 public function testBasketWithDiscounts()
     $basket = new dwmsw\sagepay\Basket();
     $basket->addItem(new dwmsw\sagepay\Item('Test Item', 30.0, 6, 1));
     $basket->addDiscount(new dwmsw\sagepay\Discount(12.0, 'This is a discount'));
     $output = $basket->getItems(true);
     $expected = '<basket>
                     <description>Test Item</description>
                       <description>This is a discount</description>
     $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString($expected, $output);
文件: index.php 项目: dwmsw/sagepay

include '../../vendor/autoload.php';
// New Basket instance
$basket = new dwmsw\sagepay\Basket();
// Add an item to the basket
$basket->addItem(new dwmsw\sagepay\Item('Test Item', 30.0, 6, 1));
// Add another item to the basket
$basket->addItem(new dwmsw\sagepay\Item('Test Item Two', 30.0, 6, 2));
// Create instance of Direct
$sagepay = new dwmsw\sagepay\Direct();
// Set the Basket
// Set up the config
$sagepay->setVendorName('YOUR VENDOR NAME');
$vendorTxCode = md5(rand(1, 1000) . date('U'));
// TX Specific bits
$sagepay->setDescription('Test Payment');
// Set up addresses
$BillingAddress = new dwmsw\sagepay\Address();
$BillingAddress->setName('Test', 'Person');
$BillingAddress->setAddress('88', 'Street 2', 'City', 'GB', '412');