mimetypeInternalDetect() protected static method

Detect file mimetype using "internal" method or Loading mime.types with $path = ''
Author: Dmitry (dio) Levashov
protected static mimetypeInternalDetect ( string $path = '' ) : string
$path string file path
return string
  * Return file mimetype
  * @param  string  $path  file path
  * @return string
  * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 protected function mimetype($path)
     $type = '';
     if ($this->mimeDetect == 'finfo') {
         $type = @finfo_file($this->finfo, $path);
     } elseif ($type == 'mime_content_type') {
         $type = mime_content_type($path);
     } else {
         $type = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($path);
     $type = explode(';', $type);
     $type = trim($type[0]);
     if ($type == 'application/x-empty') {
         // finfo return this mime for empty files
         $type = 'text/plain';
     } elseif ($type == 'application/x-zip') {
         // http://elrte.org/redmine/issues/163
         $type = 'application/zip';
     return $type == 'unknown' && $this->mimeDetect != 'internal' ? elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($path) : $type;
  * Return file mimetype
  * @param  string  $path  file path
  * @return string
  * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 protected function mimetype($path, $name = '')
     $type = '';
     if ($name === '') {
         $name = $path;
     $ext = false === ($pos = strrpos($name, '.')) ? '' : substr($name, $pos + 1);
     if ($this->mimeDetect == 'finfo') {
         if ($type = @finfo_file($this->finfo, $path)) {
             if ($ext && preg_match('~^application/(?:octet-stream|(?:x-)?zip)~', $type)) {
                 if (isset(elFinderVolumeDriver::$mimetypes[$ext])) {
                     $type = elFinderVolumeDriver::$mimetypes[$ext];
             } else {
                 if ($ext === 'js' && preg_match('~^text/~', $type)) {
                     $type = 'text/javascript';
         } else {
             $type = 'unknown';
     } elseif ($this->mimeDetect == 'mime_content_type') {
         $type = mime_content_type($path);
     } else {
         $type = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($path);
     $type = explode(';', $type);
     $type = trim($type[0]);
     if (in_array($type, array('application/x-empty', 'inode/x-empty'))) {
         // finfo return this mime for empty files
         $type = 'text/plain';
     } elseif ($type == 'application/x-zip') {
         // http://elrte.org/redmine/issues/163
         $type = 'application/zip';
     // mime type normalization
     $_checkKey = strtolower($ext . ':' . $type);
     if (isset($this->options['mimeMap'][$_checkKey])) {
         $type = $this->options['mimeMap'][$_checkKey];
     return $type == 'unknown' && $this->mimeDetect != 'internal' ? elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($path) : $type;
  * Recursive symlinks search
  * @param  string  $path  file/dir path
  * @return bool
  * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 protected function _findSymlinks($path)
     if (is_link($path)) {
         return true;
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         foreach (self::localScandir($path) as $name) {
             $p = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
             if (is_link($p) || !$this->nameAccepted($name) || ($mimeByName = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($name)) && $mimeByName !== 'unknown' && !$this->allowPutMime($mimeByName)) {
                 $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_SAVE, $name);
                 return true;
             if (is_dir($p) && $this->_findSymlinks($p)) {
                 return true;
             } elseif (is_file($p)) {
                 $this->archiveSize += sprintf('%u', filesize($p));
     } else {
         $this->archiveSize += sprintf('%u', filesize($path));
     return false;
  * Save uploaded file. 
