function eZMutex($name) { $this->Name = md5($name); $mutexPath = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), 'ezmutex')); eZDir::mkdir($mutexPath, false, true); $this->FileName = eZDir::path(array($mutexPath, $this->Name)); $this->MetaFileName = eZDir::path(array($mutexPath, $this->Name . '_meta')); }
/** * tmp dir for mail parser * ezvardir / cjw_newsletter/tmp/ * @return string dirname */ public function getTmpDir($createDirIfNotExists = true) { $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); // $dir = $varDir . "/cjw_newsletter/tmp/"; $dir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'cjw_newsletter', 'tmp')); $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator(); $filePath = $dir . $fileSep; if ($createDirIfNotExists === true) { if (!file_exists($filePath)) { eZDir::mkdir($filePath, false, true); } } return $filePath; }
public static function clearCache() { eZDebug::writeNotice("Clear calendar taxonomy cache", __METHOD__); $ini = eZINI::instance(); if ($ini->hasVariable('SiteAccessSettings', 'RelatedSiteAccessList') && ($relatedSiteAccessList = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'RelatedSiteAccessList'))) { if (!is_array($relatedSiteAccessList)) { $relatedSiteAccessList = array($relatedSiteAccessList); } $relatedSiteAccessList[] = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name']; $siteAccesses = array_unique($relatedSiteAccessList); } else { $siteAccesses = $ini->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList'); } $cacheBaseDir = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), self::cacheDirectory())); $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance(); $fileHandler->fileDeleteByDirList($siteAccesses, $cacheBaseDir, ''); $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($cacheBaseDir); $fileHandler->purge(); }
/** * *|{first_set( $attribute.content.latitude, '0.0')},{first_set( $attribute.content.longitude, '0.0')} * @param array $parameters * @param eZContentObjectAttribute $attribute * @return string */ public static function gmapStaticImage(array $parameters, eZContentObjectAttribute $attribute, $extraCacheFileNameStrings = array()) { $cacheParameters = array(serialize($parameters)); $cacheFile = $attribute->attribute('id') . implode('-', $extraCacheFileNameStrings) . '-' . md5(implode('-', $cacheParameters)) . '.cache'; $extraPath = eZDir::filenamePath($attribute->attribute('id')); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), 'gmap_static', $extraPath)); // cacenllo altri file con il medesimo attributo $fileList = array(); $deleteItems = eZDir::recursiveList($cacheDir, $cacheDir, $fileList); foreach ($fileList as $file) { if ($file['type'] == 'file' && $file['name'] !== $cacheFile) { unlink($file['path'] . '/' . $file['name']); } } $cachePath = eZDir::path(array($cacheDir, $cacheFile)); $args = compact('parameters', 'attribute'); $cacheFile = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($cachePath); $result = $cacheFile->processCache(array('OCOperatorsCollectionsTools', 'gmapStaticImageRetrieve'), array('OCOperatorsCollectionsTools', 'gmapStaticImageGenerate'), null, null, $args); return $result; }
/** * Constructs an empty CjwNewsletterLog instance * * This constructor is private as this class should be used as a * singleton. Use the getInstance() method instead to get an ezcLog instance. * * @param boolean $isCliMode * @return void */ protected function __construct($isCliMode = false) { if ($isCliMode === true) { $this->isCliMode = true; } $this->reset(); $log = $this; // "var/log" $ini = eZINI::instance(); $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $iniLogDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogDir'); $permissions = octdec($ini->variable('FileSettings', 'LogFilePermissions')); $logDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $iniLogDir)); $logNamePostfix = ''; // Debug enabled $cjwNewsletterIni = eZINI::instance('cjw_newsletter.ini'); if ($cjwNewsletterIni->variable('DebugSettings', 'Debug') == 'enabled') { $this->debug = true; } if ($isCliMode === true) { $logNamePostfix = 'cli_'; } // Create the writers $generalFilename = "cjw_newsletter_" . $logNamePostfix . "general.log"; $errorFilename = "cjw_newsletter_" . $logNamePostfix . "error.log"; $writeAll = new ezcLogUnixFileWriter($logDir, $generalFilename); $writeErrors = new ezcLogUnixFileWriter($logDir, $errorFilename); // Check file permissions foreach (array($generalFilename, $errorFilename) as $file) { $path = eZDir::path(array($logDir, $file)); if (substr(decoct(fileperms($path)), 2) !== $permissions) { @chmod($path, $permissions); } } $errorFilter = new ezcLogFilter(); $errorFilter->severity = ezcLog::ERROR; $log->getMapper()->appendRule(new ezcLogFilterRule($errorFilter, $writeErrors, true)); $log->getMapper()->appendRule(new ezcLogFilterRule(new ezcLogFilter(), $writeAll, true)); }
/** * @param string $cluster * @param string $path * @param bool $clusterizedPath * @return bool|string */ public static function clusterFilePath($cluster, $path, $clusterizedPath = true) { if (!$cluster) { $cluster = 'default'; } $staticPath = eZDir::path(array(StaticData::directory(), $cluster, $path)); $fullPath = self::fileExists($staticPath); if ($fullPath) { return $clusterizedPath ? $fullPath : $staticPath; } if ($cluster != 'default') { return self::clusterFilePath('default', $path); } return false; }
/** * Clears all static cache for a site * Removers all static cache, but not the static cache directory itself. * * Currently, this function only supports 'combined_host_url' * */ static function clearStaticCache() { $ini = eZINI::instance('staticcache.ini'); $storageDir = $ini->variable('CacheSettings', 'StaticStorageDir'); // Check that we have combined_host_url hostmatching $siteIni = eZINI::instance(); $matchType = $siteIni->variable('SiteAccessSettings', 'MatchOrder'); if ($matchType !== 'combined_host_url') { throw new Exception('combined_host_url required for this workflow'); } global $eZCurrentAccess; $siteAccess = $eZCurrentAccess['name']; //Get hostname part from siteaccess name (exclude for instance _eng or _admin) if (strpos($siteAccess, '_') === false) { $hostName = $siteAccess; } else { $hostName = substr($siteAccess, 0, strpos($siteAccess, '_')); } $staticCacheDir = eZDir::path(array($storageDir, $hostName)); // Sanity checking, make sure we don't remove everyones static cache. if ($staticCacheDir == $storageDir) { throw new Exception("Failed to find correct static cache directory : {$staticCacheDir} \n"); } $dirs = scandir($staticCacheDir); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if ($dir !== '.' && $dir !== '..') { $fullPath = eZDir::path(array($staticCacheDir, $dir)); if (is_dir($fullPath)) { ezcBaseFile::removeRecursive($fullPath); } else { if (!unlink($fullPath)) { throw new ezsfFileCouldNotRemoveException($fullPath); } } } } }
function eZSetupCheckExecutable($type) { $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $filesystemType = eZSys::filesystemType(); $envSeparator = eZSys::envSeparator(); $programs = eZSetupConfigVariableArray($type, $filesystemType . '_Executable'); $systemSearchPaths = explode($envSeparator, eZSys::path(true)); $additionalSearchPaths = eZSetupConfigVariableArray($type, $filesystemType . '_SearchPaths'); $excludePaths = eZSetupConfigVariableArray($type, $filesystemType . '_ExcludePaths'); $imageIniPath = eZSetupImageConfigVariableArray('ShellSettings', 'ConvertPath'); /* We save once entered extra path in the persistent data list to keep it within setup steps. This trick is needed, for example, in "registration" step, where user has no chance to enter extra path again due to missing input field for this purpose. */ // compute extra path $extraPath = array(); if ($http->hasPostVariable($type . '_ExtraPath')) { $GLOBALS['eZSetupCheckExecutable_' . $type . '_ExtraPath'] = $http->postVariable($type . '_ExtraPath'); $extraPath = explode($envSeparator, $http->postVariable($type . '_ExtraPath')); } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['eZSetupCheckExecutable_' . $type . '_ExtraPath'])) { $extraPath = explode($envSeparator, $GLOBALS['eZSetupCheckExecutable_' . $type . '_ExtraPath']); } } // if extra path was given in any way if ($extraPath) { // remove program from path name if entered foreach ($extraPath as $path) { foreach ($programs as $program) { if (strpos($path, $program) == strlen($path) - strlen($program)) { $extraPath[] = substr($path, strpos($path, $program)); } } } } $searchPaths = array_merge($systemSearchPaths, $additionalSearchPaths, $extraPath, $imageIniPath); $result = false; $correctPath = false; $correctProgram = false; foreach ($programs as $program) { foreach ($searchPaths as $path) { $pathProgram = eZDir::path(array($path, $program)); if (file_exists($pathProgram)) { if ($filesystemType == 'unix') { $relativePath = $path; if (preg_match("#^/(.+)\$#", $path, $matches)) { $relativePath = $matches[1]; } $relativePath = eZDir::cleanPath($relativePath); } else { $relativePath = $path; if (preg_match("#^[a-zA-Z]:[/\\\\](.+)\$#", $path, $matches)) { $relativePath = $matches[1]; } $relativePath = eZDir::cleanPath($relativePath); } $exclude = false; foreach ($excludePaths as $excludePath) { $excludePath = strtolower($excludePath); $match = strtolower($program . "@" . $relativePath); if ($match == $excludePath) { $exclude = true; break; } else { if ($relativePath == $excludePath) { $exclude = true; break; } } } if ($exclude) { continue; } if (function_exists("is_executable")) { if (is_executable($pathProgram)) { $result = true; $correctPath = $path; $correctProgram = $program; break; } } else { // Windows system $result = true; $correctPath = $path; $correctProgram = $program; break; } } } if ($result) { break; } } $extraPathAsString = implode($envSeparator, $extraPath); return array('result' => $result, 'persistent_data' => array('path' => array('value' => $correctPath), 'program' => array('value' => $correctProgram), 'extra_path' => array('value' => $extraPathAsString, 'merge' => TRUE), 'result' => array('value' => $result)), 'env_separator' => $envSeparator, 'filesystem_type' => $filesystemType, 'extra_path' => $extraPath, 'correct_path' => $correctPath, 'system_search_path' => $systemSearchPaths, 'additional_search_path' => $additionalSearchPaths); }
