public static function oauthRoute($type) { global $kekezu, $weibo_list; require S_ROOT . "include/oauth/config.php"; if ($type === 'sina') { require S_ROOT . "include/oauth/sina/saetv2.ex.class.php"; $o = new SaeTOAuthV2(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY); $code_url = $o->getAuthorizeURL(WB_CALLBACK_URL); } if ($type === 'qq') { require S_ROOT . "include/oauth/qq/qqConnectAPI.php"; $qqConnectAPI = new QC(); $qqConnectAPI->qq_login(); die; } if ($type === 'ten') { require S_ROOT . "include/oauth/ten/Tencent.php"; OAuth::init(TEN_AKEY, TEN_SKEY); Tencent::$debug = false; $code_url = OAuth::getAuthorizeURL(TEN_CALLBACK_URL); } if ($type === 'renren') { require S_ROOT . "include/oauth/renren/rennclient/RennClient.php"; $rennClient = new RennClient(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET); $state = uniqid('renren_', true); $_SESSION['renren_state'] = $state; $code_url = $rennClient->getAuthorizeURL(CALLBACK_URL, 'code', $state); } if ($type === 'douban') { require S_ROOT . 'include/oauth/douban/douban.php'; $douBan = new doubanPHP(DB_APIKEY, DB_SECRET); $code_url = $douBan->login_url(DB_CALLBACK_URL, DB_SCOPE); } header("location:" . $code_url); }
$me_photo = $me['avatar']; if ($r_dby['s_n'] != $me_url || $r_dby['s_id'] != $me['id']) { $u_db = sprintf('update %s set s_n=%s, s_id=%s where id=%s', $dbprefix . 'm_sync', SQLString($me_url, 'text'), SQLString($me['id'], 'text'), $r_dby['id']); $result = mysql_query($u_db) or die(''); } $content .= '当前已绑定豆瓣账号<table width="200"><tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $me_photo . '" alt=""/><br/><a href="' . $me_url . '" target="_blank">' . $me_title . '</a>(<a href="?m=profile&t=sync&n=' . $nct . '&lt=1">取消绑定</a>)</td></tr></table>'; $content .= '<br/><br/><form method="post" action=""><input type="checkbox" name="is_show" value="1"' . ($r_dby['is_show'] > 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '/>隐藏已绑定豆瓣账号相关信息<br/><input type="submit" value="更新" class="button"/><input type="hidden" name="isl_douban_h" value="' . $r_dby['id'] . '"/></form>'; } else { $d_db = sprintf('delete from %s where aid=%s and name=%s', $dbprefix . 'm_sync', $r_dbu['id'], SQLString($nct, 'text')); $result = mysql_query($d_db) or die(''); } } mysql_free_result($q_dby); if ($is_sync == 0) { $db_o = new doubanPHP($config['douban_key'], $config['douban_se']); $aurl = $db_o->login_url($config['site_url'] . 'douban_callback.php', 'douban_basic_common'); $content .= '<a href="' . $aurl . '">点击此处和您的豆瓣账号建立连接</a>'; } $content .= '<br/><br/>绑定豆瓣账号后将实现以下功能:<ol><li>在<a href="?m=user&id=' . $r_dbu['id'] . '">用户信息</a>页面显示豆瓣收藏秀</li><li>使用豆瓣账号登录</li><li>注:豆瓣账号不可以重复绑定,用户绑定后,其他用户绑定的同一豆瓣账号将自动解除绑定</li></ol>'; break; case 'baidu': if (isset($_GET['lt']) && $_GET['lt'] == 1) { $d_db = sprintf('delete from %s where aid=%s and name=%s', $dbprefix . 'm_sync', $r_dbu['id'], SQLString($nct, 'text')); $result = mysql_query($d_db) or die(''); header('Location:./?m=profile&t=sync&n=' . $nct); exit; } require_once 'lib/baidu.php'; $is_sync = 0; $s_dby = sprintf('select id, s_id, s_t, s_r, edate, is_show from %s where aid=%s and name=%s limit 1', $dbprefix . 'm_sync', $r_dbu['id'], SQLString($nct, 'text')); $q_dby = mysql_query($s_dby) or die('');