  * On success return array with new file stat and with removed file hash (if existed file was replaced)
  * @param  Resource $fp      file pointer
  * @param  string   $dst     destination folder hash
  * @param  string   $src     file name
  * @param  string   $tmpname file tmp name - required to detect mime type
  * @return array|false
  * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
  * */
 public function upload($fp, $dst, $name, $tmpname)
     if ($this->commandDisabled('upload')) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED);
     if (($dir = $this->dir($dst)) == false) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $dst);
     if (!$dir['write']) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED);
     if (!$this->nameAccepted($name)) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_INVALID_NAME);
     $mime = $this->mimetype($this->mimeDetect == 'internal' ? $name : $tmpname);
     if ($mime == 'unknown' && $this->mimeDetect == 'internal') {
         $mime = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($name);
     // logic based on http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_authz_host.html#order
     $allow = $this->mimeAccepted($mime, $this->uploadAllow, null);
     $deny = $this->mimeAccepted($mime, $this->uploadDeny, null);
     $upload = true;
     // default to allow
     if (strtolower($this->uploadOrder[0]) == 'allow') {
         // array('allow', 'deny'), default is to 'deny'
         $upload = false;
         // default is deny
         if (!$deny && $allow === true) {
             // match only allow
             $upload = true;
         // else (both match | no match | match only deny) { deny }
     } else {
         // array('deny', 'allow'), default is to 'allow' - this is the default rule
         $upload = true;
         // default is allow
         if ($deny === true && !$allow) {
             // match only deny
             $upload = false;
         // else (both match | no match | match only allow) { allow }
     if (!$upload) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_MIME);
     if ($this->uploadMaxSize > 0 && filesize($tmpname) > $this->uploadMaxSize) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE);
     $dstpath = $this->decode($dst);
     $test = $this->_joinPath($dstpath, $name);
     $file = $this->stat($test);
     if ($file) {
         // file exists
         if ($this->options['uploadOverwrite']) {
             if (!$file['write']) {
                 return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED);
             } elseif ($file['mime'] == 'directory') {
                 return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_NOT_REPLACE, $name);
         } else {
             $name = $this->uniqueName($dstpath, $name, '-', false);
     $w = $h = 0;
     if (strpos($mime, 'image') === 0 && ($s = getimagesize($tmpname))) {
         $w = $s[0];
         $h = $s[1];
     // $this->clearcache();
     if (($path = $this->_save($fp, $dstpath, $name, $mime, $w, $h)) == false) {
         return false;
     return $this->stat($path);
  * Copy file from another volume.
  * Return new file path or false.
  * @param  Object  $volume       source volume
  * @param  string  $src          source file hash
  * @param  string  $destination  destination dir path
  * @param  string  $name         file name
  * @return string|false
  * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 protected function copyFrom($volume, $src, $destination, $name)
     if (($source = $volume->file($src)) == false) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, '#' . $src, $volume->error());
     $errpath = $volume->path($source['hash']);
     if (!$this->nameAccepted($source['name'])) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_INVALID_NAME);
     if (!$source['read']) {
         return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED);
     if ($source['mime'] == 'directory') {
         $test = $this->stat($this->joinPathCE($destination, $name));
         if ($test && $test['mime'] != 'directory' || !($test = $this->mkdir($this->encode($destination), $name))) {
             //if ((!$stat || $stat['mime'] != 'directory') && $this->convEncOut(!$this->_mkdir($this->convEncIn($destination), $this->convEncIn($name)))) {
             return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath);
         $path = $this->joinPathCE($destination, $name);
         $path = $this->decode($test['hash']);
         foreach ($volume->scandir($src) as $entr) {
             if (!$this->copyFrom($volume, $entr['hash'], $path, $entr['name'])) {
                 $this->remove($path, true);
                 // fall back
                 return $this->setError($this->error, elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath);
     } else {
         // $mime = $source['mime'];
         // $w = $h = 0;
         if ($dim = $volume->dimensions($src)) {
             $s = explode('x', $dim);
             $source['width'] = $s[0];
             $source['height'] = $s[1];
         if (($fp = $volume->open($src)) == false || ($path = $this->saveCE($fp, $destination, $name, $source)) == false) {
             $fp && $volume->close($fp, $src);
             return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath);
         $volume->close($fp, $src);
         // MIME check
         $stat = $this->stat($path);
         $mimeByName = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($stat['name']);
         if ($stat['mime'] === $mimeByName) {
             $mimeByName = '';
         if (!$this->allowPutMime($stat['mime']) || $mimeByName && $mimeByName !== 'unknown' && !$this->allowPutMime($mimeByName)) {
             $this->remove($path, true);
             return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_MIME, $errpath);
     return $path;
  * Recursive symlinks search
  * @param  string  $path  file/dir path
  * @return bool
  * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 protected function _findSymlinks($path)
     if (is_link($path)) {
         return true;
     if (is_dir($path)) {
         foreach (scandir($path) as $name) {
             if ($name != '.' && $name != '..') {
                 $p = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
                 if (is_link($p) || !$this->nameAccepted($name) || ($mimeByName = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($name)) && $mimeByName !== 'unknown' && !$this->allowPutMime($mimeByName)) {
                     return true;
                 if (is_dir($p) && $this->_findSymlinks($p)) {
                     return true;
                 } elseif (is_file($p)) {
                     $this->archiveSize += filesize($p);
     } else {
         $this->archiveSize += filesize($path);
     return false;