: auth.php 项目: nachatate/synala
 public function login($type = 'public', $redirect = true)
     // Initialize
     global $config;
     // Get user row
     if (!($user_row = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s", strtolower($_POST['username'])))) {
     // Check password
     $client = new encrypt();
     if ($client->get_password_hash($_POST['password'], $user_row['id']) != $user_row['password']) {
     // Get session ID
     do {
         $session_id = generate_random_string(60);
         $exists = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM auth_sessions WHERE auth_hash = %s", hash('sha512', $session_id)) ? 1 : 0;
     } while ($exists > 0);
     // Check for 2FA
     $require_2fa = false;
     if ($config['enable_2fa'] == 'all') {
         $require_2fa = true;
     } elseif ($config['enable_2fa'] == 'admin' && $user_row['group_id'] == 1) {
         $require_2fa = true;
     // Generate 2FA hash, if needed
     if ($require_2fa === true) {
         $status_2fa = 0;
         $hash_2fa = generate_random_string(60);
         // Send e-mail
         $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/2fa/' . $hash_2fa;
         mail($user_row['email'], "2FA Authentication - {$config['site_name']}", "You are receiving this e-mail because you just tried to login to {$config['site_name']}, which required 2FA.  To proceed with your login, please click on the below URL:\r\n\r\n\t{$url}\r\n\r\nThank you,\r\n{$config['site_name']}\r\n");
     } else {
         $status_2fa = 1;
         $hash_2fa = '';
     // Create session
     DB::insert('auth_sessions', array('userid' => $user_row['id'], 'last_active' => time(), 'auth_hash' => hash('sha512', $session_id), '2fa_status' => $status_2fa, '2fa_hash' => $hash_2fa));
     // Set cookie
     $cookie_name = COOKIE_NAME . 'auth_hash';
     setcookie($cookie_name, $session_id);
     // Update alerts
     DB::query("UPDATE alerts SET is_new = 0 WHERE is_new = 2 AND userid = %d", $user_row['id']);
     DB::query("UPDATE alerts SET is_new = 2 WHERE is_new = 1 AND userid = %d", $user_row['id']);
     // Redirect user
     if ($status_2fa == 0) {
         $route = $type == 'admin' ? 'admin/2fa' : '2fa';
         $template = new template($route);
         echo $template->parse();
     } elseif ($type == 'admin' && $redirect === true) {
         header("Location: " . SITE_URI . "/admin/index");
     // Return
     return $user_row['id'];
 function Login_Validate($User, $Password)
     echo $Password;
     $_SESSION['User'] = '';
     $this->AuthUser = new Memberdetails();
     $conditions = QQ::Equal(QQN::Memberdetails()->MemberId, $User);
     $this->AuthUser = Memberdetails::QuerySingle($conditions);
     if (!isset($this->AuthUser)) {
         $_SESSION['User'] = '';
         return 'Wrong';
     } else {
         $encrypt = new encrypt();
         $storedpass = $encrypt->decrypt_sha1($this->AuthUser->Password);
         if ($storedpass != $Password) {
             $_SESSION['User'] = '';
             return 'Wrong';
         } else {
             $_SESSION['objUser'] = $this->AuthUser;
             return 'Right';
        // Check for unspent inputs
        $count = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT count(*) FROM coin_inputs WHERE wallet_id = %d AND is_spent = 0", $id);
        if ($count > 0) {
            $template->add_message("Unable to delete wallet ID# {$id}, as it has unspent inputs.  Please transfer the wallet first via the Financial->Transfer Wallet menu.", 'error');
        } else {
            DB::query("DELETE FROM coin_wallets WHERE id = %d", $id);
    // User message
    if ($template->has_errors != 1) {
        $template->add_message("Successfully deleted all checked wallets.");
    // Verify public key
} elseif (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == tr('Verify Public Key')) {
    // Initialize
    $enc = new encrypt();
    $b32 = new bip32();
    // Get wallet ID
    if (!isset($_POST['verify_wallet_id'])) {
        $wallet_id = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT id FROM coin_wallets WHERE status = 'active' ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,1");
    } else {
        $wallet_id = $_POST['verify_wallet_id'];
    // Gather private keys
    $x = 1;
    $privkeys = array();
    while (1) {
        $var = 'verify_private_key' . $x;