static function generatePHPCodeChildren($useComments, $php, $tpl, &$nodeChildren, &$resourceData, &$parameters, $currentParameters) { foreach ($nodeChildren as $node) { $newNode = false; $nodeType = $node[0]; if ($nodeType > eZTemplate::NODE_USER_CUSTOM) { // Do custom nodes } else { if ($nodeType > eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL) { // Do custom internal nodes if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_CODE_PIECE) { $codePiece = $node[1]; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[2]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[2]['spacing']; } $php->addCodePiece($codePiece, array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_WARNING) { $warningText = $php->thisVariableText($node[1], 23, 0, false); $warningLabel = false; $warningLabelText = ''; if (isset($node[2])) { $warningLabelText = $php->thisVariableText($node[2], 0, 0, false); } $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[3]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[3]['spacing']; } $placementText = 'false'; if (isset($node[4])) { $placementText = $php->thisVariableText($node[4], 0, 0, false); } $php->addCodePiece("\$tpl->warning( " . $warningLabelText . ", " . $warningText . ", " . $placementText . " );", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_ERROR) { $errorText = $php->thisVariableText($node[1], 21, 0, false); $errorLabel = false; $errorLabelText = ''; if (isset($node[2])) { $errorLabelText = $php->thisVariableText($node[2], 0, 0, false); } $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[3]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[3]['spacing']; } $placementText = 'false'; if (isset($node[4])) { $placementText = $php->thisVariableText($node[4], 0, 0, false); } $php->addCodePiece("\$tpl->error( " . $errorLabelText . ", " . $errorText . ", " . $placementText . " );", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_OUTPUT_READ) { $variableName = $node[1]; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[2]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[2]['spacing']; } $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); $assignmentType = $node[3]; $assignmentText = $php->variableNameText($variableName, $assignmentType, $node[2]); $php->addCodePiece("{$assignmentText}\${$textName};", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_OUTPUT_ASSIGN) { $variableName = $node[1]; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[2]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[2]['spacing']; } $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); $assignmentType = $node[3]; $assignmentText = $php->variableNameText($textName, $assignmentType, $node[2]); $php->addCodePiece("{$assignmentText}\${$variableName};", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_OUTPUT_INCREASE) { $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[1]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[1]['spacing']; } $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( !isset( \$textStack ) )\n" . " \$textStack = array();\n" . "\$textStack[] = \${$textName};\n" . "\${$textName} = '';", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_OUTPUT_DECREASE) { $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[1]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[1]['spacing']; } $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); $php->addCodePiece("\${$textName} = array_pop( \$textStack );", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_OUTPUT_SPACING_INCREASE) { $spacing = $node[1]; $currentParameters['spacing'] += $spacing; continue; } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_SPACING_DECREASE) { $spacing = $node[1]; $currentParameters['spacing'] -= $spacing; continue; } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_VARIABLE_SET) { $variableName = $node[1]; $variableValue = $node[2]; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[3]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[3]['spacing']; } $php->addVariable($variableName, $variableValue, eZPHPCreator::VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT, array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_VARIABLE_UNSET) { $variableName = $node[1]; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[2]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[2]['spacing']; } if (is_array($variableName)) { $namespace = $variableName[0]; $namespaceScope = $variableName[1]; $variableName = $variableName[2]; $namespaceText = eZTemplateCompiler::generateMergeNamespaceCode($php, $tpl, $namespace, $namespaceScope, array('spacing' => $spacing), true); if (!is_string($namespaceText)) { $namespaceText = "\$namespace"; } $variableNameText = $php->thisVariableText($variableName, 0, 0, false); if (isset($node[2]['remember_set']) and $node[2]['remember_set']) { $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( isset( \$setArray[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] ) )\n" . "{\n"); $spacing += 4; } if (isset($node[2]['local-variable'])) { $php->addCodePiece("\$tpl->unsetLocalVariable( {$variableNameText}, {$namespaceText} );\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { $php->addCodePiece("unset( \$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] );", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } if (isset($node[2]['remember_set']) and $node[2]['remember_set']) { $php->addCodePiece("\n}\n"); $spacing -= 4; } } else { $php->addVariableUnset($variableName, array('spacing' => $spacing)); } } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_RESOURCE_ACQUISITION || $nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_OPTIMIZED_RESOURCE_ACQUISITION) { $resource = $node[1]; $resourceObject = $tpl->resourceHandler($resource); if (!$resourceObject) { continue; } $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[7]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[7]['spacing']; } $newRootNamespace = $node[8]; $resourceVariableName = $node[9]; $resourceFilename = isset($node[10]) ? $node[10] : false; /* We can only use fallback code if we know upfront which * template is included; it does not work if we are using * something from the ezobjectforwarder which makes the * uriMap an array */ $useFallbackCode = true; $uriMap = $node[2]; if (is_string($uriMap)) { $uriMap = array($uriMap); } else { $useFallbackCode = false; } $resourceMap = array(); $hasCompiledCode = false; if (is_array($uriMap)) { foreach ($uriMap as $uriKey => $originalURI) { $uri = $originalURI; if ($resource) { $uri = $resource . ':' . $uri; } unset($tmpResourceData); $tmpResourceData = $tpl->resourceData($resourceObject, $uri, $node[1], $originalURI); $uriText = $php->thisVariableText($uri, 0, 0, false); $resourceCanCache = true; if (!$resourceObject->servesStaticData()) { $resourceCanCache = false; } if (!$tpl->isCachingAllowed()) { $resourceCanCache = false; } $tmpResourceData['text'] = null; $tmpResourceData['root-node'] = null; $tmpResourceData['compiled-template'] = false; $tmpResourceData['time-stamp'] = null; $tmpResourceData['key-data'] = null; $tmpResourceData['use-comments'] = eZTemplateCompiler::isCommentsEnabled(); $subSpacing = 0; $hasResourceData = false; $savedLocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, null); if (isset($GLOBALS['eZTemplateCompilerResourceCache'][$tmpResourceData['template-filename']])) { $tmpFileName = $tmpResourceData['template-filename']; unset($tmpResourceData); $tmpResourceData = $GLOBALS['eZTemplateCompilerResourceCache'][$tmpFileName]; $tmpResourceData['compiled-template'] = true; $tmpResourceData['use-comments'] = eZTemplateCompiler::isCommentsEnabled(); $hasResourceData = true; $hasCompiledCode = true; } else { if ($useFallbackCode) { // If we can use fallback code we don't need to compile the templates in advance // Simply fake that it has been compiled by setting some variables // Note: Yes this is a hack, but rewriting this code is not an easy task if ($resourceObject->handleResource($tpl, $tmpResourceData, $node[4], $node[5])) { $tmpResourceData['compiled-template'] = true; $hasResourceData = true; $hasCompiledCode = true; } } else { if ($resourceObject->handleResource($tpl, $tmpResourceData, $node[4], $node[5])) { if (!