
    $validation['processed'] = true;
    $validation['attributes'] = $unvalidatedAttributes;

    $db = eZDB::instance();
    $object->setName( $class->contentObjectName( $object, $version->attribute( 'version' ), $EditLanguage ), $version->attribute( 'version' ), $EditLanguage );
elseif ( $storingAllowed )
    if ( !isset( $currentRedirectionURI ) )
        $currentRedirectionURI = $Module->redirectionURI( 'content', 'edit', array( $ObjectID, $EditVersion, $EditLanguage ) );
    foreach( $contentObjectAttributes as $contentObjectAttribute )
        $object->handleCustomHTTPActions( $contentObjectAttribute,  $attributeDataBaseName,
                                          array( 'module' => $Module,
                                                 'current-redirection-uri' => $currentRedirectionURI ) );
        $contentObjectAttribute->setContent( $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'content' ) );

$invalidNodeAssignmentList = array();
if ( $Module->isCurrentAction( 'Publish' ) )
    $mainFound = false;
  * Adds object $contentObject to the search database.
  * @param eZContentObject $contentObject Object to add to search engine
  * @param bool $commit Whether to commit after adding the object
  * @return bool True if the operation succeed.
 public function addObject($contentObject, $commit = true)
     $contentObjectID = $contentObject->attribute('id');
     $currentVersion = $contentObject->currentVersion();
     if (!$currentVersion) {
         $errCurrentVersion = $contentObject->attribute('current_version');
         eZDebug::writeError("Failed to fetch \"current version\" ({$errCurrentVersion})" . " of content object (ID: {$contentObjectID})", 'eZSearchEngine');
         return false;
     $indexArray = array();
     $indexArrayOnlyWords = array();
     $wordCount = 0;
     $placement = 0;
     $previousWord = '';
     foreach ($currentVersion->contentObjectAttributes() as $attribute) {
         $metaData = array();
         $classAttribute = $attribute->contentClassAttribute();
         if ($classAttribute->attribute("is_searchable") == 1) {
             // Fetch attribute translations
             $attributeTranslations = $attribute->fetchAttributeTranslations();
             foreach ($attributeTranslations as $translation) {
                 $tmpMetaData = $translation->metaData();
                 if (!is_array($tmpMetaData)) {
                     $tmpMetaData = array(array('id' => $attribute->attribute('contentclass_attribute_identifier'), 'text' => $tmpMetaData));
                 $metaData = array_merge($metaData, $tmpMetaData);
             foreach ($metaData as $metaDataPart) {
                 $text = eZSearchEngine::normalizeText(htmlspecialchars($metaDataPart['text'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'), true);
                 // Split text on whitespace
                 if (is_numeric(trim($text))) {
                     $integerValue = (int) $text;
                 } else {
                     $integerValue = 0;
                 $wordArray = explode(' ', $text);
                 foreach ($wordArray as $word) {
                     if (trim($word) != "") {
                         // words stored in search index are limited to 150 characters
                         if (strlen($word) > 150) {
                             $word = substr($word, 0, 150);
                         $indexArray[] = array('Word' => $word, 'ContentClassAttributeID' => $attribute->attribute('contentclassattribute_id'), 'identifier' => $metaDataPart['id'], 'integer_value' => $integerValue);
                         $indexArrayOnlyWords[$word] = 1;
                         //if we have "www." before word than
                         //treat it as url and add additional entry to the index
                         if (substr(strtolower($word), 0, 4) == 'www.') {
                             $additionalUrlWord = substr($word, 4);
                             $indexArray[] = array('Word' => $additionalUrlWord, 'ContentClassAttributeID' => $attribute->attribute('contentclassattribute_id'), 'identifier' => $metaDataPart['id'], 'integer_value' => $integerValue);
                             $indexArrayOnlyWords[$additionalUrlWord] = 1;
     $wordIDArray = $this->buildWordIDArray(array_keys($indexArrayOnlyWords));
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     for ($arrayCount = 0; $arrayCount < $wordCount; $arrayCount += 1000) {
         $placement = $this->indexWords($contentObject, array_slice($indexArray, $arrayCount, 1000), $wordIDArray, $placement);
     return true;
     * Adds object $contentObject to the search database.
     * @param eZContentObject $contentObject Object to add to search engine
     * @param bool $commit Whether to commit after adding the object.
              If set, run optimize() as well every 1000nd time this function is run.
     * @return bool True if the operation succeed.
    function addObject( $contentObject, $commit = true )
        // Add all translations to the document list
        $docList = array();

        // Check if we need to index this object after all
        // Exclude if class identifier is in the exclude list for classes
        $excludeClasses = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexExclude', 'ClassIdentifierList' );
        if ( $excludeClasses && in_array( $contentObject->attribute( 'class_identifier' ), $excludeClasses ) )
            return true;
        // Get global object values
        $mainNode = $contentObject->attribute( 'main_node' );
        if ( !$mainNode )
            eZDebug::writeError( 'Unable to fetch main node for object: ' . $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ), __METHOD__ );
            return false;