        if (!isset($_POST[$var])) {

// Initialize
global $template, $config;
$bip32 = new bip32();
// Transfer wallet
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == tr('Transfer Wallet')) {
    // Initialize
    $enc_client = new encrypt();
    // Get wallet
    if (!($wrow = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM coin_wallets WHERE id = %d", $_POST['wallet_id']))) {
        trigger_error("Wallet does not exist, ID# {$wallet_id}", E_USER_ERROR);
    // Add new wallet to DB
    DB::insert('coin_wallets', array('address_type' => $wrow['address_type'], 'sigs_required' => $wrow['sigs_required'], 'sigs_total' => $wrow['sigs_total'], 'display_name' => $wrow['display_name']));
    $new_wallet_id = DB::insertId();
    // Gather BIP32 keys
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $wrow['sigs_total']; $x++) {
        $public_key = $enc_client->encrypt($_POST['public_key' . $x]);
        DB::insert('coin_wallets_keys', array('wallet_id' => $new_wallet_id, 'public_key' => $public_key));
    // Gather private keys
    $x = 1;
    $privkeys = array();
    while (1) {
        $var = 'private_key' . $x;
        if (!isset($_POST[$var])) {
        $privkeys[] = $_POST[$var];
 protected function Register_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter)
     $encrypt = new encrypt();
     $this->txtPassword->Text = $encrypt->encrypt_sha1($this->txtPassword->Text);
     $this->objMember = new Memberdetails();
     $this->objMember->FullName = $this->txtFullName->Text;
     $this->objMember->MemberId = $this->txtMemberId->Text;
     $this->objMember->Password = $this->txtPassword->Text;
     $this->objMember->Active = false;
include "studentSidebar.php";
    <div class="jumbotron col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-1">
        <h3><strong>UCSC Registration</strong></h3>
//payfor other person check
if (isset($_SESSION['p4o']) && $_SESSION['p4o'] == 1) {
    echo "<div class='text text-info'><strong>You are paying for " . $_SESSION['payeeName'] . ". </strong><button class='btn btn-default btn-xs'><a href='payForOtherRemove.php' title='Click here to remove other person.'>I have changed my mind</a></button></div> ";

        <div class="gap">
        <span class="redColor"><strong>* This will not available for undergraduates who already registered with UCSC.</strong></span>
$encryptObject = new encrypt();
$tra = new Transaction();
$fileObject = new accessFile();
$dataArray = $fileObject->read('Files/data_UCSCregistration');
$urlArray = $fileObject->read_newLine('Files/URLs');
$user = new User();
$amount = $dataArray[0];
if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) {
$date1 = strtotime($dataArray[1]);
$date2 = time();
$dayLimit = $date1 - $date2;
$dayLimit = floor($dayLimit / (60 * 60 * 24));
if ($dayLimit < 0) {
    //    echo "payment is closed!";
文件: user.php 项目: nachatate/synala
 public function update()
     // Initialize
     global $template, $config;
     // Checks
     if (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $template->add_message("Invalid e-mail address, {$_POST['email']}", 'error');
     // Set variables
     $updates = array();
     if ($config['username_field'] == 'email') {
         $_POST['new_username'] = $_POST['email'];
     $old_username = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = %d", $this->userid);
     // Set updates array
     if ($old_username != $_POST['new_username']) {
         if ($row = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s", strtolower($_POST['new_username']))) {
             $template->add_message("Unable to change username, as username already exists, {$_POST['new_username']}", 'error');
         } else {
             $updates['username'] = strtolower($_POST['new_username']);
     // Set other variables
     if (isset($_POST['is_admin'])) {
         $updates['group_id'] = $_POST['is_admin'] == 1 ? 1 : 2;
     if (isset($_POST['is_active'])) {
         $updates['status'] = $_POST['is_active'] == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive';
     if (isset($_POST['full_name'])) {
         $updates['full_name'] = $_POST['full_name'];
     $updates['email'] = strtolower($_POST['email']);
     // Update password, if needed
     if ($_POST['password'] != '' && $_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2']) {