$tmpResourceData['compiled-template'] and $tmpResourceData['root-node'] === null) { $root =& $tmpResourceData['root-node']; $root = array(eZTemplate::NODE_ROOT, false); $templateText =& $tmpResourceData["text"]; $keyData = $tmpResourceData['key-data']; $rootNamespace = ''; $tpl->parse($templateText, $root, $rootNamespace, $tmpResourceData); $hasResourceData = false; } /* We always DO need to execute this part if we * don't have any fallback code. If we can * generate the fallback code we make the * included template compile on demand */ if (!$tmpResourceData['compiled-template'] and $resourceCanCache and $tpl->canCompileTemplate($tmpResourceData, $node[5]) and !$useFallbackCode) { $generateStatus = $tpl->compileTemplate($tmpResourceData, $node[5]); // Time limit #2: /* We reset the time limit to 60 seconds to * ensure that remaining template has * enough time to compile. However if time * limit is unlimited (0) we leave it be */ $maxExecutionTime = ini_get('max_execution_time'); if ($maxExecutionTime != 0 && $maxExecutionTime < 60) { @set_time_limit(60); } if ($generateStatus) { $tmpResourceData['compiled-template'] = true; } } } $GLOBALS['eZTemplateCompilerResourceCache'][$tmpResourceData['template-filename']] =& $tmpResourceData; } } setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $savedLocale); $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); if ($tmpResourceData['compiled-template']) { $hasCompiledCode = true; // if ( !eZTemplateCompiler::isFallbackResourceCodeEnabled() ) // $useFallbackCode = false; $keyData = $tmpResourceData['key-data']; $templatePath = $tmpResourceData['template-name']; $key = $resourceObject->cacheKey($keyData, $tmpResourceData, $templatePath, $node[5]); $cacheFileName = eZTemplateCompiler::compilationFilename($key, $tmpResourceData); $directory = eZTemplateCompiler::compilationDirectory(); $phpScript = eZDir::path(array($directory, $cacheFileName)); $phpScriptText = $php->thisVariableText($phpScript, 0, 0, false); $resourceMap[$uriKey] = array('key' => $uriKey, 'uri' => $uri, 'phpscript' => $phpScript); } } } if ($useComments) { $variablePlacement = $node[6]; if ($variablePlacement) { $originalText = eZTemplateCompiler::fetchTemplatePiece($variablePlacement); $php->addComment("Resource Acquisition:", true, true, array('spacing' => $spacing)); $php->addComment($originalText, true, true, array('spacing' => $spacing)); } } if ($hasCompiledCode) { if ($resourceVariableName) { $phpScriptText = '$phpScript'; $phpScriptArray = array(); foreach ($resourceMap as $resourceMapItem) { $phpScriptArray[$resourceMapItem['key']] = $resourceMapItem['phpscript']; } if (!$resourceFilename) { $php->addVariable("phpScriptArray", $phpScriptArray, eZPHPCreator::VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT, array('spacing' => $spacing)); $resourceVariableNameText = "\${$resourceVariableName}"; $php->addCodePiece("\$phpScript = isset( \$phpScriptArray[{$resourceVariableNameText}] ) ? \$phpScriptArray[{$resourceVariableNameText}] : false;\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { $php->addVariable("phpScript", $phpScriptArray[$node[10]], eZPHPCreator::VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT, array('spacing' => $spacing)); } // The default is to only check if it exists $modificationCheckText = "file_exists( {$phpScriptText} )"; if (eZTemplateCompiler::isDevelopmentModeEnabled()) { $modificationCheckText = "@filemtime( {$phpScriptText} ) > filemtime( {$uriText} )"; } $php->addCodePiece("\$resourceFound = false;\nif " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( {$phpScriptText} !== false and {$modificationCheckText} )\n{\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { $php->addCodePiece("\$resourceFound = false;\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); $phpScript = $resourceMap[0]['phpscript']; $phpScriptText = $php->thisVariableText($phpScript, 0, 0, false); // Not sure where this should come from // if ( $resourceIndex > 0 ) // $php->addCodePiece( "else " ); // The default is to only check if it exists $modificationCheckText = "file_exists( {$phpScriptText} )"; if (eZTemplateCompiler::isDevelopmentModeEnabled()) { $modificationCheckText = "@filemtime( {$phpScriptText} ) > filemtime( {$uriText} )"; } $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( {$modificationCheckText} )\n{\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } /* Generate code to do a namespace switch and includes the template */ $code = "\$resourceFound = true;\n\$namespaceStack[] = array( \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace );\n"; if ($newRootNamespace) { $newRootNamespaceText = $php->thisVariableText($newRootNamespace, 0, 0, false); $code .= "\$currentNamespace = \$rootNamespace = !\$currentNamespace ? {$newRootNamespaceText} : ( \$currentNamespace . ':' . {$newRootNamespaceText} );\n"; } else { $code .= "\$rootNamespace = \$currentNamespace;\n"; } $code .= "\$tpl->createLocalVariablesList();\n" . "\$tpl->appendTemplateFetch( {$uriText} );\n" . "include( '" . eZTemplateCompiler::TemplatePrefix() . "' . {$phpScriptText} );\n" . "\$tpl->unsetLocalVariables();\n" . "\$tpl->destroyLocalVariablesList();\n" . "list( \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace ) = array_pop( \$namespaceStack );\n"; $php->addCodePiece($code, array('spacing' => $spacing + 4)); if ($useFallbackCode) { $php->addCodePiece("}\nelse\n{\n \$resourceFound = true;\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { $php->addCodePiece("}\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } $subSpacing = 4; } else { /* Yes, this is a hack, but it is required because * sometimes the generated nodes after this one emit an * else statement while there is no accompanied if */ $php->addCodePiece("\nif " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "(false)\n{\n}\n"); } /* The fallback code will be added if we need to process an * URI, this will also compile a template then. We need to * do the namespace switch manually here otherwise the * processed template will be run on the node from which * the template was included from. */ if ($useFallbackCode) { $code = "\$resourceFound = true;\n\$namespaceStack[] = array( \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace );\n"; if ($newRootNamespace) { $newRootNamespaceText = $php->thisVariableText($newRootNamespace, 0, 0, false); $code .= "\$currentNamespace = \$rootNamespace = !\$currentNamespace ? {$newRootNamespaceText} : ( \$currentNamespace . ':' . {$newRootNamespaceText} );\n"; } else { $code .= "\$rootNamespace = \$currentNamespace;\n"; } $php->addCodePiece($code); $php->addCodePiece("\$textElements = array();\n\$extraParameters = array();\n\$tpl->processURI( {$uriText}, true, \$extraParameters, \$textElements, \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace );\n\${$textName} .= implode( '', \$textElements );\n", array('spacing' => $spacing + $subSpacing)); $php->addCodePiece("list( \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace ) = array_pop( \$namespaceStack );\n"); } if ($hasCompiledCode and $useFallbackCode) { $php->addCodePiece("}\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_CHANGE) { $variableData = $node[1]; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[2]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[2]['spacing']; } $php->addCodePiece("\$namespaceStack[] = \$currentNamespace;\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); $php->addCodePiece('$currentNamespace .