        $mainNodePathArray = $mainNode->attribute( 'path_array' );
        $mainNodeID = $mainNode->attribute( 'node_id' );
        // initialize array of parent node path ids, needed for multivalued path field and subtree filters
        $nodePathArray = array();

        //included in $nodePathArray
        //$pathArray = $mainNode->attribute( 'path_array' );
        $currentVersion = $contentObject->currentVersion();

        // Get object meta attributes.
        $metaAttributeValues = self::getMetaAttributesForObject( $contentObject );

        // Get node attributes.
        $nodeAttributeValues = array();
        foreach ( $contentObject->attribute( 'assigned_nodes' ) as $contentNode )
            $nodeID = $contentNode->attribute( 'node_id' );
            foreach ( eZSolr::nodeAttributes() as $attributeName => $fieldType )
                $nodeAttributeValues[$nodeID][] = array( 'name' => $attributeName,
                                                'value' => $contentNode->attribute( $attributeName ),
                                                'fieldType' => $fieldType );
            $nodePathArray[] = $contentNode->attribute( 'path_array' );


        // Check anonymous user access.
        if ( $this->FindINI->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'IndexPubliclyAvailable' ) == 'enabled' )
            $anonymousUserID = $this->SiteINI->variable( 'UserSettings', 'AnonymousUserID' );
            $currentUserID = eZUser::currentUserID();
            $user = eZUser::instance( $anonymousUserID );
            eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser( $user, $anonymousUserID );
            $anonymousAccess = $contentObject->attribute( 'can_read' );
            $user = eZUser::instance( $currentUserID );
            eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser( $user, $currentUserID );
            $anonymousAccess = $anonymousAccess ? 'true' : 'false';
            $anonymousAccess = 'false';

        // Load index time boost factors if any
        //$boostMetaFields = $this->FindINI->variable( "IndexBoost", "MetaField" );
        $boostClasses = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexBoost', 'Class' );
        $boostAttributes = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexBoost', 'Attribute' );
        $boostDatatypes = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexBoost', 'Datatype' );
        $reverseRelatedScale = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexBoost', 'ReverseRelatedScale' );

        // Initialise default doc boost
        $docBoost = 1.0;
        $contentClassIdentifier = $contentObject->attribute( 'class_identifier' );
        // Just test if the boost factor is defined by checking if it has a numeric value
        if ( isset( $boostClasses[$contentClassIdentifier] ) && is_numeric( $boostClasses[$contentClassIdentifier] ) )
            $docBoost += $boostClasses[$contentClassIdentifier];
        // Google like boosting, using eZ Publish reverseRelatedObjectCount
        $reverseRelatedObjectCount = $contentObject->reverseRelatedObjectCount();
        $docBoost += $reverseRelatedScale * $reverseRelatedObjectCount;

        //  Create the list of available languages for this version :
        $availableLanguages = $currentVersion->translationList( false, false );

        // Loop over each language version and create an eZSolrDoc for it
        foreach ( $availableLanguages as $languageCode )
            $doc = new eZSolrDoc( $docBoost );
            // Set global unique object ID
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'guid' ), $this->guid( $contentObject, $languageCode ) );

            // Set installation identifier
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'installation_id' ), self::installationID() );
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'installation_url' ),
                            $this->FindINI->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'URLProtocol' ) . $this->SiteINI->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'SiteURL' ) . '/' );

            // Set Object attributes
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'name' ), $contentObject->name( false, $languageCode ) );
            // Also add value to the "sort_name" field as "name" is unsortable, due to Solr limitation (tokenized field)
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'sort_name' ), $contentObject->name( false, $languageCode ) );
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'anon_access' ), $anonymousAccess );
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'language_code' ), $languageCode );
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'available_language_codes' ), $availableLanguages );

            if ( $owner = $contentObject->attribute( 'owner' ) )
                // Set owner name
                $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'owner_name' ),
                                $owner->name( false, $languageCode ) );

                // Set owner group ID
                foreach ( $owner->attribute( 'parent_nodes' ) as $groupID )
                    $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'owner_group_id' ), $groupID );

            // from eZ Publish 4.1 only: object states
            // so let's check if the content object has it
            if ( method_exists( $contentObject, 'stateIDArray' ) )
                $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'object_states' ),
                                $contentObject->stateIDArray() );

            // Set content object meta attribute values.
            foreach ( $metaAttributeValues as $metaInfo )
                $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( $metaInfo['name'] ),
                                ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::preProcessValue( $metaInfo['value'], $metaInfo['fieldType'] ) );

            // Set content node meta attribute values.
            foreach ( $nodeAttributeValues as $nodeID => $metaInfoArray )
                foreach( $metaInfoArray as $metaInfo)
                    $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( $metaInfo['name'] ),
                                ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::preProcessValue( $metaInfo['value'], $metaInfo['fieldType'] ) );