         $client = new encrypt();
         $updates['password'] = $client->get_password_hash($_POST['password'], $this->userid);
     // Get custom fields
     $custom_fields = array();
     $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM users_custom_fields ORDER BY id");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $var = 'custom' . $row['id'];
         if (!isset($_POST[$var])) {
         $custom_fields[$var] = $_POST[$var];
     $updates['custom_fields'] = serialize($custom_fields);
     // Update database
     if ($template->has_errors != 1) {
         DB::update('users', $updates, "id = %d", $this->userid);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 public function address_to_sigscript($address)
     // Initialize
     $enc = new encrypt();
     // Get address
     if (!($addr_row = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM coin_addresses WHERE address = %s", $address))) {
         trigger_error("Address does not exist, {$address}", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Get wallet
     if (!($wallet = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM coin_wallets WHERE id = %d", $addr_row['wallet_id']))) {
         trigger_error("Wallet does not exist, ID# {$addr_row['wallet_id']}", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Multisig
     if ($wallet['address_type'] == 'multisig') {
         // Go through addresses
         $public_keys = array();
         $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM coin_addresses_multisig WHERE address = %s ORDER BY id", $address);
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $keyindex = $addr_row['is_change_address'] . '/' . $row['address_num'];
             $ext_pubkey = trim($enc->decrypt(DB::queryFirstField("SELECT public_key FROM coin_wallets_keys WHERE id = %d", $row['key_id'])));
             $child_pubkey = $this->build_key($ext_pubkey, $keyindex)[0];
             $public_keys[] = $this->import($child_pubkey)['key'];
         // Create redeem script
         $scriptsig = $this->create_redeem_script($wallet['sigs_required'], $public_keys);
         // Standard
     } else {
         $decode_address = $this->base58_decode($address);
         $scriptsig = '76a914' . substr($decode_address, 2, 40) . '88ac';
     // Return
     return $scriptsig;
            // Execute hooks
            execute_hooks('funds_sent', $send_id);
            // User message
            $this->add_message("Successfully processed send and broadcast transaction, TxID {$txid}");
            // Offline send
        } else {
            $client = new transaction();
            $client->add_send($_POST['wallet_id'], 'pending', $_POST['note'], '', $outputs);
            $template->add_message("Successfully queued new send.  You may download the appropriate JSON for offline signing via the Pending Sends tab.");
    // Download JSON file
} elseif (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == tr('Download JSON File')) {
    // Initialize
    $bip32 = new bip32();
    $encrypt = new encrypt();
    // Set variables
    $testnet = TESTNET == 1 ? true : false;
    $json = array('testnet' => $testnet, 'inputs' => array(), 'outputs' => array());
    $send_amount = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT sum(amount) FROM coin_sends WHERE status = 'pending'");
    // Get wallet row
    if (!($wrow = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM coin_wallets WHERE id = %d", $_POST['pending_wallet_id']))) {
        trigger_error("Wallet does not exist, ID# {$_POST['pending_wallet_id']}", E_USER_ERROR);
    // Gather inputs
    $input_amount = 0;
    $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM coin_inputs WHERE is_spent = 0 AND is_confirmed = 1 ORDER BY id");
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        if ($input_amount >= $send_amount) {
if (empty($_POST['uname'])) {
    $res = json_encode(array('error_msg' => 'param is empty(uname)', 'error_code' => -2));
if (empty($_POST['code'])) {
    $res = json_encode(array('error_msg' => 'param is empty(code)', 'error_code' => -3));
$uname = $_POST['uname'];
$code = $_POST['code'];
$db = new DB();
$res = $db->get_one('SELECT pwd FROM user where uname="' . $uname . '"');
$pwd = $res['pwd'];
if (empty($pwd)) {
    $res = json_encode(array('error_msg' => 'user is not exist', 'error_code' => -4));
