public function newID() { //$str = DATA_ROOT.'/'.$folder.'/'; //$str = tempnam(DATA_ROOT.'/'.$folder.'/', 'foo'); $str = strtoupper(date('Y-m-d-His') . '-' . eatStatic::createRandomString(5)); return $str; }
function __construct() { global $stub, $path, $file_name, $gallery, $width, $url; switch ($path[1]) { case "": /** * this should be a folder, so if it isn't there, return page not found */ $stub = ""; break; default: switch ($path[2]) { case "": $stub = ""; break; default: /** * this should be a filename */ if (!eatStatic::fileNameOK($path[2])) { $stub = ""; } else { /** * images URL's are expected to be in format:- * /images/(galleryname)/(filename)_(width).jpg * e.g. /images/misc/mypic_500.jpg */ if (preg_match('|^/images/([^/.]+)/([^/]+)_([0-9]+).([^/]+)|', $url, $matches)) { //print_r($matches); $file_name = $matches[2] . '.' . $matches[4]; $gallery = $matches[1]; $width = $matches[3]; //print_r($matches); //die('ok'); $stub = "scripts/image_cache.php"; } else { $stub = ""; //die('here'); } } break; // /scripts/image_cache.php?file_name=$2.$4&gallery=$1&width=$3 } break; } }
/** * @desc return file type based on extension */ function getFileType($filename) { switch (strtolower(eatStatic::getExtension($filename))) { case "jpg": $type = 'image/jpeg'; break; case "gif": $type = 'image/gif'; break; case "png": $type = 'image/png'; break; case "mov": $type = 'video/quicktime'; break; } return $type; }
private function listContents($sub_path = '') { $lib = new eatStaticMediaLibrary(DATA_ROOT . '/images/', $sub_path . '/'); $page = new adminPage('images.php'); // handle image upload if (eatStatic::getValue('postback', 'post') == "1") { $image = $lib->upload('images', $sub_path, 'file', 'image'); if ($image != '') { $page->context['message'] = $image . ' uploaded'; } else { $page->context['message'] = 'file not uploaded'; } } // create new folder if (eatStatic::getValue('postback', 'post') == "2") { if (eatStatic::getValue('folder', 'post')) { $folder = $lib->createSubFolder(eatStatic::getValue('folder', 'post')); } } $page->context['contents'] = $lib->getContents(); $page->context['title'] = "Images"; $page->context['sub_path'] = $sub_path; $page->render(); }
<?php eatStatic::template('page_top.php'); eatStatic::template('body_top.php'); ?> <div class="post"> <?php echo $page->content; ?> </div> <?php eatStatic::template('body_bottom.php'); eatStatic::template('page_bottom.php');
<?php require '../eatStatic_config.php'; // check data folder exists if (file_exists(DATA_ROOT)) { echo 'Data folder exists at: ' . DATA_ROOT . '<br />'; } else { echo 'Data folder does not exist at: ' . DATA_ROOT . '<br />'; } // check data folder is writable if (eatStatic::write_file('setup test (written by /scripts/setup.php)', DATA_ROOT . '/.setup-test.txt')) { echo 'Data folder is writeable <br />'; } else { echo 'Data folder is not writeable <br />'; } if (unlink(DATA_ROOT . '/.setup-test.txt')) { echo 'Data folder content can be deleted <br />'; } // check cache folder exists if (file_exists(DATA_ROOT . '/cache')) { echo 'Cache folder exists <br />'; } else { echo 'Cache folder does not exist - creating.. <br />'; if (mkdir(DATA_ROOT . '/cache', 0775)) { echo 'Cache folder created <br />'; } } // check cache/tags folder exists if (file_exists(DATA_ROOT . '/cache/tags')) { echo 'Tag cache folder exists <br />'; } else {
case "feed": $stub = "rss.php"; break; /** * if we haven't found a match yet, try against simple page engine */ /** * if we haven't found a match yet, try against simple page engine */ default: $stub = ""; // in case no other matches are found below, set this so the user gets a 404 /** * simple page engine - see if there is a file named e.g. page_<slug>.php in the root */ if (eatStatic::slugFormatOk($path[0]) && file_exists(ROOT . "/page_" . $path[0] . ".php")) { $stub = "page_" . $path[0] . ".php"; } /** * [TODO]: here is where we could redirect to EatStaticCMS engine * looking for matching folder paths */ if ($stub == '') { require_once EATSTATIC_ROOT . "/eatStaticTree.class.php"; $tree = new eatStaticTree(DATA_ROOT . '/pages/'); $page = $tree->getPage(trim($url, "/")); if (is_object($page)) { $stub = 'base_page.php'; } } break;
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/about">Read More</a> </div> <?php } ?> <a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="301036070043262976">Tweets by @campervanthings</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script> </div> </div><!-- /.row-fluid --> <hr /> <footer> <?php echo eatStatic::block("footer"); ?> </footer> </div><!-- container --> <?php // if(DISQUS_ENABLED){ // require ROOT.'/skin/global/templates/disqus_js_embed.php'; // } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var galleries = Array(); <?php if (isset($blog)) {