            // Main node gets single valued fields for sorting, using a dedicated prefix
            foreach ( $nodeAttributeValues[$mainNodeID] as $metaInfo )
                $fieldName = 'main_node_' . ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( $metaInfo['name'] );
                $doc->addField( $fieldName,
                                    ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::preProcessValue( $metaInfo['value'],
                                    $metaInfo['fieldType'] ) );

            // Add main url_alias
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'main_url_alias' ), $mainNode->attribute( 'url_alias' ) );

            // Add main path_string
            $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'main_path_string' ), $mainNode->attribute( 'path_string' ) );

            // add nodeid of all parent nodes path elements
            foreach ( $nodePathArray as $pathArray )
                foreach ( $pathArray as $pathNodeID)
                    $doc->addField( ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::generateMetaFieldName( 'path' ), $pathNodeID );

            // Since eZ Fnd 2.3
            // cannot call metafield field bame constructor as we are creating multiple fields
            foreach ( $mainNodePathArray as $key => $pathNodeID )
                $doc->addField( 'meta_main_path_element_' . $key . '_si', $pathNodeID );



            // Loop through all eZContentObjectAttributes and add them to the Solr document.
            // @since eZ Find 2.3: look for the attribute storage setting

            $doAttributeStorage = ( ( $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexOptions', 'EnableSolrAttributeStorage' ) ) === 'true' ) ? true : false;

            if ( $doAttributeStorage )
                $allAttributeData = array();

            foreach ( $currentVersion->contentObjectAttributes( $languageCode ) as $attribute )
                $metaDataText = '';
                $classAttribute = $attribute->contentClassAttribute();
                $attributeIdentifier = $classAttribute->attribute( 'identifier' );
                $combinedIdentifier = $contentClassIdentifier . '/' . $attributeIdentifier;
                $boostAttribute = false;
                if ( isset( $boostAttributes[$attributeIdentifier]) && is_numeric( $boostAttributes[$attributeIdentifier]))
                    $boostAttribute = $boostAttributes[$attributeIdentifier];
                if ( isset( $boostAttributes[$combinedIdentifier]) && is_numeric( $boostAttributes[$combinedIdentifier]))
                    $boostAttribute += $boostAttributes[$combinedIdentifier];
                if ( $classAttribute->attribute( 'is_searchable' ) == 1 )
                    $documentFieldBase = ezfSolrDocumentFieldBase::getInstance( $attribute );
                    $this->addFieldBaseToDoc( $documentFieldBase, $doc, $boostAttribute );

                if ( $doAttributeStorage )
                    $storageFieldName = ezfSolrStorage::getSolrStorageFieldName( $attributeIdentifier );
                    $attributeData = ezfSolrStorage::getAttributeData( $attribute );
                    $allAttributeData['data_map'][$attributeIdentifier] = $attributeData;
                    $doc->addField( $storageFieldName, ezfSolrStorage::serializeData( $attributeData ) );

            if ( $doAttributeStorage )
                $doc->addField( 'as_all_bst', ezfSolrStorage::serializeData( $allAttributeData ) );

            $docList[$languageCode] = $doc;

        // Since eZFind 2.7: indexhooks
        $generalPlugins = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexPlugins', 'General' );
        $classPlugins   = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexPlugins', 'Class' );
        if ( !empty( $generalPlugins ) )
            foreach ( $generalPlugins as $pluginClassString )
                if( !class_exists( $pluginClassString ) )
                    eZDebug::writeError( "Unable to find the PHP class '$classname' defined for index time plugins for eZ Find", __METHOD__ );
                $plugin = new $pluginClassString;
                if ( $plugin instanceof ezfIndexPlugin )
                    $plugin->modify( $contentObject, $docList );

        if (array_key_exists($contentObject->attribute( 'class_identifier' ), $classPlugins ) )
            $pluginClassString = $classPlugins[$contentObject->attribute( 'class_identifier' )];
            if ( class_exists( $pluginClassString ) )
                $plugin = new $pluginClassString;
                if ($plugin instanceof ezfIndexPlugin)
                        $plugin->modify( $contentObject, $docList );

        $optimize = false;
        if ( $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexOptions', 'DisableDirectCommits' ) === 'true' )
            $commit = false;
        $commitWithin = 0;
        if ( $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexOptions', 'CommitWithin' ) > 0 )
            $commitWithin = $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexOptions', 'CommitWithin' );
        if ( $commit && ( $this->FindINI->variable( 'IndexOptions', 'OptimizeOnCommit' ) === 'enabled' ) )
            $optimize = true;

        if ( $this->UseMultiLanguageCores === true)
            $result = true;
            foreach ( $availableLanguages as $languageCode )
                $languageResult = $this->SolrLanguageShards[$languageCode]->addDocs( array( $docList[$languageCode] ), $commit, $optimize, $commitWithin );
                if ( !$languageResult )
                    $result = false;
            return $result;
            return $this->Solr->addDocs( $docList, $commit, $optimize, $commitWithin );