= ( $currentNamespace ? ":" : "" ) . \'' . $variableData[0][1] . '\';' . "\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_RESTORE) { $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($node[1]['spacing'])) { $spacing += $node[1]['spacing']; } $php->addCodePiece("\$currentNamespace = array_pop( \$namespaceStack );\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_OPTIMIZED_INIT) { $code = <<<END \$node = ( array_key_exists( \$rootNamespace, \$vars ) and array_key_exists( "node", \$vars[\$rootNamespace] ) ) ? \$vars[\$rootNamespace]["node"] : null; if ( is_object( \$node ) ) \$object = \$node->attribute( 'object' ); if ( isset( \$object ) && is_object( \$object ) ) \$nod_{$resourceData['uniqid']} = \$object->attribute( 'data_map' ); else \$nod_{$resourceData['uniqid']} = false; unset( \$node, \$object ); END; $php->addCodePiece($code); // Tell the rest of the system that we have create the nod_* variable $resourceData['node-object-cached'] = true; } else { eZDebug::writeWarning("Unknown internal template node type {$nodeType}, ignoring node for code generation", 'eZTemplateCompiler:generatePHPCodeChildren'); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_ROOT) { $children = $node[1]; if ($children) { $newCurrentParameters = $currentParameters; $newCurrentParameters['spacing'] += 4; eZTemplateCompiler::generatePHPCodeChildren($useComments, $php, $tpl, $children, $resourceData, $parameters, $newCurrentParameters); } continue; } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_TEXT) { $text = $node[2]; if ($text != '') { $variablePlacement = $node[3]; $originalText = eZTemplateCompiler::fetchTemplatePiece($variablePlacement); if ($useComments) { $php->addComment("Text start:", true, true, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); $php->addComment($originalText, true, true, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); $php->addComment("Text end:", true, true, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } $php->addVariable(eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters), $text, eZPHPCreator::VARIABLE_APPEND_TEXT, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } continue; } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_VARIABLE) { $variableAssignmentName = $node[1]; $variableData = $node[2]; $variablePlacement = $node[3]; $variableParameters = array(); if (isset($node[4]) and $node[4]) { $variableParameters = $node[4]; } $variableOnlyExisting = isset($node[5]) ? $node[5] : false; $variableOverWrite = isset($node[6]) ? $node[6] : false; $rememberSet = isset($node[7]) ? $node[7] : false; $spacing = $currentParameters['spacing']; if (isset($variableParameters['spacing'])) { $spacing += $variableParameters['spacing']; } $variableParameters = array_merge(array('variable-name' => 'var', 'text-result' => true), $variableParameters); $dataInspection = eZTemplateCompiler::inspectVariableData($tpl, $variableData, $variablePlacement, $resourceData); $newNode = $node; $newNode[1] = false; $treatVariableDataAsNonObject = isset($variableParameters['treat-value-as-non-object']) && $variableParameters['treat-value-as-non-object']; if ($useComments) { $php->addComment("Variable data: " . "Is constant: " . ($dataInspection['is-constant'] ? 'Yes' : 'No') . " Is variable: " . ($dataInspection['is-variable'] ? 'Yes' : 'No') . " Has attributes: " . ($dataInspection['has-attributes'] ? 'Yes' : 'No') . " Has operators: " . ($dataInspection['has-operators'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'), true, true, array('spacing' => $spacing)); $originalText = eZTemplateCompiler::fetchTemplatePiece($variablePlacement); $php->addComment('{' . $originalText . '}', true, true, array('spacing' => $spacing)); } $generatedVariableName = $variableParameters['variable-name']; $assignVariable = false; if ($variableAssignmentName !== false) { if (is_array($variableAssignmentName)) { $variableParameters['text-result'] = false; $assignVariable = true; } else { $generatedVariableName = $variableAssignmentName; $variableParameters['text-result'] = false; } } $isStaticElement = false; $nodeElements = $node[2]; $knownTypes = array(); if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isStaticElement($nodeElements) and !$variableParameters['text-result']) { $variableText = $php->thisVariableText(eZTemplateNodeTool::elementStaticValue($nodeElements), 0, 0, false); $isStaticElement = true; } else { if (eZTemplateNodeTool::isPHPVariableElement($nodeElements) and !$variableParameters['text-result']) { $variableText = '$' . eZTemplateNodeTool::elementStaticValue($nodeElements); $isStaticElement = true; } else { $variableText = "\${$generatedVariableName}"; eZTemplateCompiler::generateVariableCode($php, $tpl, $node, $knownTypes, $dataInspection, array('spacing' => $spacing, 'variable' => $generatedVariableName, 'treat-value-as-non-object' => $treatVariableDataAsNonObject, 'counter' => 0), $resourceData); } } if ($variableParameters['text-result']) { $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); if (count($knownTypes) == 0 or in_array('objectproxy', $knownTypes)) { $php->addCodePiece("\${$textName} .= ( is_object( \${$generatedVariableName} ) ? compiledFetchText( \$tpl, \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace, false, \${$generatedVariableName} ) : \${$generatedVariableName} );" . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "\n" . "unset( \${$generatedVariableName} );\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { $php->addCodePiece("\${$textName} .= \${$generatedVariableName};\n" . "unset( \${$generatedVariableName} );\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } } else { if ($assignVariable) { $namespace = $variableAssignmentName[0]; $namespaceScope = $variableAssignmentName[1]; $variableName = $variableAssignmentName[2]; $namespaceText = eZTemplateCompiler::generateMergeNamespaceCode($php, $tpl, $namespace, $namespaceScope, array('spacing' => $spacing), true); if (!is_string($namespaceText)) { $namespaceText = "\$namespace"; } $variableNameText = $php->thisVariableText($variableName, 0, 0, false); $unsetVariableText = false; if ($variableOnlyExisting) { if (!$isStaticElement) { $unsetVariableText = "\n unset( {$variableText} );"; } $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( array_key_exists( {$namespaceText}, \$vars ) && array_key_exists( {$variableNameText}, \$vars[{$namespaceText}] ) )\n" . "{\n" . " \$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] = {$variableText};{$unsetVariableText}\n" . "}", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($variableOverWrite) { if (!$isStaticElement) { $unsetVariableText = "\nunset( {$variableText} );"; } if (isset($variableParameters['local-variable'])) { $php->addCodePiece("if ( \$tpl->hasVariable( {$variableNameText}, {$namespaceText} ) )\n{\n"); // if the variable already exists $php->addCodePiece(" \$tpl->warning( '" . eZTemplateDefFunction::DEF_FUNCTION_NAME . "', \"Variable '{$variableName}' is already defined.\", " . $php->thisVariableText($variablePlacement) . " );\n"); $php->addCodePiece(" \$tpl->setVariable( {$variableNameText}, {$variableText}, {$namespaceText} );\n}\nelse\n{\n"); $php->addCodePiece(" \$tpl->setLocalVariable( {$variableNameText}, {$variableText}, {$namespaceText} );\n}\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { $php->addCodePiece("\$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] = {$variableText};{$unsetVariableText}", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } } else { if ($rememberSet) { if (!$isStaticElement) { $unsetVariableText = "\n unset( {$variableText} );"; } $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( !isset( \$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] ) )\n" . "{\n" . " \$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] = {$variableText};{$unsetVariableText}\n" . " \$setArray[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] = true;\n" . "}\n", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if (!$isStaticElement) { $unsetVariableText = "\n unset( {$variableText} );"; } $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( !isset( \$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] ) )\n{\n \$vars[{$namespaceText}][{$variableNameText}] = {$variableText};{$unsetVariableText}\n}", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } } } } else { if ($variableAssignmentName !== false and $isStaticElement) { $php->addCodePiece("\${$generatedVariableName} = {$variableText};", array('spacing' => $spacing)); } else { if ($variableAssignmentName !== false and !$isStaticElement and !$treatVariableDataAsNonObject) { // Normal assignment from an expression, no need to anything extra } } } } unset($dataInspection); } else { if ($nodeType == eZTemplate::NODE_FUNCTION) { $functionChildren = $node[1]; $functionName = $node[2]; $functionParameters = $node[3]; $functionPlacement = $node[4]; $newNode = array($nodeType, false, $functionName, $functionParameters, $functionPlacement); $parameterText = 'No parameters'; if ($functionParameters) { $parameterText = "Parameters: " . implode(', ', array_keys($functionParameters)); } if ($useComments) { $php->addComment("Function: {$functionName}, {$parameterText}", true, true, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); $originalText = eZTemplateCompiler::fetchTemplatePiece($functionPlacement); $php->addComment('{' . $originalText . '}', true, true, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } if (isset($node[5])) { $functionHook = $node[5]; $functionHookCustomFunction = $functionHook['function']; if ($functionHookCustomFunction) { $functionHookCustomFunction = array_merge(array('add-function-name' => false, 'add-hook-name' => false, 'add-template-handler' => true, 'add-function-hook-data' => false, 'add-function-parameters' => true, 'add-function-placement' => false, 'add-calculated-namespace' => false, 'add-namespace' => true, 'add-input' => false, 'return-value' => false), $functionHookCustomFunction); if (!isset($parameters['hook-result-variable-counter'][$functionName])) { $parameters['hook-result-variable-counter'][$functionName] = 0; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['return-value']) { $parameters['hook-result-variable-counter'][$functionName]++; } $hookResultName = $functionName . 