// $Module = $Params['Module']; define('MD5_SUM_LIST_FILE', 'share/filelist.md5'); $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); $tpl->setVariable('md5_result', false); $tpl->setVariable('upgrade_sql', false); if ($Module->isCurrentAction('MD5Check')) { if (!file_exists(MD5_SUM_LIST_FILE)) { $tpl->setVariable('md5_result', 'failed'); $tpl->setVariable('failure_reason', ezpI18n::tr('kernel/setup', 'File %1 does not exist. ' . 'You should copy it from the recent eZ Publish distribution.', null, array(MD5_SUM_LIST_FILE))); } else { $checkResult = eZMD5::checkMD5Sums('share/filelist.md5'); $extensionsDir = eZExtension::baseDirectory(); foreach (eZextension::activeExtensions() as $activeExtension) { if (file_exists($extensionsDir . '/' . $activeExtension . '/share/filelist.md5')) { $checkResult = array_merge($checkResult, eZMD5::checkMD5Sums($extensionsDir . '/' . $activeExtension . '/share/filelist.md5')); } } if (count($checkResult) == 0) { $tpl->setVariable('md5_result', 'ok'); } else { $tpl->setVariable('md5_result', $checkResult); } } } if ($Module->isCurrentAction('DBCheck')) { $db = eZDB::instance(); $dbSchema = eZDbSchema::instance(); // read original schema from dba file $originalSchema = eZDbSchema::read('share/db_schema.dba'); // merge schemas from all active extensions that declare some db schema
$tpl->setVariable( 'failure_reason', ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/setup', 'File %1 does not exist. '. 'You should copy it from the recent eZ Publish distribution.', null, array( eZMD5::CHECK_SUM_LIST_FILE ) ) ); } else { $checkResult = eZMD5::checkMD5Sums( eZMD5::CHECK_SUM_LIST_FILE ); $extensionsDir = eZExtension::baseDirectory(); foreach( eZextension::activeExtensions() as $activeExtension ) { $extensionPath = "$extensionsDir/$activeExtension/"; if ( file_exists( $extensionPath . eZMD5::CHECK_SUM_LIST_FILE ) ) { $checkResult = array_merge( $checkResult, eZMD5::checkMD5Sums( $extensionPath . eZMD5::CHECK_SUM_LIST_FILE, $extensionPath ) ); } } if ( count( $checkResult ) == 0 ) { $tpl->setVariable( 'md5_result', 'ok' ); } else { $tpl->setVariable( 'md5_result', $checkResult ); } } } if ( $Module->isCurrentAction( 'DBCheck' ) )