require_once '../../class2.php'; } $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); if (!$e107->isInstalled('forum')) { // FIXME GLOBAL - get rid of all e_BASE|e_HTTP|Whatever/index.php - just point to SITEURL header('Location: ' . SITEURL); exit; } e107::lan('forum', "front", true); // include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'forum/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_forum.php'); // using English_front.php now require_once e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_class.php'; $forum = new e107forum(); if ($untrackId = varset($_REQUEST['untrack'])) { $forum->track('del', USERID, $untrackId); header('location:' . $e107->url->create('forum/thread/track', array(), 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } if (isset($_GET['f'])) { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; } switch ($_GET['f']) { case 'mfar': $forum->forumMarkAsRead($id); header('location:' . e_SELF); exit; break; case 'rules': include_once HEADERF;
if ($thread_id) { $post_num = $forum->thread_postnum($thread_id); $pages = ceil(($post_num['post_num'] + 1) / $pref['forum_postspage']); $topic_from = ($pages - 1) * $pref['forum_postspage']; if ($post_num['parent'] != $thread_id) { header("location: " . e_SELF . "?{$post_num['parent']}.{$topic_from}#post_{$thread_id}"); exit; } } else { header("Location:" . e_PLUGIN . "forum/forum.php"); exit; } } require_once e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_shortcodes.php'; if ($action == "track" && USER) { $forum->track($thread_id); header("location:" . e_SELF . "?{$thread_id}.{$topic_from}"); exit; } if ($action == "untrack" && USER) { $forum->untrack($thread_id); header("location:" . e_SELF . "?{$thread_id}.{$topic_from}"); exit; } if ($action == "next") { $next = $forum->thread_getnext($thread_id, $topic_from); if ($next) { header("location:" . e_SELF . "?{$next}"); exit; } else { require_once HEADERF;