'Result' . $parameters['hook-result-variable-counter'][$functionName]; if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-input']) { $parameters['hook-result-variable-counter'][$functionName]--; } $functionHookCustomFunctionName = $functionHookCustomFunction['name']; $codeText = ''; if ($functionHookCustomFunction['return-value']) { $codeText = "\${$hookResultName} = "; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['static']) { $hookClassName = $functionHookCustomFunction['class-name']; $codeText .= "{$hookClassName}::{$functionHookCustomFunctionName}( "; } else { $codeText .= "\$functionObject->{$functionHookCustomFunctionName}( "; } $codeTextLength = strlen($codeText); $functionNameText = $php->thisVariableText($functionName, 0, 0, false); $functionChildrenText = $php->thisVariableText($functionChildren, $codeTextLength, 0, false); $inputFunctionParameters = $functionParameters; if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-calculated-namespace']) { unset($inputFunctionParameters['name']); } $functionParametersText = $php->thisVariableText($inputFunctionParameters, $codeTextLength, 0, false); $functionPlacementText = $php->thisVariableText($functionPlacement, $codeTextLength, 0, false); $functionHookText = $php->thisVariableText($functionHook, $codeTextLength, 0, false); $functionHookName = $functionHook['name']; $functionHookNameText = $php->thisVariableText($functionHookName, 0, 0, false); $codeParameters = array(); if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-function-name']) { $codeParameters[] = $functionNameText; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-hook-name']) { $codeParameters[] = $functionHookNameText; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-function-hook-data']) { $codeParameters[] = $functionHookText; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-template-handler']) { $codeParameters[] = "\$tpl"; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-function-parameters']) { $codeParameters[] = $functionParametersText; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-function-placement']) { $codeParameters[] = $functionPlacementText; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-calculated-namespace']) { $name = ''; if (isset($functionParameters['name'])) { $nameParameter = $functionParameters['name']; $nameInspection = eZTemplateCompiler::inspectVariableData($tpl, $nameParameter, $functionPlacement, $resourceData); if ($nameInspection['is-constant'] and !$nameInspection['is-variable'] and !$nameInspection['has-attributes'] and !$nameInspection['has-operators']) { $nameData = $nameParameter[0][1]; $nameText = $php->thisVariableText($nameData, 0, 0, false); $php->addCodePiece("if ( \$currentNamespace != '' )\n \$name = \$currentNamespace . ':' . {$nameText};\nelse\n \$name = {$nameText};\n", array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); $codeParameters[] = "\$name"; } else { $persistence = array(); $knownTypes = array(); eZTemplateCompiler::generateVariableCode($php, $tpl, $nameParameter, $knownTypes, $nameInspection, $persistence, array('variable' => 'name', 'counter' => 0), $resourceData); $php->addCodePiece("if " . ($resourceData['use-comments'] ? "/*TC:" . __LINE__ . "*/" : "") . "( \$currentNamespace != '' )\n{\n if ( \$name != '' )\n \$name = \"\$currentNamespace:\$name\";\n else\n \$name = \$currentNamespace;\n}\n", array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); $codeParameters[] = "\$name"; } } else { $codeParameters[] = "\$currentNamespace"; } } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-namespace']) { $codeParameters[] = "\$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace"; } if ($functionHookCustomFunction['add-input']) { $codeParameters[] = "\${$hookResultName}"; } $codeText .= implode(",\n" . str_repeat(' ', $codeTextLength), $codeParameters); $codeText .= " );\n"; if ($functionHookCustomFunction['static']) { $hookFile = $functionHookCustomFunction['php-file']; $hookFileText = $php->thisVariableText($hookFile, 0, 0, false); $php->addCodePiece("include_once( {$hookFileText} );\n", array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } else { $php->addCodePiece("\$functionObject = \$tpl->fetchFunctionObject( {$functionNameText} );\n", array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } $php->addCodePiece($codeText, array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } else { $functionNameText = $php->thisVariableText($functionName, 0, 0, false); $functionChildrenText = $php->thisVariableText($functionChildren, 52, 0, false); $functionParametersText = $php->thisVariableText($functionParameters, 52, 0, false); $functionPlacementText = $php->thisVariableText($functionPlacement, 52, 0, false); $functionHookText = $php->thisVariableText($functionHook, 52, 0, false); $functionHookName = $functionHook['name']; $functionHookNameText = $php->thisVariableText($functionHookName, 0, 0, false); $functionHookParameters = $functionHook['parameters']; $php->addCodePiece("\$functionObject = \$tpl->fetchFunctionObject( {$functionNameText} );\n\$hookResult = \$functionObject->templateHookProcess( {$functionNameText}, {$functionHookNameText},\n {$functionHookText},\n \$tpl,\n {$functionParametersText},\n {$functionPlacementText},\n \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace );\n", array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } } else { $textName = eZTemplateCompiler::currentTextName($parameters); $functionNameText = $php->thisVariableText($functionName, 0, 0, false); $functionChildrenText = $php->thisVariableText($functionChildren, 22, 0, false); $functionParametersText = $php->thisVariableText($functionParameters, 22, 0, false); $functionPlacementText = $php->thisVariableText($functionPlacement, 22, 0, false); $php->addCodePiece("\$textElements = array();\n\$tpl->processFunction( {$functionNameText}, \$textElements,\n {$functionChildrenText},\n {$functionParametersText},\n {$functionPlacementText},\n \$rootNamespace, \$currentNamespace );\n\${$textName} .= implode( '', \$textElements );\n", array('spacing' => $currentParameters['spacing'])); } } } } } } } $php->addSpace(); } }
function storeObjectAttribute($attribute) { $ini = eZINI::instance(); // Delete compiled template $siteINI = eZINI::instance(); if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir')) { $cacheDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); if ($cacheDir[0] == "/") { $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($cacheDir)); } else { if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) { $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir'); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir)); } } } else { if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) { $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir'); $cacheDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir)); } else { $cacheDir = eZSys::cacheDirectory(); } } $compiledTemplateDir = $cacheDir . "/template/compiled"; eZDir::unlinkWildcard($compiledTemplateDir . "/", "*pagelayout*.*"); // Expire template block cache eZContentCacheManager::clearTemplateBlockCacheIfNeeded(false); }
static function rootCacheDirectory() { $internalCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset(); $ini = eZINI::instance(); $translationRepository = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationRepository'); $translationExtensions = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationExtensions'); $uniqueParts = array($internalCharset, $translationRepository, implode(';', $translationExtensions)); $sharedTsCacheDir = $ini->hasVariable('RegionalSettings', 'SharedTranslationCacheDir') ? trim($ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'SharedTranslationCacheDir')) : ''; if ($sharedTsCacheDir !== '') { $rootCacheDirectory = eZDir::path(array($sharedTsCacheDir, md5(implode('-', $uniqueParts)))); } else { $rootCacheDirectory = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), 'translation', md5(implode('-', $uniqueParts)))); } return $rootCacheDirectory; }