$ept = new encrypt();
$server_code = $ept->encrypt($uname, $pwd);
if ($server_code == $code) {
    $_SESSION['uname'] = $uname;
    $res = json_encode(array('error_msg' => 'success.', 'error_code' => 200));
} else {
    $res = json_encode(array('error_msg' => 'password is wrong.', 'error_code' => -1));
 public function gather_inputs($wallet_id, $amount, $privkeys = array())
     // Initialize
     global $config;
     $bip32 = new bip32();
     $enc = new encrypt();
     // Get wallet
     if (!($wallet = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM coin_wallets WHERE id = %d", $wallet_id))) {
         trigger_error("Wallet does not exist, ID# {$wallet_id}", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Go through inputs
     $inputs = array();
     $input_amount = 0;
     $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM coin_inputs WHERE is_spent = 0 AND is_confirmed = 1 ORDER BY id");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($input_amount >= $amount) {
         // Get address row
         if (!($addr_row = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM coin_addresses WHERE address = %s", $row['address']))) {
         // Multisig address
         if ($wallet['address_type'] == 'multisig') {
             // Go through addresses
             $keys = array();
             $public_keys = array();
             $arows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM coin_addresses_multisig WHERE address = %s ORDER BY id", $row['address']);
             foreach ($arows as $arow) {
                 // Get public key
                 $keyindex = $addr_row['is_change_address'] . '/' . $arow['address_num'];
                 $ext_pubkey = trim($enc->decrypt(DB::queryFirstField("SELECT public_key FROM coin_wallets_keys WHERE id = %d", $arow['key_id'])));
                 $child_pubkey = $bip32->build_key($ext_pubkey, $keyindex)[0];
                 $import = $bip32->import($child_pubkey);
                 $public_keys[] = $import['key'];
                 // Go through private keys
                 foreach ($privkeys as $privkey) {
                     // Get child key
                     $child_privkey = $bip32->build_key($privkey, $keyindex)[0];
                     $chk_pubkey = $bip32->extended_private_to_public($child_privkey);
                     if ($chk_pubkey != $child_pubkey) {
                     // Validate privkey
                     if (!in_array($child_privkey, $keys)) {
                         $keys[] = $child_privkey;
             if (count($keys) < $wallet['sigs_required']) {
             // Add to inputs
             $vars = array('input_id' => $row['id'], 'txid' => $row['txid'], 'vout' => $row['vout'], 'amount' => $row['amount'], 'scriptsig' => $bip32->create_redeem_script($wallet['sigs_required'], $public_keys), 'public_keys' => $public_keys, 'privkeys' => $keys);
             array_push($inputs, $vars);
             // Standard address
         } else {
             // Get private key
             $keyindex = $addr_row['is_change_address'] . '/' . $addr_row['address_num'];
             $privkey = $bip32->build_key($privkeys[0], $keyindex)[0];
             // Get script sig
             $decode_address = $bip32->base58_decode($row['address']);
             $scriptsig = '76a914' . substr($decode_address, 2, 40) . '88ac';
             // Get public key
             $public_key = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT public_key FROM coin_wallets_keys WHERE wallet_id = %d ORDER BY id LIMIT 0,1", $wallet_id);
             $public_key = trim($enc->decrypt($public_key));
             $child_pubkey = $bip32->build_key($public_key, $keyindex)[0];
             // Validate key
             $chk_pubkey = $bip32->extended_private_to_public($privkey);
             if ($chk_pubkey != $child_pubkey) {
             // Add to inputs
             $vars = array('input_id' => $row['id'], 'txid' => $row['txid'], 'vout' => $row['vout'], 'amount' => $row['amount'], 'scriptsig' => $scriptsig, 'public_keys' => array($public_key), 'privkeys' => array($privkey));
             array_push($inputs, $vars);
         // Add to amounts
         $input_amount += $row['amount'];
         $amount += $config['btc_txfee'];
     // Check amount
     if ($input_amount < $amount) {
         return false;
     // Return
     return $inputs;