function __construct($path) { require_once EATSTATIC_ROOT . '/eatStaticCSRF.class.php'; $csrf = new eatStaticCSRF(); switch ($path[2]) { case "": $page = new adminPage('login_form.php'); if (eatStatic::getValue('postback', 'post') == '1') { $csrf->verifyRequest(); $email = eatStatic::getValue('email', 'post'); $password = eatStatic::getValue('password', 'post'); if ($this->validUser($email, $password)) { $_SESSION['admin'] = 1; $_SESSION['admin_user'] = $email; eatStaticAdminController::redirect(""); } else { $page->context['error_message'] = 'Invalid username or password'; } } $page->context['title'] = "Log in"; $page->context['show_navbar'] = false; $page->context['body_class'] = 'login-page'; $page->context['csrf'] = $csrf; $page->render(); break; } }
private function deletePost($slug) { $post = new eatStaticBlogPost(); if (file_exists(DATA_ROOT . '/posts/' . $slug . '.txt')) { $post->data_file_path = DATA_ROOT . '/posts/' . $slug . '.txt'; } if (file_exists(DATA_ROOT . '/posts/' . $slug . '.md')) { $post->data_file_path = DATA_ROOT . '/posts/' . $slug . '.md'; } if (file_exists($post->data_file_path)) { $post->hydrate(); copy($post->data_file_path, DATA_ROOT . '/posts/backup/' . $post->file_name . '.' . eatStatic::timestamp() . '.bak'); unlink($post->data_file_path); header('location:' . ADMIN_ROOT . 'posts/'); die; } }
/** * @desc convenience method to get a link to cached image */ function imgLink($filename, $path, $width) { $cached_filename = str_replace('.' . eatStatic::getExtension($filename), '_' . $width . '.' . strtolower(eatStatic::getExtension($filename)), $filename); return $path . $cached_filename; }
function hydrate() { $this->raw_data = $this->read_file($this->data_file_path); if ($this->raw_data == '') { // no post content found } $ext = $this->getExtension($this->data_file_path); if ($ext == 'md') { $this->source_format = 'markdown'; require_once LIB_ROOT . "/php-markdown/"; } $parts = explode("\n", $this->raw_data); $str = ''; $format_str = ''; // get title from first line $this->title = $parts[0]; $body = true; $meta = false; $raw_body = ''; $raw_meta = ''; // the rest is body for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($parts); $i++) { $str = $str . $parts[$i]; if ($i > 1) { // the body section can be the rest of the file, // or you can mark the end of the body section with -- // you can then put meta data fields in the file if (eatStatic::stripLineBreaks($parts[$i]) == '--' && $meta == false) { $body = false; $meta = true; } if ($body) { $raw_body = $raw_body . $parts[$i] . "\n"; // formatted body - for text format, line breaks need to be replaced with br, but not between html elements if ($this->source_format == 'text') { if (substr($parts[$i], -1) != '>') { $format_str = $format_str . $parts[$i] . "<br />\n"; } else { $format_str = $format_str . $parts[$i] . "\n"; } } } // get meta info if ($meta && eatStatic::stripLineBreaks($parts[$i]) != '--') { //die('meta:'.$parts[$i]); if ($parts[$i] != '') { $this->handleMeta($parts[$i]); $raw_meta = $raw_meta . $parts[$i] . "\n"; } } } } if ($this->source_format == 'markdown') { // remove hashes from title $this->title = str_replace('#', '', $this->title); // parse the markdown into HTML $this->formatted_body = Michelf\Markdown::defaultTransform($raw_body); } else { $this->formatted_body = $format_str; } $this->raw_body = $raw_body; $this->raw_meta = $raw_meta; $this->body = $str; $this->file_name = basename($this->data_file_path); if ($this->source_format == 'markdown') { $this->slug = str_replace('.md', '', $this->file_name); } else { $this->slug = str_replace('.txt', '', $this->file_name); } $this->date = substr($this->file_name, 0, 10); $this->slug_trimmed = str_replace($this->date . '-', '', $this->slug); $this->nice_date = date(NICE_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($this->date)); $this->timestamp = strtotime($this->date); // get gallery items if there are any $gallery = new eatStaticGallery($this->slug . '/'); $this->gallery_items = $gallery->gallery_items; // set up the URI if (WP_URLS) { $date_str = date('Y', strtotime($this->date)) . '-' . date('m', strtotime($this->date)) . '-' . date('d', strtotime($this->date)); $this->uri = SITE_ROOT . date('Y', strtotime($this->date)) . '/' . date('m', strtotime($this->date)) . '/' . date('d', strtotime($this->date)) . '/' . str_replace($date_str . '-', '', $this->slug) . '/'; } else { $this->uri = SITE_ROOT . 'posts/' . $this->slug . PAGE_EXT; } // get the next and previous urls $blog = new eatStaticBlog(); $blog->getPostFiles(); foreach ($blog->post_files as $key => $val) { if ($val == $this->data_file_path) { if ($key > 0) { $this->prev_url = $this->uriFromFilename(basename($blog->post_files[$key - 1])); } if ($key < count($blog->post_files) - 1) { $this->next_url = $this->uriFromFilename(basename($blog->post_files[$key + 1])); } } } }
public function save() { $json_file = CACHE_ROOT . '/tags/' . $this->fileNameFromName(); if (file_exists($json_file)) { // TODO make backup - timestamp + username in filename } eatStatic::write_file(json_encode($this), $json_file); }