static function generateViewCacheFile($user, $nodeID, $offset, $layout, $language, $viewMode, $viewParameters = false, $cachedViewPreferences = false, $viewCacheTweak = '') { $cacheNameExtra = ''; $ini = eZINI::instance(); if (!$language) { $language = false; } if (!$viewCacheTweak && $ini->hasVariable('ContentSettings', 'ViewCacheTweaks')) { $viewCacheTweaks = $ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'ViewCacheTweaks'); if (isset($viewCacheTweaks[$nodeID])) { $viewCacheTweak = $viewCacheTweaks[$nodeID]; } else { if (isset($viewCacheTweaks['global'])) { $viewCacheTweak = $viewCacheTweaks['global']; } } } // should we use current siteaccess or let several siteaccesse share cache? if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_siteaccess_name') === false) { $currentSiteAccess = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name']; } else { $currentSiteAccess = $ini->variable('SiteSettings', 'DefaultAccess'); } $cacheHashArray = array($nodeID, $viewMode, $language, $offset, $layout); // several user related cache tweaks if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_userroles') === false) { $cacheHashArray[] = implode('.', $user->roleIDList()); } if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_userlimitedlist') === false) { $cacheHashArray[] = implode('.', $user->limitValueList()); } if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_discountlist') === false) { $cacheHashArray[] = implode('.', eZUserDiscountRule::fetchIDListByUserID($user->attribute('contentobject_id'))); } $cacheHashArray[] = eZSys::indexFile(); // Add access type to cache hash if current access is uri type (so uri and host doesn't share cache) if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_siteaccess_type') === false && $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['type'] === eZSiteAccess::TYPE_URI) { $cacheHashArray[] = eZSiteAccess::TYPE_URI; } // Make the cache unique for every logged in user if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'pr_user') !== false and !$user->isAnonymous()) { $cacheNameExtra = $user->attribute('contentobject_id') . '-'; } // Make the cache unique for every case of view parameters if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_viewparameters') === false && $viewParameters) { $vpString = ''; ksort($viewParameters); foreach ($viewParameters as $key => $value) { if (!$key || $key === '_custom') { continue; } $vpString .= 'vp:' . $key . '=' . $value; } $cacheHashArray[] = $vpString; } // Make the cache unique for every case of the preferences if ($cachedViewPreferences === false) { $depPreferences = $ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'CachedViewPreferences'); } else { $depPreferences = $cachedViewPreferences; } if (strpos($viewCacheTweak, 'ignore_userpreferences') === false && isset($depPreferences[$viewMode])) { $depPreferences = explode(';', $depPreferences[$viewMode]); $pString = ''; // Fetch preferences for the specified user $preferences = eZPreferences::values($user); foreach ($depPreferences as $pref) { $pref = explode('=', $pref); if (isset($pref[0])) { if (isset($preferences[$pref[0]])) { $pString .= 'p:' . $pref[0] . '=' . $preferences[$pref[0]] . ';'; } else { if (isset($pref[1])) { $pString .= 'p:' . $pref[0] . '=' . $pref[1] . ';'; } } } } $cacheHashArray[] = $pString; } $cacheFile = $nodeID . '-' . $cacheNameExtra . md5(implode('-', $cacheHashArray)) . '.cache'; $extraPath = eZDir::filenamePath($nodeID); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), $ini->variable('ContentSettings', 'CacheDir'), $currentSiteAccess, $extraPath)); $cachePath = eZDir::path(array($cacheDir, $cacheFile)); return array('cache_path' => $cachePath, 'cache_dir' => $cacheDir, 'cache_file' => $cacheFile); }
static function repositoryPath() { $ini = eZINI::instance(); $packageIni = eZINI::instance('package.ini'); return eZDir::path(array('var', $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'StorageDir'), $packageIni->variable('RepositorySettings', 'RepositoryDirectory'))); }
static function cleanup( $nodeList, $userId = false ) { // The view-cache has a different storage structure than before: // var/cache/content/<siteaccess>/<extra-path>/<nodeID>-<hash>.cache // Also it uses the cluster file handler to delete files using a wildcard (glob style). $ini = eZINI::instance(); $extraCacheName = ''; $cacheBaseDir = eZDir::path( array( eZSys::cacheDirectory(), $ini->variable( 'ContentSettings', 'CacheDir' ) ) ); $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance(); if ( $userId !== false && is_numeric( $userId ) ) { $extraCacheName = $userId . '-'; } // Figure out the siteaccess which are related, first using the new // INI setting RelatedSiteAccessList then the old existing one // AvailableSiteAccessList if ( $ini->hasVariable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'RelatedSiteAccessList' ) && $relatedSiteAccessList = $ini->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'RelatedSiteAccessList' ) ) { if ( !is_array( $relatedSiteAccessList ) ) { $relatedSiteAccessList = array( $relatedSiteAccessList ); } $relatedSiteAccessList[] = $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess']['name']; $siteAccesses = array_unique( $relatedSiteAccessList ); } else { $siteAccesses = $ini->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'AvailableSiteAccessList' ); } if ( !$siteAccesses ) { return; } foreach ( $nodeList as $nodeID ) { $extraPath = eZDir::filenamePath( $nodeID ); $fileHandler->fileDeleteByDirList( $siteAccesses, $cacheBaseDir, "$extraPath$nodeID-$extraCacheName" ); } }
/** * Removes the static cache file (index.html) and its directory if it exists. * The directory path is based upon the URL $url and the configured static storage dir. * * @param string $url The URL for the current item, e.g /news */ function removeURL( $url ) { $dir = eZDir::path( array( $this->staticStorageDir, $url ) ); @unlink( $dir . "/index.html" ); @rmdir( $dir ); }
static function instantiate($handler, $repositories = false) { $objectCache =& $GLOBALS["eZCollaborationHandlerObjectCache"]; if (!isset($objectCache)) { $objectCache = array(); } if (isset($objectCache[$handler])) { return $objectCache[$handler]; } if ($repositories === false) { $repositories = eZCollaborationItemHandler::handlerRepositories(); } $handlerInstance = null; $foundHandlerFile = false; $foundHandler = false; foreach ($repositories as $repository) { $handlerFile = $handler . 'collaborationhandler.php'; $handlerClass = $handler . 'collaborationhandler'; $handlerPath = eZDir::path(array($repository, $handler, $handlerFile)); if (file_exists($handlerPath)) { $foundHandlerFile = true; include_once $handlerPath; if (class_exists($handlerClass)) { $foundHandler = true; $handlerInstance = new $handlerClass(); $objectCache[$handler] = $handlerInstance; $handlerClasses = $handlerInstance->classes(); foreach ($handlerClasses as $handlerClass) { } } } } if (!$foundHandlerFile) { eZDebug::writeWarning("Collaboration file '{$handlerFile}' could not be found in " . implode(', ', $repositories), __METHOD__); } else { if (!$foundHandler) { eZDebug::writeWarning("Collaboration class '{$handlerClass}' does not exist", __METHOD__); } } return $handlerInstance; }
function loadImage($dirs, $base, $md5Text, $alternativeText, $imageType) { $name = preg_replace(array("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]+#", "#__+#", "#_\$#"), array('_', '_', ''), $alternativeText); $file = "{$name}.{$imageType}"; $splitMD5Path = eZDir::getPathFromFilename($md5Text); $dirPath = eZDir::path(array($dirs, $base, $splitMD5Path, $md5Text)); $filePath = eZDir::path(array($dirPath, $file)); $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filePath); if (!$fileHandler->exists()) { return null; } // we use a local cache of the file, because the eZImage library only works on files on the file system $fileHandler->fetch(true); return eZImageLayer::createForFile($file, $dirPath, $this->StoreAs); }
/** * Inserts the SQL file $sqlFile found in the path $path into the currently connected database. * * @param string $path * @param string $sqlFile * @param bool $usePathType * @return bool true if succesful. */ function insertFile($path, $sqlFile, $usePathType = true) { $type = $this->databaseName(); if ($usePathType) { $sqlFileName = eZDir::path(array($path, $type, $sqlFile)); } else { $sqlFileName = eZDir::path(array($path, $sqlFile)); } if (!file_exists($sqlFileName)) { eZDebug::writeError("File not found: {$sqlFileName}", __METHOD__); return false; } $sqlFileHandler = fopen($sqlFileName, 'rb'); $buffer = ''; $done = false; while (count($sqlArray = $this->prepareSqlQuery($sqlFileHandler, $buffer)) > 0) { // Turn unneccessary SQL debug output off $oldOutputSQL = $this->OutputSQL; $this->OutputSQL = false; if ($sqlArray && is_array($sqlArray)) { $done = true; foreach ($sqlArray as $singleQuery) { $singleQuery = preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/", " ", $singleQuery); if (preg_match("#^ */(.+)\$#", $singleQuery, $matches)) { $singleQuery = $matches[1]; } if (trim($singleQuery) != "") { // eZDebug::writeDebug( $singleQuery ); $this->query(trim($singleQuery)); if ($this->errorNumber()) { return false; } } } } $this->OutputSQL = $oldOutputSQL; } return $done; }
/** * Returns temporary directory used to download files to. * * \static */ function tempDir() { return eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), 'packages')); }
$siteINI = eZINI::instance('site.ini.append', $iniPath); if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir')) { $cacheDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); if ($cacheDir[0] == "/") { $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($cacheDir)); } else { if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) { $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir'); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir)); } } } else { if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) { $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir'); $cacheDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir)); } else { $cacheDir = eZSys::cacheDirectory(); } } $compiledTemplateDir = $cacheDir . "/template/compiled"; eZDir::unlinkWildcard($compiledTemplateDir . "/", "*pagelayout*.*"); // Expire template block cache eZContentCacheManager::clearTemplateBlockCacheIfNeeded(false); } $availableMenuArray = $menuINI->variable('MenuSettings', 'AvailableMenuArray'); $menuArray = array(); foreach ($availableMenuArray as $menuType) { $menuArray[] = array('type' => $menuType, 'settings' => $menuINI->group($menuType)); } $tpl->setVariable('available_menu_array', $menuArray);
/** * create the dir and filename for the current mailboxItem * * @return array array( 'file_path' => $filePath, * 'file_dir' => $dir, * 'file_name' => $fileName ) */ public function getFilePathArray() { $mailboxItemId = $this->attribute('id'); $mailboxId = $this->attribute('mailbox_id'); $messageId = $this->attribute('message_id'); $messageIdentifier = $this->attribute('message_identifier'); $createTimestamp = $this->attribute('created'); $varDir = eZSys::varDirectory(); $year = date('Y', $createTimestamp); $month = date('m', $createTimestamp); $day = date('d', $createTimestamp); // $dir = $varDir . "/cjw_newsletter/mailbox/$mailboxId/$year/$month/$day/"; $dir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, 'cjw_newsletter', 'mailbox', $mailboxId, $year, $month, $day)); $fileName = "{$mailboxId}-{$year}{$month}{$day}-{$mailboxItemId}.mail"; $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator(); $filePath = $dir . $fileSep . $fileName; return array('file_path' => $filePath, 'file_dir' => $dir, 'file_name' => $fileName); }
/** * Loads a translation file * Will load from cache if possible, or generate cache if needed * * Also checks for translation files expiry based on mtime if RegionalSettings.TranslationCheckMTime is enabled * * @access private * @param string $locale * @param string $filename * @param string $requestedContext * * @return bool The operation status, true or false */ function loadTranslationFile($locale, $filename, $requestedContext) { // First try for current charset $charset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset(); $tsTimeStamp = false; $ini = eZINI::instance(); $checkMTime = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationCheckMTime') === 'enabled'; if (!$this->RootCache) { $roots = array($ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationRepository')); $extensionBase = eZExtension::baseDirectory(); $translationExtensions = $ini->variable('RegionalSettings', 'TranslationExtensions'); foreach ($translationExtensions as $translationExtension) { $extensionPath = $extensionBase . '/' . $translationExtension . '/translations'; if (!$checkMTime || file_exists($extensionPath)) { $roots[] = $extensionPath; } } $this->RootCache = array('roots' => $roots); } else { $roots = $this->RootCache['roots']; if (isset($this->RootCache['timestamp'])) { $tsTimeStamp = $this->RootCache['timestamp']; } } // Load cached translations if possible if ($this->UseCache == true) { if (!$tsTimeStamp) { $expiry = eZExpiryHandler::instance(); $globalTsTimeStamp = $expiry->getTimestamp(self::EXPIRY_KEY, 0); $localeTsTimeStamp = $expiry->getTimestamp(self::EXPIRY_KEY . '-' . $locale, 0); $tsTimeStamp = max($globalTsTimeStamp, $localeTsTimeStamp); if ($checkMTime && $tsTimeStamp < time()) { // iterate over each known TS file, and get the highest timestamp // this value will be used to check for cache validity foreach ($roots as $root) { $path = eZDir::path(array($root, $locale, $charset, $filename)); if (file_exists($path)) { $timestamp = filemtime($path); if ($timestamp > $tsTimeStamp) { $tsTimeStamp = $timestamp; } } else { $path = eZDir::path(array($root, $locale, $filename)); if (file_exists($path)) { $timestamp = filemtime($path); if ($timestamp > $tsTimeStamp) { $tsTimeStamp = $timestamp; } } } } } $this->RootCache['timestamp'] = $tsTimeStamp; } $key = 'cachecontexts'; if ($this->HasRestoredCache or eZTranslationCache::canRestoreCache($key, $tsTimeStamp)) { eZDebug::accumulatorStart('tstranslator_cache_load', 'tstranslator', 'TS cache load'); if (!$this->HasRestoredCache) { if (!eZTranslationCache::restoreCache($key)) { $this->BuildCache = true; } $contexts = eZTranslationCache::contextCache($key); if (!is_array($contexts)) { $contexts = array(); } $this->HasRestoredCache = $contexts; } else { $contexts = $this->HasRestoredCache; } if (!$this->BuildCache) { $contextName = $requestedContext; if (!isset($this->CachedMessages[$contextName])) { eZDebug::accumulatorStart('tstranslator_context_load', 'tstranslator', 'TS context load'); if (eZTranslationCache::canRestoreCache($contextName, $tsTimeStamp)) { if (!eZTranslationCache::restoreCache($contextName)) { $this->BuildCache = true; } $this->CachedMessages[$contextName] = eZTranslationCache::contextCache($contextName); foreach ($this->CachedMessages[$contextName] as $key => $msg) { $this->Messages[$key] = $msg; } } eZDebug::accumulatorStop('tstranslator_context_load'); } } eZDebugSetting::writeNotice('i18n-tstranslator', "Loading cached translation", __METHOD__); eZDebug::accumulatorStop('tstranslator_cache_load'); if (!$this->BuildCache) { return true; } } eZDebugSetting::writeNotice('i18n-tstranslator', "Translation cache has expired. Will rebuild it from source.", __METHOD__); $this->BuildCache = true; } $status = false; // first process country translation files // then process country variation translation files $localeParts = explode('@', $locale); $triedPaths = array(); $loadedPaths = array(); $ini = eZINI::instance("i18n.ini"); $fallbacks = $ini->variable('TranslationSettings', 'FallbackLanguages'); foreach ($localeParts as $localePart) { $localeCodeToProcess = isset($localeCodeToProcess) ? $localeCodeToProcess . '@' . $localePart : $localePart; // array with alternative subdirs to check $alternatives = array(array($localeCodeToProcess, $charset, $filename), array($localeCodeToProcess, $filename)); if (isset($fallbacks[$localeCodeToProcess]) && $fallbacks[$localeCodeToProcess]) { if ($fallbacks[$localeCodeToProcess] === 'eng-GB') { $fallbacks[$localeCodeToProcess] = 'untranslated'; } $alternatives[] = array($fallbacks[$localeCodeToProcess], $charset, $filename); $alternatives[] = array($fallbacks[$localeCodeToProcess], $filename); } foreach ($roots as $root) { if (!file_exists($root)) { continue; } unset($path); foreach ($alternatives as $alternative) { $pathParts = $alternative; array_unshift($pathParts, $root); $pathToTry = eZDir::path($pathParts); $triedPaths[] = $pathToTry; if (file_exists($pathToTry)) { $path = $pathToTry; break; } } if (!isset($path)) { continue; } eZDebug::accumulatorStart('tstranslator_load', 'tstranslator', 'TS load'); $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $success = $doc->load($path); if (!$success) { eZDebug::writeWarning("Unable to load XML from file {$path}", __METHOD__); continue; } if (!$this->validateDOMTree($doc)) { eZDebug::writeWarning("XML text for file {$path} did not validate", __METHOD__); continue; } $loadedPaths[] = $path; $status = true; $treeRoot = $doc->documentElement; $children = $treeRoot->childNodes; for ($i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { $child = $children->item($i); if ($child->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($child->tagName == "context") { $this->handleContextNode($child); } } } eZDebug::accumulatorStop('tstranslator_load'); } } eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('i18n-tstranslator', implode(PHP_EOL, $triedPaths), __METHOD__ . ': tried paths'); eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('i18n-tstranslator', implode(PHP_EOL, $loadedPaths), __METHOD__ . ': loaded paths'); // Save translation cache if ($this->UseCache == true && $this->BuildCache == true) { eZDebug::accumulatorStart('tstranslator_store_cache', 'tstranslator', 'TS store cache'); if (eZTranslationCache::contextCache('cachecontexts') == null) { $contexts = array_keys($this->CachedMessages); eZTranslationCache::setContextCache('cachecontexts', $contexts); eZTranslationCache::storeCache('cachecontexts'); $this->HasRestoredCache = $contexts; } foreach ($this->CachedMessages as $contextName => $context) { if (eZTranslationCache::contextCache($contextName) == null) { eZTranslationCache::setContextCache($contextName, $context); } eZTranslationCache::storeCache($contextName); } $this->BuildCache = false; eZDebug::accumulatorStop('tstranslator_store_cache'); } return $status; }
static function cacheDirectory() { $cacheDirectory =& $GLOBALS['eZTemplateTreeCacheDirectory']; if (!isset($cacheDirectory)) { $cacheDirectory = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::cacheDirectory(), 'template/tree')); } return $cacheDirectory; }
function store($fileName, $filePath, $type) { if (!$this->IsProcessed) { $this->process(); } $imageObject = $this->imageObject(); switch ($type) { case 'png': if (!file_exists($filePath)) { eZDir::mkdir($filePath, false, true); } $fileFullPath = eZDir::path(array($filePath, $fileName)); ImagePNG($imageObject, $fileFullPath); $this->StoredPath = $filePath; $this->StoredFile = $fileName; $this->StoredType = $type; return true; break; case 'jpg': if (!file_exists($filePath)) { eZDir::mkdir($filePath, false, true); } ImageJPEG($imageObject, eZDir::path(array($filePath, $fileName))); $this->StoredPath = $filePath; $this->StoredFile = $fileName; $this->StoredType = $type; return true; break; default: eZDebug::writeError('Image format not supported: ' . $type, __METHOD__); } return false; }
/** * Prepends the extension path to $path if not already in $path * * @param string $path */ protected function normalizeExtensionPath( $path ) { if ( strpos( $path, eZExtension::baseDirectory() ) === false ) $path = eZDir::path( array( eZExtension::baseDirectory(), $path ) ); return $path; }
function store($atomic = false) { if ($this->open($atomic)) { $this->write("<?php\n"); $this->writeElements(); $this->write("?>\n"); $this->writeChunks(); $this->flushChunks(); $this->close(); if (!$this->ClusteringEnabled) { $perm = octdec(eZINI::instance()->variable('FileSettings', 'StorageFilePermissions')); chmod(eZDir::path(array($this->PHPDir, $this->PHPFile)), $perm); } // Write log message to storage.log eZLog::writeStorageLog($this->PHPFile, $this->PHPDir . '/'); return true; } else { eZDebug::writeError("Failed to open file '" . $this->PHPDir . '/' . $this->PHPFile . "'", 'eZPHPCreator::store'); return false; } }
function removeRelatedCache($siteAccess) { // Delete compiled template $ini = eZINI::instance(); $iniPath = eZSiteAccess::findPathToSiteAccess($siteAccess); $siteINI = eZINI::instance('site.ini.append', $iniPath); if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir')) { $cacheDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); if ($cacheDir[0] == "/") { $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($cacheDir)); } else { if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) { $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir'); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir)); } } } else { if ($siteINI->hasVariable('FileSettings', 'VarDir')) { $varDir = $siteINI->variable('FileSettings', 'VarDir'); $cacheDir = $ini->variable('FileSettings', 'CacheDir'); $cacheDir = eZDir::path(array($varDir, $cacheDir)); } else { $cacheDir = eZSys::cacheDirectory(); } } $compiledTemplateDir = $cacheDir . "/template/compiled"; eZDir::unlinkWildcard($compiledTemplateDir . "/", "*pagelayout*.*"); eZCache::clearByTag('template-block'); // Expire content view cache eZContentCacheManager::clearAllContentCache(); }
/** * Returns the current cache directory. * * @return string */ public static function cacheDirectory() { $ini = eZINI::instance(); $cacheDir = $ini->variable( 'FileSettings', 'CacheDir' ); if ( $cacheDir[0] == "/" ) { return eZDir::path( array( $cacheDir ) ); } else { return eZDir::path( array( self::varDirectory(), $cacheDir ) ); } }
static function printReport($newWindow = false, $as_html = true, $returnReport = false, $allowedDebugLevels = false, $useAccumulators = true, $useTiming = true, $useIncludedFiles = false) { if (!self::isDebugEnabled()) { return null; } $debug = self::instance(); $report = $debug->printReportInternal($as_html, $returnReport & $newWindow, $allowedDebugLevels, $useAccumulators, $useTiming, $useIncludedFiles); if ($newWindow == true) { $debugFilePath = eZDir::path(array(eZSys::varDirectory(), 'cache', 'debug.html')); $debugFileURL = $debugFilePath; eZURI::transformURI($debugFileURL, true); print "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n<!--\n\n(function()\n{\n var debugWindow;\n\n if (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")\n {\n //Microsoft Internet Explorer\n debugWindow = '{$debugFileURL}', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.document.close();\n debugWindow.location.reload();\n }\n else if (navigator.appName == \"Opera\")\n {\n //Opera\n debugWindow = '', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.location.href=\"{$debugFileURL}\";\n debugWindow.navigate(\"{$debugFileURL}\");\n }\n else\n {\n //Mozilla, Firefox, etc.\n debugWindow = '', 'ezdebug', 'width=500,height=550,status,scrollbars,resizable,screenX=0,screenY=20,left=20,top=40');\n debugWindow.document.location.href=\"{$debugFileURL}\";\n };\n})();\n\n// -->\n</script>\n"; $header = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>eZ debug</title></head><body>"; $footer = "</body></html>"; $fullPage = ezpEvent::getInstance()->filter('response/output', $header . $report . $footer); file_put_contents($debugFilePath, $fullPage); } else { if ($returnReport) { return $report; } } return null; }
function save($fileName = false, $suffix = false, $useOverride = false, $onlyModified = false, $useRootDir = true, $resetArrays = false, $encapsulateInPHP = true) { $lineSeparator = eZSys::lineSeparator(); $pathArray = array(); $dirArray = array(); if ($fileName === false) { $fileName = $this->FileName; } if ($useRootDir === true) { $pathArray[] = $this->RootDir; $dirArray[] = $this->RootDir; } else { if (is_string($useRootDir)) { $pathArray[] = $useRootDir; $dirArray[] = $useRootDir; } } if ($useOverride) { $pathArray[] = 'override'; $dirArray[] = 'override'; } if ($useOverride === 'append') { $fileName .= '.append'; } if ($suffix !== false) { $fileName .= $suffix; } /* Try to guess which filename would fit better: 'xxx.apend' or 'xxx.append.php'. * We choose 'xxx.append.php' in all cases except when * 'xxx.append' exists already and 'xxx.append.php' does not exist. */ if (strstr($fileName, '.append')) { $fnAppend = preg_replace('#\\.php$#', '', $fileName); $fnAppendPhp = $fnAppend . '.php'; $fpAppend = eZDir::path(array_merge($pathArray, array($fnAppend))); $fpAppendPhp = eZDir::path(array_merge($pathArray, array($fnAppendPhp))); $fileName = file_exists($fpAppend) && !file_exists($fpAppendPhp) ? $fnAppend : $fnAppendPhp; } $originalFileName = $fileName; $backupFileName = $originalFileName . eZSys::backupFilename(); $fileName .= '.tmp'; $dirPath = eZDir::path($dirArray); if (!file_exists($dirPath)) { eZDir::mkdir($dirPath, octdec('777'), true); } $filePath = eZDir::path(array_merge($pathArray, array($fileName))); $originalFilePath = eZDir::path(array_merge($pathArray, array($originalFileName))); $backupFilePath = eZDir::path(array_merge($pathArray, array($backupFileName))); $fp = @fopen($filePath, "w+"); if (!$fp) { eZDebug::writeError("Failed opening file '{$filePath}' for writing", __METHOD__); return false; } $writeOK = true; $written = 0; $charset = $this->Codec ? $this->Codec->RequestedOutputCharsetCode : $this->Charset; if ($encapsulateInPHP) { $written = fwrite($fp, "<?php /* #?ini charset=\"{$charset}\"?{$lineSeparator}{$lineSeparator}"); } else { $written = fwrite($fp, "#?ini charset=\"{$charset}\"?{$lineSeparator}{$lineSeparator}"); } if ($written === false) { $writeOK = false; } $i = 0; if ($writeOK) { foreach (array_keys($this->BlockValues) as $blockName) { if ($onlyModified) { $groupHasModified = false; if (isset($this->ModifiedBlockValues[$blockName])) { foreach ($this->ModifiedBlockValues[$blockName] as $modifiedValue) { if ($modifiedValue) { $groupHasModified = true; } } } if (!$groupHasModified) { continue; } } $written = 0; if ($i > 0) { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$lineSeparator}"); } if ($written === false) { $writeOK = false; break; } $written = fwrite($fp, "[{$blockName}]{$lineSeparator}"); if ($written === false) { $writeOK = false; break; } foreach (array_keys($this->BlockValues[$blockName]) as $blockVariable) { if ($onlyModified) { if (!isset($this->ModifiedBlockValues[$blockName][$blockVariable]) or !$this->ModifiedBlockValues[$blockName][$blockVariable]) { continue; } } $varKey = $blockVariable; $varValue = $this->BlockValues[$blockName][$blockVariable]; if (is_array($varValue)) { if (count($varValue) > 0) { $customResetArray = (isset($this->BlockValues[$blockName]['ResetArrays']) and $this->BlockValues[$blockName]['ResetArrays'] == 'false') ? true : false; if ($resetArrays and !$customResetArray) { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$varKey}" . "[]{$lineSeparator}"); } foreach ($varValue as $varArrayKey => $varArrayValue) { if (is_string($varArrayKey)) { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$varKey}" . "[{$varArrayKey}]={$varArrayValue}{$lineSeparator}"); } else { if ($varArrayValue == NULL) { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$varKey}" . "[]{$lineSeparator}"); } else { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$varKey}" . "[]={$varArrayValue}{$lineSeparator}"); } } if ($written === false) { break; } } } else { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$varKey}" . "[]{$lineSeparator}"); } } else { $written = fwrite($fp, "{$varKey}={$varValue}{$lineSeparator}"); } if ($written === false) { $writeOK = false; break; } } if (!$writeOK) { break; } ++$i; } } if ($writeOK) { if ($encapsulateInPHP) { $written = fwrite($fp, "*/ ?>"); if ($written === false) { $writeOK = false; } } } @fclose($fp); if (!$writeOK) { unlink($filePath); return false; } chmod($filePath, self::$filePermission); if (file_exists($backupFilePath)) { unlink($backupFilePath); } if (file_exists($originalFilePath)) { if (!rename($originalFilePath, $backupFilePath)) { return false; } } if (!rename($filePath, $originalFilePath)) { rename($backupFilePath, $originalFilePath); return false; } return true; }